view lphobos/gc/win32.d @ 650:aa6a0b7968f7

Added test case for bug #100 Removed dubious check for not emitting static private global in other modules without access. This should be handled properly somewhere else, it's causing unresolved global errors for stuff that should work (in MiniD)
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <>
date Sun, 05 Oct 2008 17:28:15 +0200
parents 373489eeaf90
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// Written by Walter Bright


alias int pthread_t;

 * Map memory.

void *os_mem_map(uint nbytes)
    return VirtualAlloc(null, nbytes, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);

 * Commit memory.
 * Returns:
 *	0	success
 *	!=0	failure

int os_mem_commit(void *base, uint offset, uint nbytes)
    void *p;

    p = VirtualAlloc(base + offset, nbytes, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
    return cast(int)(p == null);

 * Decommit memory.
 * Returns:
 *	0	success
 *	!=0	failure

int os_mem_decommit(void *base, uint offset, uint nbytes)
    return cast(int)VirtualFree(base + offset, nbytes, MEM_DECOMMIT) == 0; 

 * Unmap memory allocated with os_mem_map().
 * Memory must have already been decommitted.
 * Returns:
 *	0	success
 *	!=0	failure

int os_mem_unmap(void *base, uint nbytes)
    return cast(int)VirtualFree(base, 0, MEM_RELEASE) == 0; 


pthread_t pthread_self()
    //printf("pthread_self() = %x\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
    return cast(pthread_t) GetCurrentThreadId();

 * Determine "bottom" of stack (actually the top on Win32 systems).

void *os_query_stackBottom()
	naked			;
	mov	EAX,FS:4	;
	ret			;

 * Determine base address and size of static data segment.

version (GNU)
// This is MinGW specific
extern (C)
    // TODO: skip the .rdata between .data and .bss?
    extern int _data_start__;
    extern int _bss_end__;

void os_query_staticdataseg(void **base, uint *nbytes)
    *base = cast(void *)&_data_start__;
    *nbytes = cast(uint)(cast(char *)&_bss_end__ - cast(char *)&_data_start__);

extern (C)
    extern int _xi_a;	// &_xi_a just happens to be start of data segment
    extern int _edata;	// &_edata is start of BSS segment
    extern int _end;	// &_end is past end of BSS

void os_query_staticdataseg(void **base, uint *nbytes)
    *base = cast(void *)&_xi_a;
    *nbytes = cast(uint)(cast(char *)&_end - cast(char *)&_xi_a);


void os_query_staticdataseg(void **base, uint *nbytes)
    static char dummy = 6;
    char *p;
    void *bottom = null;
    uint size = 0;

    // Tests show the following does not work reliably.
    // The reason is that the data segment is arbitrarily divided
    // This means there are multiple regions to query, and
    // can even wind up including the code segment.
    assert(0);				// fix implementation

    p = (char *)((uint)(&dummy) & ~(si.dwPageSize - 1));
    while (VirtualQuery(p, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)) == sizeof(mbi) &&
        mbi.Protect & (PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_WRITECOPY) &&
        !(mbi.Protect & PAGE_GUARD) &&
        mbi.AllocationBase != 0)
	bottom = (void *)mbi.BaseAddress;
	size = (uint)mbi.RegionSize;

	printf("dwPageSize        = x%x\n", si.dwPageSize);
	printf("&dummy            = %p\n", &dummy);
	printf("BaseAddress       = %p\n", mbi.BaseAddress);
	printf("AllocationBase    = %p\n", mbi.AllocationBase);
	printf("AllocationProtect = x%x\n", mbi.AllocationProtect);
	printf("RegionSize        = x%x\n", mbi.RegionSize);
	printf("State             = x%x\n", mbi.State);
	printf("Protect           = x%x\n", mbi.Protect);
	printf("Type              = x%x\n\n", mbi.Type);

	p -= si.dwPageSize;

    *base = bottom;
    *nbytes = size;
