view gen/tocall.cpp @ 1112:829ac3f30103

Updating - Change the way the LLVM SVN revision is detected, using `svn info` instead of `svnversion`. This speeds it up significantly on my machine (especially when the LLVM SVN checkout isn't in disk cache). - Add "last changed date" to SVN checkouts too, not just unpacked tarballs - No longer rely on SVN revision to detect release vs trunk checkouts, treat release checkout the same as unpacked release tarball. (Except for date determination, which uses SVN date instead of filesystem date)
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:18:01 +0100
parents dc608dc33081
children 4c20fcc4252b
line wrap: on
line source

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include "mtype.h"
#include "declaration.h"

#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/dvalue.h"
#include "gen/functions.h"
#include "gen/abi.h"

#include "gen/logger.h"


TypeFunction* DtoTypeFunction(DValue* fnval)
    Type* type = fnval->getType()->toBasetype();
    if (type->ty == Tfunction)
         return (TypeFunction*)type;
    else if (type->ty == Tdelegate)
        Type* next = type->nextOf();
        assert(next->ty == Tfunction);
        return (TypeFunction*)next;

    assert(0 && "cant get TypeFunction* from non lazy/function/delegate");
    return 0;


unsigned DtoCallingConv(Loc loc, LINK l)
    if (l == LINKc || l == LINKcpp || l == LINKintrinsic)
        return llvm::CallingConv::C;
    else if (l == LINKd || l == LINKdefault)
        //TODO: StdCall is not a good base on Windows due to extra name mangling
        // applied there
        if (global.params.cpu == ARCHx86)
            return (global.params.os != OSWindows) ? llvm::CallingConv::X86_StdCall : llvm::CallingConv::C;
            return llvm::CallingConv::Fast;
    // on the other hand, here, it's exactly what we want!!! TODO: right?
    else if (l == LINKwindows)
        return llvm::CallingConv::X86_StdCall;
        error(loc, "unsupported calling convention");


DValue* DtoVaArg(Loc& loc, Type* type, Expression* valistArg)
    DValue* expelem = valistArg->toElem(gIR);
    const LLType* llt = DtoType(type);
    if (DtoIsPassedByRef(type))
        llt = getPtrToType(llt);
    // issue a warning for broken va_arg instruction.
    if (global.params.cpu != ARCHx86)
        warning("%s: va_arg for C variadic functions is probably broken for anything but x86", loc.toChars());
    // done
    return new DImValue(type, gIR->ir->CreateVAArg(expelem->getLVal(), llt, "tmp"));


LLValue* DtoCallableValue(DValue* fn)
    Type* type = fn->getType()->toBasetype();
    if (type->ty == Tfunction)
        return fn->getRVal();
    else if (type->ty == Tdelegate)
        if (fn->isLVal())
            LLValue* dg = fn->getLVal();
            LLValue* funcptr = DtoGEPi(dg, 0, 1);
            return DtoLoad(funcptr);
            LLValue* dg = fn->getRVal();
            return gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(dg, 1, ".funcptr");
        assert(0 && "not a callable type");
        return NULL;


const LLFunctionType* DtoExtractFunctionType(const LLType* type)
    if (const LLFunctionType* fty = isaFunction(type))
        return fty;
    else if (const LLPointerType* pty = isaPointer(type))
        if (const LLFunctionType* fty = isaFunction(pty->getElementType()))
            return fty;
    return NULL;


void DtoBuildDVarArgList(std::vector<LLValue*>& args, std::vector<llvm::AttributeWithIndex>& attrs, TypeFunction* tf, Expressions* arguments, size_t argidx)
    Logger::println("doing d-style variadic arguments");

    std::vector<const LLType*> vtypes;

    // number of non variadic args
    int begin = tf->parameters->dim;
    Logger::println("num non vararg params = %d", begin);

    // get n args in arguments list
    size_t n_arguments = arguments ? arguments->dim : 0;

