view runtime/internal/dmain2.d @ 1112:829ac3f30103

Updating - Change the way the LLVM SVN revision is detected, using `svn info` instead of `svnversion`. This speeds it up significantly on my machine (especially when the LLVM SVN checkout isn't in disk cache). - Add "last changed date" to SVN checkouts too, not just unpacked tarballs - No longer rely on SVN revision to detect release vs trunk checkouts, treat release checkout the same as unpacked release tarball. (Except for date determination, which uses SVN date instead of filesystem date)
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:18:01 +0100
parents 51c4d1a64da6
children 8208374e5bed
line wrap: on
line source

 * Placed into the Public Domain.
 * written by Walter Bright

 *  Modified by Sean Kelly <> for use with Tango.

    import util.console;

    import tango.stdc.stddef;
    import tango.stdc.stdlib;
    import tango.stdc.string;
    import memory;

version( Win32 )
    extern (Windows) void*      LocalFree(void*);
    extern (Windows) wchar_t*   GetCommandLineW();
    extern (Windows) wchar_t**  CommandLineToArgvW(wchar_t*, int*);
    extern (Windows) export int WideCharToMultiByte(uint, uint, wchar_t*, int, char*, int, char*, int);
    //pragma(lib, "shell32.lib");   // needed for CommandLineToArgvW
    //pragma(lib, "tango-win32-dmd.lib"); // links Tango's Win32 library to reduce EXE size

extern (C) void _STI_monitor_staticctor();
extern (C) void _STD_monitor_staticdtor();
extern (C) void _STI_critical_init();
extern (C) void _STD_critical_term();
extern (C) void gc_init();
extern (C) void gc_term();
extern (C) void _moduleCtor();
extern (C) void _moduleDtor();
extern (C) void thread_joinAll();

debug(PRINTF) extern (C) int printf(char*, ...);

 * These functions must be defined for any D program linked
 * against this library.
extern (C) void onAssertError( char[] file, size_t line );
extern (C) void onAssertErrorMsg( char[] file, size_t line, char[] msg );
extern (C) void onArrayBoundsError( char[] file, size_t line );
extern (C) void onSwitchError( char[] file, size_t line );
extern (C) bool runModuleUnitTests();

// this function is called from the utf module
//extern (C) void onUnicodeError( char[] msg, size_t idx );

 * These are internal callbacks for various language errors.
extern (C) void _d_assert( char[] file, uint line )
    onAssertError( file, line );

extern (C) void _d_assert_msg( char[] msg, char[] file, uint line )
    onAssertErrorMsg( file, line, msg );

extern (C) void _d_array_bounds( char[] file, uint line )
    onArrayBoundsError( file, line );

extern (C) void _d_switch_error( char[] file, uint line )
    onSwitchError( file, line );

bool _d_isHalting = false;

extern (C) bool rt_isHalting()
    return _d_isHalting;

extern (C) bool rt_trapExceptions = true;

void _d_criticalInit()

alias void delegate( Exception ) ExceptionHandler;

// this is here so users can manually initialize the runtime
// for example, when there is no main function etc.
extern (C) bool rt_init( ExceptionHandler dg = null )

        return true;
    catch( Exception e )
        if( dg )
            dg( e );

    return false;

void _d_criticalTerm()

// this is here so users can manually terminate the runtime
// for example, when there is no main function etc.
extern (C) bool rt_term( ExceptionHandler dg = null )
        _d_isHalting = true;
        return true;
    catch( Exception e )
        if( dg )
            dg( e );

    return false;

 * The D main() function supplied by the user's program
int main(char[][] args);

 * Substitutes for the C main() function.
 * It's purpose is to wrap the call to the D main()
 * function and catch any unhandled exceptions.

extern (C) int main(int argc, char **argv, char** env)
    char[][] args;
    int result;

    debug(PRINTF) printf("main ctors\n");

    debug(PRINTF) printf("main args\n");
    // GDC seems to get by without this Windows special case...
    version (Win32)
        wchar_t*  wcbuf = GetCommandLineW();
        size_t    wclen = wcslen(wcbuf);
        int       wargc = 0;
        wchar_t** wargs = CommandLineToArgvW(wcbuf, &wargc);
        assert(wargc == argc);

        char*     cargp = null;
        size_t    cargl = WideCharToMultiByte(65001, 0, wcbuf, wclen, null, 0, null, 0);

        cargp = cast(char*) alloca(cargl);
        args  = ((cast(char[]*) alloca(wargc * (char[]).sizeof)))[0 .. wargc];

        for (size_t i = 0, p = 0; i < wargc; i++)
            int wlen = wcslen( wargs[i] );
            int clen = WideCharToMultiByte(65001, 0, &wargs[i][0], wlen, null, 0, null, 0);
            args[i]  = cargp[p .. p+clen];
            p += clen; assert(p <= cargl);
            WideCharToMultiByte(65001, 0, &wargs[i][0], wlen, &args[i][0], clen, null, 0);
        wargs = null;
        wargc = 0;
        char[]* am = cast(char[]*) malloc(argc * (char[]).sizeof);
        scope(exit) free(am);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < argc; i++)
            auto len = strlen(argv[i]);
            am[i] = argv[i][0 .. len];
        args = am[0 .. argc];

    debug(PRINTF) printf("main trap exceptions\n");
    bool trapExceptions = rt_trapExceptions;

    void tryExec(void delegate() dg)
        debug(PRINTF) printf("main try exec\n");
        if (trapExceptions)
            catch (Exception e)
                while (e)
                    if (e.file)
                       // fprintf(stderr, "%.*s(%u): %.*s\n", e.file, e.line, e.msg);
                       console ("@")(e.file)("(")(e.line)("): ")(e.toString)("\n");
                       // fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", e.toString());
                       console (": ")(e.toString)("\n");
                    if (
                        console ("----------------\n");
                        foreach (t;
                            console (t)("\n");
                    if (
                        console ("\n");
                    e =;
                result = EXIT_FAILURE;
            catch (Object o)
                // fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", o.toString());
                console (o.toString)("\n");
                result = EXIT_FAILURE;

    // NOTE: The lifetime of a process is much like the lifetime of an object:
    //       it is initialized, then used, then destroyed.  If initialization
    //       fails, the successive two steps are never reached.  However, if
    //       initialization succeeds, then cleanup will occur even if the use
    //       step fails in some way.  Here, the use phase consists of running
    //       the user's main function.  If main terminates with an exception,
    //       the exception is handled and then cleanup begins.  An exception
    //       thrown during cleanup, however, will abort the cleanup process.

    void runMain()
        debug(PRINTF) printf("main runMain\n");
        result = main(args);

    void runAll()
        debug(PRINTF) printf("main runAll\n");
        if (runModuleUnitTests())
        _d_isHalting = true;


    debug(PRINTF) printf("main dtor\n");

    return result;