view premake.lua @ 11:d3ee9efe20e2 trunk

[svn r15] * Fixed a bunch problems with virtual calls. Seems I did some rather poor testing. * Now 50/51 tests compile. * Added a simple runalltests.d scripts that should be run with 'gdmd -run runalltests.d' - LLVMDC will not compile it yet.
author lindquist
date Tue, 02 Oct 2007 05:10:18 +0200
parents e116aa1488e6
children 3cfcb944304e
line wrap: on
line source = llvmdc
project.bindir = "bin"

package = newpackage() = "idgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/idgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "bin/idgen", "mv -f id.c id.h dmd" }

package = newpackage() = "impcnvgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "bin/impcnvgen", "mv -f impcnvtab.c dmd" }

package = newpackage() = "llvmdc"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { matchfiles("dmd/*.c"), matchfiles("gen/*.c") }
package.excludes = { "dmd/idgen.c", "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++", "`llvm-config --cxxflags`" }
package.linkoptions = { "`llvm-config --libs native bitwriter bitreader`", "`llvm-config --ldflags`" }
package.defines = { "IN_LLVM", "_DH" }
package.config.Release.defines = { "LLVMD_NO_LOGGER" }
package.config.Debug.buildoptions = { "-g" }
--package.targetprefix = "llvm"
package.includepaths = { ".", "dmd" }
--package.postbuildcommands = { "cd runtime; ./; cd .." }
package.links = { "gc" }