view dmd/declaration.c @ 302:bef811104734 trunk

[svn r323] Branching out of inline asm works. Renamed emit_finallyblocks to DtoFinallyBlocks and moved to llvmhelpers. Added enclosingtryfinally to AsmBlockStatement, so branches out of asm blocks respect finallys. Refactored some GotoStatement code into DtoGoto.
author ChristianK
date Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:39:09 +0200
parents d61ce72c39ab
children 2b72433d5c8c
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2007 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "init.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "attrib.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "template.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "hdrgen.h"

/********************************* Declaration ****************************/

Declaration::Declaration(Identifier *id)
    : Dsymbol(id)
    type = NULL;
    originalType = NULL;
    storage_class = STCundefined;
    protection = PROTundefined;
    linkage = LINKdefault;

void Declaration::semantic(Scope *sc)

char *Declaration::kind()
    return "declaration";

unsigned Declaration::size(Loc loc)
    return type->size();

int Declaration::isStaticConstructor()
    return FALSE;

int Declaration::isStaticDestructor()
    return FALSE;

int Declaration::isDelete()
    return FALSE;

int Declaration::isDataseg()
    return FALSE;

int Declaration::isCodeseg()
    return FALSE;

enum PROT Declaration::prot()
    return protection;

/********************************* TupleDeclaration ****************************/

TupleDeclaration::TupleDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, Objects *objects)
    : Declaration(id)
    this->type = NULL;
    this->objects = objects;
    this->isexp = 0;
    this->tupletype = NULL;

Dsymbol *TupleDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    return NULL;

char *TupleDeclaration::kind()
    return "tuple";

Type *TupleDeclaration::getType()
    /* If this tuple represents a type, return that type

    //printf("TupleDeclaration::getType() %s\n", toChars());
    if (isexp)
	return NULL;
    if (!tupletype)
	/* It's only a type tuple if all the Object's are types
	for (size_t i = 0; i < objects->dim; i++)
	{   Object *o = (Object *)objects->data[i];

	    if (o->dyncast() != DYNCAST_TYPE)
		//printf("\tnot[%d], %p, %d\n", i, o, o->dyncast());
		return NULL;

	/* We know it's a type tuple, so build the TypeTuple
	Arguments *args = new Arguments();
	OutBuffer buf;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < objects->dim; i++)
	{   Type *t = (Type *)objects->data[i];

	    //printf("type = %s\n", t->toChars());
#if 0
	    buf.printf("_%s_%d", ident->toChars(), i);
	    char *name = (char *)buf.extractData();
	    Identifier *id = new Identifier(name, TOKidentifier);
	    Argument *arg = new Argument(STCin, t, id, NULL);
	    Argument *arg = new Argument(STCin, t, NULL, NULL);
	    args->data[i] = (void *)arg;

	tupletype = new TypeTuple(args);

    return tupletype;

int TupleDeclaration::needThis()
    //printf("TupleDeclaration::needThis(%s)\n", toChars());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < objects->dim; i++)
    {   Object *o = (Object *)objects->data[i];
	if (o->dyncast() == DYNCAST_EXPRESSION)
	{   Expression *e = (Expression *)o;
	    if (e->op == TOKdsymbol)
	    {	DsymbolExp *ve = (DsymbolExp *)e;
		Declaration *d = ve->s->isDeclaration();
		if (d && d->needThis())
		    return 1;
    return 0;

/********************************* TypedefDeclaration ****************************/

TypedefDeclaration::TypedefDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, Type *basetype, Initializer *init)
    : Declaration(id)
    this->type = new TypeTypedef(this);
    this->basetype = basetype->toBasetype();
    this->init = init;
#ifdef _DH
    this->htype = NULL;
    this->hbasetype = NULL;
    this->sem = 0;
    this->inuse = 0;
    this->loc = loc;
    this->sinit = NULL;

Dsymbol *TypedefDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    Type *basetype = this->basetype->syntaxCopy();

    Initializer *init = NULL;
    if (this->init)
	init = this->init->syntaxCopy();

