view dmd/template.h @ 1222:b6370749ec8d

Use 'undef' instead of null for unneeded contexts.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Fri, 17 Apr 2009 03:47:56 +0200
parents e961851fb8be
children 8026319762be
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.


#ifdef __DMC__
#pragma once
#endif /* __DMC__ */

#include <string>

#include "root.h"
#include "arraytypes.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
#include "mtype.h"

struct OutBuffer;
struct Identifier;
struct TemplateInstance;
struct TemplateParameter;
struct TemplateTypeParameter;
struct TemplateThisParameter;
struct TemplateValueParameter;
struct TemplateAliasParameter;
struct TemplateTupleParameter;
struct Type;
struct TypeTypeof;
struct Scope;
struct Expression;
struct AliasDeclaration;
struct FuncDeclaration;
struct HdrGenState;
enum MATCH;

struct Tuple : Object
    Objects objects;

    int dyncast() { return DYNCAST_TUPLE; } // kludge for template.isType()

struct TemplateDeclaration : ScopeDsymbol
    TemplateParameters *parameters;	// array of TemplateParameter's

    TemplateParameters *origParameters;	// originals for Ddoc
    Expression *constraint;
    Array instances;			// array of TemplateInstance's

    TemplateDeclaration *overnext;	// next overloaded TemplateDeclaration
    TemplateDeclaration *overroot;	// first in overnext list

    Scope *scope;
    Dsymbol *onemember;		// if !=NULL then one member of this template

    TemplateDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, TemplateParameters *parameters,
	Expression *constraint, Array *decldefs);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    int overloadInsert(Dsymbol *s);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    const char *kind();
    char *toChars();

    void emitComment(Scope *sc);
//    void toDocBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);

    MATCH matchWithInstance(TemplateInstance *ti, Objects *atypes, int flag);
    MATCH leastAsSpecialized(TemplateDeclaration *td2);

    MATCH deduceFunctionTemplateMatch(Loc loc, Objects *targsi, Expression *ethis, Expressions *fargs, Objects *dedargs);
    FuncDeclaration *deduceFunctionTemplate(Scope *sc, Loc loc, Objects *targsi, Expression *ethis, Expressions *fargs, int flags = 0);
    void declareParameter(Scope *sc, TemplateParameter *tp, Object *o);

    TemplateDeclaration *isTemplateDeclaration() { return this; }

    TemplateTupleParameter *isVariadic();
    int isOverloadable();

    // LDC
    std::string intrinsicName;

struct TemplateParameter
    /* For type-parameter:
     *	template Foo(ident)		// specType is set to NULL
     *	template Foo(ident : specType)
     * For value-parameter:
     *	template Foo(valType ident)	// specValue is set to NULL
     *	template Foo(valType ident : specValue)
     * For alias-parameter:
     *	template Foo(alias ident)
     * For this-parameter:
     *	template Foo(this ident)

    Loc loc;
    Identifier *ident;

    Declaration *sparam;

    TemplateParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);

    virtual TemplateTypeParameter  *isTemplateTypeParameter();
    virtual TemplateValueParameter *isTemplateValueParameter();
    virtual TemplateAliasParameter *isTemplateAliasParameter();
#if DMDV2
    virtual TemplateThisParameter *isTemplateThisParameter();
    virtual TemplateTupleParameter *isTemplateTupleParameter();

    virtual TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy() = 0;
    virtual void declareParameter(Scope *sc) = 0;
    virtual void semantic(Scope *) = 0;
    virtual void print(Object *oarg, Object *oded) = 0;
    virtual void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs) = 0;
    virtual Object *specialization() = 0;
    virtual Object *defaultArg(Loc loc, Scope *sc) = 0;

    /* If TemplateParameter's match as far as overloading goes.
    virtual int overloadMatch(TemplateParameter *) = 0;

    /* Match actual argument against parameter.
    virtual MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, int i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam, int flags = 0) = 0;

    /* Create dummy argument based on parameter.
    virtual void *dummyArg() = 0;

struct TemplateTypeParameter : TemplateParameter
    /* Syntax:
     *	ident : specType = defaultType
    Type *specType;	// type parameter: if !=NULL, this is the type specialization
    Type *defaultType;

    TemplateTypeParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *specType, Type *defaultType);

    TemplateTypeParameter *isTemplateTypeParameter();
    TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
    void declareParameter(Scope *sc);
    void semantic(Scope *);
    void print(Object *oarg, Object *oded);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Object *specialization();
    Object *defaultArg(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
    int overloadMatch(TemplateParameter *);
    MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, int i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam, int flags);
    void *dummyArg();

#if DMDV2
struct TemplateThisParameter : TemplateTypeParameter
    /* Syntax:
     *	this ident : specType = defaultType
    Type *specType;	// type parameter: if !=NULL, this is the type specialization
    Type *defaultType;

    TemplateThisParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *specType, Type *defaultType);

    TemplateThisParameter *isTemplateThisParameter();
    TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct TemplateValueParameter : TemplateParameter
    /* Syntax:
     *	valType ident : specValue = defaultValue

    Type *valType;
    Expression *specValue;
    Expression *defaultValue;

    static Expression *edummy;

    TemplateValueParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *valType, Expression *specValue, Expression *defaultValue);

    TemplateValueParameter *isTemplateValueParameter();
    TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
    void declareParameter(Scope *sc);
    void semantic(Scope *);
    void print(Object *oarg, Object *oded);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Object *specialization();
    Object *defaultArg(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
    int overloadMatch(TemplateParameter *);
    MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, int i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam, int flags);
    void *dummyArg();

struct TemplateAliasParameter : TemplateParameter
    /* Syntax:
     *	specType ident : specAlias = defaultAlias

    Type *specAliasT;
    Dsymbol *specAlias;

    Type *defaultAlias;

    static Dsymbol *sdummy;

    TemplateAliasParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *specAliasT, Type *defaultAlias);

    TemplateAliasParameter *isTemplateAliasParameter();
    TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
    void declareParameter(Scope *sc);
    void semantic(Scope *);
    void print(Object *oarg, Object *oded);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Object *specialization();
    Object *defaultArg(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
    int overloadMatch(TemplateParameter *);
    MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, int i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam, int flags);
    void *dummyArg();

struct TemplateTupleParameter : TemplateParameter
    /* Syntax:
     *	ident ...

    TemplateTupleParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);

    TemplateTupleParameter *isTemplateTupleParameter();
    TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
    void declareParameter(Scope *sc);
    void semantic(Scope *);
    void print(Object *oarg, Object *oded);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Object *specialization();
    Object *defaultArg(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
    int overloadMatch(TemplateParameter *);
    MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, int i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam, int flags);
    void *dummyArg();

struct TemplateInstance : ScopeDsymbol
    /* Given:
     *	foo!(args) =>
     *	    name = foo
     *	    tiargs = args
    Identifier *name;
    //Array idents;
    Objects *tiargs;		// Array of Types/Expressions of template
				// instance arguments [int*, char, 10*10]

    Objects tdtypes;		// Array of Types/Expressions corresponding
				// to TemplateDeclaration.parameters
				// [int, char, 100]

    TemplateDeclaration *tempdecl;	// referenced by
    TemplateInstance *inst;		// refer to existing instance
    ScopeDsymbol *argsym;		// argument symbol table
    AliasDeclaration *aliasdecl;	// !=NULL if instance is an alias for its
					// sole member
    WithScopeSymbol *withsym;		// if a member of a with statement
    int semanticdone;	// has semantic() been done?
    int semantictiargsdone;	// has semanticTiargs() been done?
    int nest;		// for recursion detection
    int havetempdecl;	// 1 if used second constructor
    Dsymbol *isnested;	// if referencing local symbols, this is the context
    int errors;		// 1 if compiled with errors
#ifdef IN_GCC
    /* On some targets, it is necessary to know whether a symbol
       will be emitted in the output or not before the symbol
       is used.  This can be different from getModule(). */
    Module * objFileModule;

    TemplateInstance(Loc loc, Identifier *temp_id);
    TemplateInstance(Loc loc, TemplateDeclaration *tempdecl, Objects *tiargs);
    static Objects *arraySyntaxCopy(Objects *objs);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void semantic2(Scope *sc);
    void semantic3(Scope *sc);
    void inlineScan();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Dsymbol *toAlias();			// resolve real symbol
    const char *kind();
    int oneMember(Dsymbol **ps);
    char *toChars();
    char *mangle();

#if IN_DMD
    void toObjFile(int multiobj);			// compile to .obj file

    // Internal
    static void semanticTiargs(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, int flags);
    void semanticTiargs(Scope *sc);
    TemplateDeclaration *findTemplateDeclaration(Scope *sc);
    TemplateDeclaration *findBestMatch(Scope *sc);
    void declareParameters(Scope *sc);
    int hasNestedArgs(Objects *tiargs);
    Identifier *genIdent();

    TemplateInstance *isTemplateInstance() { return this; }
    AliasDeclaration *isAliasDeclaration();

    // LDC
    TemplateInstance *tinst; // enclosing template instance
    Module* tmodule; // module from outermost enclosing template instantiation
    Module* emittedInModule; // which module this template instance has been emitted in
    void printInstantiationTrace();

    void codegen(Ir*);

struct TemplateMixin : TemplateInstance
    Array *idents;
    Type *tqual;

    Scope *scope;		// for forward referencing

    TemplateMixin(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *tqual, Array *idents, Objects *tiargs);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void semantic2(Scope *sc);
    void semantic3(Scope *sc);
    void inlineScan();
    const char *kind();
    int oneMember(Dsymbol **ps);
    int hasPointers();
    char *toChars();
    char *mangle();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

#if IN_DMD
    void toObjFile(int multiobj);			// compile to .obj file

    TemplateMixin *isTemplateMixin() { return this; }

    void codegen(Ir*);

Expression *isExpression(Object *o);
Dsymbol *isDsymbol(Object *o);
Type *isType(Object *o);
Tuple *isTuple(Object *o);
Type *getType(Object *o);
Dsymbol *getDsymbol(Object *o);

void ObjectToCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, Object *oarg);

#endif /* DMD_TEMPLATE_H */