view dmd/statement.c @ 578:8caa9adce5ae

Fix (?) rt_stackBottom for Windows.
author Christian Kamm <kamm incasoftware de>
date Thu, 04 Sep 2008 20:58:25 +0200
parents 6aee82889553
children eef8ac26c66c
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "mem.h"

#include "statement.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "cond.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "staticassert.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "hdrgen.h"
#include "parse.h"

/******************************** Statement ***************************/

Statement::Statement(Loc loc)
    : loc(loc)
#ifdef _DH
    // If this is an in{} contract scope statement (skip for determining
    //  inlineStatus of a function body for header content)
    incontract = 0;

Statement *Statement::syntaxCopy()
    return NULL;

void Statement::print()
    fprintf(stdmsg, "%s\n", toChars());

char *Statement::toChars()
{   OutBuffer *buf;
    HdrGenState hgs;

    buf = new OutBuffer();
    toCBuffer(buf, &hgs);
    return buf->toChars();

void Statement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)

Statement *Statement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    return this;

// Same as semantic(), but do create a new scope

Statement *Statement::semanticScope(Scope *sc, Statement *sbreak, Statement *scontinue)
{   Scope *scd;
    Statement *s;

    scd = sc->push();
    if (sbreak)
	scd->sbreak = sbreak;
    if (scontinue)
	scd->scontinue = scontinue;
    s = semantic(scd);
    return s;

void Statement::error(const char *format, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, format);
    ::verror(loc, format, ap);
    va_end( ap );

int Statement::hasBreak()
    return FALSE;

int Statement::hasContinue()
    return FALSE;

// TRUE if statement uses exception handling

int Statement::usesEH()
    return FALSE;

/* Only valid after semantic analysis
int Statement::blockExit()
    printf("Statement::blockExit(%p)\n", this);
    printf("%s\n", toChars());
    return BEany;

// TRUE if statement may fall off the end without a throw or return

int Statement::fallOffEnd()
    return TRUE;

// TRUE if statement 'comes from' somewhere else, like a goto

int Statement::comeFrom()
    return FALSE;

 * If this statement has code that needs to run in a finally clause
 * at the end of the current scope, return that code in the form of
 * a Statement.
 * Output:
 *	*sentry		code executed upon entry to the scope
 *	*sexception	code executed upon exit from the scope via exception
 *	*sfinally	code executed in finally block

void Statement::scopeCode(Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)
    *sentry = NULL;
    *sexception = NULL;
    *sfinally = NULL;

 * Flatten out the scope by presenting the statement
 * as an array of statements.
 * Returns NULL if no flattening necessary.

Statements *Statement::flatten(Scope *sc)
    return NULL;

/******************************** ExpStatement ***************************/

ExpStatement::ExpStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = exp;

Statement *ExpStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Expression *e = exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
    ExpStatement *es = new ExpStatement(loc, e);
    return es;

void ExpStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (exp)
	exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (!hgs->FLinit.init)

Statement *ExpStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    if (exp)
	//printf("ExpStatement::semantic() %s\n", exp->toChars());
	exp = exp->semantic(sc);
	exp = resolveProperties(sc, exp);
	exp = exp->optimize(0);
	//exp = exp->optimize(isDeclarationStatement() ? WANTvalue : 0);
    return this;

int ExpStatement::blockExit()
{   int result = BEfallthru;

    if (exp)
	if (exp->op == TOKhalt)
	    return BEhalt;
	if (exp->op == TOKassert)
	{   AssertExp *a = (AssertExp *)exp;

	    if (a->e1->isBool(FALSE))	// if it's an assert(0)
		return BEhalt;
	if (exp->canThrow())
	    result |= BEthrow;
    return result;

int ExpStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (exp)
	if (exp->op == TOKassert)
	{   AssertExp *a = (AssertExp *)exp;

	    if (a->e1->isBool(FALSE))	// if it's an assert(0)
		return FALSE;
	else if (exp->op == TOKhalt)
	    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

/******************************** CompileStatement ***************************/

CompileStatement::CompileStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = exp;

Statement *CompileStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Expression *e = exp->syntaxCopy();
    CompileStatement *es = new CompileStatement(loc, e);
    return es;

void CompileStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (!hgs->FLinit.init)

Statements *CompileStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
    //printf("CompileStatement::flatten() %s\n", exp->toChars());
    exp = exp->semantic(sc);
    exp = resolveProperties(sc, exp);
    exp = exp->optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
    if (exp->op != TOKstring)
    {	error("argument to mixin must be a string, not (%s)", exp->toChars());
	return NULL;
    StringExp *se = (StringExp *)exp;
    se = se->toUTF8(sc);
    Parser p(sc->module, (unsigned char *)se->string, se->len, 0);
    p.loc = loc;

    Statements *a = new Statements();
    while (p.token.value != TOKeof)
	Statement *s = p.parseStatement(PSsemi | PScurlyscope);
    return a;

Statement *CompileStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("CompileStatement::semantic() %s\n", exp->toChars());
    Statements *a = flatten(sc);
    if (!a)
	return NULL;
    Statement *s = new CompoundStatement(loc, a);
    return s->semantic(sc);

/******************************** DeclarationStatement ***************************/

DeclarationStatement::DeclarationStatement(Loc loc, Dsymbol *declaration)
    : ExpStatement(loc, new DeclarationExp(loc, declaration))

DeclarationStatement::DeclarationStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
    : ExpStatement(loc, exp)

Statement *DeclarationStatement::syntaxCopy()
    DeclarationStatement *ds = new DeclarationStatement(loc, exp->syntaxCopy());
    return ds;

void DeclarationStatement::scopeCode(Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)

    *sentry = NULL;
    *sexception = NULL;
    *sfinally = NULL;

    if (exp)
	if (exp->op == TOKdeclaration)
	    DeclarationExp *de = (DeclarationExp *)(exp);
	    VarDeclaration *v = de->declaration->isVarDeclaration();
	    if (v)
	    {	Expression *e;

		e = v->callAutoDtor();
		if (e)
		    //printf("dtor is: "); e->print();
		    *sfinally = new ExpStatement(loc, e);

void DeclarationStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** CompoundStatement ***************************/

CompoundStatement::CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s)
    : Statement(loc)
    statements = s;

CompoundStatement::CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s1, Statement *s2)
    : Statement(loc)
    statements = new Statements();

Statement *CompoundStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Statements *a = new Statements();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *)statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	    s = s->syntaxCopy();
	a->data[i] = s;
    CompoundStatement *cs = new CompoundStatement(loc, a);
    return cs;

Statement *CompoundStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   Statement *s;

    //printf("CompoundStatement::semantic(this = %p, sc = %p)\n", this, sc);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; )
	s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	{   Statements *a = s->flatten(sc);

	    if (a)
		statements->insert(i, a);
	    s = s->semantic(sc);
	    statements->data[i] = s;
	    if (s)
		Statement *sentry;
		Statement *sexception;
		Statement *sfinally;

		s->scopeCode(&sentry, &sexception, &sfinally);
		if (sentry)
		    sentry = sentry->semantic(sc);
		    statements->data[i] = sentry;
		if (sexception)
		    if (i + 1 == statements->dim && !sfinally)
#if 1
			sexception = sexception->semantic(sc);
			if (sfinally)
			    // Assume sexception does not throw
			/* Rewrite:
			 *	s; s1; s2;
			 * As:
			 *	s;
			 *	try { s1; s2; }
			 *	catch (Object __o)
			 *	{ sexception; throw __o; }
			Statement *body;
			Statements *a = new Statements();

			for (int j = i + 1; j < statements->dim; j++)
			body = new CompoundStatement(0, a);
			body = new ScopeStatement(0, body);

			static int num;
			char name[3 + sizeof(num) * 3 + 1];
			sprintf(name, "__o%d", ++num);
			Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool(name);

			Statement *handler = new ThrowStatement(0, new IdentifierExp(0, id));
			handler = new CompoundStatement(0, sexception, handler);

			Array *catches = new Array();
			Catch *ctch = new Catch(0, NULL, id, handler);
			s = new TryCatchStatement(0, body, catches);

			if (sfinally)
			    s = new TryFinallyStatement(0, s, sfinally);
			s = s->semantic(sc);
			statements->setDim(i + 1);
		else if (sfinally)
		    if (0 && i + 1 == statements->dim)
			/* Rewrite:
			 *	s; s1; s2;
			 * As:
			 *	s; try { s1; s2; } finally { sfinally; }
			Statement *body;
			Statements *a = new Statements();

			for (int j = i + 1; j < statements->dim; j++)
			body = new CompoundStatement(0, a);
			s = new TryFinallyStatement(0, body, sfinally);
			s = s->semantic(sc);
			statements->setDim(i + 1);
    if (statements->dim == 1 && !isAsmBlockStatement())
	return (Statement *)statements->data[0];
    return this;

Statements *CompoundStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
    return statements;

ReturnStatement *CompoundStatement::isReturnStatement()
    ReturnStatement *rs = NULL;

    for (int i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	    rs = s->isReturnStatement();
	    if (rs)
    return rs;

void CompoundStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    for (int i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	    s->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

int CompoundStatement::usesEH()
    for (int i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s && s->usesEH())
	    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int CompoundStatement::blockExit()
    //printf("CompoundStatement::blockExit(%p) %d\n", this, statements->dim);
    int result = BEfallthru;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s)
//printf("result = x%x\n", result);
//printf("%s\n", s->toChars());
	    if (!(result & BEfallthru) && !s->comeFrom())
		if (global.params.warnings)
		{   fprintf(stdmsg, "warning - ");
		    s->error("statement is not reachable");

	    result &= ~BEfallthru;
	    result |= s->blockExit();
    return result;

int CompoundStatement::fallOffEnd()
{   int falloff = TRUE;