    TypedefDeclaration *st;
    st = new TypedefDeclaration(loc, ident, basetype, init);
#ifdef _DH
    // Syntax copy for header file
    if (!htype)      // Don't overwrite original
    {	if (type)    // Make copy for both old and new instances
	{   htype = type->syntaxCopy();
	    st->htype = type->syntaxCopy();
    else            // Make copy of original for new instance
        st->htype = htype->syntaxCopy();
    if (!hbasetype)
    {	if (basetype)
	{   hbasetype = basetype->syntaxCopy();
	    st->hbasetype = basetype->syntaxCopy();
        st->hbasetype = hbasetype->syntaxCopy();
    return st;

void TypedefDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("TypedefDeclaration::semantic(%s) sem = %d\n", toChars(), sem);
    if (sem == 0)
    {	sem = 1;
	basetype = basetype->semantic(loc, sc);
	sem = 2;
	type = type->semantic(loc, sc);
	if (sc->parent->isFuncDeclaration() && init)
    else if (sem == 1)
	error("circular definition");

void TypedefDeclaration::semantic2(Scope *sc)
    //printf("TypedefDeclaration::semantic2(%s) sem = %d\n", toChars(), sem);
    if (sem == 2)
    {	sem = 3;
	if (init)
	    init = init->semantic(sc, basetype);

	    ExpInitializer *ie = init->isExpInitializer();
	    if (ie)
		if (ie->exp->type == basetype)
		    ie->exp->type = type;

char *TypedefDeclaration::kind()
    return "typedef";

Type *TypedefDeclaration::getType()
    return type;

void TypedefDeclaration::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("typedef ");
    basetype->toCBuffer(buf, ident, hgs);
    if (init)
	buf->writestring(" = ");
	init->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/********************************* AliasDeclaration ****************************/

AliasDeclaration::AliasDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, Type *type)
    : Declaration(id)
    //printf("AliasDeclaration(id = '%s', type = %p)\n", id->toChars(), type);
    //printf("type = '%s'\n", type->toChars());
    this->loc = loc;
    this->type = type;
    this->aliassym = NULL;
#ifdef _DH
    this->htype = NULL;
    this->haliassym = NULL;
    this->overnext = NULL;
    this->inSemantic = 0;

AliasDeclaration::AliasDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, Dsymbol *s)
    : Declaration(id)
    //printf("AliasDeclaration(id = '%s', s = %p)\n", id->toChars(), s);
    assert(s != this);
    this->loc = loc;
    this->type = NULL;
    this->aliassym = s;
#ifdef _DH
    this->htype = NULL;
    this->haliassym = NULL;
    this->overnext = NULL;
    this->inSemantic = 0;

Dsymbol *AliasDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    AliasDeclaration *sa;
    if (type)
	sa = new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, type->syntaxCopy());
	sa = new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, aliassym->syntaxCopy(NULL));
#ifdef _DH
    // Syntax copy for header file
    if (!htype)	    // Don't overwrite original
    {	if (type)	// Make copy for both old and new instances
	{   htype = type->syntaxCopy();
	    sa->htype = type->syntaxCopy();
    else			// Make copy of original for new instance
	sa->htype = htype->syntaxCopy();
    if (!haliassym)
    {	if (aliassym)
	{   haliassym = aliassym->syntaxCopy(s);
	    sa->haliassym = aliassym->syntaxCopy(s);
	sa->haliassym = haliassym->syntaxCopy(s);
    return sa;

void AliasDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("AliasDeclaration::semantic() %s\n", toChars());
    if (aliassym)
	if (aliassym->isTemplateInstance())
    this->inSemantic = 1;

    if (storage_class & STCconst)
	error("cannot be const");

    storage_class |= sc->stc & STCdeprecated;

    // Given:
    //	alias def;
    // it is not knowable from the syntax whether this is an alias
    // for a type or an alias for a symbol. It is up to the semantic()
    // pass to distinguish.
    // If it is a type, then type is set and getType() will return that
    // type. If it is a symbol, then aliassym is set and type is NULL -
    // toAlias() will return aliasssym.

