view gen/structs.cpp @ 1351:8d501abecd24

Initial (but disabled) fix for ticket #294 , the actual part that fixes the bug is in a #if 0 block as I'm afraid it will cause regressions. I'm most likely not going to be around tonight, and maybe not tomorrow as well, so I'm pushing it in case someone wants to run some serious testing/investigate the problem noted in llvmhelpers.cpp : realignOffset .
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <tomas.l.olsen gmail com>
date Thu, 14 May 2009 17:20:17 +0200
parents c8b9406d84ca
children 45aca7e7cc88
line wrap: on
line source

#include <algorithm>

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include "mtype.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "declaration.h"

#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/arrays.h"
#include "gen/logger.h"
#include "gen/structs.h"
#include "gen/dvalue.h"
#include "gen/functions.h"
#include "gen/utils.h"

#include "ir/irstruct.h"
#include "ir/irtypestruct.h"


void DtoResolveStruct(StructDeclaration* sd)
    // don't do anything if already been here
    if (sd->ir.resolved) return;
    // make sure above works :P
    sd->ir.resolved = true;

    // log what we're doing
    Logger::println("Resolving struct type: %s (%s)", sd->toChars(), sd->loc.toChars());

    // make sure type exists

    // if it's a forward declaration, all bets are off. The type should be enough
    if (sd->sizeok != 1)

    // create the IrStruct
    IrStruct* irstruct = new IrStruct(sd);
    sd->ir.irStruct = irstruct;

    // make sure all fields really get their ir field
    ArrayIter<VarDeclaration> it(sd->fields);
    for (; !it.done();
        VarDeclaration* vd = it.get();
        if (vd->ir.irField == NULL) {
            new IrField(vd);
        } else {
            IF_LOG Logger::println("struct field already exists!!!");

    // perform definition
    bool needs_def = mustDefineSymbol(sd);
    if (needs_def)
        // emit the initZ symbol
        LLGlobalVariable* initZ = irstruct->getInitSymbol();

        // set initZ initializer

    // emit members
    if (sd->members)
        ArrayIter<Dsymbol> it(*sd->members);
        while (!it.done())
            Dsymbol* member = it.get();
            if (member)

    if (needs_def)
        // emit typeinfo

////////////////////////////   D STRUCT UTILITIES     ////////////////////////////////////

LLValue* DtoStructEquals(TOK op, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    Type* t = lhs->getType()->toBasetype();
    assert(t->ty == Tstruct);

    // set predicate
    llvm::ICmpInst::Predicate cmpop;
    if (op == TOKequal || op == TOKidentity)
        cmpop = llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ;
        cmpop = llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_NE;

    // call memcmp
    size_t sz = getTypePaddedSize(DtoType(t));
    LLValue* val = DtoMemCmp(lhs->getRVal(), rhs->getRVal(), DtoConstSize_t(sz));
    return gIR->ir->CreateICmp(cmpop, val, LLConstantInt::get(val->getType(), 0, false), "tmp");


LLValue* DtoIndexStruct(LLValue* src, StructDeclaration* sd, VarDeclaration* vd)
    Logger::println("indexing struct field %s:", vd->toPrettyChars());


    // vd must be a field
    IrField* field = vd->ir.irField;

    // get the start pointer
    const LLType* st = getPtrToType(DtoType(sd->type));

    // cast to the formal struct type
    src = DtoBitCast(src, st);

    // gep to the index
    LLValue* val = DtoGEPi(src, 0, field->index);

    // do we need to offset further? (union area)
    if (field->unionOffset)
        // cast to void*
        val = DtoBitCast(val, getVoidPtrType());
        // offset
        val = DtoGEPi1(val, field->unionOffset);

    // cast it to the right type
    val = DtoBitCast(val, getPtrToType(DtoType(vd->type)));

    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "value: " << *val << '\n';

    return val;


// helper function that adds zero bytes to a vector of constants
size_t add_zeros(std::vector<llvm::Value*>& values, size_t diff)
    size_t n = values.size();
    bool is64 = global.params.is64bit;
    while (diff)
        if (is64 && diff % 8 == 0)
            diff -= 8;
        else if (diff % 4 == 0)
            diff -= 4;
        else if (diff % 2 == 0)
            diff -= 2;
            diff -= 1;
    return values.size() - n;

std::vector<llvm::Value*> DtoStructLiteralValues(const StructDeclaration* sd, const std::vector<llvm::Value*>& inits)
    // get arrays 
    size_t nvars = sd->fields.dim;
    VarDeclaration** vars = (VarDeclaration**)sd->;

    assert(inits.size() == nvars);

    // first locate all explicit initializers
    std::vector<VarDeclaration*> explicitInits;
    for (size_t i=0; i < nvars; i++)
        if (inits[i])

    // vector of values to build aggregate from
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> values;

    // offset trackers
    size_t lastoffset = 0;
    size_t lastsize = 0;

    // index of next explicit init
    size_t exidx = 0;
    // number of explicit inits
    size_t nex = explicitInits.size();

    // for through each field and build up the struct, padding with zeros
    size_t i;
    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++)
        VarDeclaration* var = vars[i];

        // get var info
        size_t os = var->offset;
        size_t sz = var->type->size();

        // get next explicit
        VarDeclaration* nextVar = NULL;
        size_t nextOs = 0;
        if (exidx < nex)
            nextVar = explicitInits[exidx];
            nextOs = nextVar->offset;
        // none, rest is defaults

        // not explicit initializer, default initialize if there is room, otherwise skip
        if (!inits[i])
            // default init if there is room
            // (past current offset) and (small enough to fit before next explicit)
            if ((os >= lastoffset + lastsize) && (os+sz <= nextOs))
                // add any 0 padding needed before this field
                if (os > lastoffset + lastsize)
                    //printf("1added %lu zeros\n", os - lastoffset - lastsize);
                    add_zeros(values, os - lastoffset - lastsize);

                // get field default init
                IrField* f = var->ir.irField;

                lastoffset = os;
                lastsize = sz;
                //printf("added default: %s : %lu (%lu)\n", var->toChars(), os, sz);
            // skip

        assert(nextVar == var);

        // add any 0 padding needed before this field
        if (os > lastoffset + lastsize)
            //printf("added %lu zeros\n", os - lastoffset - lastsize);
            add_zeros(values, os - lastoffset - lastsize);

        // add the expression value

        // update offsets
        lastoffset = os;
        lastsize = sz;

        // go to next explicit init

        //printf("added field: %s : %lu (%lu)\n", var->toChars(), os, sz);

    // fill out rest with default initializers
    const LLType* structtype = DtoType(sd->type);
    size_t structsize = getTypePaddedSize(structtype);

    // FIXME: this could probably share some code with the above
    if (structsize > lastoffset+lastsize)
        for (/*continue from first loop*/; i < nvars; i++)
            VarDeclaration* var = vars[i];

            // get var info
            size_t os = var->offset;
            size_t sz = var->type->size();

            // skip?
            if (os < lastoffset + lastsize)

            // add any 0 padding needed before this field
            if (os > lastoffset + lastsize)
                //printf("2added %lu zeros\n", os - lastoffset - lastsize);
                add_zeros(values, os - lastoffset - lastsize);

            // get field default init
            IrField* f = var->ir.irField;

            lastoffset = os;
            lastsize = sz;
            //printf("2added default: %s : %lu (%lu)\n", var->toChars(), os, sz);

    // add any 0 padding needed at the end of the literal
    if (structsize > lastoffset+lastsize)
        //printf("3added %lu zeros\n", structsize - lastoffset - lastsize);
        add_zeros(values, structsize - lastoffset - lastsize);

    return values;