view tango/tango/core/Array.d @ 270:d9d5d59873d8 trunk

[svn r291] Fixed a bunch of the old Phobos tests to work with Tango. Branch statements now emit a new block after it. Fixed the _adSort runtime function had a bad signature. Added a missing dot prefix on compiler generated string tables for string switch. Fixed, PTRSIZE seems like it was wrong on 64bit, now it definitely gets set properly.
author lindquist
date Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:01:19 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source

 * The array module provides array manipulation routines in a manner that
 * balances performance and flexibility.  Operations are provided for sorting,
 * and for processing both sorted and unsorted arrays.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
module tango.core.Array;

private import tango.core.Traits;
private import tango.stdc.stdlib : alloca;

version( DDoc )
    typedef int Num;
    typedef int Elem;

    typedef bool function( Elem )       Pred1E;
    typedef bool function( Elem, Elem ) Pred2E;

    struct IsEqual( T )
        static bool opCall( T p1, T p2 )
            // TODO: Fix this if/when opEquals is changed to return a bool.
            static if( is( T == class ) || is( T == struct ) )
                return (p1 == p2) != 0;
                return p1 == p2;

    struct IsLess( T )
        static bool opCall( T p1, T p2 )
            return p1 < p2;

    template ElemTypeOf( T )
        alias typeof(T[0]) ElemTypeOf;

// Find

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t find( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t find( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

    template find_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            foreach( size_t pos, Elem cur; buf )
                if( pred( cur, pat ) )
                    return pos;
            return buf.length;

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            if( buf.length == 0 ||
                pat.length == 0 ||
                buf.length < pat.length )
                return buf.length;

            size_t end = buf.length - pat.length + 1;

            for( size_t pos = 0; pos < end; ++pos )
                if( pred( buf[pos], pat[0] ) )
                    size_t mat = 0;

                        if( ++mat >= pat.length )
                            return pos - pat.length + 1;
                        if( ++pos >= buf.length )
                            return buf.length;
                    } while( pred( buf[pos], pat[mat] ) );
                    pos -= mat;
            return buf.length;

    template find( Buf, Pat )
        size_t find( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return find_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template find( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t find( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return find_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        // find element
        assert( find( "", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( find( "abc", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( find( "abc", 'b' ) == 1 );
        assert( find( "abc", 'c' ) == 2 );
        assert( find( "abc", 'd' ) == 3 );

        // null parameters
        assert( find( "", "" ) == 0 );
        assert( find( "a", "" ) == 1 );
        assert( find( "", "a" ) == 0 );

        // exact match
        assert( find( "abc", "abc" ) == 0 );

        // simple substring match
        assert( find( "abc", "a" ) == 0 );
        assert( find( "abca", "a" ) == 0 );
        assert( find( "abc", "b" ) == 1 );
        assert( find( "abc", "c" ) == 2 );
        assert( find( "abc", "d" ) == 3 );

        // multi-char substring match
        assert( find( "abc", "ab" ) == 0 );
        assert( find( "abcab", "ab" ) == 0 );
        assert( find( "abc", "bc" ) == 1 );
        assert( find( "abc", "ac" ) == 3 );
        assert( find( "abrabracadabra", "abracadabra" ) == 3 );

// Reverse Find

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LP)buf.length .. 0$(RB), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t rfind( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LP)buf.length .. 0$(RB), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t rfind( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template rfind_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            if( buf.length == 0 )
                return buf.length;

            size_t pos = buf.length;

                if( pred( buf[--pos], pat ) )
                    return pos;
            } while( pos > 0 );
            return buf.length;

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            if( buf.length == 0 ||
                pat.length == 0 ||
                buf.length < pat.length )
                return buf.length;

            size_t pos = buf.length - pat.length + 1;

                if( pred( buf[--pos], pat[0] ) )
                    size_t mat = 0;

                        if( ++mat >= pat.length )
                            return pos - pat.length + 1;
                        if( ++pos >= buf.length )
                            return buf.length;
                    } while( pred( buf[pos], pat[mat] ) );
                    pos -= mat;
            } while( pos > 0 );
            return buf.length;

    template rfind( Buf, Pat )
        size_t rfind( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return rfind_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template rfind( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t rfind( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return rfind_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        // rfind element
        assert( rfind( "", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", 'b' ) == 1 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", 'c' ) == 2 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", 'd' ) == 3 );

        // null parameters
        assert( rfind( "", "" ) == 0 );
        assert( rfind( "a", "" ) == 1 );
        assert( rfind( "", "a" ) == 0 );

        // exact match
        assert( rfind( "abc", "abc" ) == 0 );

        // simple substring match
        assert( rfind( "abc", "a" ) == 0 );
        assert( rfind( "abca", "a" ) == 3 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", "b" ) == 1 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", "c" ) == 2 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", "d" ) == 3 );

        // multi-char substring match
        assert( rfind( "abc", "ab" ) == 0 );
        assert( rfind( "abcab", "ab" ) == 3 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", "bc" ) == 1 );
        assert( rfind( "abc", "ac" ) == 3 );
        assert( rfind( "abracadabrabra", "abracadabra" ) == 0 );

// KMP Find

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * This function uses the KMP algorithm and offers O(M+N) performance but
     * must allocate a temporary buffer of size pat.sizeof to do so.  If it is
     * available on the target system, alloca will be used for the allocation,
     * otherwise a standard dynamic memory allocation will occur.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t kfind( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * This function uses the KMP algorithm and offers O(M+N) performance but
     * must allocate a temporary buffer of size pat.sizeof to do so.  If it is
     * available on the target system, alloca will be used for the allocation,
     * otherwise a standard dynamic memory allocation will occur.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t kfind( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template kfind_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            foreach( size_t pos, Elem cur; buf )
                if( pred( cur, pat ) )
                    return pos;
            return buf.length;

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            if( buf.length == 0 ||
                pat.length == 0 ||
                buf.length < pat.length )
                return buf.length;

            static if( is( alloca ) )
                size_t[] func = (cast(size_t*) alloca( (pat.length + 1) * size_t.sizeof ))[0 .. pat.length + 1];
                size_t[] func = new size_t[pat.length + 1];
                scope( exit ) delete func; // force cleanup

            func[0] = 0;

