view gen/aa.cpp @ 270:d9d5d59873d8 trunk

[svn r291] Fixed a bunch of the old Phobos tests to work with Tango. Branch statements now emit a new block after it. Fixed the _adSort runtime function had a bad signature. Added a missing dot prefix on compiler generated string tables for string switch. Fixed, PTRSIZE seems like it was wrong on 64bit, now it definitely gets set properly.
author lindquist
date Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:01:19 +0200
parents a95056b3c996
children 665b81613475
line wrap: on
line source

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include "mtype.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "aggregate.h"

#include "gen/aa.h"
#include "gen/runtime.h"
#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/logger.h"
#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/dvalue.h"

// makes sure the key value lives in memory so it can be passed to the runtime functions without problems
// returns the pointer
static LLValue* to_pkey(DValue* key)
    Type* keytype = key->getType();
    bool needmem = !DtoIsPassedByRef(keytype);
    LLValue* pkey;
    if (key->isIm()) {
        pkey = key->getRVal();
    else if (DVarValue* var = key->isVar()) {
        if (var->lval) {
            pkey = key->getLVal();
            needmem = false;
        else {
            pkey = key->getRVal();
    else if (key->isConst()) {
        needmem = true;
        pkey = key->getRVal();
    else {
        LLValue* tmp = new llvm::AllocaInst(DtoType(keytype), "aatmpkeystorage", gIR->topallocapoint());
        DVarValue* var = new DVarValue(keytype, tmp, true);
        DtoAssign(var, key);
        return tmp;

    // give memory
    if (needmem) {
        LLValue* tmp = new llvm::AllocaInst(DtoType(keytype), "aatmpkeystorage", gIR->topallocapoint());
        DtoStore(pkey, tmp);
        pkey = tmp;

    return pkey;

// returns the keytype typeinfo
static LLValue* to_keyti(DValue* key)
    // keyti param
    Type* keytype = key->getType();
    return DtoTypeInfoOf(keytype, false);


DValue* DtoAAIndex(Type* type, DValue* aa, DValue* key)
    // call:
    // extern(C) void* _aaGet(AA* aa, TypeInfo keyti, void* pkey, size_t valuesize)

    // first get the runtime function
    llvm::Function* func = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_aaGet");
    const llvm::FunctionType* funcTy = func->getFunctionType();

    // aa param
    LLValue* aaval = aa->getLVal();
    aaval = DtoBitCast(aaval, funcTy->getParamType(0));

    // keyti param
    LLValue* keyti = to_keyti(key);
    keyti = DtoBitCast(keyti, funcTy->getParamType(1));

    // valuesize param
    LLValue* valsize = DtoConstSize_t(getABITypeSize(DtoType(type)));

    // pkey param
    LLValue* pkey = to_pkey(key);
    pkey = DtoBitCast(pkey, funcTy->getParamType(3));

    // call runtime
    LLValue* ret = gIR->ir->CreateCall4(func, aaval, keyti, valsize, pkey, "aa.index");

    // cast return value
    const LLType* targettype = getPtrToType(DtoType(type));
    if (ret->getType() != targettype)
        ret = DtoBitCast(ret, targettype);

    return new DVarValue(type, ret, true);


DValue* DtoAAIn(Type* type, DValue* aa, DValue* key)
    // call:
    // extern(C) void* _aaIn(AA aa*, TypeInfo keyti, void* pkey)

    // first get the runtime function
    llvm::Function* func = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_aaIn");
    const llvm::FunctionType* funcTy = func->getFunctionType();

    Logger::cout() << "_aaIn = " << *func << '\n';

    // aa param
    LLValue* aaval = aa->getRVal();
    Logger::cout() << "aaval: " << *aaval << '\n';
    Logger::cout() << "totype: " << *funcTy->getParamType(0) << '\n';
    aaval = DtoBitCast(aaval, funcTy->getParamType(0));

    // keyti param
    LLValue* keyti = to_keyti(key);
    keyti = DtoBitCast(keyti, funcTy->getParamType(1));

    // pkey param
    LLValue* pkey = to_pkey(key);
    pkey = DtoBitCast(pkey, funcTy->getParamType(2));

    // call runtime
    LLValue* ret = gIR->ir->CreateCall3(func, aaval, keyti, pkey, "");

    // cast return value
    const LLType* targettype = DtoType(type);
    if (ret->getType() != targettype)
        ret = DtoBitCast(ret, targettype);

    return new DImValue(type, ret);


void DtoAARemove(DValue* aa, DValue* key)
    // call:
    // extern(C) void _aaDel(AA aa, TypeInfo keyti, void* pkey)

    // first get the runtime function
    llvm::Function* func = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_aaDel");
    const llvm::FunctionType* funcTy = func->getFunctionType();

    Logger::cout() << "_aaDel = " << *func << '\n';

    // aa param
    LLValue* aaval = aa->getRVal();
    Logger::cout() << "aaval: " << *aaval << '\n';
    Logger::cout() << "totype: " << *funcTy->getParamType(0) << '\n';
    aaval = DtoBitCast(aaval, funcTy->getParamType(0));

    // keyti param
    LLValue* keyti = to_keyti(key);
    keyti = DtoBitCast(keyti, funcTy->getParamType(1));

    // pkey param
    LLValue* pkey = to_pkey(key);
    pkey = DtoBitCast(pkey, funcTy->getParamType(2));

    // build arg vector
    LLSmallVector<LLValue*, 3> args;

    // call runtime
    gIR->ir->CreateCall(func, args.begin(), args.end(),"");