view gen/aa.cpp @ 1168:ab186e535e72

A different fix to #218 and DMD2682 that does not lead to constant folding regressions. Fixes run/const_15, run/c/const_16_B. The price is removing the lvalueness of struct literals. If it turns out too much code depends on this behavior or we don't want to break with DMD, we could keep struct literals as lvalues and instead convert struct literals used as expression initializers into struct initializers.
author Christian Kamm <kamm incasoftware de>
date Sun, 29 Mar 2009 11:43:45 +0200
parents d584cda84b00
children 0686701178d3
line wrap: on
line source

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include "mtype.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "aggregate.h"

#include "gen/aa.h"
#include "gen/runtime.h"
#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/logger.h"
#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/dvalue.h"
#include "ir/irmodule.h"

// makes sure the key value lives in memory so it can be passed to the runtime functions without problems
// returns the pointer
static LLValue* to_pkey(Loc& loc, DValue* key)
    Type* keytype = key->getType();
    bool needmem = !DtoIsPassedByRef(keytype);
    LLValue* pkey;
    if (key->isIm()) {
        pkey = key->getRVal();
    else if (DVarValue* var = key->isVar()) {
        pkey = key->getLVal();
        needmem = false;
    else if (key->isConst()) {
        needmem = true;
        pkey = key->getRVal();
    else {
        LLValue* tmp = DtoAlloca(DtoType(keytype), "aatmpkeystorage");
        DVarValue var(keytype, tmp);
        DtoAssign(loc, &var, key);
        return tmp;

    // give memory
    if (needmem) {
        LLValue* tmp = DtoAlloca(DtoType(keytype), "aatmpkeystorage");
        DtoStore(pkey, tmp);
        pkey = tmp;

    return pkey;

// returns the keytype typeinfo
static LLValue* to_keyti(DValue* key)
    // keyti param
    Type* keytype = key->getType();
    return DtoTypeInfoOf(keytype, false);


DValue* DtoAAIndex(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* aa, DValue* key, bool lvalue)
    // call:
    // extern(C) void* _aaGet(AA* aa, TypeInfo keyti, size_t valuesize, void* pkey)
    // or
    // extern(C) void* _aaGetRvalue(AA aa, TypeInfo keyti, size_t valuesize, void* pkey)

    // first get the runtime function
    llvm::Function* func = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, lvalue?"_aaGet":"_aaGetRvalue");
    const llvm::FunctionType* funcTy = func->getFunctionType();

    // aa param
    LLValue* aaval = lvalue ? aa->getLVal() : aa->getRVal();
    aaval = DtoBitCast(aaval, funcTy->getParamType(0));

    // keyti param
    LLValue* keyti = to_keyti(key);
    keyti = DtoBitCast(keyti, funcTy->getParamType(1));

    // valuesize param
    LLValue* valsize = DtoConstSize_t(getTypePaddedSize(DtoType(type)));

    // pkey param
    LLValue* pkey = to_pkey(loc, key);
    pkey = DtoBitCast(pkey, funcTy->getParamType(3));

    // call runtime
    LLValue* ret = gIR->CreateCallOrInvoke4(func, aaval, keyti, valsize, pkey, "aa.index").getInstruction();

    // cast return value
    const LLType* targettype = getPtrToType(DtoType(type));
    if (ret->getType() != targettype)
        ret = DtoBitCast(ret, targettype);

    // Only check bounds for rvalues ('aa[key]').
    // Lvalue use ('aa[key] = value') auto-adds an element.
    if (!lvalue && global.params.useArrayBounds) {
        llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
        llvm::BasicBlock* failbb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create("aaboundscheckfail", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
        llvm::BasicBlock* okbb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create("aaboundsok", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);

        LLValue* nullaa = LLConstant::getNullValue(ret->getType());
        LLValue* cond = gIR->ir->CreateICmpNE(nullaa, ret, "aaboundscheck");
        gIR->ir->CreateCondBr(cond, okbb, failbb);

        // set up failbb to call the array bounds error runtime function

        gIR->scope() = IRScope(failbb, okbb);

        std::vector<LLValue*> args;

        // file param

        // line param
        LLConstant* c = DtoConstUint(loc.linnum);

        // call
        llvm::Function* errorfn = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_d_array_bounds");
        gIR->CreateCallOrInvoke(errorfn, args.begin(), args.end());

        // the function does not return

        // if ok, proceed in okbb
        gIR->scope() = IRScope(okbb, oldend);
    return new DVarValue(type, ret);


DValue* DtoAAIn(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* aa, DValue* key)
    // call:
    // extern(C) void* _aaIn(AA aa*, TypeInfo keyti, void* pkey)

    // first get the runtime function
    llvm::Function* func = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_aaIn");
    const llvm::FunctionType* funcTy = func->getFunctionType();

    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "_aaIn = " << *func << '\n';

    // aa param
    LLValue* aaval = aa->getRVal();
    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "aaval: " << *aaval << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "totype: " << *funcTy->getParamType(0) << '\n';
    aaval = DtoBitCast(aaval, funcTy->getParamType(0));

    // keyti param
    LLValue* keyti = to_keyti(key);
    keyti = DtoBitCast(keyti, funcTy->getParamType(1));

    // pkey param
    LLValue* pkey = to_pkey(loc, key);
    pkey = DtoBitCast(pkey, funcTy->getParamType(2));

    // call runtime
    LLValue* ret = gIR->CreateCallOrInvoke3(func, aaval, keyti, pkey, "").getInstruction();

    // cast return value
    const LLType* targettype = DtoType(type);
    if (ret->getType() != targettype)
        ret = DtoBitCast(ret, targettype);

    return new DImValue(type, ret);


void DtoAARemove(Loc& loc, DValue* aa, DValue* key)
    // call:
    // extern(C) void _aaDel(AA aa, TypeInfo keyti, void* pkey)

    // first get the runtime function
    llvm::Function* func = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_aaDel");
    const llvm::FunctionType* funcTy = func->getFunctionType();

    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "_aaDel = " << *func << '\n';

    // aa param
    LLValue* aaval = aa->getRVal();
    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "aaval: " << *aaval << '\n';
        Logger::cout() << "totype: " << *funcTy->getParamType(0) << '\n';
    aaval = DtoBitCast(aaval, funcTy->getParamType(0));

    // keyti param
    LLValue* keyti = to_keyti(key);
    keyti = DtoBitCast(keyti, funcTy->getParamType(1));

    // pkey param
    LLValue* pkey = to_pkey(loc, key);
    pkey = DtoBitCast(pkey, funcTy->getParamType(2));

    // build arg vector
    LLSmallVector<LLValue*, 3> args;

    // call runtime
    gIR->CreateCallOrInvoke(func, args.begin(), args.end());