            // building prefix-function
            for( size_t m = 0, i = 1 ; i < pat.length ; ++i )
                while( ( m > 0 ) && !pred( pat[m], pat[i] ) )
                    m = func[m - 1];
                if( pred( pat[m], pat[i] ) )
                func[i] = m;

            // searching
            for( size_t m = 0, i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i )
                while( ( m > 0 ) && !pred( pat[m], buf[i] ) )
                    m = func[m - 1];
                if( pred( pat[m], buf[i] ) )
                    if( m == pat.length )
                        return i - pat.length + 1;

            return buf.length;

    template kfind( Buf, Pat )
        size_t kfind( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return kfind_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template kfind( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t kfind( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return kfind_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        // find element
        assert( kfind( "", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", 'b' ) == 1 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", 'c' ) == 2 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", 'd' ) == 3 );

        // null parameters
        assert( kfind( "", "" ) == 0 );
        assert( kfind( "a", "" ) == 1 );
        assert( kfind( "", "a" ) == 0 );

        // exact match
        assert( kfind( "abc", "abc" ) == 0 );

        // simple substring match
        assert( kfind( "abc", "a" ) == 0 );
        assert( kfind( "abca", "a" ) == 0 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", "b" ) == 1 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", "c" ) == 2 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", "d" ) == 3 );

        // multi-char substring match
        assert( kfind( "abc", "ab" ) == 0 );
        assert( kfind( "abcab", "ab" ) == 0 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", "bc" ) == 1 );
        assert( kfind( "abc", "ac" ) == 3 );
        assert( kfind( "abrabracadabra", "abracadabra" ) == 3 );

// KMP Reverse Find

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LP)buf.length .. 0$(RB), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * This function uses the KMP algorithm and offers O(M+N) performance but
     * must allocate a temporary buffer of size pat.sizeof to do so.  If it is
     * available on the target system, alloca will be used for the allocation,
     * otherwise a standard dynamic memory allocation will occur.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t krfind( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LP)buf.length .. 0$(RB), returning
     * the index of the first element matching pat, or buf.length if no match
     * was found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate
     * or '==' if none is supplied.
     * This function uses the KMP algorithm and offers O(M+N) performance but
     * must allocate a temporary buffer of size pat.sizeof to do so.  If it is
     * available on the target system, alloca will be used for the allocation,
     * otherwise a standard dynamic memory allocation will occur.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t krfind( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template krfind_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            if( buf.length == 0 )
                return buf.length;

            size_t pos = buf.length;

                if( pred( buf[--pos], pat ) )
                    return pos;
            } while( pos > 0 );
            return buf.length;

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            if( buf.length == 0 ||
                pat.length == 0 ||
                buf.length < pat.length )
                return buf.length;

            static if( is( alloca ) )
                size_t[] func = (cast(size_t*) alloca( (pat.length + 1) * size_t.sizeof ))[0 .. pat.length + 1];
                size_t[] func = new size_t[pat.length + 1];
                scope( exit ) delete func; // force cleanup

            func[$ - 1] = 0;

            // building prefix-function
            for( size_t m = 0, i = pat.length - 1; i > 0; --i )
                while( ( m > 0 ) && !pred( pat[length - m - 1], pat[i - 1] ) )
                    m = func[length - m];
                if( pred( pat[length - m - 1], pat[i - 1] ) )
                func[i - 1] = m;

            // searching
            size_t  m = 0;
            size_t  i = buf.length;
                while( ( m > 0 ) && !pred( pat[length - m - 1], buf[i] ) )
                    m = func[length - m - 1];
                if( pred( pat[length - m - 1], buf[i] ) )
                    if ( m == pat.length )
                        return i;
            } while( i > 0 );

            return buf.length;

    template krfind( Buf, Pat )
        size_t krfind( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return krfind_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template krfind( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t krfind( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return krfind_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        // rfind element
        assert( krfind( "", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", 'b' ) == 1 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", 'c' ) == 2 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", 'd' ) == 3 );

        // null parameters
        assert( krfind( "", "" ) == 0 );
        assert( krfind( "a", "" ) == 1 );
        assert( krfind( "", "a" ) == 0 );

        // exact match
        assert( krfind( "abc", "abc" ) == 0 );

        // simple substring match
        assert( krfind( "abc", "a" ) == 0 );
        assert( krfind( "abca", "a" ) == 3 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", "b" ) == 1 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", "c" ) == 2 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", "d" ) == 3 );

        // multi-char substring match
        assert( krfind( "abc", "ab" ) == 0 );
        assert( krfind( "abcab", "ab" ) == 3 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", "bc" ) == 1 );
        assert( krfind( "abc", "ac" ) == 3 );
        assert( krfind( "abracadabrabra", "abracadabra" ) == 0 );

// Find-If

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * the index of the first element where pred returns true.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if the
     *         element is a valid match and false if not.  This predicate
     *         may be any callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t findIf( Elem[] buf, Pred1E pred );
    template findIf_( Elem, Pred )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred )
            foreach( size_t pos, Elem cur; buf )
                if( pred( cur ) )
                    return pos;
            return buf.length;

    template findIf( Buf, Pred )
        size_t findIf( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return findIf_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( findIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'a'; } ) == 5 );
        assert( findIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'b'; } ) == 0 );
        assert( findIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'c'; } ) == 1 );
        assert( findIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'd'; } ) == 5 );
        assert( findIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'g'; } ) == 4 );
        assert( findIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'h'; } ) == 5 );

// Reverse Find-If

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LP)buf.length .. 0$(RB), returning
     * the index of the first element where pred returns true.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if the
     *         element is a valid match and false if not.  This predicate
     *         may be any callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t rfindIf( Elem[] buf, Pred1E pred );
    template rfindIf_( Elem, Pred )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred )
            if( buf.length == 0 )
                return buf.length;

            size_t pos = buf.length;

                if( pred( buf[--pos] ) )
                    return pos;
            } while( pos > 0 );
            return buf.length;

    template rfindIf( Buf, Pred )
        size_t rfindIf( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return rfindIf_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( rfindIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'a'; } ) == 5 );
        assert( rfindIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'b'; } ) == 0 );
        assert( rfindIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'c'; } ) == 3 );
        assert( rfindIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'd'; } ) == 5 );
        assert( rfindIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'g'; } ) == 4 );
        assert( rfindIf( "bcecg", ( char c ) { return c == 'h'; } ) == 5 );