    // build struct with argument types (non variadic args)
    for (int i=begin; i<n_arguments; i++)
        Expression* argexp = (Expression*)arguments->data[i];
        size_t sz = getTypePaddedSize(vtypes.back());
        if (sz < PTRSIZE)
            vtypes.back() = DtoSize_t();
    const LLStructType* vtype = LLStructType::get(vtypes);

    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "d-variadic argument struct type:\n" << *vtype << '\n';

    LLValue* mem = DtoAlloca(vtype,"_argptr_storage");

    // store arguments in the struct
    for (int i=begin,k=0; i<n_arguments; i++,k++)
        Expression* argexp = (Expression*)arguments->data[i];
        if (global.params.llvmAnnotate)
        LLValue* argdst = DtoGEPi(mem,0,k);
        argdst = DtoBitCast(argdst, getPtrToType(DtoType(argexp->type)));
        DtoVariadicArgument(argexp, argdst);

    // build type info array
    const LLType* typeinfotype = DtoType(Type::typeinfo->type);
    const LLArrayType* typeinfoarraytype = LLArrayType::get(typeinfotype,vtype->getNumElements());

    llvm::GlobalVariable* typeinfomem =
        new llvm::GlobalVariable(typeinfoarraytype, true, llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, NULL, "", gIR->module);
    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "_arguments storage: " << *typeinfomem << '\n';

    std::vector<LLConstant*> vtypeinfos;
    for (int i=begin,k=0; i<n_arguments; i++,k++)
        Expression* argexp = (Expression*)arguments->data[i];

    // apply initializer
    LLConstant* tiinits = llvm::ConstantArray::get(typeinfoarraytype, vtypeinfos);

    // put data in d-array
    std::vector<LLConstant*> pinits;
    pinits.push_back(llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(typeinfomem, getPtrToType(typeinfotype)));
    const LLType* tiarrty = DtoType(Type::typeinfo->type->arrayOf());
    tiinits = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(pinits);
    LLValue* typeinfoarrayparam = new llvm::GlobalVariable(tiarrty,
        true, llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, tiinits, "._arguments.array", gIR->module);

    // specify arguments
    args.push_back(gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(mem, getPtrToType(LLType::Int8Ty), "tmp"));

    // pass non variadic args
    for (int i=0; i<begin; i++)
        Argument* fnarg = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, i);
        DValue* argval = DtoArgument(fnarg, (Expression*)arguments->data[i]);

        if (tf->fty.args[i]->attrs)
            llvm::AttributeWithIndex Attr;
            Attr.Index = argidx;
            Attr.Attrs = tf->fty.args[i]->attrs;


// FIXME: this function is a mess !

DValue* DtoCallFunction(Loc& loc, Type* resulttype, DValue* fnval, Expressions* arguments)
    if (Logger::enabled()) {

    // the callee D type
    Type* calleeType = fnval->getType();

    // if the type has not yet been processed, do so now
    if (calleeType->ir.type == NULL)

    // get func value if any
    DFuncValue* dfnval = fnval->isFunc();

    // handle special vararg intrinsics
    bool va_intrinsic = (dfnval && dfnval->func && dfnval->func->isVaIntrinsic());

    // get function type info
    TypeFunction* tf = DtoTypeFunction(fnval);

    // misc
    bool retinptr = tf->fty.arg_sret;
    bool thiscall = tf->fty.arg_this;
    bool delegatecall = (calleeType->toBasetype()->ty == Tdelegate);
    bool nestedcall = tf->fty.arg_nest;
    bool dvarargs = (tf->linkage == LINKd && tf->varargs == 1);

    unsigned callconv = DtoCallingConv(loc, tf->linkage);

    // get callee llvm value
    LLValue* callable = DtoCallableValue(fnval);
    const LLFunctionType* callableTy = DtoExtractFunctionType(callable->getType());

//     if (Logger::enabled())
//         Logger::cout() << "callable: " << *callable << '\n';

    // get n arguments
    size_t n_arguments = arguments ? arguments->dim : 0;

    // get llvm argument iterator, for types
    LLFunctionType::param_iterator argbegin = callableTy->param_begin();
    LLFunctionType::param_iterator argiter = argbegin;