    //printf("CompoundStatement::fallOffEnd() %s\n", toChars());
    for (int i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *)statements->data[i];

	if (!s)

	if (!falloff && global.params.warnings && !s->comeFrom())
	    warning("%s: statement is not reachable", s->loc.toChars());
	falloff = s->fallOffEnd();
    return falloff;

int CompoundStatement::comeFrom()
{   int comefrom = FALSE;

    for (int i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *)statements->data[i];

	if (!s)

	comefrom |= s->comeFrom();
    return comefrom;

/**************************** UnrolledLoopStatement ***************************/

UnrolledLoopStatement::UnrolledLoopStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s)
    : Statement(loc)
    statements = s;
    enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *UnrolledLoopStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Statements *a = new Statements();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *)statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	    s = s->syntaxCopy();
	a->data[i] = s;
    UnrolledLoopStatement *cs = new UnrolledLoopStatement(loc, a);
    return cs;

Statement *UnrolledLoopStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("UnrolledLoopStatement::semantic(this = %p, sc = %p)\n", this, sc);

    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;

    Scope *scd = sc->push();
    scd->sbreak = this;
    scd->scontinue = this;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	    s = s->semantic(scd);
	    statements->data[i] = s;

    return this;

void UnrolledLoopStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("unrolled {");

    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s;

	s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	    s->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);


int UnrolledLoopStatement::hasBreak()
    return TRUE;

int UnrolledLoopStatement::hasContinue()
    return TRUE;

int UnrolledLoopStatement::usesEH()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s && s->usesEH())
	    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int UnrolledLoopStatement::blockExit()
    int result = BEfallthru;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
	if (s)
	    int r = s->blockExit();
	    result |= r & ~(BEbreak | BEcontinue);
    return result;

int UnrolledLoopStatement::fallOffEnd()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *)statements->data[i];

	if (s)
    return TRUE;

int UnrolledLoopStatement::comeFrom()
{   int comefrom = FALSE;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
    {	Statement *s = (Statement *)statements->data[i];

	if (!s)

	comefrom |= s->comeFrom();
    return comefrom;

/******************************** ScopeStatement ***************************/

ScopeStatement::ScopeStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->statement = s;

Statement *ScopeStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Statement *s;

    s = statement ? statement->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
    s = new ScopeStatement(loc, s);
    return s;

Statement *ScopeStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   ScopeDsymbol *sym;

    //printf("ScopeStatement::semantic(sc = %p)\n", sc);
    if (statement)
    {	Statements *a;

	sym = new ScopeDsymbol();
	sym->parent = sc->scopesym;
	sc = sc->push(sym);

	a = statement->flatten(sc);
	if (a)
	    statement = new CompoundStatement(loc, a);

	statement = statement->semantic(sc);
	if (statement)
	    Statement *sentry;
	    Statement *sexception;
	    Statement *sfinally;

	    statement->scopeCode(&sentry, &sexception, &sfinally);
	    if (sfinally)
		//printf("adding sfinally\n");
		statement = new CompoundStatement(loc, statement, sfinally);

    return this;

int ScopeStatement::hasBreak()
    //printf("ScopeStatement::hasBreak() %s\n", toChars());
    return statement ? statement->hasBreak() : FALSE;

int ScopeStatement::hasContinue()
    return statement ? statement->hasContinue() : FALSE;

int ScopeStatement::usesEH()
    return statement ? statement->usesEH() : FALSE;

int ScopeStatement::blockExit()
    //printf("ScopeStatement::blockExit(%p)\n", statement);
    return statement ? statement->blockExit() : BEfallthru;

int ScopeStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return statement ? statement->fallOffEnd() : TRUE;

int ScopeStatement::comeFrom()
    return statement ? statement->comeFrom() : FALSE;

void ScopeStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)

    if (statement)
	statement->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);


/******************************** WhileStatement ***************************/

WhileStatement::WhileStatement(Loc loc, Expression *c, Statement *b)
    : Statement(loc)
    condition = c;
    body = b;
    enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *WhileStatement::syntaxCopy()
    WhileStatement *s = new WhileStatement(loc, condition->syntaxCopy(), body ? body->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
    return s;

Statement *WhileStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
#if 0
    if (condition->op == TOKmatch)
	/* Rewrite while (condition) body as:
	 *   if (condition)
	 *     do
	 *       body
	 *     while ((_match = _match.opNext), _match);

	Expression *ew = new IdentifierExp(0, Id::_match);
	ew = new DotIdExp(0, ew, Id::next);
	ew = new AssignExp(0, new IdentifierExp(0, Id::_match), ew);
	////ew = new EqualExp(TOKnotequal, 0, ew, new NullExp(0));
	Expression *ev = new IdentifierExp(0, Id::_match);
	//ev = new CastExp(0, ev, Type::tvoidptr);
	ew = new CommaExp(0, ew, ev);
	Statement *sw = new DoStatement(loc, body, ew);
	Statement *si = new IfStatement(loc, condition, sw, NULL);
	return si->semantic(sc);

    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;

    condition = condition->semantic(sc);
    condition = resolveProperties(sc, condition);
    condition = condition->optimize(WANTvalue);
    condition = condition->checkToBoolean();


    Scope *scd = sc->push();
    scd->sbreak = this;
    scd->scontinue = this;
    if (body)
	body = body->semantic(scd);


    return this;

int WhileStatement::hasBreak()
    return TRUE;

int WhileStatement::hasContinue()
    return TRUE;

int WhileStatement::usesEH()
    return body ? body->usesEH() : 0;

int WhileStatement::blockExit()
    //printf("WhileStatement::blockExit(%p)\n", this);

    int result = BEnone;
    if (condition->canThrow())
	result |= BEthrow;
    if (condition->isBool(TRUE))
	if (body)
	{   result |= body->blockExit();
	    if (result & BEbreak)
		result |= BEfallthru;
    else if (condition->isBool(FALSE))
	result |= BEfallthru;
	if (body)
	    result |= body->blockExit();
	result |= BEfallthru;
    result &= ~(BEbreak | BEcontinue);
    return result;

int WhileStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (body)
    return TRUE;

int WhileStatement::comeFrom()
    if (body)
	return body->comeFrom();
    return FALSE;

void WhileStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("while (");
    condition->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (body)
	body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** DoStatement ***************************/

DoStatement::DoStatement(Loc loc, Statement *b, Expression *c)
    : Statement(loc)
    body = b;
    condition = c;
    enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *DoStatement::syntaxCopy()
    DoStatement *s = new DoStatement(loc, body ? body->syntaxCopy() : NULL, condition->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *DoStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;

    if (body)
	body = body->semanticScope(sc, this, this);
    condition = condition->semantic(sc);
    condition = resolveProperties(sc, condition);
    condition = condition->optimize(WANTvalue);

    condition = condition->checkToBoolean();

    return this;

int DoStatement::hasBreak()
    return TRUE;

int DoStatement::hasContinue()
    return TRUE;

int DoStatement::usesEH()
    return body ? body->usesEH() : 0;

int DoStatement::blockExit()
{   int result;

    if (body)
    {	result = body->blockExit();
	if (result == BEbreak)
	    return BEfallthru;
	if (result & BEcontinue)
	    result |= BEfallthru;
	result = BEfallthru;
    if (result & BEfallthru)
    {	if (condition->canThrow())
	    result |= BEthrow;
	if (!(result & BEbreak) && condition->isBool(TRUE))
	    result &= ~BEfallthru;
    result &= ~(BEbreak | BEcontinue);
    return result;

int DoStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (body)
    return TRUE;

int DoStatement::comeFrom()
    if (body)
	return body->comeFrom();
    return FALSE;

void DoStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (body)
	body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    buf->writestring("while (");
    condition->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** ForStatement ***************************/

ForStatement::ForStatement(Loc loc, Statement *init, Expression *condition, Expression *increment, Statement *body)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->init = init;
    this->condition = condition;
    this->increment = increment;
    this->body = body;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *ForStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Statement *i = NULL;
    if (init)
	i = init->syntaxCopy();
    Expression *c = NULL;
    if (condition)
	c = condition->syntaxCopy();
    Expression *inc = NULL;
    if (increment)
	inc = increment->syntaxCopy();
    ForStatement *s = new ForStatement(loc, i, c, inc, body->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *ForStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;

    ScopeDsymbol *sym = new ScopeDsymbol();
    sym->parent = sc->scopesym;
    sc = sc->push(sym);
    if (init)
	init = init->semantic(sc);
    if (!condition)
	// Use a default value
	condition = new IntegerExp(loc, 1, Type::tboolean);
    condition = condition->semantic(sc);
    condition = resolveProperties(sc, condition);
    condition = condition->optimize(WANTvalue);
    condition = condition->checkToBoolean();
    if (increment)
	increment = increment->semantic(sc);

    sc->sbreak = this;
    sc->scontinue = this;
    body = body->semantic(sc);

    return this;

void ForStatement::scopeCode(Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)
    if (init)
	init->scopeCode(sentry, sexception, sfinally);
	Statement::scopeCode(sentry, sexception, sfinally);

int ForStatement::hasBreak()
    return TRUE;

int ForStatement::hasContinue()
    return TRUE;

int ForStatement::usesEH()
    return (init && init->usesEH()) || body->usesEH();

int ForStatement::blockExit()
{   int result = BEfallthru;

    if (init)
    {	result = init->blockExit();
	if (!(result & BEfallthru))
	    return result;
    if (condition)
    {	if (condition->canThrow())
	    result |= BEthrow;
	result &= ~BEfallthru;	// the body must do the exiting
    if (body)
    {	int r = body->blockExit();
	if (r & BEbreak)
	    result |= BEfallthru;
	result |= r & ~(BEbreak | BEcontinue);
    if (increment && increment->canThrow())
	result |= BEthrow;
    return result;

int ForStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (body)
    return TRUE;

int ForStatement::comeFrom()
    if (body)
    {	int result = body->comeFrom();
	//printf("result = %d\n", result);
	return result;
    return FALSE;

void ForStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("for (");
    if (init)
        hgs->FLinit.decl = 0;
        init->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
        if (hgs->FLinit.decl > 0)
        hgs->FLinit.decl = 0;
    if (condition)
    {   buf->writebyte(' ');
        condition->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (increment)
    {   buf->writebyte(' ');
        increment->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** ForeachStatement ***************************/