// Find Adjacent

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * the index of the first element that compares equal to the next element
     * in the sequence.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied
     * predicate or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t findAdj( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

    template findAdj_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            if( buf.length < 2 )
                return buf.length;

            Elem sav = buf[0];

            foreach( size_t pos, Elem cur; buf[1 .. $] )
                if( pred( cur, sav ) )
                    return pos;
                sav = cur;
            return buf.length;

    template findAdj( Buf )
        size_t findAdj( Buf buf )
            return findAdj_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf );

    template findAdj( Buf, Pred )
        size_t findAdj( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return findAdj_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( findAdj( "aabcdef" ) == 0 );
        assert( findAdj( "abcddef" ) == 3 );
        assert( findAdj( "abcdeff" ) == 5 );
        assert( findAdj( "abcdefg" ) == 7 );

// Contains

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * true if an element matching pat is found.  Comparisons will be performed
     * using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  True if an element equivalent to pat is found, false if not.
    size_t contains( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * true if a sequence matching pat is found.  Comparisons will be performed
     * using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to search.
     *  pat  = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  True if an element equivalent to pat is found, false if not.
    size_t contains( Elem[] buf, Elem[] pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template contains( Buf, Pat )
        size_t contains( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return find( buf, pat ) != buf.length;

    template contains( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t contains( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return find( buf, pat, pred ) != buf.length;

    debug( UnitTest )
        // find element
        assert( !contains( "", 'a' ) );
        assert(  contains( "abc", 'a' ) );
        assert(  contains( "abc", 'b' ) );
        assert(  contains( "abc", 'c' ) );
        assert( !contains( "abc", 'd' ) );

        // null parameters
        assert( !contains( "", "" ) );
        assert( !contains( "a", "" ) );
        assert( !contains( "", "a" ) );

        // exact match
        assert(  contains( "abc", "abc" ) );

        // simple substring match
        assert(  contains( "abc", "a" ) );
        assert(  contains( "abca", "a" ) );
        assert(  contains( "abc", "b" ) );
        assert(  contains( "abc", "c" ) );
        assert( !contains( "abc", "d" ) );

        // multi-char substring match
        assert(  contains( "abc", "ab" ) );
        assert(  contains( "abcab", "ab" ) );
        assert(  contains( "abc", "bc" ) );
        assert( !contains( "abc", "ac" ) );
        assert(  contains( "abrabracadabra", "abracadabra" ) );

// Mismatch

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a parallel linear scan of bufA and bufB from $(LB)0 .. N$(RP)
     * where N = min$(LP)bufA.length, bufB.length$(RP), returning the index of
     * the first element in bufA which does not match the corresponding element
     * in bufB or N if no mismatch occurs.  Comparisons will be performed using
     * the supplied predicate or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  bufA = The array to evaluate.
     *  bufB = The array to match against.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first mismatch or N if the first N elements of bufA
     * and bufB match, where N = min$(LP)bufA.length, bufB.length$(RP).
    size_t mismatch( Elem[] bufA, Elem[] bufB, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

    template mismatch_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] bufA, Elem[] bufB, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  posA = 0,
                    posB = 0;

            while( posA < bufA.length && posB < bufB.length )
                if( !pred( bufB[posB], bufA[posA] ) )
                ++posA, ++posB;
            return posA;

    template mismatch( BufA, BufB )
        size_t mismatch( BufA bufA, BufB bufB )
            return mismatch_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA)).fn( bufA, bufB );

    template mismatch( BufA, BufB, Pred )
        size_t mismatch( BufA bufA, BufB bufB, Pred pred )
            return mismatch_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA), Pred).fn( bufA, bufB, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( mismatch( "a", "abcdefg" ) == 1 );
        assert( mismatch( "abcdefg", "a" ) == 1 );

        assert( mismatch( "x", "abcdefg" ) == 0 );
        assert( mismatch( "abcdefg", "x" ) == 0 );

        assert( mismatch( "xbcdefg", "abcdefg" ) == 0 );
        assert( mismatch( "abcdefg", "xbcdefg" ) == 0 );

        assert( mismatch( "abcxefg", "abcdefg" ) == 3 );
        assert( mismatch( "abcdefg", "abcxefg" ) == 3 );

        assert( mismatch( "abcdefx", "abcdefg" ) == 6 );
        assert( mismatch( "abcdefg", "abcdefx" ) == 6 );

// Count

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * a count of the number of elements matching pat.  Comparisons will be
     * performed using the supplied predicate or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.
     *  pat  = The pattern to match.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of elements matching pat.
    size_t count( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

    template count_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t cnt = 0;

            foreach( size_t pos, Elem cur; buf )
                if( pred( cur, pat ) )
            return cnt;

    template count( Buf, Pat )
        size_t count( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return count_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template count( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t count( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return count_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( count( "gbbbi", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( count( "gbbbi", 'g' ) == 1 );
        assert( count( "gbbbi", 'b' ) == 3 );
        assert( count( "gbbbi", 'i' ) == 1 );
        assert( count( "gbbbi", 'd' ) == 0 );

// Count-If

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), returning
     * a count of the number of elements where pred returns true.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if the
     *         element is a valid match and false if not.  This predicate
     *         may be any callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of elements where pred returns true.
    size_t countIf( Elem[] buf, Pred1E pred = Pred1E.init );

    template countIf_( Elem, Pred )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred )
            size_t cnt = 0;

            foreach( size_t pos, Elem cur; buf )
                if( pred( cur ) )
            return cnt;

    template countIf( Buf, Pred )
        size_t countIf( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return countIf_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( countIf( "gbbbi", ( char c ) { return c == 'a'; } ) == 0 );
        assert( countIf( "gbbbi", ( char c ) { return c == 'g'; } ) == 1 );
        assert( countIf( "gbbbi", ( char c ) { return c == 'b'; } ) == 3 );
        assert( countIf( "gbbbi", ( char c ) { return c == 'i'; } ) == 1 );
        assert( countIf( "gbbbi", ( char c ) { return c == 'd'; } ) == 0 );