    // parameter attributes
    std::vector<llvm::AttributeWithIndex> attrs;
    llvm::AttributeWithIndex Attr;

    // return attrs
    if (tf->fty.ret->attrs)
        Attr.Index = 0;
        Attr.Attrs = tf->fty.ret->attrs;

    // handle implicit arguments
    std::vector<LLValue*> args;

    // return in hidden ptr is first
    if (retinptr)
        LLValue* retvar = DtoAlloca(argiter->get()->getContainedType(0), ".rettmp");

        // add attrs for hidden ptr
        Attr.Index = 1;
        Attr.Attrs = llvm::Attribute::StructRet;

    // then comes a context argument...
    if(thiscall || delegatecall || nestedcall)
        // ... which can be a 'this' argument
        if (thiscall && dfnval && dfnval->vthis)
            LLValue* thisarg = DtoBitCast(dfnval->vthis, argiter->get());
        // ... or a delegate context arg
        else if (delegatecall)
            LLValue* ctxarg;
            if (fnval->isLVal())
                ctxarg = DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(fnval->getLVal(), 0,0));
                ctxarg = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(fnval->getRVal(), 0, ".ptr");
            assert(ctxarg->getType() == argiter->get());
        // ... or a nested function context arg
        else if (nestedcall)
            LLValue* contextptr = DtoNestedContext(loc, dfnval->func);
            contextptr = DtoBitCast(contextptr, getVoidPtrType());
            error(loc, "Context argument required but none given");

        // add attributes for context argument
        if (tf->fty.arg_this && tf->fty.arg_this->attrs)
            Attr.Index = retinptr ? 2 : 1;
            Attr.Attrs = tf->fty.arg_this->attrs;
        else if (tf->fty.arg_nest && tf->fty.arg_nest->attrs)
            Attr.Index = retinptr ? 2 : 1;
            Attr.Attrs = tf->fty.arg_nest->attrs;

    // handle the rest of the arguments based on param passing style

    // variadic instrinsics need some custom casts
    if (va_intrinsic)
        for (int i=0; i<n_arguments; i++)
            Expression* exp = (Expression*)arguments->data[i];
            DValue* expelem = exp->toElem(gIR);
            // cast to va_list*
            LLValue* val = DtoBitCast(expelem->getLVal(), getVoidPtrType());

    // d style varargs needs a few more hidden arguments as well as special passing
    else if (dvarargs)
        DtoBuildDVarArgList(args, attrs, tf, arguments, argiter-argbegin+1);

    // otherwise we're looking at a normal function call
    // or a C style vararg call
        Logger::println("doing normal arguments");
        if (Logger::enabled()) {
            Logger::println("Arguments so far: (%d)", (int)args.size());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
                Logger::cout() << *args[i] << '\n';
            Logger::cout() << "Function type: " << tf->toChars() << '\n';
            Logger::cout() << "LLVM functype: " << *callable->getType() << '\n';

        size_t n = Argument::dim(tf->parameters);

        LLSmallVector<unsigned, 10> attrptr(n, 0);

        // do formal params
        int beg = argiter-argbegin;
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            Argument* fnarg = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, i);
            DValue* argval = DtoArgument(fnarg, (Expression*)arguments->data[i]);

            if (Logger::enabled()) {
                Logger::cout() << "Argument before ABI: " << *argval->getRVal() << '\n';
                Logger::cout() << "Argument type before ABI: " << *DtoType(argval->getType()) << '\n';

            // give the ABI a say
            LLValue* arg = tf->fty.putParam(argval->getType(), i, argval);

            if (Logger::enabled()) {
                Logger::cout() << "Argument after ABI: " << *arg << '\n';
                Logger::cout() << "Argument type after ABI: " << *arg->getType() << '\n';

            int j = tf->fty.reverseParams ? beg + n - i - 1 : beg + i;

            // Hack around LDC assuming structs are in memory:
            // If the function wants a struct, and the argument value is a
            // pointer to a struct, load from it before passing it in.
            if (argval->getType()->ty == Tstruct
                    && isaPointer(arg) && !isaPointer(callableTy->getParamType(j))) {
                Logger::println("Loading struct type for function argument");
                arg = DtoLoad(arg);

