view lphobos/std/traits.d @ 361:932229a851a4 trunk

[svn r382] In CastExp, after the cast to force the type to be CastExp.type. This is used for for instance, where the cast is to idouble but type is double.
author ChristianK
date Mon, 14 Jul 2008 19:17:25 +0200
parents 61615fa85940
children 373489eeaf90
line wrap: on
line source

// Written in the D programming language.

 * Templates with which to extract information about
 * types at compile time.
 * Macros:
 *  WIKI = Phobos/StdTraits
 * Copyright:
 *  Public Domain

 * Authors:
 *  Walter Bright, Digital Mars,
 *  Tomasz Stachowiak (isStaticArray, isExpressionTuple)

module std.traits;

 * Get the type of the return value from a function,
 * a pointer to function, or a delegate.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * import std.traits;
 * int foo();
 * ReturnType!(foo) x;   // x is declared as int
 * ---
template ReturnType(alias dg)
    alias ReturnType!(typeof(dg)) ReturnType;

/** ditto */
template ReturnType(dg)
    static if (is(dg R == return))
    alias R ReturnType;
    static assert(0, "argument has no return type");

 * Get the types of the paramters to a function,
 * a pointer to function, or a delegate as a tuple.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * import std.traits;
 * int foo(int, long);
 * void bar(ParameterTypeTuple!(foo));      // declares void bar(int, long);
 * void abc(ParameterTypeTuple!(foo)[1]);   // declares void abc(long);
 * ---
template ParameterTypeTuple(alias dg)
    alias ParameterTypeTuple!(typeof(dg)) ParameterTypeTuple;

/** ditto */
template ParameterTypeTuple(dg)
    static if (is(dg P == function))
    alias P ParameterTypeTuple;
    else static if (is(dg P == delegate))
    alias ParameterTypeTuple!(P) ParameterTypeTuple;
    else static if (is(dg P == P*))
    alias ParameterTypeTuple!(P) ParameterTypeTuple;
    static assert(0, "argument has no parameters");

 * Get the types of the fields of a struct or class.
 * This consists of the fields that take up memory space,
 * excluding the hidden fields like the virtual function
 * table pointer.

template FieldTypeTuple(S)
    static if (is(S == struct) || is(S == class))
    alias typeof(S.tupleof) FieldTypeTuple;
    static assert(0, "argument is not struct or class");

 * Get a TypeTuple of the base class and base interfaces of
 * this class or interface.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * import std.traits, std.typetuple, std.stdio;
 * interface I { }
 * class A { }
 * class B : A, I { }
 * void main()
 * {
 *     alias BaseTypeTuple!(B) TL;
 *     writefln(typeid(TL));    // prints: (A,I)
 * }
 * ---

template BaseTypeTuple(A)
    static if (is(A P == super))
    alias P BaseTypeTuple;
    static assert(0, "argument is not a class or interface");

    interface I { }
    class A { }
    class B : A, I { }

    alias BaseTypeTuple!(B) TL;
    assert(TL.length == 2);
    assert(is (TL[0] == A));
    assert(is (TL[1] == I));

/* *******************************************
template isStaticArray_impl(T)
    const T inst = void;
    static if (is(typeof(T.length)))
    static if (!is(typeof(T) == typeof(T.init)))
    {           // abuses the fact that int[5].init == int
        static if (is(T == typeof(T[0])[inst.length]))
        {   // sanity check. this check alone isn't enough because dmd complains about dynamic arrays
        const bool res = true;
        const bool res = false;
        const bool res = false;
        const bool res = false;
 * Detect whether type T is a static array.
template isStaticArray(T)
    const bool isStaticArray = isStaticArray_impl!(T).res;

static assert (isStaticArray!(int[51]));
static assert (isStaticArray!(int[][2]));
//static assert (isStaticArray!(char[][int][11]));
static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[]));
//static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[char]));
static assert (!isStaticArray!(int[1][]));

template isArray(T)
    const bool isArray=false;
template isArray(T: T[])
    const bool isArray=true;

 * Tells whether the tuple T is an expression tuple.
template isExpressionTuple(T ...)
    static if (is(void function(T)))
    const bool isExpressionTuple = false;
    const bool isExpressionTuple = true;