view lphobos/std/stdio.d @ 37:77cdca8c210f trunk

[svn r41] new'd dynamic arrays are now initialized with the element type's default initializer. initial label/goto support.
author lindquist
date Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:38:24 +0200
parents 77e3d1ddae3f
children 2c3cd3596187
line wrap: on
line source

module std.stdio;

import std.traits;

void _writef(T)(T t) {
  static if(is(T: Object)) _writef(t.toString()); else
  static if(is(T==char)) printf("%c", t); else
  static if(is(T: char[])) printf("%.*s", t.length, t.ptr); else
  static if(isArray!(T)) {
    if (t.length) _writef(t[0]);
    for (int i=1; i<t.length; ++i) { _writef(','); _writef(t[i]); }
  } else
  static if(is(T: int)) printf("%i", t); else
  static if(is(T: real)) printf("%f", t); else
  static assert(false, "Cannot print "~T.stringof);

void writef(T...)(T t) {
  foreach (v; t) _writef(v);
void writefln(T...)(T t) {
  writef(t, "\n");