    Dsymbol *s;
    Type *t;
    Expression *e;

    /* This section is needed because resolve() will:
     *   const x = 3;
     *   alias x y;
     * try to alias y to 3.
    s = type->toDsymbol(sc);
    if (s)
	goto L2;			// it's a symbolic alias

    //printf("alias type is %s\n", type->toChars());
    type->resolve(loc, sc, &e, &t, &s);
    if (s)
	goto L2;
    else if (e)
	// Try to convert Expression to Dsymbol
        if (e->op == TOKvar)
	{   s = ((VarExp *)e)->var;
	    goto L2;
        else if (e->op == TOKfunction)
	{   s = ((FuncExp *)e)->fd;
	    goto L2;
	{   error("cannot alias an expression %s", e->toChars());
	    t = e->type;
    else if (t)
	type = t;
    if (overnext)
	ScopeDsymbol::multiplyDefined(0, this, overnext);
    this->inSemantic = 0;

    //printf("alias is a symbol %s %s\n", s->kind(), s->toChars());
    type = NULL;
    VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration();
    if (v && v->linkage == LINKdefault)
	error("forward reference of %s", v->toChars());
	s = NULL;
	FuncDeclaration *f = s->toAlias()->isFuncDeclaration();
	if (f)
	    if (overnext)
		FuncAliasDeclaration *fa = new FuncAliasDeclaration(f);
		if (!fa->overloadInsert(overnext))
		    ScopeDsymbol::multiplyDefined(0, f, overnext);
		overnext = NULL;
		s = fa;
		s->parent = sc->parent;
	if (overnext)
	    ScopeDsymbol::multiplyDefined(0, s, overnext);
	if (s == this)
	    s = NULL;
    aliassym = s;
    this->inSemantic = 0;

int AliasDeclaration::overloadInsert(Dsymbol *s)
    /* Don't know yet what the aliased symbol is, so assume it can
     * be overloaded and check later for correctness.

    //printf("AliasDeclaration::overloadInsert('%s')\n", s->toChars());
    if (overnext == NULL)
    {	overnext = s;
	return TRUE;
	return overnext->overloadInsert(s);

char *AliasDeclaration::kind()
    return "alias";

Type *AliasDeclaration::getType()
    return type;

Dsymbol *AliasDeclaration::toAlias()
    //printf("AliasDeclaration::toAlias('%s', this = %p, aliassym = %p, kind = '%s')\n", toChars(), this, aliassym, aliassym ? aliassym->kind() : "");
    assert(this != aliassym);
    //static int count; if (++count == 10) *(char*)0=0;
    if (inSemantic)
    {	error("recursive alias declaration");
//	return this;
    Dsymbol *s = aliassym ? aliassym->toAlias() : this;
    return s;

void AliasDeclaration::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("alias ");
#if 0 && _DH
    if (hgs->hdrgen)
	if (haliassym)
	    haliassym->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
	    buf->writeByte(' ');
	    htype->toCBuffer(buf, ident, hgs);
	if (aliassym)
	    aliassym->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
	    buf->writeByte(' ');
	    type->toCBuffer(buf, ident, hgs);

/********************************* VarDeclaration ****************************/

VarDeclaration::VarDeclaration(Loc loc, Type *type, Identifier *id, Initializer *init)
    : Declaration(id)
    //printf("VarDeclaration('%s')\n", id->toChars());
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (!type && !init)
    {	printf("VarDeclaration('%s')\n", id->toChars());
    assert(type || init);
    this->type = type;
    this->init = init;
#ifdef _DH
    this->htype = NULL;
    this->hinit = NULL;
    this->loc = loc;
    offset = 0;
    noauto = 0;
    nestedref = 0;
    inuse = 0;
    ctorinit = 0;
    aliassym = NULL;
    onstack = 0;
    canassign = 0;
    value = NULL;

    // LLVMDC
    needsStorage = false;

Dsymbol *VarDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    //printf("VarDeclaration::syntaxCopy(%s)\n", toChars());

    VarDeclaration *sv;
    if (s)
    {	sv = (VarDeclaration *)s;
	Initializer *init = NULL;
	if (this->init)
	{   init = this->init->syntaxCopy();

	sv = new VarDeclaration(loc, type ? type->syntaxCopy() : NULL, ident, init);
	sv->storage_class = storage_class;
    // LLVMDC
    sv->needsStorage = needsStorage;
#ifdef _DH
    // Syntax copy for header file
    if (!htype)      // Don't overwrite original
    {	if (type)    // Make copy for both old and new instances
	{   htype = type->syntaxCopy();
	    sv->htype = type->syntaxCopy();
    else            // Make copy of original for new instance
        sv->htype = htype->syntaxCopy();
    if (!hinit)
    {	if (init)
	{   hinit = init->syntaxCopy();
	    sv->hinit = init->syntaxCopy();
        sv->hinit = hinit->syntaxCopy();
    return sv;

void VarDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("VarDeclaration::semantic('%s', parent = '%s')\n", toChars(), sc->parent->toChars());
    //printf("type = %s\n", type->toChars());
    //printf("linkage = %d\n", sc->linkage);
    //if (strcmp(toChars(), "mul") == 0) halt();

    storage_class |= sc->stc;
    if (storage_class & STCextern && init)
	error("extern symbols cannot have initializers");

