view lphobos/std/traits.d @ 346:c9d5c711d65a trunk

[svn r367] In web dstress statistics, write change lists sorted by filename.
author ChristianK
date Sun, 13 Jul 2008 09:14:01 +0200
parents 61615fa85940
children 373489eeaf90
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line source

// Written in the D programming language.

 * Templates with which to extract information about
 * types at compile time.
 * Macros:
 *  WIKI = Phobos/StdTraits
 * Copyright:
 *  Public Domain

 * Authors:
 *  Walter Bright, Digital Mars,
 *  Tomasz Stachowiak (isStaticArray, isExpressionTuple)

module std.traits;

 * Get the type of the return value from a function,
 * a pointer to function, or a delegate.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * import std.traits;
 * int foo();
 * ReturnType!(foo) x;   // x is declared as int
 * ---
template ReturnType(alias dg)
    alias ReturnType!(typeof(dg)) ReturnType;

/** ditto */
template ReturnType(dg)
    static if (is(dg R == return))
    alias R ReturnType;
    static assert(0, "argument has no return type");

 * Get the types of the paramters to a function,
 * a pointer to function, or a delegate as a tuple.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * import std.traits;
 * int foo(int, long);
 * void bar(ParameterTypeTuple!(foo));      // declares void bar(int, long);
 * void abc(ParameterTypeTuple!(foo)[1]);   // declares void abc(long);
 * ---
template ParameterTypeTuple(alias dg)
    alias ParameterTypeTuple!(typeof(dg)) ParameterTypeTuple;

/** ditto */
template ParameterTypeTuple(dg)
    static if (is(dg P == function))
    alias P ParameterTypeTuple;
    else static if (is(dg P == delegate))
    alias ParameterTypeTuple!(P) ParameterTypeTuple;
    else static if (is(dg P == P*))
    alias ParameterTypeTuple!(P) ParameterTypeTuple;
    static assert(0, "argument has no parameters");

 * Get the types of the fields of a struct or class.
 * This consists of the fields that take up memory space,
 * excluding the hidden fields like the virtual function
 * table pointer.

template FieldTypeTuple(S)
    static if (is(S == struct) || is(S == class))
    alias typeof(S.tupleof) FieldTypeTuple;
    static assert(0, "argument is not struct or class");

 * Get a TypeTuple of the base class and base interfaces of
 * this class or interface.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * import std.traits, std.typetuple, std.stdio;
 * interface I { }
 * class A { }
 * class B : A, I { }
 * void main()
 * {
 *     alias BaseTypeTuple!(B) TL;
 *     writefln(typeid(TL));    // prints: (A,I)
 * }
 * ---

template BaseTypeTuple(A)
    static if (is(A P == super))
    alias P BaseTypeTuple;
    static assert(0, "argument is not a class or interface");

    interface I { }
    class A { }
    class B : A, I { }

    alias BaseTypeTuple!(B) TL;
    assert(TL.length == 2);
    assert(is (TL[0] == A));
    assert(is (TL[1] == I));

/* *******************************************
template isStaticArray_impl(T)
    const T inst = void;
    static if (is(typeof(T.length)))
    static if (!is(typeof(T) == typeof(T.init)))
    {           // abuses the fact that int[5].init == int
        static if (is(T == typeof(T[0])[inst.length]))
        {   // sanity check. this check alone isn't enough because dmd complains about dynamic arrays
        const bool res = true;
        const bool res = false;
        const bool res = false;
        const bool res = false;
 * Detect whether type T is a static array.
template isStaticArray(T)
    const bool isStaticArray = isStaticArray_impl!(T).res;

static assert (isStaticArray!(int[51]));
static assert (isStaticArray!(int[][2]));
//static assert (isStaticArray!(char[][int][11]));
static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[]));
//static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[char]));
static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[1][]));

template isArray(T)
    const bool isArray=false;
template isArray(T: T[])
    const bool isArray=true;

 * Tells whether the tuple T is an expression tuple.
template isExpressionTuple(T ...)
    static if (is(void function(T)))
    const bool isExpressionTuple = false;
    const bool isExpressionTuple = true;