view demos/ray.d @ 270:d9d5d59873d8 trunk

[svn r291] Fixed a bunch of the old Phobos tests to work with Tango. Branch statements now emit a new block after it. Fixed the _adSort runtime function had a bad signature. Added a missing dot prefix on compiler generated string tables for string switch. Fixed, PTRSIZE seems like it was wrong on 64bit, now it definitely gets set properly.
author lindquist
date Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:01:19 +0200
parents a2c4dc388d5e
children 718ddecc053c
line wrap: on
line source

import tango.stdc.stdio;

alias char[] string;

int atoi(char[] s) {
    int i, fac=1;
    bool neg = (s.length) && (s[0] == '-');
    char[] a = neg ? s[1..$] : s;
    foreach_reverse(c; a) {
        i += (c-'0') * fac;
        fac *= 10;
    return !neg ? i : -i;

pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.sqrt.f64")
double sqrt(double val);
    import tango.stdc.math;

double delta;
static this() { delta=sqrt(real.epsilon); }

struct Vec {
  double x, y, z;
  Vec opAdd(ref Vec other) { return Vec(x+other.x, y+other.y, z+other.z); }
  Vec opSub(ref Vec other) { return Vec(x-other.x, y-other.y, z-other.z); }
  Vec opMul(double a) { return Vec(x*a, y*a, z*a); }
  double dot(ref Vec other) { return x*other.x+y*other.y+z*other.z; }
  Vec unitise() { return opMul(1.0/sqrt(dot(*this))); }

struct Pair(T, U) { T first; U second; }
typedef Pair!(double, Vec) Hit;

struct Ray { Vec orig, dir; }

class Scene {
  //abstract void intersect(ref Hit, ref Ray);
  void intersect(ref Hit, ref Ray) {}

class Sphere : Scene {
  Vec center;
  double radius;
  //mixin This!("center, radius");
  this(ref Vec c, double r)
    center = c;
    radius = r;
  double ray_sphere(ref Ray ray) {
    auto v = center - ray.orig, b =, disc=b*b - + radius*radius;
    if (disc < 0) return double.infinity;
    auto d = sqrt(disc), t2 = b + d;
    if (t2 < 0) return double.infinity;
    auto t1 = b - d;
    return (t1 > 0 ? t1 : t2);
  void intersect(ref Hit hit, ref Ray ray) {
    auto lambda = ray_sphere(ray);
    if (lambda < hit.first)
      hit = Hit(lambda, (ray.orig + lambda*ray.dir - center).unitise);

class Group : Scene {
  Sphere bound;
  Scene[] children;
  //mixin This!("bound, children");
  this (Sphere s, Scene[] c)
    bound = s;
    children = c;
  void intersect(ref Hit hit, ref Ray ray) {
    auto l = bound.ray_sphere(ray);
    if (l < hit.first) foreach (child; children) child.intersect(hit, ray);

double ray_trace(ref Vec light, ref Ray ray, Scene s) {
  auto hit=Hit(double.infinity, Vec(0, 0, 0));
  s.intersect(hit, ray);
  if (hit.first == double.infinity) return 0.0;
  auto g =;
  if (g >= 0) return 0.0;
  auto p = ray.orig + ray.dir*hit.first + hit.second*delta;
  auto hit2=Hit(double.infinity, Vec(0, 0, 0));
  s.intersect(hit2, Ray(p, light*-1.0));
  return (hit2.first < double.infinity ? 0 : -g);

Scene create(int level, ref Vec c, double r) {
  auto s = new Sphere(c, r);
  if (level == 1) return s;
  Scene[] children;
  children ~= s;
  double rn = 3*r/sqrt(12.0);
  for (int dz=-1; dz<=1; dz+=2)
    for (int dx=-1; dx<=1; dx+=2)
      children~=create(level-1, c + Vec(dx, 1, dz)*rn, r/2);
  return new Group(new Sphere(c, 3*r), children);

void main(string[] args) {
  int level = (args.length==3 ? args[1].atoi() : 9),
    n = (args.length==3 ? args[2].atoi() : 512), ss = 4;
  auto light = Vec(-1, -3, 2).unitise();
  auto s=create(level, Vec(0, -1, 0), 1);
  printf("P5\n%d %d\n255\n", n,n);
  for (int y=n-1; y>=0; --y)
    for (int x=0; x<n; ++x) {
      double g=0;
      for (int d=0; d<ss*ss; ++d) {
        auto dir=Vec(x+(d%ss)*1.0/ss-n/2.0, y+(d/ss)*1.0/ss-n/2.0, n).unitise();
        g += ray_trace(light, Ray(Vec(0, 0, -4), dir), s);
      printf("%c", cast(ubyte)(0.5 + 255.0 * g / (ss*ss)));