view demos/ray.cpp @ 1318:bac742d3a72d

Make sure this testcase keeps crashing with -O3. Recent optimization improvements made LLVM realize the store-to-null was unavoidable, so it deleted all of main() and replaced it with 'unreachable'. Because the body of main() no longer even contained a return instruction, calling it caused random code to be ran instead. This happened to be the code that links in the ModuleInfo on my machine, which then returned "successfully".
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 09 May 2009 00:55:47 +0200
parents 90522b72128a
line wrap: on
line source

#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

numeric_limits<double> real;
double delta = sqrt(real.epsilon()), infinity = real.infinity();

struct Vec {
  double x, y, z;
  Vec(double x2, double y2, double z2) : x(x2), y(y2), z(z2) {}
Vec operator+(const Vec &a, const Vec &b)
{ return Vec(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z); }
Vec operator-(const Vec &a, const Vec &b)
{ return Vec(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y, a.z-b.z); }
Vec operator*(double a, const Vec &b) { return Vec(a*b.x, a*b.y, a*b.z); }
double dot(const Vec &a, const Vec &b) { return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z; }
Vec unitise(const Vec &a) { return (1 / sqrt(dot(a, a))) * a; }

typedef pair<double, Vec> Hit;

struct Ray {
  Vec orig, dir;
  Ray(const Vec &o, const Vec &d) : orig(o), dir(d) {}

struct Scene {
  virtual ~Scene() {};
  virtual void intersect(Hit &, const Ray &) const = 0;

struct Sphere : public Scene {
  Vec center;
  double radius;

  Sphere(Vec c, double r) : center(c), radius(r) {}
  ~Sphere() {}

  double ray_sphere(const Ray &ray) const {
    Vec v = center - ray.orig;
    double b = dot(v, ray.dir), disc = b*b - dot(v, v) + radius * radius;
    if (disc < 0) return infinity;
    double d = sqrt(disc), t2 = b + d;
    if (t2 < 0) return infinity;
    double t1 = b - d;
    return (t1 > 0 ? t1 : t2);

  void intersect(Hit &hit, const Ray &ray) const {
    double lambda = ray_sphere(ray);
    if (lambda >= hit.first) return;
    hit = Hit(lambda, unitise(ray.orig + lambda*ray.dir - center));

typedef list<Scene *> Scenes;
struct Group : public Scene {
  Sphere bound;
  Scenes child;

  Group(Sphere b, Scenes c) : bound(b), child(c) {}
  ~Group() {
    for (Scenes::const_iterator it=child.begin(); it!=child.end(); ++it)
      delete *it;

  void intersect(Hit &hit, const Ray &ray) const {
    double l = bound.ray_sphere(ray);
    if (l < hit.first)
      for (Scenes::const_iterator it=child.begin(); it!=child.end(); ++it)
        (*it)->intersect(hit, ray);

Hit intersect(const Ray &ray, const Scene &s) {
  Hit res = Hit(infinity, Vec(0, 0, 0));
  s.intersect(res, ray);
  return res;

double ray_trace(const Vec &light, const Ray &ray, const Scene &s) {
  Hit hit = intersect(ray, s);
  if (hit.first == infinity) return 0;
  double g = dot(hit.second, light);
  if (g >= 0) return 0.;
  Vec p = ray.orig + hit.first*ray.dir + delta*hit.second;
  return (intersect(Ray(p, -1. * light), s).first < infinity ? 0 : -g);

Scene *create(int level, const Vec &c, double r) {
  Scene *s = new Sphere(c, r);
  if (level == 1) return s;
  Scenes child;
  double rn = 3*r/sqrt(12.);
  for (int dz=-1; dz<=1; dz+=2)
    for (int dx=-1; dx<=1; dx+=2)
      child.push_back(create(level-1, c + rn*Vec(dx, 1, dz), r/2));
  return new Group(Sphere(c, 3*r), child);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int level = 6, n = 512, ss = 4;
  if (argc == 2) level = atoi(argv[1]);
  Vec light = unitise(Vec(-1, -3, 2));
  Scene *s(create(level, Vec(0, -1, 0), 1));
  cout << "P5\n" << n << " " << n << "\n255\n";
  for (int y=n-1; y>=0; --y)
    for (int x=0; x<n; ++x) {
      double g=0;
      for (int dx=0; dx<ss; ++dx)
        for (int dy=0; dy<ss; ++dy) {
          Vec dir(unitise(Vec(x+dx*1./ss-n/2., y+dy*1./ss-n/2., n)));
          g += ray_trace(light, Ray(Vec(0, 0, -4), dir), *s);
      cout << char(int(.5 + 255. * g / (ss*ss)));
  delete s;
  return 0;