// Replace

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), replacing
     * occurrences of pat with val.  Comparisons will be performed using the
     * supplied predicate or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.
     *  pat  = The pattern to match.
     *  val  = The value to substitute.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of elements replaced.
    size_t replace( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Elem val, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

    template replace_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Elem val, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t cnt = 0;

            foreach( size_t pos, inout Elem cur; buf )
                if( pred( cur, pat ) )
                    cur = val;
            return cnt;

    template replace( Buf, Elem )
        size_t replace( Buf buf, Elem pat, Elem val )
            return replace_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat, val );

    template replace( Buf, Elem, Pred )
        size_t replace( Buf buf, Elem pat, Elem val, Pred pred )
            return replace_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, val, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( replace( "gbbbi".dup, 'a', 'b' ) == 0 );
        assert( replace( "gbbbi".dup, 'g', 'h' ) == 1 );
        assert( replace( "gbbbi".dup, 'b', 'c' ) == 3 );
        assert( replace( "gbbbi".dup, 'i', 'j' ) == 1 );
        assert( replace( "gbbbi".dup, 'd', 'e' ) == 0 );

// Replace-If

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), replacing
     * elements where pred returns true with val.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.
     *  val  = The value to substitute.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if the
     *         element is a valid match and false if not.  This predicate
     *         may be any callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of elements replaced.
    size_t replaceIf( Elem[] buf, Elem val, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );

    template replaceIf_( Elem, Pred )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem val, Pred pred )
            size_t cnt = 0;

            foreach( size_t pos, inout Elem cur; buf )
                if( pred( cur ) )
                    cur = val;
            return cnt;

    template replaceIf( Buf, Elem, Pred )
        size_t replaceIf( Buf buf, Elem val, Pred pred )
            return replaceIf_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, val, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( replaceIf( "gbbbi".dup, 'b', ( char c ) { return c == 'a'; } ) == 0 );
        assert( replaceIf( "gbbbi".dup, 'h', ( char c ) { return c == 'g'; } ) == 1 );
        assert( replaceIf( "gbbbi".dup, 'c', ( char c ) { return c == 'b'; } ) == 3 );
        assert( replaceIf( "gbbbi".dup, 'j', ( char c ) { return c == 'i'; } ) == 1 );
        assert( replaceIf( "gbbbi".dup, 'e', ( char c ) { return c == 'd'; } ) == 0 );

// Remove

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), moving all
     * elements matching pat to the end of the sequence.  The relative order of
     * elements not matching pat will be preserved.  Comparisons will be
     * performed using the supplied predicate or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.  This parameter is not marked 'inout'
     *         to allow temporary slices to be modified.  As buf is not resized
     *         in any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on the
     *         result of this operation, even though it may be viewed as a
     *         side-effect.
     *  pat  = The pattern to match against.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of elements that do not match pat.
    size_t remove( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template remove_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            size_t cnt = 0;

            for( size_t pos = 0, len = buf.length; pos < len; ++pos )
                if( pred( buf[pos], pat ) )
                    exch( pos, pos - cnt );
            return buf.length - cnt;

    template remove( Buf, Pat )
        size_t remove( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return remove_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template remove( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t remove( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return remove_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void test( char[] buf, char pat, size_t num )
            assert( remove( buf, pat ) == num );
            foreach( pos, cur; buf )
                assert( pos < num ? cur != pat : cur == pat );

        test( "abcdefghij".dup, 'x', 10 );
        test( "xabcdefghi".dup, 'x',  9 );
        test( "abcdefghix".dup, 'x',  9 );
        test( "abxxcdefgh".dup, 'x',  8 );
        test( "xaxbcdxxex".dup, 'x',  5 );

// Remove-If

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), moving all
     * elements that satisfy pred to the end of the sequence.  The relative
     * order of elements that do not satisfy pred will be preserved.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.  This parameter is not marked 'inout'
     *         to allow temporary slices to be modified.  As buf is not resized
     *         in any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on the
     *         result of this operation, even though it may be viewed as a
     *         side-effect.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if the
     *         element satisfies the condition and false if not.  This
     *         predicate may be any callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of elements that do not satisfy pred.
    size_t removeIf( Elem[] buf, Pred1E pred );
    template removeIf_( Elem, Pred )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            size_t cnt = 0;

            for( size_t pos = 0, len = buf.length; pos < len; ++pos )
                if( pred( buf[pos] ) )
                    exch( pos, pos - cnt );
            return buf.length - cnt;

    template removeIf( Buf, Pred )
        size_t removeIf( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return removeIf_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void test( char[] buf, bool delegate( char ) dg, size_t num )
            assert( removeIf( buf, dg ) == num );
            foreach( pos, cur; buf )
                assert( pos < num ? !dg( cur ) : dg( cur ) );

        test( "abcdefghij".dup, ( char c ) { return c == 'x'; }, 10 );
        test( "xabcdefghi".dup, ( char c ) { return c == 'x'; },  9 );
        test( "abcdefghix".dup, ( char c ) { return c == 'x'; },  9 );
        test( "abxxcdefgh".dup, ( char c ) { return c == 'x'; },  8 );
        test( "xaxbcdxxex".dup, ( char c ) { return c == 'x'; },  5 );

// Unique

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a linear scan of buf from $(LB)0 .. buf.length$(RP), moving all
     * but the first element of each consecutive group of duplicate elements to
     * the end of the sequence.  The relative order of all remaining elements
     * will be preserved.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied
     * predicate or '==' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to scan.  This parameter is not marked 'inout'
     *         to allow temporary slices to be modified.  As buf is not resized
     *         in any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on the
     *         result of this operation, even though it may be viewed as a
     *         side-effect.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         equal to e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of unique elements in buf.
    size_t unique( Elem[] buf, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template unique_( Elem, Pred = IsEqual!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            if( buf.length < 2 )
                return buf.length;

            size_t cnt = 0;
            Elem   pat = buf[0];

            for( size_t pos = 1, len = buf.length; pos < len; ++pos )
                if( pred( buf[pos], pat ) )
                    pat = buf[pos];
                    exch( pos, pos - cnt );
            return buf.length - cnt;

    template unique( Buf )
        size_t unique( Buf buf )
            return unique_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf );

    template unique( Buf, Pred )
        size_t unique( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return unique_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void test( char[] buf, char[] pat )
            assert( unique( buf ) == pat.length );
            foreach( pos, cur; pat )
                assert( buf[pos] == cur );

        test( "abcdefghij".dup, "abcdefghij" );
        test( "aabcdefghi".dup, "abcdefghi" );
        test( "bcdefghijj".dup, "bcdefghij" );
        test( "abccdefghi".dup, "abcdefghi" );
        test( "abccdddefg".dup, "abcdefg" );