ForeachStatement::ForeachStatement(Loc loc, enum TOK op, Arguments *arguments,
	Expression *aggr, Statement *body)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->op = op;
    this->arguments = arguments;
    this->aggr = aggr;
    this->body = body;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

    this->key = NULL;
    this->value = NULL;

    this->func = NULL;

Statement *ForeachStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Arguments *args = Argument::arraySyntaxCopy(arguments);
    Expression *exp = aggr->syntaxCopy();
    ForeachStatement *s = new ForeachStatement(loc, op, args, exp,
	body ? body->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
    return s;

Statement *ForeachStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("ForeachStatement::semantic() %p\n", this);
    ScopeDsymbol *sym;
    Statement *s = this;
    int dim = arguments->dim;
    int i;
    TypeAArray *taa = NULL;

    Type *tn = NULL;
    Type *tnv = NULL;

    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;

    func = sc->func;
    if (func->fes)
	func = func->fes->func;

    aggr = aggr->semantic(sc);
    aggr = resolveProperties(sc, aggr);
    if (!aggr->type)
	error("invalid foreach aggregate %s", aggr->toChars());
	return this;

    inferApplyArgTypes(op, arguments, aggr);

    /* Check for inference errors
    if (dim != arguments->dim)
	//printf("dim = %d, arguments->dim = %d\n", dim, arguments->dim);
	error("cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types");
	return this;

    Type *tab = aggr->type->toBasetype();

    if (tab->ty == Ttuple)	// don't generate new scope for tuple loops
	if (dim < 1 || dim > 2)
	    error("only one (value) or two (key,value) arguments for tuple foreach");
	    return s;

	TypeTuple *tuple = (TypeTuple *)tab;
	Statements *statements = new Statements();
	//printf("aggr: op = %d, %s\n", aggr->op, aggr->toChars());
	size_t n;
	TupleExp *te = NULL;
	if (aggr->op == TOKtuple)	// expression tuple
	{   te = (TupleExp *)aggr;
	    n = te->exps->dim;
	else if (aggr->op == TOKtype)	// type tuple
	    n = Argument::dim(tuple->arguments);
	for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
	{   size_t k = (op == TOKforeach) ? j : n - 1 - j;
	    Expression *e;
	    Type *t;
	    if (te)
		e = (Expression *)te->exps->data[k];
		t = Argument::getNth(tuple->arguments, k)->type;
	    Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[0];
	    Statements *st = new Statements();

	    if (dim == 2)
	    {   // Declare key
		if (arg->storageClass & (STCout | STCref | STClazy))
		    error("no storage class for key %s", arg->ident->toChars());
		TY keyty = arg->type->ty;
        if (global.params.is64bit)
            if (keyty != Tint32 && keyty != Tuns32 && keyty != Tint64 && keyty != Tuns64)
                error("foreach: key type must be int, uint, long or ulong, not %s", key->type->toChars());
        else if (keyty != Tint32 && keyty != Tuns32)
            error("foreach: key type must be int or uint, not %s", key->type->toChars());
		Initializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(0, new IntegerExp(k));
		VarDeclaration *var = new VarDeclaration(loc, arg->type, arg->ident, ie);
		var->storage_class |= STCconst;
		DeclarationExp *de = new DeclarationExp(loc, var);
		st->push(new ExpStatement(loc, de));
		arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[1];	// value
	    // Declare value
	    if (arg->storageClass & (STCout | STCref | STClazy))
		error("no storage class for value %s", arg->ident->toChars());
	    Dsymbol *var;
	    if (te)
		if (e->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tfunction &&
		    e->op == TOKvar)
		{   VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)e;
		    var = new AliasDeclaration(loc, arg->ident, ve->var);
		    arg->type = e->type;
		    Initializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
		    VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, arg->type, arg->ident, ie);
		    if (e->isConst())
			v->storage_class |= STCconst;
		    var = v;
		var = new AliasDeclaration(loc, arg->ident, t);
	    DeclarationExp *de = new DeclarationExp(loc, var);
	    st->push(new ExpStatement(loc, de));

	    s = new CompoundStatement(loc, st);
	    s = new ScopeStatement(loc, s);

	s = new UnrolledLoopStatement(loc, statements);
	s = s->semantic(sc);
	return s;

    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
    {	Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[i];
	if (!arg->type)
	    error("cannot infer type for %s", arg->ident->toChars());
	    return this;

    sym = new ScopeDsymbol();
    sym->parent = sc->scopesym;
    sc = sc->push(sym);


    switch (tab->ty)
	case Tarray:
	case Tsarray:
	    if (dim < 1 || dim > 2)
		error("only one or two arguments for array foreach");

	    /* Look for special case of parsing char types out of char type
	     * array.
	    tn = tab->nextOf()->toBasetype();
	    if (tn->ty == Tchar || tn->ty == Twchar || tn->ty == Tdchar)
	    {	Argument *arg;

		i = (dim == 1) ? 0 : 1;	// index of value
		arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[i];
		arg->type = arg->type->semantic(loc, sc);
		tnv = arg->type->toBasetype();
		if (tnv->ty != tn->ty &&
		    (tnv->ty == Tchar || tnv->ty == Twchar || tnv->ty == Tdchar))
		    if (arg->storageClass & STCref)
			error("foreach: value of UTF conversion cannot be ref");
		    if (dim == 2)
		    {	arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[0];
			if (arg->storageClass & STCref)
			    error("foreach: key cannot be ref");
		    goto Lapply;

	    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	    {	// Declare args
		Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[i];
		VarDeclaration *var;

		var = new VarDeclaration(loc, arg->type, arg->ident, NULL);
		var->storage_class |= STCforeach;
		var->storage_class |= arg->storageClass & (STCin | STCout | STCref);
#if 1
		DeclarationExp *de = new DeclarationExp(loc, var);
		if (!sc->insert(var))
		    error("%s already defined", var->ident->toChars());
		if (dim == 2 && i == 0)
		    key = var;
		    value = var;

	    sc->sbreak = this;
	    sc->scontinue = this;
	    body = body->semantic(sc);

	    if (!value->type->equals(tab->next))
		if (aggr->op == TOKstring)
		    aggr = aggr->implicitCastTo(sc, value->type->arrayOf());
		    error("foreach: %s is not an array of %s", tab->toChars(), value->type->toChars());

        if (key)
            if (global.params.is64bit)
                if (key->type->ty != Tint32 && key->type->ty != Tuns32 && key->type->ty != Tint64 && key->type->ty != Tuns64)
                    error("foreach: key type must be int, uint, long or ulong, not %s", key->type->toChars());
            else if (key->type->ty != Tint32 && key->type->ty != Tuns32)
                error("foreach: key type must be int or uint, not %s", key->type->toChars());

	    if (key && key->storage_class & (STCout | STCref))
		error("foreach: key cannot be out or ref");

	case Taarray:
	    taa = (TypeAArray *)tab;
	    if (dim < 1 || dim > 2)
		error("only one or two arguments for associative array foreach");
	    if (op == TOKforeach_reverse)
		error("no reverse iteration on associative arrays");
	    goto Lapply;

	case Tclass:
	case Tstruct:
	case Tdelegate:
	{   FuncDeclaration *fdapply;
	    Arguments *args;
	    Expression *ec;
	    Expression *e;
	    FuncLiteralDeclaration *fld;
	    Argument *a;
	    Type *t;
	    Expression *flde;
	    Identifier *id;
	    Type *tret;

	    tret = func->type->nextOf();

	    // Need a variable to hold value from any return statements in body.
	    if (!sc->func->vresult && tret && tret != Type::tvoid)
	    {	VarDeclaration *v;

		v = new VarDeclaration(loc, tret, Id::result, NULL);
		v->noauto = 1;
		if (!sc->insert(v))
		v->parent = sc->func;
		sc->func->vresult = v;

	    /* Turn body into the function literal:
	     *	int delegate(ref T arg) { body }
	    args = new Arguments();
	    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	    {	Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[i];

		arg->type = arg->type->semantic(loc, sc);
		if (arg->storageClass & STCref)
		    id = arg->ident;
		{   // Make a copy of the ref argument so it isn't
		    // a reference.
		    VarDeclaration *v;
		    Initializer *ie;
		    char applyArg[10 + sizeof(i)*3 + 1];

		    sprintf(applyArg, "__applyArg%d", i);
		    id = Lexer::idPool(applyArg);

		    ie = new ExpInitializer(0, new IdentifierExp(0, id));
		    v = new VarDeclaration(0, arg->type, arg->ident, ie);
		    s = new DeclarationStatement(0, v);
		    body = new CompoundStatement(loc, s, body);
		a = new Argument(STCref, arg->type, id, NULL);
	    t = new TypeFunction(args, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
	    fld = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(loc, 0, t, TOKdelegate, this);
	    fld->fbody = body;
	    flde = new FuncExp(loc, fld);
	    flde = flde->semantic(sc);