    /* If auto type inference, do the inference
    int inferred = 0;
    if (!type)
    {	inuse++;
	type = init->inferType(sc);
	inferred = 1;

	/* This is a kludge to support the existing syntax for RAII
	 * declarations.
	storage_class &= ~STCauto;
	originalType = type;
    {	if (!originalType)
	    originalType = type;
	type = type->semantic(loc, sc);

    type->checkDeprecated(loc, sc);
    linkage = sc->linkage;
    this->parent = sc->parent;
    //printf("this = %p, parent = %p, '%s'\n", this, parent, parent->toChars());
    protection = sc->protection;
    //printf("sc->stc = %x\n", sc->stc);
    //printf("storage_class = %x\n", storage_class);

    Dsymbol *parent = toParent();
    FuncDeclaration *fd = parent->isFuncDeclaration();

    Type *tb = type->toBasetype();
    if (tb->ty == Tvoid && !(storage_class & STClazy))
    {	error("voids have no value");
	type = Type::terror;
	tb = type;
    if (tb->ty == Tfunction)
    {	error("cannot be declared to be a function");
	type = Type::terror;
	tb = type;
    if (tb->ty == Tstruct)
    {	TypeStruct *ts = (TypeStruct *)tb;

	if (!ts->sym->members)
	    error("no definition of struct %s", ts->toChars());

    if (tb->ty == Ttuple)
    {   /* Instead, declare variables for each of the tuple elements
	 * and add those.
	TypeTuple *tt = (TypeTuple *)tb;
	size_t nelems = Argument::dim(tt->arguments);
	Objects *exps = new Objects();
	Expression *ie = init ? init->toExpression() : NULL;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < nelems; i++)
	{   Argument *arg = Argument::getNth(tt->arguments, i);

	    OutBuffer buf;
	    buf.printf("_%s_field_%zu", ident->toChars(), i);
	    char *name = (char *)buf.extractData();
	    Identifier *id = new Identifier(name, TOKidentifier);

	    Expression *einit = ie;
	    if (ie && ie->op == TOKtuple)
	    {	einit = (Expression *)((TupleExp *)ie)->exps->data[i];
	    Initializer *ti = init;
	    if (einit)
	    {	ti = new ExpInitializer(einit->loc, einit);

	    VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, arg->type, id, ti);
	    //printf("declaring field %s of type %s\n", v->toChars(), v->type->toChars());

	    if (sc->scopesym)
	    {	//printf("adding %s to %s\n", v->toChars(), sc->scopesym->toChars());
		if (sc->scopesym->members)

	    Expression *e = new DsymbolExp(loc, v);
	    exps->data[i] = e;
	TupleDeclaration *v2 = new TupleDeclaration(loc, ident, exps);
	v2->isexp = 1;
	aliassym = v2;

    if (storage_class & STCconst && !init && !fd)
	// Initialize by constructor only
	storage_class = (storage_class & ~STCconst) | STCctorinit;

    if (isConst())
    else if (isStatic())
    else if (isSynchronized())
	error("variable %s cannot be synchronized", toChars());
    else if (isOverride())
	error("override cannot be applied to variable");
    else if (isAbstract())
	error("abstract cannot be applied to variable");
    else if (storage_class & STCtemplateparameter)
	AggregateDeclaration *aad = sc->anonAgg;
	if (!aad)
	    aad = parent->isAggregateDeclaration();
	if (aad)
	    aad->addField(sc, this);

	InterfaceDeclaration *id = parent->isInterfaceDeclaration();
	if (id)
	    error("field not allowed in interface");