// Partition

version( DDoc )
     * Partitions buf such that all elements that satisfy pred will be placed
     * before the elements that do not satisfy pred.  The algorithm is not
     * required to be stable.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to partition.  This parameter is not marked 'inout'
     *         to allow temporary slices to be sorted.  As buf is not resized
     *         in any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on
     *         the result of this operation, even though it may be viewed
     *         as a side-effect.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if the
     *         element satisfies the condition and false if not.  This
     *         predicate may be any callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The number of elements that satisfy pred.
    size_t partition( Elem[] buf, Pred1E pred );
    template partition_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            if( buf.length < 2 )
                return 0;

            size_t  l = 0,
                    r = buf.length,
                    i = l,
                    j = r - 1;

            while( true )
                while( i < r && pred( buf[i] ) )
                while( j > l && !pred( buf[j] ) )
                if( i >= j )
                exch( i++, j-- );
            return i;

    template partition( Buf, Pred )
        size_t partition( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return partition_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void test( char[] buf, bool delegate( char ) dg, size_t num )
            assert( partition( buf, dg ) == num );
            for( size_t pos = 0; pos < buf.length; ++pos )
                assert( pos < num ? dg( buf[pos] ) : !dg( buf[pos] ) );

        test( "abcdefg".dup, ( char c ) { return c < 'a'; }, 0 );
        test( "gfedcba".dup, ( char c ) { return c < 'a'; }, 0 );
        test( "abcdefg".dup, ( char c ) { return c < 'h'; }, 7 );
        test( "gfedcba".dup, ( char c ) { return c < 'h'; }, 7 );
        test( "abcdefg".dup, ( char c ) { return c < 'd'; }, 3 );
        test( "gfedcba".dup, ( char c ) { return c < 'd'; }, 3 );
        test( "bbdaabc".dup, ( char c ) { return c < 'c'; }, 5 );

// Select

version( DDoc )
     * Partitions buf with num - 1 as a pivot such that the first num elements
     * will be less than or equal to the remaining elements in the array.
     * Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate or '<' if
     * none is supplied.  The algorithm is not required to be stable.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to partition.  This parameter is not marked 'inout'
     *         to allow temporary slices to be sorted.  As buf is not resized
     *         in any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on
     *         the result of this operation, even though it may be viewed
     *         as a side-effect.
     *  num  = The number of elements which are considered significant in
     *         this array, where num - 1 is the pivot around which partial
     *         sorting will occur.  For example, if num is buf.length / 2
     *         then select will effectively partition the array around its
     *         median value, with the elements in the first half of the array
     *         evaluating as less than or equal to the elements in the second
     *         half.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the pivot point, which will be the lesser of num - 1 and
     *  buf.length.
    size_t select( Elem[] buf, Num num, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template select_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, size_t num, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            if( buf.length < 2 )
                return buf.length;

            size_t  l = 0,
                    r = buf.length - 1,
                    k = num;

            while( r > l )
                size_t  i = l,
                        j = r - 1;
                Elem    v = buf[r];

                while( true )
                    while( i < r && pred( buf[i], v ) )
                    while( j > l && pred( v, buf[j] ) )
                    if( i >= j )
                    exch( i++, j-- );
                exch( i, r );
                if( i >= k )
                    r = i - 1;
                if( i <= k )
                    l = i + 1;
            return num - 1;

    template select( Buf, Num )
        size_t select( Buf buf, Num num )
            return select_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, num );

    template select( Buf, Num, Pred )
        size_t select( Buf buf, Num num, Pred pred )
            return select_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, num, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        char[] buf = "efedcaabca".dup;
        size_t num = buf.length / 2;
        size_t pos = select( buf, num );

        assert( pos == num - 1 );
        foreach( cur; buf[0 .. pos] )
            assert( cur <= buf[pos] );
        foreach( cur; buf[pos .. $] )
            assert( cur >= buf[pos] );

// Sort

version( DDoc )
     * Sorts buf using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is supplied.  The
     * algorithm is not required to be stable.  The current implementation is
     * based on quicksort, but uses a three-way partitioning scheme to improve
     * performance for ranges containing duplicate values (Bentley and McIlroy,
     * 1993).
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to sort.  This parameter is not marked 'inout' to
     *         allow temporary slices to be sorted.  As buf is not resized
     *         in any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on
     *         the result of this operation, even though it may be viewed
     *         as a side-effect.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
    void sort( Elem[] buf, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template sort_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        void fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            bool equiv( Elem p1, Elem p2 )
                return !pred( p1, p2 ) && !pred( p2, p1 );

            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            void quicksort( size_t l, size_t r )
                if( r <= l )

                // This implementation of quicksort improves upon the classic
                // algorithm by partitioning the array into three parts, one
                // each for keys smaller than, equal to, and larger than the
                // partitioning element, v:
                // |--less than v--|--equal to v--|--greater than v--[v]
                // l               j              i                   r
                // This approach sorts ranges containing duplicate elements
                // more quickly.  During processing, the following situation
                // is maintained:
                // |--equal--|--less--|--[###]--|--greater--|--equal--[v]
                // l         p        i         j           q          r
                // Please note that this implementation varies from the typical
                // algorithm by replacing the use of signed index values with
                // unsigned values.

                Elem    v = buf[r];
                size_t  i = l,
                        j = r,
                        p = l,
                        q = r;

                while( true )
                    while( pred( buf[i], v ) )
                    while( pred( v, buf[--j] ) )
                        if( j == l ) break;
                    if( i >= j )
                    exch( i, j );
                    if( equiv( buf[i], v ) )
                        exch( p++, i );
                    if( equiv( v, buf[j] ) )
                        exch( --q, j );
                exch( i, r );
                if( p < i )
                    j = i - 1;
                    for( size_t k = l; k < p; k++, j-- )
                        exch( k, j );
                    quicksort( l, j );
                if( ++i < q )
                    for( size_t k = r - 1; k >= q; k--, i++ )
                        exch( k, i );
                    quicksort( i, r );

            if( buf.length > 1 )
                quicksort( 0, buf.length - 1 );

    template sort( Buf )
        void sort( Buf buf )
            return sort_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf );

    template sort( Buf, Pred )
        void sort( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return sort_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void test( char[] buf )
            sort( buf );
            char sav = buf[0];
            foreach( cur; buf )
                assert( cur >= sav );
                sav = cur;

        test( "mkcvalsidivjoaisjdvmzlksvdjioawmdsvmsdfefewv".dup );
        test( "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf".dup );
        test( "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".dup );
        test( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".dup );
        test( "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba".dup );