	    // Resolve any forward referenced goto's
	    for (int i = 0; i < gotos.dim; i++)
	    {	CompoundStatement *cs = (CompoundStatement *)[i];
		GotoStatement *gs = (GotoStatement *)cs->statements->data[0];

		if (!gs->label->statement)
		{   // 'Promote' it to this scope, and replace with a return
		    s = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(cases.dim + 1));
		    cs->statements->data[0] = (void *)s;

	    if (tab->ty == Taarray)
		// Check types
		Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[0];
		if (dim == 2)
		    if (arg->storageClass & STCref)
			error("foreach: index cannot be ref");
		    if (!arg->type->equals(taa->index))
			error("foreach: index must be type %s, not %s", taa->index->toChars(), arg->type->toChars());
		    arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[1];
		if (!arg->type->equals(taa->nextOf()))
		    error("foreach: value must be type %s, not %s", taa->nextOf()->toChars(), arg->type->toChars());

		/* Call:
		 *	_aaApply(aggr, keysize, flde)
		//LLVMDC: Build arguments.
		static FuncDeclaration *aaApply2_fd = NULL;
		if(!aaApply2_fd) {
		    Arguments* args = new Arguments;
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::topaque->pointerTo(), NULL, NULL));
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tsize_t, NULL, NULL));
		    Arguments* dgargs = new Arguments;
		    dgargs->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, NULL, NULL));
		    dgargs->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, NULL, NULL));
		    TypeDelegate* dgty = new TypeDelegate(new TypeFunction(dgargs, Type::tindex, 0, LINKd));
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, dgty, NULL, NULL));
		    aaApply2_fd = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(args, Type::tindex, "_aaApply2");
		static FuncDeclaration *aaApply_fd = NULL;
		if(!aaApply_fd) {
		    Arguments* args = new Arguments;
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::topaque->pointerTo(), NULL, NULL));
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tsize_t, NULL, NULL));
		    Arguments* dgargs = new Arguments;
		    dgargs->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, NULL, NULL));
		    TypeDelegate* dgty = new TypeDelegate(new TypeFunction(dgargs, Type::tindex, 0, LINKd));
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, dgty, NULL, NULL));
		    aaApply_fd = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(args, Type::tindex, "_aaApply");
		if (dim == 2) {
		    fdapply = aaApply2_fd;
		} else {
		    fdapply = aaApply_fd;
		ec = new VarExp(0, fdapply);
		Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
		size_t keysize = taa->key->size();
		keysize = (keysize + 3) & ~3;
		exps->push(new IntegerExp(0, keysize, Type::tsize_t));
		e = new CallExp(loc, ec, exps);
		e->type = Type::tindex;	// don't run semantic() on e
	    else if (tab->ty == Tarray || tab->ty == Tsarray)
		/* Call:
		 *	_aApply(aggr, flde)
		static char fntab[9][3] =
		{ "cc","cw","cd",
		char fdname[7+1+2+ sizeof(dim)*3 + 1];
		int flag;

		switch (tn->ty)
		    case Tchar:		flag = 0; break;
		    case Twchar:	flag = 3; break;
		    case Tdchar:	flag = 6; break;
		    default:		assert(0);
		switch (tnv->ty)
		    case Tchar:		flag += 0; break;
		    case Twchar:	flag += 1; break;
		    case Tdchar:	flag += 2; break;
		    default:		assert(0);
		const char *r = (op == TOKforeach_reverse) ? "R" : "";
		int j = sprintf(fdname, "_aApply%s%.*s%d", r, 2, fntab[flag], dim);
		assert(j < sizeof(fdname));
		//LLVMDC: Build arguments.
		Arguments* args = new Arguments;
		args->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::topaque->arrayOf(), NULL, NULL));
		if (dim == 2) {
		    Arguments* dgargs = new Arguments;
		    dgargs->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, NULL, NULL));
		    dgargs->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, NULL, NULL));
		    TypeDelegate* dgty = new TypeDelegate(new TypeFunction(dgargs, Type::tindex, 0, LINKd));
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, dgty, NULL, NULL));
		    fdapply = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(args, Type::tindex, fdname);
		} else {
		    Arguments* dgargs = new Arguments;
		    dgargs->push(new Argument(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, NULL, NULL));
		    TypeDelegate* dgty = new TypeDelegate(new TypeFunction(dgargs, Type::tindex, 0, LINKd));
		    args->push(new Argument(STCin, dgty, NULL, NULL));
		    fdapply = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(args, Type::tindex, fdname);

		ec = new VarExp(0, fdapply);
		Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
		if (tab->ty == Tsarray)
		   aggr = aggr->castTo(sc, tn->arrayOf());
		e = new CallExp(loc, ec, exps);
		e->type = Type::tindex;	// don't run semantic() on e
	    else if (tab->ty == Tdelegate)
		/* Call:
		 *	aggr(flde)
		Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
		e = new CallExp(loc, aggr, exps);
		e = e->semantic(sc);
		if (e->type != Type::tint32)
		    error("opApply() function for %s must return an int", tab->toChars());
		/* Call:
		 *	aggr.apply(flde)
		ec = new DotIdExp(loc, aggr,
			(op == TOKforeach_reverse) ? Id::applyReverse
						   : Id::apply);
		Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
		e = new CallExp(loc, ec, exps);
		e = e->semantic(sc);
		if (e->type != Type::tint32)
		    error("opApply() function for %s must return an int", tab->toChars());

	    if (!cases.dim)
		// Easy case, a clean exit from the loop
		s = new ExpStatement(loc, e);
	    {	// Construct a switch statement around the return value
		// of the apply function.
		Statements *a = new Statements();

		// default: break; takes care of cases 0 and 1
		s = new BreakStatement(0, NULL);
		s = new DefaultStatement(0, s);

		// cases 2...
		for (int i = 0; i < cases.dim; i++)
		    s = (Statement *)[i];
		    s = new CaseStatement(0, new IntegerExp(i + 2), s);

		s = new CompoundStatement(loc, a);
		s = new SwitchStatement(loc, e, s);
		s = s->semantic(sc);

	    error("foreach: %s is not an aggregate type", aggr->type->toChars());
    return s;

int ForeachStatement::hasBreak()
    return TRUE;

int ForeachStatement::hasContinue()
    return TRUE;

int ForeachStatement::usesEH()
    return body->usesEH();

int ForeachStatement::blockExit()
{   int result = BEfallthru;

    if (aggr->canThrow())
	result |= BEthrow;

    if (body)
	result |= body->blockExit() & ~(BEbreak | BEcontinue);
    return result;

int ForeachStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (body)
    return TRUE;

int ForeachStatement::comeFrom()
    if (body)
	return body->comeFrom();
    return FALSE;

void ForeachStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring(" (");
    for (int i = 0; i < arguments->dim; i++)
	Argument *a = (Argument *)arguments->data[i];
	if (i)
	    buf->writestring(", ");
	if (a->storageClass & STCref)
	    buf->writestring((global.params.Dversion == 1)
		? (char*)"inout " : (char*)"ref ");
	if (a->type)
	    a->type->toCBuffer(buf, a->ident, hgs);
    buf->writestring("; ");
    aggr->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (body)
	body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** IfStatement ***************************/

IfStatement::IfStatement(Loc loc, Argument *arg, Expression *condition, Statement *ifbody, Statement *elsebody)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->arg = arg;
    this->condition = condition;
    this->ifbody = ifbody;
    this->elsebody = elsebody;
    this->match = NULL;

Statement *IfStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Statement *i = NULL;
    if (ifbody)
        i = ifbody->syntaxCopy();

    Statement *e = NULL;
    if (elsebody)
	e = elsebody->syntaxCopy();

    Argument *a = arg ? arg->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
    IfStatement *s = new IfStatement(loc, a, condition->syntaxCopy(), i, e);
    return s;

Statement *IfStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    condition = condition->semantic(sc);
    condition = resolveProperties(sc, condition);
    condition = condition->checkToBoolean();

    // If we can short-circuit evaluate the if statement, don't do the
    // semantic analysis of the skipped code.
    // This feature allows a limited form of conditional compilation.
    condition = condition->optimize(WANTflags);

    // Evaluate at runtime
    unsigned cs0 = sc->callSuper;
    unsigned cs1;

    Scope *scd;
    if (arg)
    {	/* Declare arg, which we will set to be the
	 * result of condition.
	ScopeDsymbol *sym = new ScopeDsymbol();
	sym->parent = sc->scopesym;
	scd = sc->push(sym);

	Type *t = arg->type ? arg->type : condition->type;
	match = new VarDeclaration(loc, t, arg->ident, NULL);
	match->noauto = 1;
	if (!scd->insert(match))
	match->parent = sc->func;

	/* Generate:
	 *  (arg = condition)
	VarExp *v = new VarExp(0, match);
	condition = new AssignExp(loc, v, condition);
	condition = condition->semantic(scd);
	scd = sc->push();
    ifbody = ifbody->semantic(scd);

    cs1 = sc->callSuper;
    sc->callSuper = cs0;
    if (elsebody)
	elsebody = elsebody->semanticScope(sc, NULL, NULL);
    sc->mergeCallSuper(loc, cs1);

    return this;

int IfStatement::usesEH()
    return (ifbody && ifbody->usesEH()) || (elsebody && elsebody->usesEH());

int IfStatement::blockExit()
    //printf("IfStatement::blockExit(%p)\n", this);

    int result = BEnone;
    if (condition->canThrow())
	result |= BEthrow;
    if (condition->isBool(TRUE))
	if (ifbody)
	    result |= ifbody->blockExit();
	    result |= BEfallthru;
    else if (condition->isBool(FALSE))
	if (elsebody)
	    result |= elsebody->blockExit();
	    result |= BEfallthru;
	if (ifbody)
	    result |= ifbody->blockExit();
	    result |= BEfallthru;
	if (elsebody)
	    result |= elsebody->blockExit();
	    result |= BEfallthru;
    //printf("IfStatement::blockExit(%p) = x%x\n", this, result);
    return result;

int IfStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (!ifbody || ifbody->fallOffEnd() ||
	!elsebody || elsebody->fallOffEnd())
	return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void IfStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("if (");
    if (arg)
	if (arg->type)
	    arg->type->toCBuffer(buf, arg->ident, hgs);
	{   buf->writestring("auto ");
	buf->writestring(" = ");
    condition->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    ifbody->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (elsebody)
    {   buf->writestring("else");
        elsebody->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** ConditionalStatement ***************************/

