view ir/irfunction.h @ 1351:8d501abecd24

Initial (but disabled) fix for ticket #294 , the actual part that fixes the bug is in a #if 0 block as I'm afraid it will cause regressions. I'm most likely not going to be around tonight, and maybe not tomorrow as well, so I'm pushing it in case someone wants to run some serious testing/investigate the problem noted in llvmhelpers.cpp : realignOffset .
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <tomas.l.olsen gmail com>
date Thu, 14 May 2009 17:20:17 +0200
parents 5f340a6dc749
children 3f5ea912149d
line wrap: on
line source


#include "gen/llvm.h"
#include "ir/ir.h"
#include "ir/irlandingpad.h"

#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <map>

struct Statement;
struct EnclosingHandler;

// scope statements that can be target of jumps
// includes loops, switch, case, labels
struct IRTargetScope
    // generating statement
    Statement* s;
    // the try of a TryFinally that encloses the loop
    EnclosingHandler* enclosinghandler;
    llvm::BasicBlock* breakTarget;
    llvm::BasicBlock* continueTarget;

    IRTargetScope(Statement* s, EnclosingHandler* enclosinghandler, llvm::BasicBlock* continueTarget, llvm::BasicBlock* breakTarget);

// represents a function
struct IrFunction : IrBase
    llvm::Function* func;
    llvm::Instruction* allocapoint;
    FuncDeclaration* decl;
    TypeFunction* type;

    bool queued;
    bool defined;
    llvm::Value* retArg; // return in ptr arg
    llvm::Value* thisArg; // class/struct 'this' arg
    llvm::Value* nestArg; // nested function 'this' arg
    llvm::Value* nestedVar; // nested var alloca
    const llvm::StructType* frameType; // type of nested context (not for -nested-ctx=array)
    // number of enclosing functions with variables accessed by nested functions
    // (-1 if neither this function nor any enclosing ones access variables from enclosing functions)
    int depth;
    llvm::Value* _arguments;
    llvm::Value* _argptr;
    llvm::DISubprogram diSubprogram;

    // pushes a unique label scope of the given name
    void pushUniqueLabelScope(const char* name);
    // pops a label scope
    void popLabelScope();

    // gets the string under which the label's BB
    // is stored in the labelToBB map.
    // essentially prefixes ident by the strings in labelScopes
    std::string getScopedLabelName(const char* ident);

    // label to basic block lookup
    typedef std::map<std::string, llvm::BasicBlock*> LabelToBBMap;
    LabelToBBMap labelToBB;

    // landing pads for try statements
    IRLandingPad landingPad;

    // loop blocks
    typedef std::vector<IRTargetScope> TargetScopeVec;
    TargetScopeVec targetScopes;

    // constructor
    IrFunction(FuncDeclaration* fd);

    // annotations
    void setNeverInline();
    void setAlwaysInline();

    // prefix for labels and gotos
    // used for allowing labels to be emitted twice
    std::vector<std::string> labelScopes;

    // next unique id stack
    std::stack<int> nextUnique;