// Lower Bound

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a binary search of buf, returning the index of the first
     * location where pat may be inserted without disrupting sort order.  If
     * the sort order of pat precedes all elements in buf then 0 will be
     * returned.  If the sort order of pat succeeds the largest element in buf
     * then buf.length will be returned.  Comparisons will be performed using
     * the supplied predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf = The sorted array to search.
     *  pat = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t lbound( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template lbound_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  beg   = 0,
                    end   = buf.length,
                    mid   = end / 2;

            while( beg < end )
                if( pred( buf[mid], pat ) )
                    beg = mid + 1;
                    end = mid;
                mid = beg + ( end - beg ) / 2;
            return mid;

    template lbound( Buf, Pat )
        size_t lbound( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return lbound_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template lbound( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t lbound( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return lbound_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( lbound( "bcefg", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( lbound( "bcefg", 'h' ) == 5 );
        assert( lbound( "bcefg", 'd' ) == 2 );
        assert( lbound( "bcefg", 'e' ) == 2 );

// Upper Bound

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a binary search of buf, returning the index of the first
     * location beyond where pat may be inserted without disrupting sort order.
     * If the sort order of pat precedes all elements in buf then 0 will be
     * returned.  If the sort order of pat succeeds the largest element in buf
     * then buf.length will be returned.  Comparisons will be performed using
     * the supplied predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf = The sorted array to search.
     *  pat = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  The index of the first match or buf.length if no match was found.
    size_t ubound( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template ubound_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        size_t fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  beg   = 0,
                    end   = buf.length,
                    mid   = end / 2;

            while( beg < end )
                if( !pred( pat, buf[mid] ) )
                    beg = mid + 1;
                    end = mid;
                mid = beg + ( end - beg ) / 2;
            return mid;

    template ubound( Buf, Pat )
        size_t ubound( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return ubound_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template ubound( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        size_t ubound( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return ubound_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( ubound( "bcefg", 'a' ) == 0 );
        assert( ubound( "bcefg", 'h' ) == 5 );
        assert( ubound( "bcefg", 'd' ) == 2 );
        assert( ubound( "bcefg", 'e' ) == 3 );

// Binary Search

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a binary search of buf, returning true if an element equivalent
     * to pat is found.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied
     * predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf = The sorted array to search.
     *  pat = The pattern to search for.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  True if an element equivalent to pat is found, false if not.
    bool bsearch( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template bsearch_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred) );

        bool fn( Elem[] buf, Elem pat, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t pos = lbound( buf, pat, pred );
            return pos < buf.length && !( pat < buf[pos] );

    template bsearch( Buf, Pat )
        bool bsearch( Buf buf, Pat pat )
            return bsearch_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, pat );

    template bsearch( Buf, Pat, Pred )
        bool bsearch( Buf buf, Pat pat, Pred pred )
            return bsearch_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pat, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( !bsearch( "bcefg", 'a' ) );
        assert(  bsearch( "bcefg", 'b' ) );
        assert(  bsearch( "bcefg", 'c' ) );
        assert( !bsearch( "bcefg", 'd' ) );
        assert(  bsearch( "bcefg", 'e' ) );
        assert(  bsearch( "bcefg", 'f' ) );
        assert(  bsearch( "bcefg", 'g' ) );
        assert( !bsearch( "bcefg", 'h' ) );

// Includes

version( DDoc )
     * Performs a parallel linear scan of setA and setB from $(LB)0 .. N$(RP)
     * where N = min$(LP)setA.length, setB.length$(RP), returning true if setA
     * includes all elements in setB and false if not.  Both setA and setB are
     * required to be sorted, and duplicates in setB require an equal number of
     * duplicates in setA.  Comparisons will be performed using the supplied
     * predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  setA = The sorted array to evaluate.
     *  setB = The sorted array to match against.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  true if setA includes all elements in setB, false if not.
    bool includes( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template includes_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        bool fn( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  posA = 0,
                    posB = 0;

            while( posA < setA.length && posB < setB.length )
                if( pred( setB[posB], setA[posA] ) )
                    return false;
                else if( pred( setA[posA], setB[posB] ) )
                    ++posA, ++posB;
            return posB == setB.length;

    template includes( BufA, BufB )
        bool includes( BufA setA, BufB setB )
            return includes_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA)).fn( setA, setB );

    template includes( BufA, BufB, Pred )
        bool includes( BufA setA, BufB setB, Pred pred )
            return includes_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA), Pred).fn( setA, setB, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( includes( "abcdefg", "a" ) );
        assert( includes( "abcdefg", "g" ) );
        assert( includes( "abcdefg", "d" ) );
        assert( includes( "abcdefg", "abcdefg" ) );
        assert( includes( "aaaabbbcdddefgg", "abbbcdefg" ) );

        assert( !includes( "abcdefg", "aaabcdefg" ) );
        assert( !includes( "abcdefg", "abcdefggg" ) );
        assert( !includes( "abbbcdefg", "abbbbcdefg" ) );

// Union Of

version( DDoc )
     * Computes the union of setA and setB as a set operation and returns the
     * retult in a new sorted array.  Both setA and setB are required to be
     * sorted.  If either setA or setB contain duplicates, the result will
     * contain the larger number of duplicates from setA and setB.  When an
     * overlap occurs, entries will be copied from setA.  Comparisons will be
     * performed using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  setA = The first sorted array to evaluate.
     *  setB = The second sorted array to evaluate.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  A new array containing the union of setA and setB.
    Elem[] unionOf( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template unionOf_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        Elem[] fn( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  posA = 0,
                    posB = 0;
            Elem[]  setU;

            while( posA < setA.length && posB < setB.length )
                if( pred( setA[posA], setB[posB] ) )
                    setU ~= setA[posA++];
                else if( pred( setB[posB], setA[posA] ) )
                    setU ~= setB[posB++];
                    setU ~= setA[posA++], posB++;
            setU ~= setA[posA .. $];
            setU ~= setB[posB .. $];
            return setU;

    template unionOf( BufA, BufB )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] unionOf( BufA setA, BufB setB )
            return unionOf_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA)).fn( setA, setB );

    template unionOf( BufA, BufB, Pred )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] unionOf( BufA setA, BufB setB, Pred pred )
            return unionOf_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA), Pred).fn( setA, setB, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( unionOf( "", "" ) == "" );
        assert( unionOf( "abc", "def" ) == "abcdef" );
        assert( unionOf( "abbbcd", "aadeefg" ) == "aabbbcdeefg" );