ConditionalStatement::ConditionalStatement(Loc loc, Condition *condition, Statement *ifbody, Statement *elsebody)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->condition = condition;
    this->ifbody = ifbody;
    this->elsebody = elsebody;

Statement *ConditionalStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Statement *e = NULL;
    if (elsebody)
	e = elsebody->syntaxCopy();
    ConditionalStatement *s = new ConditionalStatement(loc,
		condition->syntaxCopy(), ifbody->syntaxCopy(), e);
    return s;

Statement *ConditionalStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)

    // If we can short-circuit evaluate the if statement, don't do the
    // semantic analysis of the skipped code.
    // This feature allows a limited form of conditional compilation.
    if (condition->include(sc, NULL))
	ifbody = ifbody->semantic(sc);
	return ifbody;
	if (elsebody)
	    elsebody = elsebody->semantic(sc);
	return elsebody;

Statements *ConditionalStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
    Statement *s;

    if (condition->include(sc, NULL))
	s = ifbody;
	s = elsebody;

    Statements *a = new Statements();
    return a;

int ConditionalStatement::usesEH()
    return (ifbody && ifbody->usesEH()) || (elsebody && elsebody->usesEH());

int ConditionalStatement::blockExit()
    int result = ifbody->blockExit();
    if (elsebody)
	result |= elsebody->blockExit();
    return result;

void ConditionalStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    condition->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (ifbody)
	ifbody->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (elsebody)
	elsebody->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** PragmaStatement ***************************/

PragmaStatement::PragmaStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Expressions *args, Statement *body)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->ident = ident;
    this->args = args;
    this->body = body;

Statement *PragmaStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Statement *b = NULL;
    if (body)
	b = body->syntaxCopy();
    PragmaStatement *s = new PragmaStatement(loc,
		ident, Expression::arraySyntaxCopy(args), b);
    return s;

Statement *PragmaStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   // Should be merged with PragmaDeclaration
    //printf("PragmaStatement::semantic() %s\n", toChars());
    //printf("body = %p\n", body);
    if (ident == Id::msg)
        if (args)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < args->dim; i++)
                Expression *e = (Expression *)args->data[i];

                e = e->semantic(sc);
		e = e->optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
                if (e->op == TOKstring)
                    StringExp *se = (StringExp *)e;
                    fprintf(stdmsg, "%.*s", (int)se->len, se->string);
		    error("string expected for message, not '%s'", e->toChars());
            fprintf(stdmsg, "\n");
    else if (ident == Id::lib)
	if (!args || args->dim != 1)
	    error("string expected for library name");
	    Expression *e = (Expression *)args->data[0];

	    e = e->semantic(sc);
	    e = e->optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
	    args->data[0] = (void *)e;
	    if (e->op != TOKstring)
		error("string expected for library name, not '%s'", e->toChars());
	    else if (global.params.verbose)
		StringExp *se = (StringExp *)e;
		char *name = (char *)mem.malloc(se->len + 1);
		memcpy(name, se->string, se->len);
		name[se->len] = 0;
		printf("library   %s\n", name);;
        error("unrecognized pragma(%s)", ident->toChars());

    if (body)
	body = body->semantic(sc);
    return body;

int PragmaStatement::usesEH()
    return body && body->usesEH();

int PragmaStatement::blockExit()
    int result = BEfallthru;
#if 0 // currently, no code is generated for Pragma's, so it's just fallthru
    if (arrayExpressionCanThrow(args))
	result |= BEthrow;
    if (body)
	result |= body->blockExit();
    return result;

int PragmaStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (body)
	return body->fallOffEnd();
    return TRUE;

void PragmaStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("pragma (");
    if (args && args->dim)
	buf->writestring(", ");
	argsToCBuffer(buf, args, hgs);
    if (body)

	body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);


/******************************** StaticAssertStatement ***************************/

StaticAssertStatement::StaticAssertStatement(StaticAssert *sa)
    : Statement(sa->loc)
    this->sa = sa;

Statement *StaticAssertStatement::syntaxCopy()
    StaticAssertStatement *s = new StaticAssertStatement((StaticAssert *)sa->syntaxCopy(NULL));
    return s;

Statement *StaticAssertStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    return NULL;

void StaticAssertStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    sa->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** SwitchStatement ***************************/

SwitchStatement::SwitchStatement(Loc loc, Expression *c, Statement *b)
    : Statement(loc)
    condition = c;
    body = b;
    sdefault = NULL;
    cases = NULL;
    hasNoDefault = 0;
    // LLVMDC
    enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *SwitchStatement::syntaxCopy()
    SwitchStatement *s = new SwitchStatement(loc,
	condition->syntaxCopy(), body->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *SwitchStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("SwitchStatement::semantic(%p)\n", this);
    assert(!cases);		// ensure semantic() is only run once

    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;

    condition = condition->semantic(sc);
    condition = resolveProperties(sc, condition);
    if (condition->type->isString())
	// If it's not an array, cast it to one
	if (condition->type->ty != Tarray)
	    condition = condition->implicitCastTo(sc, condition->type->nextOf()->arrayOf());
    {	condition = condition->integralPromotions(sc);
    condition = condition->optimize(WANTvalue);

    sc = sc->push();
    sc->sbreak = this;
    sc->sw = this;

    cases = new Array();
    sc->noctor++;	// BUG: should use Scope::mergeCallSuper() for each case instead
    body = body->semantic(sc);

    // Resolve any goto case's with exp
    for (int i = 0; i < gotoCases.dim; i++)
	GotoCaseStatement *gcs = (GotoCaseStatement *)[i];

	if (!gcs->exp)
	    gcs->error("no case statement following goto case;");

	for (Scope *scx = sc; scx; scx = scx->enclosing)
	    if (!scx->sw)
	    for (int j = 0; j < scx->sw->cases->dim; j++)
		CaseStatement *cs = (CaseStatement *)scx->sw->cases->data[j];

		if (cs->exp->equals(gcs->exp))
		    gcs->cs = cs;
		    goto Lfoundcase;
	gcs->error("case %s not found", gcs->exp->toChars());


    if (!sc->sw->sdefault)
    {	hasNoDefault = 1;

	if (global.params.warnings)
	{   warning("%s: switch statement has no default", loc.toChars());

	// Generate runtime error if the default is hit
	Statements *a = new Statements();
	CompoundStatement *cs;
	Statement *s;

	if (global.params.useSwitchError)
	    s = new SwitchErrorStatement(loc);
	{   Expression *e = new HaltExp(loc);
	    s = new ExpStatement(loc, e);

	a->push(new BreakStatement(loc, NULL));
	sc->sw->sdefault = new DefaultStatement(loc, s);
	cs = new CompoundStatement(loc, a);
	body = cs;

    return this;

int SwitchStatement::hasBreak()
    return TRUE;

int SwitchStatement::usesEH()
    return body ? body->usesEH() : 0;

int SwitchStatement::blockExit()
{   int result = BEnone;
    if (condition->canThrow())
	result |= BEthrow;

    if (body)
    {	result |= body->blockExit();
	if (result & BEbreak)
	{   result |= BEfallthru;
	    result &= ~BEbreak;
	result |= BEfallthru;

    return result;

int SwitchStatement::fallOffEnd()
    if (body)
    return TRUE;	// need to do this better

void SwitchStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("switch (");
    condition->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (body)
	if (!body->isScopeStatement())
        {   buf->writebyte('{');
            body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
            body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** CaseStatement ***************************/

CaseStatement::CaseStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *s)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = exp;
    this->statement = s;
    cblock = NULL;
    bodyBB = NULL;
    llvmIdx = NULL;

Statement *CaseStatement::syntaxCopy()
    CaseStatement *s = new CaseStatement(loc, exp->syntaxCopy(), statement->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *CaseStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   SwitchStatement *sw = sc->sw;

    //printf("CaseStatement::semantic() %s\n", toChars());
    exp = exp->semantic(sc);
    if (sw)
    {	int i;

	exp = exp->implicitCastTo(sc, sw->condition->type);
	exp = exp->optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
	if (exp->op != TOKstring && exp->op != TOKint64)
	    error("case must be a string or an integral constant, not %s", exp->toChars());
	    exp = new IntegerExp(0);

	for (i = 0; i < sw->cases->dim; i++)
	    CaseStatement *cs = (CaseStatement *)sw->cases->data[i];

	    //printf("comparing '%s' with '%s'\n", exp->toChars(), cs->exp->toChars());
	    if (cs->exp->equals(exp))
	    {	error("duplicate case %s in switch statement", exp->toChars());


	// Resolve any goto case's with no exp to this case statement
	for (i = 0; i < sw->gotoCases.dim; i++)
	    GotoCaseStatement *gcs = (GotoCaseStatement *)sw->[i];

	    if (!gcs->exp)
		gcs->cs = this;
		sw->gotoCases.remove(i);	// remove from array
	error("case not in switch statement");
    statement = statement->semantic(sc);
    return this;

int CaseStatement::compare(Object *obj)
    // Sort cases so we can do an efficient lookup
    CaseStatement *cs2 = (CaseStatement *)(obj);

    return exp->compare(cs2->exp);

int CaseStatement::usesEH()
    return statement->usesEH();

int CaseStatement::blockExit()
    return statement->blockExit();

int CaseStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return statement->fallOffEnd();

int CaseStatement::comeFrom()
    return TRUE;

void CaseStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("case ");
    exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    statement->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** DefaultStatement ***************************/

