view premake.lua @ 73:b706170e24a9 trunk

[svn r77] Fixed foreach on slice. Fixed some nested function problems when accessing outer function parameters. Major changes to handling of structs. Initial support for unions. Probably more...
author lindquist
date Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:11:32 +0100
parents 3cfcb944304e
children fd32135dca3e
line wrap: on
line source = llvmdc

package = newpackage() = "idgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/idgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "./idgen", "mv -f id.c id.h dmd" }

package = newpackage() = "impcnvgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "./impcnvgen", "mv -f impcnvtab.c dmd" }

package = newpackage()
package.bindir = "bin" = "llvmdc"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { matchfiles("dmd/*.c"), matchfiles("gen/*.c") }
package.excludes = { "dmd/idgen.c", "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++", "`llvm-config --cxxflags`" }
package.linkoptions = { "`llvm-config --libs native bitwriter bitreader`", "`llvm-config --ldflags`" }
package.defines = { "IN_LLVM", "_DH" }
package.config.Release.defines = { "LLVMD_NO_LOGGER" }
package.config.Debug.buildoptions = { "-g" }
--package.targetprefix = "llvm"
package.includepaths = { ".", "dmd" }
--package.postbuildcommands = { "cd runtime; ./; cd .." }
package.links = { "gc" }