view gen/tollvm.h @ 119:79c9ac745fbc trunk

[svn r123] Fixed some typeinfo module name mismatches. Fixed D-style varargs returning through pointer. Fixed converting nested function to delegate. Added std.string and std.format to Phobos.
author lindquist
date Mon, 26 Nov 2007 06:45:13 +0100
parents fd7ad91fd713
children 5825d48b27d1
line wrap: on
line source


// D -> LLVM helpers

struct DValue;

const llvm::Type* DtoType(Type* t);
bool DtoIsPassedByRef(Type* type);
Type* DtoDType(Type* t);

const llvm::StructType* DtoDelegateType(Type* t);
llvm::Value* DtoNullDelegate(llvm::Value* v);
llvm::Value* DtoDelegateCopy(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src);
llvm::Value* DtoCompareDelegate(TOK op, llvm::Value* lhs, llvm::Value* rhs);

llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes DtoLinkage(PROT prot, uint stc);
unsigned DtoCallingConv(LINK l);

llvm::Value* DtoPointedType(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* val);
llvm::Value* DtoBoolean(llvm::Value* val);

const llvm::Type* DtoSize_t();

llvm::Constant* DtoConstInitializer(Type* type, Initializer* init);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstFieldInitializer(Type* type, Initializer* init);
DValue* DtoInitializer(Initializer* init);

llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemSet32();
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemSet64();
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemCpy32();
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemCpy64();

llvm::Value* DtoGEP(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* i0, llvm::Value* i1, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
llvm::Value* DtoGEP(llvm::Value* ptr, const std::vector<unsigned>& src, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
llvm::Value* DtoGEPi(llvm::Value* ptr, unsigned i0, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
llvm::Value* DtoGEPi(llvm::Value* ptr, unsigned i0, unsigned i1, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);

llvm::Value* DtoRealloc(llvm::Value* ptr, const llvm::Type* ty);
llvm::Value* DtoRealloc(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* len);

void DtoAssert(llvm::Value* cond, Loc* loc, DValue* msg);

llvm::Value* DtoArgument(const llvm::Type* paramtype, Argument* fnarg, Expression* argexp);

llvm::Value* DtoNestedVariable(VarDeclaration* vd);

llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstSize_t(size_t);
llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstUint(unsigned i);
llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstInt(int i);
llvm::ConstantFP* DtoConstFP(Type* t, long double value);

llvm::Constant* DtoConstString(const char*);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstStringPtr(const char* str, const char* section = 0);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstBool(bool);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstNullPtr(const llvm::Type* t);

bool DtoIsTemplateInstance(Dsymbol* s);

void DtoLazyStaticInit(bool istempl, llvm::Value* gvar, Initializer* init, Type* t);

void DtoResolveDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoDeclareDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoDefineDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoConstInitDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);

void DtoConstInitGlobal(VarDeclaration* vd);

void DtoEmptyResolveList();
void DtoEmptyDeclareList();
void DtoEmptyConstInitList();
void DtoEmptyAllLists();
void DtoForceDeclareDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoForceConstInitDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);
void DtoForceDefineDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym);

// llvm wrappers
void DtoMemSetZero(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* nbytes);
void DtoMemCpy(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src, llvm::Value* nbytes);
bool DtoCanLoad(llvm::Value* ptr);
llvm::Value* DtoLoad(llvm::Value* src);
void DtoStore(llvm::Value* src, llvm::Value* dst);
llvm::Value* DtoBitCast(llvm::Value* v, const llvm::Type* t);

// llvm::dyn_cast wrappers
const llvm::PointerType* isaPointer(llvm::Value* v);
const llvm::PointerType* isaPointer(const llvm::Type* t);
const llvm::ArrayType* isaArray(llvm::Value* v);
const llvm::ArrayType* isaArray(const llvm::Type* t);
const llvm::StructType* isaStruct(llvm::Value* v);
const llvm::StructType* isaStruct(const llvm::Type* t);
llvm::Constant* isaConstant(llvm::Value* v);
llvm::ConstantInt* isaConstantInt(llvm::Value* v);
llvm::Argument* isaArgument(llvm::Value* v);
llvm::GlobalVariable* isaGlobalVar(llvm::Value* v);

// basic operations
void DtoAssign(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);

// casts
DValue* DtoCastInt(DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCastPtr(DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCastFloat(DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCastComplex(DValue* val, Type* to);
DValue* DtoCast(DValue* val, Type* to);

// binary operations
DValue* DtoBinAdd(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinSub(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinMul(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinDiv(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinRem(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);

#include "enums.h"