view dmd/idgen.c @ 314:8d98e42ece93 trunk

[svn r335] The basics of exception handling are in place. Still need to make sure calls are turned into invokes everywhere. (NewExpression for instance) Still some rough edges and corner cases to figure out. Needs testing!
author ChristianK
date Wed, 02 Jul 2008 22:20:18 +0200
parents 788401029ecf
children aaade6ded589
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

// Program to generate string files in d data structures.
// Saves much tedious typing, and eliminates typo problems.
// Generates:
//	id.h
//	id.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>

struct Msgtable
	char *ident;	// name to use in DMD source
	char *name;	// name in D executable

Msgtable msgtable[] =
    { "IUnknown" },
    { "Object" },
    { "object" },
    { "max" },
    { "min" },
    { "This", "this" },
    { "ctor", "_ctor" },
    { "dtor", "_dtor" },
    { "classInvariant", "__invariant" },
    { "unitTest", "_unitTest" },
    { "init" },
    { "size" },
    { "__sizeof", "sizeof" },
    { "alignof" },
    { "mangleof" },
    { "stringof" },
    { "tupleof" },
    { "length" },
    { "remove" },
    { "ptr" },
    { "funcptr" },
    { "dollar", "__dollar" },
    { "offset" },
    { "offsetof" },
    { "ModuleInfo" },
    { "ClassInfo" },
    { "classinfo" },
    { "typeinfo" },
    { "outer" },
    { "Exception" },
    { "withSym", "__withSym" },
    { "result", "__result" },
    { "returnLabel", "__returnLabel" },
    { "delegate" },
    { "line" },
    { "empty", "" },
    { "p" },
    { "coverage", "__coverage" },

    { "TypeInfo" },
    { "TypeInfo_Class" },
    { "TypeInfo_Interface" },
    { "TypeInfo_Struct" },
    { "TypeInfo_Enum" },
    { "TypeInfo_Typedef" },
    { "TypeInfo_Pointer" },
    { "TypeInfo_Array" },
    { "TypeInfo_StaticArray" },
    { "TypeInfo_AssociativeArray" },
    { "TypeInfo_Function" },
    { "TypeInfo_Delegate" },
    { "TypeInfo_Tuple" },
    { "TypeInfo_Const" },
    { "TypeInfo_Invariant" },
    { "elements" },
    { "_arguments_typeinfo" },
    { "_arguments" },
    { "_argptr" },
    { "_match" },

    { "LINE", "__LINE__" },
    { "FILE", "__FILE__" },
    { "DATE", "__DATE__" },
    { "TIME", "__TIME__" },
    { "TIMESTAMP", "__TIMESTAMP__" },
    { "VENDOR", "__VENDOR__" },
    { "VERSIONX", "__VERSION__" },

    { "nan" },
    { "infinity" },
    { "dig" },
    { "epsilon" },
    { "mant_dig" },
    { "max_10_exp" },
    { "max_exp" },
    { "min_10_exp" },
    { "min_exp" },
    { "re" },
    { "im" },

    { "C" },
    { "D" },
    { "Windows" },
    { "Pascal" },
    { "System" },

    { "exit" },
    { "success" },
    { "failure" },

    { "keys" },
    { "values" },
    { "rehash" },

    { "sort" },
    { "reverse" },
    { "dup" },
    { "idup" },

    // For inline assembler
    { "___out", "out" },
    { "___in", "in" },
    { "__int", "int" },
    { "__dollar", "$" },
    { "__LOCAL_SIZE" },