// Intersection Of

version( DDoc )
     * Computes the intersection of setA and setB as a set operation and
     * returns the retult in a new sorted array.  Both setA and setB are
     * required to be sorted.  If either setA or setB contain duplicates, the
     * result will contain the smaller number of duplicates from setA and setB.
     * All entries will be copied from setA.  Comparisons will be performed
     * using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  setA = The first sorted array to evaluate.
     *  setB = The second sorted array to evaluate.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  A new array containing the intersection of setA and setB.
    Elem[] intersectionOf( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template intersectionOf_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        Elem[] fn( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  posA = 0,
                    posB = 0;
            Elem[]  setI;

            while( posA < setA.length && posB < setB.length )
                if( pred( setA[posA], setB[posB] ) )
                else if( pred( setB[posB], setA[posA] ) )
                    setI ~= setA[posA++], posB++;
            return setI;

    template intersectionOf( BufA, BufB )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] intersectionOf( BufA setA, BufB setB )
            return intersectionOf_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA)).fn( setA, setB );

    template intersectionOf( BufA, BufB, Pred )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] intersectionOf( BufA setA, BufB setB, Pred pred )
            return intersectionOf_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA), Pred).fn( setA, setB, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( intersectionOf( "", "" ) == "" );
        assert( intersectionOf( "abc", "def" ) == "" );
        assert( intersectionOf( "abbbcd", "aabdddeefg" ) == "abd" );

// Missing From

version( DDoc )
     * Returns a new array containing all elements in setA which are not
     * present in setB.  Both setA and setB are required to be sorted.
     * Comparisons will be performed using the supplied predicate or '<'
     * if none is supplied.
     * Params:
     *  setA = The first sorted array to evaluate.
     *  setB = The second sorted array to evaluate.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  A new array containing the elements in setA that are not in setB.
    Elem[] missingFrom( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template missingFrom_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        Elem[] fn( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  posA = 0,
                    posB = 0;
            Elem[]  setM;

            while( posA < setA.length && posB < setB.length )
                if( pred( setA[posA], setB[posB] ) )
                    setM ~= setA[posA++];
                else if( pred( setB[posB], setA[posA] ) )
                    ++posA, ++posB;
            setM ~= setA[posA .. $];
            return setM;

    template missingFrom( BufA, BufB )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] missingFrom( BufA setA, BufB setB )
            return missingFrom_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA)).fn( setA, setB );

    template missingFrom( BufA, BufB, Pred )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] missingFrom( BufA setA, BufB setB, Pred pred )
            return missingFrom_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA), Pred).fn( setA, setB, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( missingFrom( "", "" ) == "" );
        assert( missingFrom( "", "abc" ) == "" );
        assert( missingFrom( "abc", "" ) == "abc" );
        assert( missingFrom( "abc", "abc" ) == "" );
        assert( missingFrom( "abc", "def" ) == "abc" );
        assert( missingFrom( "abbbcd", "abd" ) == "bbc" );
        assert( missingFrom( "abcdef", "bc" ) == "adef" );

// Difference Of

version( DDoc )
     * Returns a new array containing all elements in setA which are not
     * present in setB and the elements in setB which are not present in
     * setA.  Both setA and setB are required to be sorted.  Comparisons
     * will be performed using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is
     * supplied.
     * Params:
     *  setA = The first sorted array to evaluate.
     *  setB = The second sorted array to evaluate.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
     * Returns:
     *  A new array containing the elements in setA that are not in setB
     *  and the elements in setB that are not in setA.
    Elem[] differenceOf( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template differenceOf_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        Elem[] fn( Elem[] setA, Elem[] setB, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            size_t  posA = 0,
                    posB = 0;
            Elem[]  setD;

            while( posA < setA.length && posB < setB.length )
                if( pred( setA[posA], setB[posB] ) )
                    setD ~= setA[posA++];
                else if( pred( setB[posB], setA[posA] ) )
                    setD ~= setB[posB++];
                    ++posA, ++posB;
            setD ~= setA[posA .. $];
            setD ~= setB[posB .. $];
            return setD;

    template differenceOf( BufA, BufB )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] differenceOf( BufA setA, BufB setB )
            return differenceOf_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA)).fn( setA, setB );

    template differenceOf( BufA, BufB, Pred )
        ElemTypeOf!(BufA)[] differenceOf( BufA setA, BufB setB, Pred pred )
            return differenceOf_!(ElemTypeOf!(BufA), Pred).fn( setA, setB, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        assert( differenceOf( "", "" ) == "" );
        assert( differenceOf( "", "abc" ) == "abc" );
        assert( differenceOf( "abc", "" ) == "abc" );
        assert( differenceOf( "abc", "abc" ) == "" );
        assert( differenceOf( "abc", "def" ) == "abcdef" );
        assert( differenceOf( "abbbcd", "abd" ) == "bbc" );
        assert( differenceOf( "abd", "abbbcd" ) == "bbc" );