DefaultStatement::DefaultStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->statement = s;
#if IN_GCC
+    cblock = NULL;
    bodyBB = NULL;

Statement *DefaultStatement::syntaxCopy()
    DefaultStatement *s = new DefaultStatement(loc, statement->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *DefaultStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    if (sc->sw)
	if (sc->sw->sdefault)
	    error("switch statement already has a default");
	sc->sw->sdefault = this;
	error("default not in switch statement");
    statement = statement->semantic(sc);
    return this;

int DefaultStatement::usesEH()
    return statement->usesEH();

int DefaultStatement::blockExit()
    return statement->blockExit();

int DefaultStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return statement->fallOffEnd();

int DefaultStatement::comeFrom()
    return TRUE;

void DefaultStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    statement->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** GotoDefaultStatement ***************************/

GotoDefaultStatement::GotoDefaultStatement(Loc loc)
    : Statement(loc)
    sw = NULL;
    enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *GotoDefaultStatement::syntaxCopy()
    GotoDefaultStatement *s = new GotoDefaultStatement(loc);
    return s;

Statement *GotoDefaultStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    sw = sc->sw;
    if (!sw)
	error("goto default not in switch statement");
    return this;

int GotoDefaultStatement::blockExit()
    return BEgoto;

int GotoDefaultStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void GotoDefaultStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("goto default;\n");

/******************************** GotoCaseStatement ***************************/

GotoCaseStatement::GotoCaseStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
    : Statement(loc)
    cs = NULL;
    this->exp = exp;
    enclosinghandler = NULL;
    sw = NULL;

Statement *GotoCaseStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Expression *e = exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
    GotoCaseStatement *s = new GotoCaseStatement(loc, e);
    return s;

Statement *GotoCaseStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    if (exp)
	exp = exp->semantic(sc);

    if (!sc->sw)
	error("goto case not in switch statement");
	sw = sc->sw;
	if (exp)
	    exp = exp->implicitCastTo(sc, sc->sw->condition->type);
	    exp = exp->optimize(WANTvalue);
    return this;

int GotoCaseStatement::blockExit()
    return BEgoto;

int GotoCaseStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void GotoCaseStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("goto case");
    if (exp)
    {   buf->writebyte(' ');
        exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** SwitchErrorStatement ***************************/

SwitchErrorStatement::SwitchErrorStatement(Loc loc)
    : Statement(loc)

int SwitchErrorStatement::blockExit()
    return BEthrow;

int SwitchErrorStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void SwitchErrorStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)

/******************************** ReturnStatement ***************************/

ReturnStatement::ReturnStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = exp;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *ReturnStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Expression *e = NULL;
    if (exp)
	e = exp->syntaxCopy();
    ReturnStatement *s = new ReturnStatement(loc, e);
    return s;

Statement *ReturnStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("ReturnStatement::semantic() %s\n", toChars());
    this->enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;

    FuncDeclaration *fd = sc->parent->isFuncDeclaration();
    Scope *scx = sc;
    int implicit0 = 0;

    if (sc->fes)
	// Find scope of function foreach is in
	for (; 1; scx = scx->enclosing)
	    if (scx->func != fd)
	    {	fd = scx->func;		// fd is now function enclosing foreach

    Type *tret = fd->type->nextOf();
    if (fd->tintro)
	/* We'll be implicitly casting the return expression to tintro
	tret = fd->tintro->nextOf();
    Type *tbret = NULL;

    if (tret)
	tbret = tret->toBasetype();

    // main() returns 0, even if it returns void
    if (!exp && (!tbret || tbret->ty == Tvoid) && fd->isMain())
    {	implicit0 = 1;
	exp = new IntegerExp(0);

    if (sc->incontract || scx->incontract)
	error("return statements cannot be in contracts");
    if (sc->tf || scx->tf)
	error("return statements cannot be in finally, scope(exit) or scope(success) bodies");

    if (fd->isCtorDeclaration())
	// Constructors implicitly do:
	//	return this;
	if (exp && exp->op != TOKthis)
	    error("cannot return expression from constructor");
	exp = new ThisExp(0);

    if (!exp)
	fd->nrvo_can = 0;

    if (exp)
	fd->hasReturnExp |= 1;

	exp = exp->semantic(sc);
	exp = resolveProperties(sc, exp);
	exp = exp->optimize(WANTvalue);

	if (fd->nrvo_can && exp->op == TOKvar)
	{   VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)exp;
	    VarDeclaration *v = ve->var->isVarDeclaration();

	    if (!v || v->isOut() || v->isRef())
		fd->nrvo_can = 0;
	    else if (fd->nrvo_var == NULL)
	    {	if (!v->isDataseg() && !v->isParameter() && v->toParent2() == fd)
		    fd->nrvo_var = v;
		    fd->nrvo_can = 0;
	    else if (fd->nrvo_var != v)
		fd->nrvo_can = 0;
	    fd->nrvo_can = 0;

	if (fd->returnLabel && tbret->ty != Tvoid)
	else if (fd->inferRetType)
	    if (fd->type->nextOf())
		if (!exp->type->equals(fd->type->nextOf()))
		    error("mismatched function return type inference of %s and %s",
			exp->type->toChars(), fd->type->nextOf()->toChars());
		fd->type->next = exp->type;
		fd->type = fd->type->semantic(loc, sc);
		if (!fd->tintro)
		{   tret = fd->type->nextOf();
		    tbret = tret->toBasetype();
	else if (tbret->ty != Tvoid)
	    exp = exp->implicitCastTo(sc, tret);
    else if (fd->inferRetType)
	if (fd->type->nextOf())
	    if (fd->type->nextOf()->ty != Tvoid)
		error("mismatched function return type inference of void and %s",
	    fd->type->next = Type::tvoid;
	    fd->type = fd->type->semantic(loc, sc);
	    if (!fd->tintro)
	    {   tret = Type::tvoid;
		tbret = tret;
    else if (tbret->ty != Tvoid)	// if non-void return
	error("return expression expected");

    if (sc->fes)
	Statement *s;

	if (exp && !implicit0)
	    exp = exp->implicitCastTo(sc, tret);
	if (!exp || exp->op == TOKint64 || exp->op == TOKfloat64 ||
	    exp->op == TOKimaginary80 || exp->op == TOKcomplex80 ||
	    exp->op == TOKthis || exp->op == TOKsuper || exp->op == TOKnull ||
	    exp->op == TOKstring)
	    s = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(sc->fes->cases.dim + 1));
	else if (fd->type->nextOf()->toBasetype() == Type::tvoid)
	    Statement *s1;
	    Statement *s2;

	    s = new ReturnStatement(0, NULL);

	    // Construct: { exp; return cases.dim + 1; }
	    s1 = new ExpStatement(loc, exp);
	    s2 = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(sc->fes->cases.dim + 1));
	    s = new CompoundStatement(loc, s1, s2);
	    VarExp *v;
	    Statement *s1;
	    Statement *s2;

	    // Construct: return vresult;
	    if (!fd->vresult)
	    {	VarDeclaration *v;

		v = new VarDeclaration(loc, tret, Id::result, NULL);
		v->noauto = 1;
		if (!scx->insert(v))
		v->parent = fd;
		fd->vresult = v;

	    v = new VarExp(0, fd->vresult);
	    s = new ReturnStatement(0, v);

	    // Construct: { vresult = exp; return cases.dim + 1; }
	    v = new VarExp(0, fd->vresult);
	    exp = new AssignExp(loc, v, exp);
	    exp = exp->semantic(sc);
	    s1 = new ExpStatement(loc, exp);
	    s2 = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(sc->fes->cases.dim + 1));
	    s = new CompoundStatement(loc, s1, s2);
	return s;

    if (exp)
	if (fd->returnLabel && tbret->ty != Tvoid)
	    VarExp *v = new VarExp(0, fd->vresult);

	    exp = new AssignExp(loc, v, exp);
	    exp = exp->semantic(sc);

    /* BUG: need to issue an error on:
     *	this
     *	{   if (x) return;
     *	    super();
     *	}

    if (sc->callSuper & CSXany_ctor &&
	!(sc->callSuper & (CSXthis_ctor | CSXsuper_ctor)))
	error("return without calling constructor");

    sc->callSuper |= CSXreturn;

    // See if all returns are instead to be replaced with a goto returnLabel;
    if (fd->returnLabel)
	GotoStatement *gs = new GotoStatement(loc, Id::returnLabel);

	gs->label = fd->returnLabel;
	if (exp)
	{   Statement *s;

	    s = new ExpStatement(0, exp);
	    return new CompoundStatement(loc, s, gs);
	return gs;

    if (exp && tbret->ty == Tvoid && !fd->isMain())
	/* Replace:
	 *	return exp;
	 * with:
	 *	exp; return;
	Statement *s = new ExpStatement(loc, exp);
	loc = 0;
	exp = NULL;
	return new CompoundStatement(loc, s, this);

    return this;

int ReturnStatement::blockExit()
{   int result = BEreturn;

    if (exp && exp->canThrow())
	result |= BEthrow;
    return result;

int ReturnStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void ReturnStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->printf("return ");
    if (exp)
	exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** BreakStatement ***************************/

