view lphobos/std/cstream.d @ 1168:ab186e535e72

A different fix to #218 and DMD2682 that does not lead to constant folding regressions. Fixes run/const_15, run/c/const_16_B. The price is removing the lvalueness of struct literals. If it turns out too much code depends on this behavior or we don't want to break with DMD, we could keep struct literals as lvalues and instead convert struct literals used as expression initializers into struct initializers.
author Christian Kamm <kamm incasoftware de>
date Sun, 29 Mar 2009 11:43:45 +0200
parents 373489eeaf90
line wrap: on
line source

 * The std.cstream module bridges std.c.stdio (or std.stdio) and
 * Both std.c.stdio and are publicly imported by std.cstream.
 * Authors: Ben Hinkle
 * License: Public Domain
 * Macros:
 *	WIKI=Phobos/StdCstream

module std.cstream;

import std.c.stdio;

 * A Stream wrapper for a C file of type FILE*.
class CFile : Stream {
  FILE* cfile;

   * Create the stream wrapper for the given C file.
   * Params:
   *   mode = a bitwise combination of $(B FileMode.In) for a readable file
   *          and $(B FileMode.Out) for a writeable file.
   *   seekable = indicates if the stream should be _seekable.
  this(FILE* cfile, FileMode mode, bool seekable = false) {
    this.file = cfile;
    readable = cast(bool)(mode & FileMode.In);
    writeable = cast(bool)(mode & FileMode.Out);
    this.seekable = seekable;

   * Closes the stream.
  ~this() { close(); }

   * Property to get or set the underlying file for this stream.
   * Setting the file marks the stream as open.
  FILE* file() { return cfile; }

   * Ditto
  void file(FILE* cfile) {
    this.cfile = cfile; 
    isopen = true;

   * Overrides of the $(B Stream) methods to call the underlying $(B FILE*)
   * C functions.
  override void flush() { fflush(cfile); }

   * Ditto
  override void close() { 
    if (isopen)
    isopen = readable = writeable = seekable = false; 

   * Ditto
  override bool eof() { 
    return cast(bool)(readEOF || feof(cfile)); 

   * Ditto
  override char getc() { 
    return cast(char)fgetc(cfile); 

   * Ditto
  override char ungetc(char c) { 
    return cast(char)std.c.stdio.ungetc(c,cfile); 

   * Ditto
  override size_t readBlock(void* buffer, size_t size) {
    size_t n = fread(buffer,1,size,cfile);
    readEOF = cast(bool)(n == 0);
    return n;

   * Ditto
  override size_t writeBlock(void* buffer, size_t size) {
    return fwrite(buffer,1,size,cfile);

   * Ditto
  override ulong seek(long offset, SeekPos rel) {
    readEOF = false;
    if (fseek(cfile,cast(int)offset,rel) != 0)
      throw new SeekException("unable to move file pointer");
    return ftell(cfile);

   * Ditto
  override void writeLine(char[] s) {

   * Ditto
  override void writeLineW(wchar[] s) {

  // run a few tests
  unittest {
    FILE* f = fopen("stream.txt","w");
    assert(f !is null);
    CFile file = new CFile(f,FileMode.Out);
    int i = 666;
    // should be ok to write
    file.writeLine("Testing stream.d:");
    file.writeString("Hello, world!");
    // string#1 + string#2 + int should give exacly that
    version (Win32)
      assert(file.position() == 19 + 13 + 4);
    version (linux)
      assert(file.position() == 18 + 13 + 4);
    // no operations are allowed when file is closed
    assert(!file.readable && !file.writeable && !file.seekable);
    f = fopen("stream.txt","r");
    file = new CFile(f,FileMode.In,true);
    // should be ok to read
    char[] line = file.readLine();
    char[] exp = "Testing stream.d:";
    assert(line[0] == 'T');
    assert(line.length == exp.length);
    assert(!std.string.cmp(line, "Testing stream.d:"));
    // jump over "Hello, ", SeekPos.Current);
    version (Win32)
      assert(file.position() == 19 + 7);
    version (linux)
      assert(file.position() == 18 + 7);
    assert(!std.string.cmp(file.readString(6), "world!"));
    i = 0;;
    assert(i == 666);
    // string#1 + string#2 + int should give exacly that
    version (Win32)
      assert(file.position() == 19 + 13 + 4);
    version (linux)
      assert(file.position() == 18 + 13 + 4);
    // we must be at the end of file
    f = fopen("stream.txt","w+");
    file = new CFile(f,FileMode.In|FileMode.Out,true);
    file.writeLine("Testing stream.d:");
    file.writeLine("Another line");
    file.writeLine("That was blank");
    file.position = 0;
    char[][] lines;
    foreach(char[] line; file) {
      lines ~= line.dup;
    assert( lines.length == 5 );
    assert( lines[0] == "Testing stream.d:");
    assert( lines[1] == "Another line");
    assert( lines[2] == "");
    assert( lines[3] == "That was blank");
    file.position = 0;
    lines = new char[][5];
    foreach(ulong n, char[] line; file) {
      lines[cast(size_t)(n-1)] = line.dup;
    assert( lines[0] == "Testing stream.d:");
    assert( lines[1] == "Another line");
    assert( lines[2] == "");
    assert( lines[3] == "That was blank");

 * CFile wrapper of std.c.stdio.stdin (not seekable).
CFile din;

 * CFile wrapper of std.c.stdio.stdout (not seekable).
CFile dout;

 * CFile wrapper of std.c.stdio.stderr (not seekable).
CFile derr;

static this() {
  // open standard I/O devices
  din = new CFile(std.c.stdio.stdin,FileMode.In);
  dout = new CFile(std.c.stdio.stdout,FileMode.Out);
  derr = new CFile(std.c.stdio.stderr,FileMode.Out);