// Make Heap

version( DDoc )
     * Converts buf to a heap using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is
     * supplied.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The array to convert.  This parameter is not marked 'inout' to
     *         allow temporary slices to be sorted.  As buf is not resized in
     *         any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on the
     *         result of this operation, even though it may be viewed as a
     *         side-effect.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
    void makeHeap( Elem[] buf, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template makeHeap_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        void fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            void fixDown( size_t pos, size_t end )
                if( end <= pos )
                while( pos <= ( end - 1 ) / 2 )
                    size_t nxt = 2 * pos + 1;

                    if( nxt < end && pred( buf[nxt], buf[nxt + 1] ) )
                    if( !pred( buf[pos], buf[nxt] ) )
                    exch( pos, nxt );
                    pos = nxt;

            if( buf.length < 2 )

            size_t  end = buf.length - 1,
                    pos = end / 2 + 2;

                fixDown( --pos, end );
            } while( pos > 0 );

    template makeHeap( Buf )
        void makeHeap( Buf buf )
            return makeHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf );

    template makeHeap( Buf, Pred )
        void makeHeap( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return makeHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void basic( char[] buf )
            if( buf.length < 2 )

            size_t  pos = 0,
                    end = buf.length - 1;

            while( pos <= ( end - 1 ) / 2 )
                assert( buf[pos] >= buf[2 * pos + 1] );
                if( 2 * pos + 1 < end )
                    assert( buf[pos] >= buf[2 * pos + 2] );

        void test( char[] buf )
            makeHeap( buf );
            basic( buf );

        test( "mkcvalsidivjoaisjdvmzlksvdjioawmdsvmsdfefewv".dup );
        test( "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf".dup );
        test( "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".dup );
        test( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".dup );
        test( "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba".dup );
        test( "ba".dup );
        test( "a".dup );
        test( "".dup );

// Push Heap

version( DDoc )
     * Adds val to buf by appending it and adjusting it up the heap.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The heap to modify.  This parameter is marked 'inout' because
     *         buf.length will be altered.
     *  val  = The element to push onto buf.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
    void pushHeap( inout Elem[] buf, Elem val, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template pushHeap_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        void fn( inout Elem[] buf, Elem val, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            void fixUp( size_t pos )
                if( pos < 1 )
                size_t par = ( pos - 1 ) / 2;
                while( pos > 0 && pred( buf[par], buf[pos] ) )
                    exch( par, pos );
                    pos = par;
                    par = ( pos - 1 ) / 2;

            buf ~= val;
            if( buf.length > 1 )
                fixUp( buf.length - 1 );

    template pushHeap( Buf, Val )
        void pushHeap( inout Buf buf, Val val )
            return pushHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf, val );

    template pushHeap( Buf, Val, Pred )
        void pushHeap( inout Buf buf, Val val, Pred pred )
            return pushHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, val, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void basic( char[] buf )
            if( buf.length < 2 )

            size_t  pos = 0,
                    end = buf.length - 1;

            while( pos <= ( end - 1 ) / 2 )
                assert( buf[pos] >= buf[2 * pos + 1] );
                if( 2 * pos + 1 < end )
                    assert( buf[pos] >= buf[2 * pos + 2] );

        char[] buf;

        foreach( cur; "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" )
            pushHeap( buf, cur );
            basic( buf );

        buf.length = 0;

        foreach( cur; "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba" )
            pushHeap( buf, cur );
            basic( buf );

// Pop Heap

version( DDoc )
     * Removes the top element from buf by swapping it with the bottom element,
     * adjusting it down the heap, and reducing the length of buf by one.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The heap to modify.  This parameter is marked 'inout' because
     *         buf.length will be altered.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
    void popHeap( inout Elem[] buf, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template popHeap_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        void fn( inout Elem[] buf, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            void fixDown( size_t pos, size_t end )
                if( end <= pos )
                while( pos <= ( end - 1 ) / 2 )
                    size_t nxt = 2 * pos + 1;

                    if( nxt < end && pred( buf[nxt], buf[nxt + 1] ) )
                    if( !pred( buf[pos], buf[nxt] ) )
                    exch( pos, nxt );
                    pos = nxt;

            if( buf.length > 1 )
                exch( 0, buf.length - 1 );
                fixDown( 0, buf.length - 2 );
            if( buf.length > 0 )
                buf.length = buf.length - 1;

    template popHeap( Buf )
        void popHeap( inout Buf buf )
            return popHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf );

    template popHeap( Buf, Pred )
        void popHeap( inout Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return popHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        void test( char[] buf )
            if( buf.length < 2 )

            size_t  pos = 0,
                    end = buf.length - 1;

            while( pos <= ( end - 1 ) / 2 )
                assert( buf[pos] >= buf[2 * pos + 1] );
                if( 2 * pos + 1 < end )
                    assert( buf[pos] >= buf[2 * pos + 2] );

        char[] buf = "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba".dup;

        while( buf.length > 0 )
            popHeap( buf );
            test( buf );

// Sort Heap

version( DDoc )
     * Sorts buf as a heap using the supplied predicate or '<' if none is
     * supplied.  Calling makeHeap and sortHeap on an array in succession
     * has the effect of sorting the array using the heapsort algorithm.
     * Params:
     *  buf  = The heap to sort.  This parameter is not marked 'inout' to
     *         allow temporary slices to be sorted.  As buf is not resized
     *         in any way, omitting the 'inout' qualifier has no effect on
     *         the result of this operation, even though it may be viewed
     *         as a side-effect.
     *  pred = The evaluation predicate, which should return true if e1 is
     *         less than e2 and false if not.  This predicate may be any
     *         callable type.
    void sortHeap( Elem[] buf, Pred2E pred = Pred2E.init );
    template sortHeap_( Elem, Pred = IsLess!(Elem) )
        static assert( isCallableType!(Pred ) );

        void fn( Elem[] buf, Pred pred = Pred.init )
            // NOTE: Indexes are passed instead of references because DMD does
            //       not inline the reference-based version.
            void exch( size_t p1, size_t p2 )
                Elem t  = buf[p1];
                buf[p1] = buf[p2];
                buf[p2] = t;

            void fixDown( size_t pos, size_t end )
                if( end <= pos )
                while( pos <= ( end - 1 ) / 2 )
                    size_t nxt = 2 * pos + 1;

                    if( nxt < end && pred( buf[nxt], buf[nxt + 1] ) )
                    if( !pred( buf[pos], buf[nxt] ) )
                    exch( pos, nxt );
                    pos = nxt;

            if( buf.length < 2 )

            size_t  pos = buf.length - 1;

            while( pos > 0 )
                exch( 0, pos );
                fixDown( 0, --pos );

    template sortHeap( Buf )
        void sortHeap( Buf buf )
            return sortHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf)).fn( buf );

    template sortHeap( Buf, Pred )
        void sortHeap( Buf buf, Pred pred )
            return sortHeap_!(ElemTypeOf!(Buf), Pred).fn( buf, pred );

    debug( UnitTest )
        char[] buf = "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba".dup;

        sortHeap( buf );
        char sav = buf[0];
        foreach( cur; buf )
            assert( cur >= sav );
            sav = cur;