	TemplateInstance *ti = parent->isTemplateInstance();
	if (ti)
	    // Take care of nested templates
	    while (1)
		TemplateInstance *ti2 = ti->tempdecl->parent->isTemplateInstance();
		if (!ti2)
		ti = ti2;

	    // If it's a member template
	    AggregateDeclaration *ad = ti->tempdecl->isMember();
	    if (ad && storage_class != STCundefined)
		error("cannot use template to add field to aggregate '%s'", ad->toChars());

    if (type->isauto() && !noauto)
	if (storage_class & (STCfield | STCout | STCref | STCstatic) || !fd)
	    error("globals, statics, fields, ref and out parameters cannot be auto");

	if (!(storage_class & (STCauto | STCscope)))
	    if (!(storage_class & STCparameter) && ident != Id::withSym)
		error("reference to scope class must be scope");

    if (!init && !sc->inunion && !isStatic() && !isConst() && fd &&
	!(storage_class & (STCfield | STCin | STCforeach)) &&
	type->size() != 0)
	// Provide a default initializer
	//printf("Providing default initializer for '%s'\n", toChars());
	if (type->ty == Tstruct &&
	    ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym->zeroInit == 1)
	{   /* If a struct is all zeros, as a special case
	     * set it's initializer to the integer 0.
	     * In AssignExp::toElem(), we check for this and issue
	     * a memset() to initialize the struct.
	     * Must do same check in interpreter.
	    Expression *e = new IntegerExp(loc, 0, Type::tint32);
	    Expression *e1;
	    e1 = new VarExp(loc, this);
	    e = new AssignExp(loc, e1, e);
	    e->type = e1->type;
	    init = new ExpInitializer(loc, e/*->type->defaultInit()*/);
	else if (type->ty == Ttypedef)
	{   TypeTypedef *td = (TypeTypedef *)type;
	    if (td->sym->init)
	    {	init = td->sym->init;
		ExpInitializer *ie = init->isExpInitializer();
		if (ie)
		    // Make copy so we can modify it
		    init = new ExpInitializer(ie->loc, ie->exp);
		init = getExpInitializer();
	    init = getExpInitializer();

    if (init)
	ArrayInitializer *ai = init->isArrayInitializer();
	if (ai && tb->ty == Taarray)
	    init = ai->toAssocArrayInitializer();

	StructInitializer *si = init->isStructInitializer();
	ExpInitializer *ei = init->isExpInitializer();

	// See if we can allocate on the stack
	if (ei && isScope() && ei->exp->op == TOKnew)
	{   NewExp *ne = (NewExp *)ei->exp;
	    if (!(ne->newargs && ne->newargs->dim))
	    {	ne->onstack = 1;
		onstack = 1;
		if (type->isBaseOf(ne->newtype->semantic(loc, sc), NULL))
		    onstack = 2;

	// If inside function, there is no semantic3() call
	if (sc->func)
	    // If local variable, use AssignExp to handle all the various
	    // possibilities.
	    if (fd && !isStatic() && !isConst() && !init->isVoidInitializer())
		Expression *e1;
		Type *t;
		int dim;

		//printf("fd = '%s', var = '%s'\n", fd->toChars(), toChars());
		if (!ei)
		    Expression *e = init->toExpression();
		    if (!e)
			init = init->semantic(sc, type);
			e = init->toExpression();
			if (!e)
			{   error("is not a static and cannot have static initializer");
		    ei = new ExpInitializer(init->loc, e);
		    init = ei;

		e1 = new VarExp(loc, this);

		t = type->toBasetype();
		if (t->ty == Tsarray)
		    ei->exp = ei->exp->semantic(sc);
		    if (!ei->exp->implicitConvTo(type))
			dim = ((TypeSArray *)t)->dim->toInteger();
			// If multidimensional static array, treat as one large array
			while (1)
			    t = t->nextOf()->toBasetype();
			    if (t->ty != Tsarray)
			    dim *= ((TypeSArray *)t)->dim->toInteger();
			    e1->type = new TypeSArray(t->nextOf(), new IntegerExp(0, dim, Type::tindex));
		    e1 = new SliceExp(loc, e1, NULL, NULL);
		else if (t->ty == Tstruct)
		    ei->exp = ei->exp->semantic(sc);
		    if (!ei->exp->implicitConvTo(type))
			ei->exp = new CastExp(loc, ei->exp, type);
		ei->exp = new AssignExp(loc, e1, ei->exp);
		ei->exp->op = TOKconstruct;
		ei->exp = ei->exp->semantic(sc);
		init = init->semantic(sc, type);
		if (fd && isConst() && !isStatic())
		{   // Make it static
		    storage_class |= STCstatic;
	else if (isConst() || isFinal())
	    /* Because we may need the results of a const declaration in a
	     * subsequent type, such as an array dimension, before semantic2()
	     * gets ordinarily run, try to run semantic2() now.
	     * Ignore failure.

