view druntime/import/stdc/posix/sys/stat.d @ 760:6f33b427bfd1

Seems like hg ignores .di files, so I missed a bunch of stuff. complete druntime should be there now :)
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <>
date Wed, 12 Nov 2008 00:19:18 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

 * D header file for POSIX.
 * Copyright: Public Domain
 * License:   Public Domain
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
 * Standards: The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
module stdc.posix.sys.stat;

private import stdc.posix.config;
private import stdc.stdint;
private import stdc.posix.time;     // for timespec
public import stdc.stddef;          // for size_t
public import stdc.posix.sys.types; // for off_t, mode_t

extern (C):

// Required
struct stat
    dev_t   st_dev;
    ino_t   st_ino;
    mode_t  st_mode;
    nlink_t st_nlink;
    uid_t   st_uid;
    gid_t   st_gid;
    off_t   st_size;
    time_t  st_atime;
    time_t  st_mtime;
    time_t  st_ctime;




int    chmod(in char*, mode_t);
int    fchmod(int, mode_t);
int    fstat(int, stat*);
int    lstat(in char*, stat*);
int    mkdir(in char*, mode_t);
int    mkfifo(in char*, mode_t);
int    stat(in char*, stat*);
mode_t umask(mode_t);

version( linux )
    static if( __USE_LARGEFILE64 )
        private alias uint _pad_t;
        private alias ushort _pad_t;

    struct stat_t
        dev_t       st_dev;
        _pad_t      __pad1;
      static if( __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 )
        ino_t       __st_ino;
        ino_t       st_ino;
        mode_t      st_mode;
        nlink_t     st_nlink;
        uid_t       st_uid;
        gid_t       st_gid;
        dev_t       st_rdev;
        _pad_t      __pad2;
        off_t       st_size;
        blksize_t   st_blksize;
        blkcnt_t    st_blocks;
      static if( false /*__USE_MISC*/ ) // true if _BSD_SOURCE || _SVID_SOURCE
        timespec    st_atim;
        timespec    st_mtim;
        timespec    st_ctim;
        alias st_atim.tv_sec st_atime;
        alias st_mtim.tv_sec st_mtime;
        alias st_ctim.tv_sec st_ctime;
        time_t      st_atime;
        c_ulong     st_atimensec;
        time_t      st_mtime;
        c_ulong     st_mtimensec;
        time_t      st_ctime;
        c_ulong     st_ctimensec;
      static if( __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 )
        ino_t       st_ino;
        c_ulong     __unused4;
        c_ulong     __unused5;

    const S_IRUSR   = 0400;
    const S_IWUSR   = 0200;
    const S_IXUSR   = 0100;
    const S_IRWXU   = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR;

    const S_IRGRP   = S_IRUSR >> 3;
    const S_IWGRP   = S_IWUSR >> 3;
    const S_IXGRP   = S_IXUSR >> 3;
    const S_IRWXG   = S_IRWXU >> 3;

    const S_IROTH   = S_IRGRP >> 3;
    const S_IWOTH   = S_IWGRP >> 3;
    const S_IXOTH   = S_IXGRP >> 3;
    const S_IRWXO   = S_IRWXG >> 3;

    const S_ISUID   = 04000;
    const S_ISGID   = 02000;
    const S_ISVTX   = 01000;

        extern (D) bool S_ISTYPE( mode_t mode, uint mask )
            return ( mode & S_IFMT ) == mask;

    extern (D) bool S_ISBLK( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFBLK );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISCHR( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFCHR );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISDIR( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFDIR );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISFIFO( mode_t mode ) { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFIFO );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISREG( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFREG );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISLNK( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFLNK );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISSOCK( mode_t mode ) { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFSOCK ); }

    static if( true /*__USE_POSIX199309*/ )
        extern bool S_TYPEISMQ( stat_t* buf )  { return false; }
        extern bool S_TYPEISSEM( stat_t* buf ) { return false; }
        extern bool S_TYPEISSHM( stat_t* buf ) { return false; }
else version( darwin )
    struct stat_t
        dev_t       st_dev;
        ino_t       st_ino;
        mode_t      st_mode;
        nlink_t     st_nlink;
        uid_t       st_uid;
        gid_t       st_gid;
        dev_t       st_rdev;
        time_t      st_atime;
        c_ulong     st_atimensec;
        time_t      st_mtime;
        c_ulong     st_mtimensec;
        time_t      st_ctime;
        c_ulong     st_ctimensec;
        off_t       st_size;
        blkcnt_t    st_blocks;
        blksize_t   st_blksize;
        uint        st_flags;
        uint        st_gen;
        int         st_lspare;
        long        st_qspare[2];

    const S_IRUSR   = 0400;
    const S_IWUSR   = 0200;
    const S_IXUSR   = 0100;
    const S_IRWXU   = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR;

    const S_IRGRP   = S_IRUSR >> 3;
    const S_IWGRP   = S_IWUSR >> 3;
    const S_IXGRP   = S_IXUSR >> 3;
    const S_IRWXG   = S_IRWXU >> 3;