            // parameter type mismatch, this is hard to get rid of
            if (arg->getType() != callableTy->getParamType(j))
            #if 1
                if (Logger::enabled())
                    Logger::cout() << "arg:     " << *arg << '\n';
                    Logger::cout() << "expects: " << *callableTy->getParamType(j) << '\n';
                arg = DtoBitCast(arg, callableTy->getParamType(j));

            // param attrs
            attrptr[i] = tf->fty.args[i]->attrs;


        // reverse the relevant params as well as the param attrs
        if (tf->fty.reverseParams)
            std::reverse(args.begin() + beg, args.end());
            std::reverse(attrptr.begin(), attrptr.end());

        // add attributes
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (attrptr[i])
                Attr.Index = beg + i + 1;
                Attr.Attrs = attrptr[i];

        // do C varargs
        if (n_arguments > n)
            for (int i=n; i<n_arguments; i++)
                Argument* fnarg = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, i);
                DValue* argval = DtoArgument(fnarg, (Expression*)arguments->data[i]);
                LLValue* arg = argval->getRVal();

                // FIXME: do we need any param attrs here ?


#if 0
    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::println("%lu params passed", args.size());
        for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
            Logger::cout() << "arg["<<i<<"] = " << *args[i] << '\n';

    // void returns cannot not be named
    const char* varname = "";
    if (callableTy->getReturnType() != LLType::VoidTy)
        varname = "tmp";

#if 0
    if (Logger::enabled())
        Logger::cout() << "Calling: " << *callable << '\n';

    // call the function
    LLCallSite call = gIR->CreateCallOrInvoke(callable, args.begin(), args.end(), varname);

    // get return value
    LLValue* retllval = (retinptr) ? args[0] : call.getInstruction();

    // Ignore ABI for intrinsics
    if (tf->linkage != LINKintrinsic && !retinptr)
        // do abi specific return value fixups
        DImValue dretval(tf->next, retllval);
        retllval = tf->fty.getRet(tf->next, &dretval);

    // Hack around LDC assuming structs are in memory:
    // If the function returns a struct, and the return value is not a
    // pointer to a struct, store it to a stack slot before continuing.
    if (tf->next->ty == Tstruct && !isaPointer(retllval)) {
        Logger::println("Storing return value to stack slot");
        LLValue* mem = DtoAlloca(retllval->getType());
        DtoStore(retllval, mem);
        retllval = mem;

    // repaint the type if necessary
    if (resulttype)
        Type* rbase = resulttype->toBasetype();
        Type* nextbase = tf->nextOf()->toBasetype();
    #if DMDV2
        rbase = rbase->mutableOf();
        nextbase = nextbase->mutableOf();
        if (!rbase->equals(nextbase))
            Logger::println("repainting return value from '%s' to '%s'", tf->nextOf()->toChars(), rbase->toChars());
            case Tarray:
                retllval = DtoAggrPaint(retllval, DtoType(rbase));

            case Tclass:
            case Taarray:
            case Tpointer:
                retllval = DtoBitCast(retllval, DtoType(rbase));

                assert(0 && "unhandled repainting of return value");
            if (Logger::enabled())
                Logger::cout() << "final return value: " << *retllval << '\n';

    // set calling convention and parameter attributes
    llvm::AttrListPtr attrlist = llvm::AttrListPtr::get(attrs.begin(), attrs.end());
    if (dfnval && dfnval->func)
        LLFunction* llfunc = llvm::dyn_cast<LLFunction>(dfnval->val);
        if (llfunc && llfunc->isIntrinsic()) // override intrinsic attrs
            attrlist = llvm::Intrinsic::getAttributes((llvm::Intrinsic::ID)llfunc->getIntrinsicID());

    // if we are returning through a pointer arg
    // make sure we provide a lvalue back!
    if (retinptr)
        return new DVarValue(resulttype, retllval);

    return new DImValue(resulttype, retllval);