	    if (!global.errors && !inferred)
		unsigned errors = global.errors;
		Expression *e;
		Initializer *i2 = init;
		if (ei)
		    e = ei->exp->syntaxCopy();
		    e = e->semantic(sc);
		    e = e->implicitCastTo(sc, type);
		else if (si || ai)
		{   i2 = init->syntaxCopy();
		    i2 = i2->semantic(sc, type);
		if (errors != global.errors)	// if errors happened
		    if (global.gag == 0)
			global.errors = errors;	// act as if nothing happened
		else if (ei)
		    e = e->optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
		    if (e->op == TOKint64 || e->op == TOKstring)
			ei->exp = e;		// no errors, keep result
		    init = i2;		// no errors, keep result

ExpInitializer *VarDeclaration::getExpInitializer()
    ExpInitializer *ei;

    if (init)
	ei = init->isExpInitializer();
	Expression *e = type->defaultInit();
	if (e)
	    ei = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
	    ei = NULL;
    return ei;

void VarDeclaration::semantic2(Scope *sc)
    //printf("VarDeclaration::semantic2('%s')\n", toChars());
    if (init && !toParent()->isFuncDeclaration())
    {	inuse++;
#if 0
	ExpInitializer *ei = init->isExpInitializer();
	if (ei)
	    printf("type = %p\n", ei->exp->type);
	init = init->semantic(sc, type);

char *VarDeclaration::kind()
    return "variable";

Dsymbol *VarDeclaration::toAlias()
    //printf("VarDeclaration::toAlias('%s', this = %p, aliassym = %p)\n", toChars(), this, aliassym);
    assert(this != aliassym);
    Dsymbol *s = aliassym ? aliassym->toAlias() : this;
    return s;

void VarDeclaration::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (storage_class & STCconst)
	buf->writestring("const ");
    if (storage_class & STCstatic)
	buf->writestring("static ");
    if (type)
	type->toCBuffer(buf, ident, hgs);
    if (init)
    {	buf->writestring(" = ");
	init->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

int VarDeclaration::needThis()
    //printf("VarDeclaration::needThis(%s, x%x)\n", toChars(), storage_class);
    return storage_class & STCfield;

int VarDeclaration::isImportedSymbol()
    if (protection == PROTexport && !init && (isStatic() || isConst() || parent->isModule()))
	return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void VarDeclaration::checkCtorConstInit()
    if (ctorinit == 0 && isCtorinit() && !(storage_class & STCfield))
	error("missing initializer in static constructor for const variable");

 * Check to see if variable is a reference to an enclosing function
 * or not.

void VarDeclaration::checkNestedReference(Scope *sc, Loc loc)
    if (parent && !isDataseg() && parent != sc->parent)
	FuncDeclaration *fdv = toParent()->isFuncDeclaration();
	FuncDeclaration *fdthis = sc->parent->isFuncDeclaration();

	if (fdv && fdthis)
	    if (loc.filename)
		fdthis->getLevel(loc, fdv);
	    nestedref = 1;
	    fdv->nestedFrameRef = 1;
	    //printf("var %s in function %s is nested ref\n", toChars(), fdv->toChars());

 * Does symbol go into data segment?

int VarDeclaration::isDataseg()
#if 0
    printf("VarDeclaration::isDataseg(%p, '%s')\n", this, toChars());
    printf("%x, %p, %p\n", storage_class & (STCstatic | STCconst), parent->isModule(), parent->isTemplateInstance());
    printf("parent = '%s'\n", parent->toChars());
    Dsymbol *parent = this->toParent();
    if (!parent && !(storage_class & (STCstatic | STCconst)))
    {	error("forward referenced");
	type = Type::terror;
	return 0;
    return (storage_class & (STCstatic | STCconst) ||
	   parent->isModule() ||

int VarDeclaration::hasPointers()
    return (!isDataseg() && type->hasPointers());

 * If a variable has an auto destructor call, return call for it.
 * Otherwise, return NULL.