    const S_IROTH   = S_IRGRP >> 3;
    const S_IWOTH   = S_IWGRP >> 3;
    const S_IXOTH   = S_IXGRP >> 3;
    const S_IRWXO   = S_IRWXG >> 3;

    const S_ISUID   = 04000;
    const S_ISGID   = 02000;
    const S_ISVTX   = 01000;

        extern (D) bool S_ISTYPE( mode_t mode, uint mask )
            return ( mode & S_IFMT ) == mask;

    extern (D) bool S_ISBLK( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFBLK );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISCHR( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFCHR );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISDIR( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFDIR );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISFIFO( mode_t mode ) { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFIFO );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISREG( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFREG );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISLNK( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFLNK );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISSOCK( mode_t mode ) { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFSOCK ); }
else version( freebsd )
    struct stat_t
        dev_t   st_dev;
        ino_t   st_ino;
        mode_t  st_mode;
        nlink_t st_nlink;
        uid_t   st_uid;
        gid_t   st_gid;
        dev_t   st_rdev;

        timespec st_atimespec;
        timespec st_mtimespec;
        timespec st_ctimespec;
        time_t st_atime()
            return st_atimespec.tv_sec;
        time_t st_mtime()
            return st_mtimespec.tv_sec;
        time_t st_ctime()
            return st_ctimespec.tv_sec;

        off_t       st_size;
        blkcnt_t    st_blocks;
        blksize_t   st_blksize;
        fflags_t    st_flags;
        uint        st_gen;
        int         st_lspare;
        timespec    st_birthtimespec;

        byte[16 - timespec.sizeof] padding;

    const S_IRUSR   = 0000400;
    const S_IWUSR   = 0000200;
    const S_IXUSR   = 0000100;
    const S_IRWXU   = 0000700;

    const S_IRGRP   = 0000040;
    const S_IWGRP   = 0000020;
    const S_IXGRP   = 0000010;
    const S_IRWXG   = 0000070;

    const S_IROTH   = 0000004;
    const S_IWOTH   = 0000002;
    const S_IXOTH   = 0000001;
    const S_IRWXO   = 0000007;

    const S_ISUID   = 0004000;
    const S_ISGID   = 0002000;
    const S_ISVTX   = 0001000;

        extern (D) bool S_ISTYPE( mode_t mode, uint mask )
            return ( mode & S_IFMT ) == mask;

    extern (D) bool S_ISBLK( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFBLK );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISCHR( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFCHR );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISDIR( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFDIR );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISFIFO( mode_t mode ) { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFIFO );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISREG( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFREG );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISLNK( mode_t mode )  { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFLNK );  }
    extern (D) bool S_ISSOCK( mode_t mode ) { return S_ISTYPE( mode, S_IFSOCK ); }

int    chmod(in char*, mode_t);
int    fchmod(int, mode_t);
//int    fstat(int, stat_t*);
//int    lstat(in char*, stat_t*);
int    mkdir(in char*, mode_t);
int    mkfifo(in char*, mode_t);
//int    stat(in char*, stat_t*);
mode_t umask(mode_t);

version( linux )
  static if( __USE_LARGEFILE64 )
    int   fstat64(int, stat_t*);
    alias fstat64 fstat;

    int   lstat64(in char*, stat_t*);
    alias lstat64 lstat;

    int   stat64(in char*, stat_t*);
    alias stat64 stat;
    int   fstat(int, stat_t*);
    int   lstat(in char*, stat_t*);
    int   stat(in char*, stat_t*);
    int   fstat(int, stat_t*);
    int   lstat(in char*, stat_t*);
    int   stat(in char*, stat_t*);

// Typed Memory Objects (TYM)

// XOpen (XSI)

int mknod(in 3char*, mode_t, dev_t);

version( linux )
    const S_IFMT    = 0170000;
    const S_IFBLK   = 0060000;
    const S_IFCHR   = 0020000;
    const S_IFIFO   = 0010000;
    const S_IFREG   = 0100000;
    const S_IFDIR   = 0040000;
    const S_IFLNK   = 0120000;
    const S_IFSOCK  = 0140000;

    int mknod(in char*, mode_t, dev_t);
else version( darwin )
    const S_IFMT    = 0170000;
    const S_IFBLK   = 0060000;
    const S_IFCHR   = 0020000;
    const S_IFIFO   = 0010000;
    const S_IFREG   = 0100000;
    const S_IFDIR   = 0040000;
    const S_IFLNK   = 0120000;
    const S_IFSOCK  = 0140000;

    int mknod(in char*, mode_t, dev_t);
else version( freebsd )
    const S_IFMT    = 0170000;
    const S_IFBLK   = 0060000;
    const S_IFCHR   = 0020000;
    const S_IFIFO   = 0010000;
    const S_IFREG   = 0100000;
    const S_IFDIR   = 0040000;
    const S_IFLNK   = 0120000;
    const S_IFSOCK  = 0140000;

    int mknod(in char*, mode_t, dev_t);