view gen/llvmhelpers.h @ 1112:829ac3f30103

Updating - Change the way the LLVM SVN revision is detected, using `svn info` instead of `svnversion`. This speeds it up significantly on my machine (especially when the LLVM SVN checkout isn't in disk cache). - Add "last changed date" to SVN checkouts too, not just unpacked tarballs - No longer rely on SVN revision to detect release vs trunk checkouts, treat release checkout the same as unpacked release tarball. (Except for date determination, which uses SVN date instead of filesystem date)
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:18:01 +0100
parents 7ce8355fbcc6
children f99a3b393c03
line wrap: on
line source


#include "gen/llvm.h"
#include "statement.h"

// dynamic memory helpers
LLValue* DtoNew(Type* newtype);
void DtoDeleteMemory(LLValue* ptr);
void DtoDeleteClass(LLValue* inst);
void DtoDeleteInterface(LLValue* inst);
void DtoDeleteArray(DValue* arr);

// emit an alloca
llvm::AllocaInst* DtoAlloca(const LLType* lltype, const std::string& name = "");
llvm::AllocaInst* DtoAlloca(const LLType* lltype, LLValue* arraysize, const std::string& name = "");

// assertion generator
void DtoAssert(Module* M, Loc* loc, DValue* msg);

// return the LabelStatement from the current function with the given identifier or NULL if not found
LabelStatement* DtoLabelStatement(Identifier* ident);
// emit goto
void DtoGoto(Loc* loc, Identifier* target, EnclosingHandler* enclosingtryfinally, TryFinallyStatement* sourcetf);

// generates IR for finally blocks between the 'start' and 'end' statements
// will begin with the finally block belonging to 'start' and does not include
// the finally block of 'end'
void DtoEnclosingHandlers(EnclosingHandler* start, EnclosingHandler* end);

// enters a critical section
void DtoEnterCritical(LLValue* g);
// leaves a critical section
void DtoLeaveCritical(LLValue* g);

// enters a monitor lock
void DtoEnterMonitor(LLValue* v);
// leaves a monitor lock
void DtoLeaveMonitor(LLValue* v);

// nested variable and context helpers

// gets the context value for a call to a nested function or newing a class, with arbitrary nesting
LLValue* DtoNestedContext(Loc loc, Dsymbol* sym);
// gets the dvalue of a nested variable with arbitrary nesting
DValue* DtoNestedVariable(Loc loc, Type* astype, VarDeclaration* vd);

// basic operations
void DtoAssign(Loc& loc, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);

// create a null dvalue
DValue* DtoNullValue(Type* t);

// casts
DValue* DtoCastInt(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCastPtr(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCastFloat(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCastDelegate(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCast(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* to);

// return the same val as passed in, modified to the target type, if possible, otherwise returns a new DValue
DValue* DtoPaintType(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* to);

// is template instance check, returns module where instantiated
TemplateInstance* DtoIsTemplateInstance(Dsymbol* s);

// these are all basically drivers for the codegeneration called by the main loop
void DtoResolveDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoDeclareDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoDefineDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoConstInitDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoConstInitGlobal(VarDeclaration* vd);
void DtoEmptyResolveList();
void DtoEmptyDeclareList();
void DtoEmptyConstInitList();
void DtoEmptyAllLists();
void DtoForceDeclareDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoForceConstInitDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoForceDefineDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);

// declaration inside a declarationexp
DValue* DtoDeclarationExp(Dsymbol* declaration);
LLValue* DtoRawVarDeclaration(VarDeclaration* var);

// initializer helpers
LLConstant* DtoConstInitializer(Loc loc, Type* type, Initializer* init);
LLConstant* DtoConstExpInit(Loc loc, Type* t, Expression* exp);
DValue* DtoInitializer(LLValue* target, Initializer* init);

// annotation generator
void DtoAnnotation(const char* str);

// getting typeinfo of type, base=true casts to object.TypeInfo
LLConstant* DtoTypeInfoOf(Type* ty, bool base=true);

// binary operations
DValue* DtoBinAdd(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinSub(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
// these binops need an explicit result type to handling
// to give 'ifloat op float' and 'float op ifloat' the correct type
DValue* DtoBinMul(Type* resulttype, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinDiv(Type* resulttype, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinRem(Type* resulttype, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);

// target stuff
void findDefaultTarget();

// fixup an overloaded intrinsic name string
void DtoOverloadedIntrinsicName(TemplateInstance* ti, TemplateDeclaration* td, std::string& name);

// return true if the symbol should be defined in the current module, not just declared
bool mustDefineSymbol(Dsymbol* s);

// returns true if the symbol needs template linkage, or just external
bool needsTemplateLinkage(Dsymbol* s);

// returns true if there is any unaligned type inside the aggregate
bool hasUnalignedFields(Type* t);

// gen/tocall.cpp stuff below

/// convert DMD calling conv to LLVM
unsigned DtoCallingConv(Loc loc, LINK l);

TypeFunction* DtoTypeFunction(DValue* fnval);

DValue* DtoVaArg(Loc& loc, Type* type, Expression* valistArg);

LLValue* DtoCallableValue(DValue* fn);

const LLFunctionType* DtoExtractFunctionType(const LLType* type);

void DtoBuildDVarArgList(std::vector<LLValue*>& args, llvm::AttrListPtr& palist, TypeFunction* tf, Expressions* arguments, size_t argidx);

DValue* DtoCallFunction(Loc& loc, Type* resulttype, DValue* fnval, Expressions* arguments);