Expression *VarDeclaration::callAutoDtor()
{   Expression *e = NULL;

    //printf("VarDeclaration::callAutoDtor() %s\n", toChars());
    if (storage_class & (STCauto | STCscope) && !noauto)
	for (ClassDeclaration *cd = type->isClassHandle();
	     cd = cd->baseClass)
	    /* We can do better if there's a way with onstack
	     * classes to determine if there's no way the monitor
	     * could be set.
	    //if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
		//error("interface %s cannot be scope", cd->toChars());
	    if (1 || onstack || cd->dtors.dim)	// if any destructors
		// delete this;
		Expression *ec;

		ec = new VarExp(loc, this);
		e = new DeleteExp(loc, ec);
		e->type = Type::tvoid;
    return e;

/********************************* ClassInfoDeclaration ****************************/

ClassInfoDeclaration::ClassInfoDeclaration(ClassDeclaration *cd)
    : VarDeclaration(0, ClassDeclaration::classinfo->type, cd->ident, NULL)
    this->cd = cd;
    storage_class = STCstatic;

Dsymbol *ClassInfoDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    assert(0);		// should never be produced by syntax
    return NULL;

void ClassInfoDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)

/********************************* ModuleInfoDeclaration ****************************/

ModuleInfoDeclaration::ModuleInfoDeclaration(Module *mod)
    : VarDeclaration(0, Module::moduleinfo->type, mod->ident, NULL)
    this->mod = mod;
    storage_class = STCstatic;

Dsymbol *ModuleInfoDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    assert(0);		// should never be produced by syntax
    return NULL;

void ModuleInfoDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)

/********************************* TypeInfoDeclaration ****************************/

TypeInfoDeclaration::TypeInfoDeclaration(Type *tinfo, int internal)
    : VarDeclaration(0, Type::typeinfo->type, tinfo->getTypeInfoIdent(internal), NULL)
    this->tinfo = tinfo;
    storage_class = STCstatic;
    protection = PROTpublic;
    linkage = LINKc;

Dsymbol *TypeInfoDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    assert(0);		// should never be produced by syntax
    return NULL;

void TypeInfoDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
    assert(linkage == LINKc);

/***************************** TypeInfoConstDeclaration **********************/

#if V2
TypeInfoConstDeclaration::TypeInfoConstDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoInvariantDeclaration **********************/

#if V2
TypeInfoInvariantDeclaration::TypeInfoInvariantDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoStructDeclaration **********************/

TypeInfoStructDeclaration::TypeInfoStructDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoClassDeclaration ***********************/

TypeInfoClassDeclaration::TypeInfoClassDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration *******************/

TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration::TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoTypedefDeclaration *********************/

TypeInfoTypedefDeclaration::TypeInfoTypedefDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoPointerDeclaration *********************/

TypeInfoPointerDeclaration::TypeInfoPointerDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoArrayDeclaration ***********************/

TypeInfoArrayDeclaration::TypeInfoArrayDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoStaticArrayDeclaration *****************/

TypeInfoStaticArrayDeclaration::TypeInfoStaticArrayDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoAssociativeArrayDeclaration ************/

TypeInfoAssociativeArrayDeclaration::TypeInfoAssociativeArrayDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoEnumDeclaration ***********************/

TypeInfoEnumDeclaration::TypeInfoEnumDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoFunctionDeclaration ********************/

TypeInfoFunctionDeclaration::TypeInfoFunctionDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoDelegateDeclaration ********************/

TypeInfoDelegateDeclaration::TypeInfoDelegateDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/***************************** TypeInfoTupleDeclaration **********************/

TypeInfoTupleDeclaration::TypeInfoTupleDeclaration(Type *tinfo)
    : TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo, 0)

/********************************* ThisDeclaration ****************************/

// For the "this" parameter to member functions

ThisDeclaration::ThisDeclaration(Type *t)
   : VarDeclaration(0, t, Id::This, NULL)
    noauto = 1;

Dsymbol *ThisDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    assert(0);		// should never be produced by syntax
    return NULL;