BreakStatement::BreakStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->ident = ident;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *BreakStatement::syntaxCopy()
    BreakStatement *s = new BreakStatement(loc, ident);
    return s;

Statement *BreakStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    // If:
    //	break Identifier;
    if (ident)
	Scope *scx;
	FuncDeclaration *thisfunc = sc->func;

	for (scx = sc; scx; scx = scx->enclosing)
	    LabelStatement *ls;

	    if (scx->func != thisfunc)	// if in enclosing function
		if (sc->fes)		// if this is the body of a foreach
		    /* Post this statement to the fes, and replace
		     * it with a return value that caller will put into
		     * a switch. Caller will figure out where the break
		     * label actually is.
		     * Case numbers start with 2, not 0, as 0 is continue
		     * and 1 is break.
		    Statement *s;
		    s = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(sc->fes->cases.dim + 1));
		    return s;
		break;			// can't break to it

	    ls = scx->slabel;
	    if (ls && ls->ident == ident)
		Statement *s = ls->statement;

		if (!s->hasBreak())
		    error("label '%s' has no break", ident->toChars());
		if (ls->tf != sc->tf)
		    error("cannot break out of finally block");
		this->target = ls;
		return this;
	error("enclosing label '%s' for break not found", ident->toChars());
    else if (!sc->sbreak)
	if (sc->fes)
	{   Statement *s;

	    // Replace break; with return 1;
	    s = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(1));
	    return s;
	error("break is not inside a loop or switch");
    return this;

int BreakStatement::blockExit()
    //printf("BreakStatement::blockExit(%p) = x%x\n", this, ident ? BEgoto : BEbreak);
    return ident ? BEgoto : BEbreak;

int BreakStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void BreakStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (ident)
    {   buf->writebyte(' ');

/******************************** ContinueStatement ***************************/

ContinueStatement::ContinueStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->ident = ident;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *ContinueStatement::syntaxCopy()
    ContinueStatement *s = new ContinueStatement(loc, ident);
    return s;

Statement *ContinueStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    //printf("ContinueStatement::semantic() %p\n", this);
    if (ident)
	Scope *scx;
	FuncDeclaration *thisfunc = sc->func;

	for (scx = sc; scx; scx = scx->enclosing)
	    LabelStatement *ls;

	    if (scx->func != thisfunc)	// if in enclosing function
		if (sc->fes)		// if this is the body of a foreach
		    for (; scx; scx = scx->enclosing)
			ls = scx->slabel;
			if (ls && ls->ident == ident && ls->statement == sc->fes)
			    // Replace continue ident; with return 0;
			    return new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(0));

		    /* Post this statement to the fes, and replace
		     * it with a return value that caller will put into
		     * a switch. Caller will figure out where the break
		     * label actually is.
		     * Case numbers start with 2, not 0, as 0 is continue
		     * and 1 is break.
		    Statement *s;
		    s = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(sc->fes->cases.dim + 1));
		    return s;
		break;			// can't continue to it

	    ls = scx->slabel;
	    if (ls && ls->ident == ident)
		Statement *s = ls->statement;

		if (!s->hasContinue())
		    error("label '%s' has no continue", ident->toChars());
		if (ls->tf != sc->tf)
		    error("cannot continue out of finally block");
		this->target = ls;
		return this;
	error("enclosing label '%s' for continue not found", ident->toChars());
    else if (!sc->scontinue)
	if (sc->fes)
	{   Statement *s;

	    // Replace continue; with return 0;
	    s = new ReturnStatement(0, new IntegerExp(0));
	    return s;
	error("continue is not inside a loop");
    return this;

int ContinueStatement::blockExit()
    return ident ? BEgoto : BEcontinue;

int ContinueStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void ContinueStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (ident)
    {   buf->writebyte(' ');

/******************************** SynchronizedStatement ***************************/

SynchronizedStatement::SynchronizedStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *body)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = exp;
    this->body = body;
    this->esync = NULL;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;
    // LLVMDC
    this->llsync = NULL;

SynchronizedStatement::SynchronizedStatement(Loc loc, elem *esync, Statement *body)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = NULL;
    this->body = body;
    this->esync = esync;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;
    // LLVMDC
    this->llsync = NULL;

Statement *SynchronizedStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Expression *e = exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
    SynchronizedStatement *s = new SynchronizedStatement(loc, e, body ? body->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
    return s;

Statement *SynchronizedStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    if (exp)
    {	ClassDeclaration *cd;

	exp = exp->semantic(sc);
	exp = resolveProperties(sc, exp);
	cd = exp->type->isClassHandle();
	if (!cd)
	    error("can only synchronize on class objects, not '%s'", exp->type->toChars());
	else if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
	{   Type *t = new TypeIdentifier(0, Id::Object);

	    t = t->semantic(0, sc);
	    exp = new CastExp(loc, exp, t);
	    exp = exp->semantic(sc);
    if (body)
        enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
        sc->tfOfTry = new EnclosingSynchro(this);
        body = body->semantic(sc);
        sc->tfOfTry = enclosinghandler;
    return this;

int SynchronizedStatement::hasBreak()
    return FALSE; //TRUE;

int SynchronizedStatement::hasContinue()
    return FALSE; //TRUE;

int SynchronizedStatement::usesEH()
    return TRUE;

int SynchronizedStatement::blockExit()
    return body ? body->blockExit() : BEfallthru;

int SynchronizedStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return body ? body->fallOffEnd() : TRUE;

void SynchronizedStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (exp)
    {   buf->writebyte('(');
	exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (body)
	buf->writebyte(' ');
	body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** WithStatement ***************************/

WithStatement::WithStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *body)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = exp;
    this->body = body;
    wthis = NULL;

Statement *WithStatement::syntaxCopy()
    WithStatement *s = new WithStatement(loc, exp->syntaxCopy(), body ? body->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
    return s;

Statement *WithStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   ScopeDsymbol *sym;
    Initializer *init;

    exp = exp->semantic(sc);
    exp = resolveProperties(sc, exp);
    if (exp->op == TOKimport)
    {	ScopeExp *es = (ScopeExp *)exp;

	sym = es->sds;
    else if (exp->op == TOKtype)
    {	TypeExp *es = (TypeExp *)exp;

	sym = es->type->toDsymbol(sc)->isScopeDsymbol();
	if (!sym)
	{   error("%s has no members", es->toChars());
	    body = body->semantic(sc);
	    return this;
    {	Type *t = exp->type;

	t = t->toBasetype();
	if (t->isClassHandle())
	    init = new ExpInitializer(loc, exp);
	    wthis = new VarDeclaration(loc, exp->type, Id::withSym, init);

	    sym = new WithScopeSymbol(this);
	    sym->parent = sc->scopesym;
	else if (t->ty == Tstruct)
	    Expression *e = exp->addressOf(sc);
	    init = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
	    wthis = new VarDeclaration(loc, e->type, Id::withSym, init);
	    sym = new WithScopeSymbol(this);
	    sym->parent = sc->scopesym;
	{   error("with expressions must be class objects, not '%s'", exp->type->toChars());
	    return NULL;
    sc = sc->push(sym);

    if (body)
	body = body->semantic(sc);


    return this;

void WithStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("with (");
    exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    if (body)
	body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

int WithStatement::usesEH()
    return body ? body->usesEH() : 0;

int WithStatement::blockExit()
    int result = BEnone;
    if (exp->canThrow())
	result = BEthrow;
    if (body)
	result |= body->blockExit();
	result |= BEfallthru;
    return result;

int WithStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return body ? body->fallOffEnd() : TRUE;

/******************************** TryCatchStatement ***************************/

TryCatchStatement::TryCatchStatement(Loc loc, Statement *body, Array *catches)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->body = body;
    this->catches = catches;

Statement *TryCatchStatement::syntaxCopy()
    Array *a = new Array();
    for (int i = 0; i < a->dim; i++)
    {   Catch *c;

	c = (Catch *)catches->data[i];
	c = c->syntaxCopy();
	a->data[i] = c;
    TryCatchStatement *s = new TryCatchStatement(loc, body->syntaxCopy(), a);
    return s;

Statement *TryCatchStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    body = body->semanticScope(sc, NULL /*this*/, NULL);

    /* Even if body is NULL, still do semantic analysis on catches
    for (size_t i = 0; i < catches->dim; i++)
    {   Catch *c = (Catch *)catches->data[i];

	// Determine if current catch 'hides' any previous catches
	for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++)
	{   Catch *cj = (Catch *)catches->data[j];
	    char *si = c->loc.toChars();
	    char *sj = cj->loc.toChars();

	    if (c->type->toBasetype()->implicitConvTo(cj->type->toBasetype()))
		error("catch at %s hides catch at %s", sj, si);
    return this;

int TryCatchStatement::hasBreak()
    return FALSE; //TRUE;

int TryCatchStatement::usesEH()
    return TRUE;

int TryCatchStatement::blockExit()
{   int result;

    result = body->blockExit();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < catches->dim; i++)
        Catch *c = (Catch *)catches->data[i];
        result |= c->blockExit();
    return result;

int TryCatchStatement::fallOffEnd()
    int result = FALSE;

    if (body)
	result = body->fallOffEnd();
    for (int i = 0; i < catches->dim; i++)
    {   Catch *c;

	c = (Catch *)catches->data[i];
	if (c->handler)
	    result |= c->handler->fallOffEnd();
    return result;

void TryCatchStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (body)
        body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < catches->dim; i++)
        Catch *c = (Catch *)catches->data[i];
        c->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** Catch ***************************/

Catch::Catch(Loc loc, Type *t, Identifier *id, Statement *handler)
    //printf("Catch(%s, loc = %s)\n", id->toChars(), loc.toChars());
    this->loc = loc;
    this->type = t;
    this->ident = id;
    this->handler = handler;
    var = NULL;