    // For operator overloads
    { "uadd",	 "opPos" },
    { "neg",     "opNeg" },
    { "com",     "opCom" },
    { "add",     "opAdd" },
    { "add_r",   "opAdd_r" },
    { "sub",     "opSub" },
    { "sub_r",   "opSub_r" },
    { "mul",     "opMul" },
    { "mul_r",   "opMul_r" },
    { "div",     "opDiv" },
    { "div_r",   "opDiv_r" },
    { "mod",     "opMod" },
    { "mod_r",   "opMod_r" },
    { "eq",      "opEquals" },
    { "cmp",     "opCmp" },
    { "iand",    "opAnd" },
    { "iand_r",  "opAnd_r" },
    { "ior",     "opOr" },
    { "ior_r",   "opOr_r" },
    { "ixor",    "opXor" },
    { "ixor_r",  "opXor_r" },
    { "shl",     "opShl" },
    { "shl_r",   "opShl_r" },
    { "shr",     "opShr" },
    { "shr_r",   "opShr_r" },
    { "ushr",    "opUShr" },
    { "ushr_r",  "opUShr_r" },
    { "cat",     "opCat" },
    { "cat_r",   "opCat_r" },
    { "assign",  "opAssign" },
    { "addass",  "opAddAssign" },
    { "subass",  "opSubAssign" },
    { "mulass",  "opMulAssign" },
    { "divass",  "opDivAssign" },
    { "modass",  "opModAssign" },
    { "andass",  "opAndAssign" },
    { "orass",   "opOrAssign" },
    { "xorass",  "opXorAssign" },
    { "shlass",  "opShlAssign" },
    { "shrass",  "opShrAssign" },
    { "ushrass", "opUShrAssign" },
    { "catass",  "opCatAssign" },
    { "postinc", "opPostInc" },
    { "postdec", "opPostDec" },
    { "index",	 "opIndex" },
    { "indexass", "opIndexAssign" },
    { "slice",	 "opSlice" },
    { "sliceass", "opSliceAssign" },
    { "call",	 "opCall" },
    { "cast",	 "opCast" },
    { "match",	 "opMatch" },
    { "next",	 "opNext" },
    { "opIn" },
    { "opIn_r" },

    { "classNew", "new" },
    { "classDelete", "delete" },

    // For foreach
    { "apply", "opApply" },
    { "applyReverse", "opApplyReverse" },

    { "adDup", "_adDupT" },
    { "adReverse", "_adReverse" },

    // For internal functions
    { "aaLen", "_aaLen" },
    { "aaKeys", "_aaKeys" },
    { "aaValues", "_aaValues" },
    { "aaRehash", "_aaRehash" },

    // For pragma's
    { "lib" },
    { "msg" },
    { "GNU_asm" },
    { "LLVM_intrinsic" },
    { "LLVM_internal" },

    // For toHash/toString
    { "tohash", "toHash" },
    { "tostring", "toString" },

    // Special functions
    { "alloca" },
    { "main" },
    { "WinMain" },
    { "DllMain" },

int main()
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned i;

	fp = fopen("id.h","w");
	if (!fp)
	{   printf("can't open id.h\n");

	fprintf(fp, "// File generated by idgen.c\n");
#if __DMC__
	fprintf(fp, "#pragma once\n");
	fprintf(fp, "#ifndef DMD_ID_H\n");
	fprintf(fp, "#define DMD_ID_H 1\n");
	fprintf(fp, "struct Identifier;\n");
	fprintf(fp, "struct Id\n");
	fprintf(fp, "{\n");

	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(msgtable) / sizeof(msgtable[0]); i++)
	{   char *id = msgtable[i].ident;

	    fprintf(fp,"    static Identifier *%s;\n", id);

	fprintf(fp, "    static void initialize();\n");
	fprintf(fp, "};\n");
	fprintf(fp, "#endif\n");


	fp = fopen("id.c","w");
	if (!fp)
	{   printf("can't open id.c\n");

	fprintf(fp, "// File generated by idgen.c\n");
	fprintf(fp, "#include \"id.h\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "#include \"identifier.h\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "#include \"lexer.h\"\n");

	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(msgtable) / sizeof(msgtable[0]); i++)
	{   char *id = msgtable[i].ident;
	    char *p = msgtable[i].name;

	    if (!p)
		p = id;
	    fprintf(fp,"Identifier *Id::%s;\n", id);

	fprintf(fp, "void Id::initialize()\n");
	fprintf(fp, "{\n");

	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(msgtable) / sizeof(msgtable[0]); i++)
	{   char *id = msgtable[i].ident;
	    char *p = msgtable[i].name;

	    if (!p)
		p = id;
	    fprintf(fp,"    %s = Lexer::idPool(\"%s\");\n", id, p);

	fprintf(fp, "}\n");


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;