view tango/example/manual/chapterStorage.d @ 270:d9d5d59873d8 trunk

[svn r291] Fixed a bunch of the old Phobos tests to work with Tango. Branch statements now emit a new block after it. Fixed the _adSort runtime function had a bad signature. Added a missing dot prefix on compiler generated string tables for string switch. Fixed, PTRSIZE seems like it was wrong on 64bit, now it definitely gets set properly.
author lindquist
date Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:01:19 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source

module example.reference.chapter11;

import tango.util.collection.HashMap;
import tango.util.collection.ArrayBag;
import tango.util.collection.LinkSeq;
import tango.util.collection.CircularSeq;
import tango.util.collection.ArraySeq;
import tango.util.collection.TreeBag;
import tango.util.collection.iterator.FilteringIterator;
import tango.util.collection.iterator.InterleavingIterator;

import tango.core.Exception;

import tango.util.collection.model.Comparator;
import tango.util.collection.impl.BagCollection;
import tango.util.collection.impl.SeqCollection;
import Ascii = tango.text.Ascii;

void linkedListExample(){
    Stdout.format( "linkedListExample" ).newline;
    alias LinkSeq!(char[]) StrList;
    StrList lst = new StrList();

    lst.append( "value1" );
    lst.append( "value2" );
    lst.append( "value3" );

    auto it = lst.elements();
    // The call to .more gives true, if there are more elements
    // and switches the iterator to the next one if available.
    while( it.more ){
        char[] item_value = it.get;
        Stdout.format( "Value:{0}", item_value ).newline;

void hashMapExample(){
    Stdout.format( "hashMapExample" ).newline;
    alias HashMap!(char[], char[]) StrStrMap;
    StrStrMap map = new StrStrMap();
    map.add( "key1", "value1" );
    char[] key = "key1";
    Stdout.format( "Key: {0}, Value:{1}", key, map.get( key )).newline;

    auto it = map.keys();
    // The call to .more gives true, if there are more elements
    // and switches the iterator to the next one if available.
    while( it.more ){
        char[] item_key = void;
        char[] item_value = it.get( item_key ); // only for maps, the key is returns via inout
        Stdout.format( "Key: {0}, Value:{1}", item_key, item_value ).newline;

void testComparator(){
    char[][] result;

    // Create and fill the containers
    auto nameSet = new TreeBag!(char[])( null, new class() Comparator!(char[]){
        int compare( char[] first, char[] second ){
            return Ascii.icompare( first, second );

    nameSet.addIf( "Alice" );
    nameSet.addIf( "Bob" );
    nameSet.addIf( "aliCe" );

    // use foreach to iterate over the container
    foreach ( char[] i; nameSet )
        result ~= i;
 foreach( char[] i; result ) Stdout.format( "{0} ", i );

    // test the result
    assert( result == [ "Alice", "Bob" ], "testIterator" );

void testSreener(){
    int[] result;

    // Create and fill the containers
    auto ratioSamples = new ArraySeq!(float)( (float v){
        return v >= 0.0f && v < 1.0f;

    ratioSamples.append( 0.0f );
    ratioSamples.append( 0.5f );
    ratioSamples.append( 0.99999f );
    // try to insert a value that is not allowed
        ratioSamples.append( 1.0f );
        // will never get here
        assert( false );
    } catch( IllegalElementException e ){

void testForeach(){
    int[] result;

    // Create and fill the containers
    auto l1 = new CircularSeq!(int);
    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i+=2 ){
        l1.append( i );

    // use foreach to iterate over the container
    foreach ( int i; l1 )
        result ~= i;
//     foreach_reverse ( int i; l1 )
//         result ~= i;

    // test the result
    assert( result == [ 0, 2, 4 ], "testIterator" );

void testIterator(){
    int[] result;

    // Create and fill the containers
    auto l1 = new LinkSeq!(int);
    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i+=2 ){
        l1.append( i );

    // define the Iterator
    auto it = l1.elements();

    // use the Iterator to iterate over the container
    while (it.more())
        result ~= it.get();

    // test the result
    assert( result == [ 0, 2, 4 ], "testIterator" );

void testFilteringIterator(){
    int[] result;
    alias ArrayBag!(int) IntBag;

    // Create and fill the container
    auto ib = new IntBag;
    for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ){
        ib.add( i );

    // define the FilteringIterator with a function literal
    auto it = new FilteringIterator!(int)( ib.elements(), (int i){
        return i >= 3 && i < 7;

    // use the Iterator with the more()/get() pattern
    while (it.more())
        result ~= it.get();

    // test the result
    assert( result == [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "testFilteringIterator" );


void testFilteringIteratorRemove(){
    int[] result;

    // Create and fill the container
    auto container = new LinkSeq!(int);
    for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){
        container.append( i );

    // 1. Build a list of elements to delete
    auto dellist = new LinkSeq!(int);
    foreach( int i; container ){
        if( i < 3 || i >= 7 ){
            // container.remove( i ); /* NOT POSSIBLE */
            dellist.append( i );
    // 2. Iterate over this deletion list and
    // delete the items in the original container.
    foreach( int i; dellist ){
        container.remove( i );

    foreach ( int i; container )
        result ~= i;

    // test the result
    assert( result == [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "testFilteringIterator" );


void testInterleavingIterator(){
    int[] result;

    // Create and fill the containers
    auto l1 = new LinkSeq!(int);
    auto l2 = new ArraySeq!(int);
    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i+=2 ){
        l1.append( i );
        l2.append( i+1 );

    // define the InterleavingIterator
    auto it = new InterleavingIterator!(int)( l1.elements(), l2.elements() );

    // use the InterleavingIterator to iterate over the container
    while (it.more())
        result ~= it.get();

    // test the result
    assert( result == [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "testInterleavingIterator" );

// foreach( int i; result ) Stdout.format( "{0} ", i );
// Stdout.newline;

void main(){
    Stdout.format( "reference - Chapter 11 Example" ).newline;


    Stdout.format( "=== End ===" ).newline;