Catch *Catch::syntaxCopy()
    Catch *c = new Catch(loc,
	(type ? type->syntaxCopy() : NULL),
	(handler ? handler->syntaxCopy() : NULL));
    return c;

void Catch::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   ScopeDsymbol *sym;

    //printf("Catch::semantic(%s)\n", ident->toChars());

#ifndef IN_GCC
    if (sc->tf)
	/* This is because the _d_local_unwind() gets the stack munged
	 * up on this. The workaround is to place any try-catches into
	 * a separate function, and call that.
	 * To fix, have the compiler automatically convert the finally
	 * body into a nested function.
	error(loc, "cannot put catch statement inside finally block");

    sym = new ScopeDsymbol();
    sym->parent = sc->scopesym;
    sc = sc->push(sym);

    if (!type)
	type = new TypeIdentifier(0, Id::Object);
    type = type->semantic(loc, sc);
    if (!type->toBasetype()->isClassHandle())
	error("can only catch class objects, not '%s'", type->toChars());
    else if (ident)
	var = new VarDeclaration(loc, type, ident, NULL);
	var->parent = sc->parent;
    handler = handler->semantic(sc);


int Catch::blockExit()
    return handler ? handler->blockExit() : BEfallthru;

void Catch::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (type)
    {   buf->writebyte('(');
	type->toCBuffer(buf, ident, hgs);
    if (handler)
	handler->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/****************************** TryFinallyStatement ***************************/

TryFinallyStatement::TryFinallyStatement(Loc loc, Statement *body, Statement *finalbody)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->body = body;
    this->finalbody = finalbody;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *TryFinallyStatement::syntaxCopy()
    TryFinallyStatement *s = new TryFinallyStatement(loc,
	body->syntaxCopy(), finalbody->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *TryFinallyStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)

    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    sc->tfOfTry = new EnclosingTryFinally(this);
    body = body->semantic(sc);
    sc->tfOfTry = enclosinghandler;

    sc = sc->push();
    sc->tf = this;
    sc->sbreak = NULL;
    sc->scontinue = NULL;	// no break or continue out of finally block
    finalbody = finalbody->semantic(sc);
    return this;

void TryFinallyStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    body->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    finalbody->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

int TryFinallyStatement::hasBreak()
    return FALSE; //TRUE;

int TryFinallyStatement::hasContinue()
    return FALSE; //TRUE;

int TryFinallyStatement::usesEH()
    return TRUE;

int TryFinallyStatement::blockExit()
    int result = body->blockExit();
    return result;

int TryFinallyStatement::fallOffEnd()
{   int result;

    result = body ? body->fallOffEnd() : TRUE;
//    if (finalbody)
//	result = finalbody->fallOffEnd();
    return result;

/****************************** OnScopeStatement ***************************/

OnScopeStatement::OnScopeStatement(Loc loc, TOK tok, Statement *statement)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->tok = tok;
    this->statement = statement;

Statement *OnScopeStatement::syntaxCopy()
    OnScopeStatement *s = new OnScopeStatement(loc,
	tok, statement->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *OnScopeStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    /* semantic is called on results of scopeCode() */
    return this;

int OnScopeStatement::blockExit()
{   // At this point, this statement is just an empty placeholder
    return BEfallthru;

void OnScopeStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writebyte(' ');
    statement->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

int OnScopeStatement::usesEH()
    return (tok != TOKon_scope_success);

void OnScopeStatement::scopeCode(Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)
    *sentry = NULL;
    *sexception = NULL;
    *sfinally = NULL;
    switch (tok)
	case TOKon_scope_exit:
	    *sfinally = statement;

	case TOKon_scope_failure:
	    *sexception = statement;

	case TOKon_scope_success:
	    /* Create:
	     *	sentry:   int x = 0;
	     *	sexception:    x = 1;
	     *	sfinally: if (!x) statement;
	    static int num;
	    char name[5 + sizeof(num) * 3 + 1];
	    sprintf(name, "__osf%d", ++num);
	    Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool(name);

	    ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, new IntegerExp(0));
	    VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type::tint32, id, ie);
	    *sentry = new DeclarationStatement(loc, v);

	    Expression *e = new IntegerExp(1);
	    e = new AssignExp(0, new VarExp(0, v), e);
	    *sexception = new ExpStatement(0, e);

	    e = new VarExp(0, v);
	    e = new NotExp(0, e);
	    *sfinally = new IfStatement(0, NULL, e, statement, NULL);



/******************************** ThrowStatement ***************************/

ThrowStatement::ThrowStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->exp = exp;

Statement *ThrowStatement::syntaxCopy()
    ThrowStatement *s = new ThrowStatement(loc, exp->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *ThrowStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)

    FuncDeclaration *fd = sc->parent->isFuncDeclaration();
    fd->hasReturnExp |= 2;

    if (sc->incontract)
	error("Throw statements cannot be in contracts");
    exp = exp->semantic(sc);
    exp = resolveProperties(sc, exp);
    if (!exp->type->toBasetype()->isClassHandle())
	error("can only throw class objects, not type %s", exp->type->toChars());
    return this;

int ThrowStatement::blockExit()
    return BEthrow;  // obviously

int ThrowStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void ThrowStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->printf("throw ");
    exp->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** VolatileStatement **************************/

VolatileStatement::VolatileStatement(Loc loc, Statement *statement)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->statement = statement;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *VolatileStatement::syntaxCopy()
    VolatileStatement *s = new VolatileStatement(loc,
		statement ? statement->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
    return s;

Statement *VolatileStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
    if (statement)
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    sc->tfOfTry = new EnclosingVolatile(this);
    statement = statement->semantic(sc);
    sc->tfOfTry = enclosinghandler;
    return this;

Statements *VolatileStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
    Statements *a;

    a = statement ? statement->flatten(sc) : NULL;
    if (a)
    {	for (int i = 0; i < a->dim; i++)
	{   Statement *s = (Statement *)a->data[i];

	    s = new VolatileStatement(loc, s);
	    a->data[i] = s;

    return a;

int VolatileStatement::blockExit()
    return statement ? statement->blockExit() : BEfallthru;

int VolatileStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return statement ? statement->fallOffEnd() : TRUE;

void VolatileStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (statement)
    {   if (statement->isScopeStatement())
            buf->writebyte(' ');
        statement->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** GotoStatement ***************************/

GotoStatement::GotoStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->ident = ident;
    this->label = NULL;
    this->tf = NULL;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;

Statement *GotoStatement::syntaxCopy()
    GotoStatement *s = new GotoStatement(loc, ident);
    return s;

Statement *GotoStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   FuncDeclaration *fd = sc->parent->isFuncDeclaration();

    tf = sc->tf;
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    label = fd->searchLabel(ident);
    if (!label->statement && sc->fes)
	/* Either the goto label is forward referenced or it
	 * is in the function that the enclosing foreach is in.
	 * Can't know yet, so wrap the goto in a compound statement
	 * so we can patch it later, and add it to a 'look at this later'
	 * list.
	Statements *a = new Statements();
	Statement *s;

	s = new CompoundStatement(loc, a);
	sc->fes->gotos.push(s);		// 'look at this later' list
	return s;
    if (label->statement && label->statement->tf != sc->tf)
	error("cannot goto in or out of finally block");
    return this;

int GotoStatement::blockExit()
    //printf("GotoStatement::blockExit(%p)\n", this);
    return BEgoto;

int GotoStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return FALSE;

void GotoStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    buf->writestring("goto ");

/******************************** LabelStatement ***************************/

LabelStatement::LabelStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Statement *statement)
    : Statement(loc)
    this->ident = ident;
    this->statement = statement;
    this->tf = NULL;
    this->enclosinghandler = NULL;
    this->lblock = NULL;
    this->isReturnLabel = 0;
    this->asmLabel = false;

Statement *LabelStatement::syntaxCopy()
    LabelStatement *s = new LabelStatement(loc, ident, statement->syntaxCopy());
    return s;

Statement *LabelStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   LabelDsymbol *ls;
    FuncDeclaration *fd = sc->parent->isFuncDeclaration();

    ls = fd->searchLabel(ident);
    if (ls->statement)
	error("Label '%s' already defined", ls->toChars());
	ls->statement = this;
    tf = sc->tf;
    enclosinghandler = sc->tfOfTry;
    sc = sc->push();
    sc->scopesym = sc->enclosing->scopesym;
    sc->callSuper |= CSXlabel;
    sc->slabel = this;
    if (statement)
	statement = statement->semantic(sc);

    // LLVMDC put in labmap
    fd->labmap[ident->toChars()] = this;

    return this;

Statements *LabelStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
    Statements *a = NULL;

    if (statement)
	a = statement->flatten(sc);
	if (a)
	    if (!a->dim)
		a->push(new ExpStatement(loc, NULL));
	    Statement *s = (Statement *)a->data[0];

	    s = new LabelStatement(loc, ident, s);
	    a->data[0] = s;

    return a;

int LabelStatement::usesEH()
    return statement ? statement->usesEH() : FALSE;

int LabelStatement::blockExit()
    //printf("LabelStatement::blockExit(%p)\n", this);
    return statement ? statement->blockExit() : BEfallthru;

int LabelStatement::fallOffEnd()
    return statement ? statement->fallOffEnd() : TRUE;

int LabelStatement::comeFrom()
    return TRUE;

void LabelStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
    if (statement)
        statement->toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

/******************************** LabelDsymbol ***************************/

LabelDsymbol::LabelDsymbol(Identifier *ident)
	: Dsymbol(ident)
    statement = NULL;

LabelDsymbol *LabelDsymbol::isLabel()		// is this a LabelDsymbol()?
    return this;