view gen/abi.cpp @ 1047:6bb04dbee21f

Some calling convention work for x86-64: - Implement x86-64 extern(C), hopefully correctly. - Tried to be a bit smarter about extern(D) while I was there. Interestingly, this code seems to be generating more efficient code than gcc and llvm-gcc in some edge cases, like returning a `{ [7 x i8] }` loaded from a stack slot from an extern(C) function. (gcc generates 7 1-byte loads, while this code generates a 4-byte, a 2-byte and a 1-byte load) I also added some changes to make sure structs being returned from functions or passed in as parameters are stored in memory where the rest of the backend seems to expect them to be. These should be removed when support for first-class aggregates improves.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Fri, 06 Mar 2009 16:00:47 +0100
parents 0485751a40ae
children 32ead42679d1
line wrap: on
line source

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "mars.h"

#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/abi.h"
#include "gen/logger.h"
#include "gen/dvalue.h"

#include "ir/irfunction.h"


void ABIRewrite::getL(Type* dty, DValue* v, llvm::Value* lval)
    LLValue* rval = get(dty, v);
    assert(rval->getType() == lval->getType()->getContainedType(0));
    DtoStore(rval, lval);

/////////////////////              X86            ////////////////////////////

// simply swap of real/imag parts for proper x87 complex abi
struct X87_complex_swap : ABIRewrite
    LLValue* get(Type*, DValue* v)
        return DtoAggrPairSwap(v->getRVal());
    LLValue* put(Type*, DValue* v)
        return DtoAggrPairSwap(v->getRVal());
    const LLType* type(Type*, const LLType* t)
        return t;


struct X86_cfloat_rewrite : ABIRewrite
    // i64 -> {float,float}
    LLValue* get(Type*, DValue* dv)
        LLValue* in = dv->getRVal();

        // extract real part
        LLValue* rpart = gIR->ir->CreateTrunc(in, LLType::Int32Ty);
        rpart = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(rpart, LLType::FloatTy, ".re");

        // extract imag part
        LLValue* ipart = gIR->ir->CreateLShr(in, LLConstantInt::get(LLType::Int64Ty, 32, false));
        ipart = gIR->ir->CreateTrunc(ipart, LLType::Int32Ty);
        ipart = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(ipart, LLType::FloatTy, ".im");

        // return {float,float} aggr pair with same bits
        return DtoAggrPair(rpart, ipart, ".final_cfloat");

    // {float,float} -> i64
    LLValue* put(Type*, DValue* dv)
        LLValue* v = dv->getRVal();

        // extract real
        LLValue* r = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v, 0);
        // cast to i32
        r = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(r, LLType::Int32Ty);
        // zext to i64
        r = gIR->ir->CreateZExt(r, LLType::Int64Ty);

        // extract imag
        LLValue* i = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v, 1);
        // cast to i32
        i = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(i, LLType::Int32Ty);
        // zext to i64
        i = gIR->ir->CreateZExt(i, LLType::Int64Ty);
        // shift up
        i = gIR->ir->CreateShl(i, LLConstantInt::get(LLType::Int64Ty, 32, false));

        // combine and return
        return v = gIR->ir->CreateOr(r, i);

    // {float,float} -> i64
    const LLType* type(Type*, const LLType* t)
        return LLType::Int64Ty;


// FIXME: try into eliminating the alloca or if at least check
// if it gets optimized away

// convert byval struct
// when 
struct X86_struct_to_register : ABIRewrite
    // int -> struct
    LLValue* get(Type* dty, DValue* dv)
        Logger::println("rewriting int -> struct");
        LLValue* mem = DtoAlloca(DtoType(dty), ".int_to_struct");
        LLValue* v = dv->getRVal();
        DtoStore(v, DtoBitCast(mem, getPtrToType(v->getType())));
        return DtoLoad(mem);
    // int -> struct (with dst lvalue given)
    void getL(Type* dty, DValue* dv, llvm::Value* lval)
        Logger::println("rewriting int -> struct");
        LLValue* v = dv->getRVal();
        DtoStore(v, DtoBitCast(lval, getPtrToType(v->getType())));
    // struct -> int
    LLValue* put(Type* dty, DValue* dv)
        Logger::println("rewriting struct -> int");
        LLValue* mem = dv->getLVal();
        const LLType* t = LLIntegerType::get(dty->size()*8);
        DtoLoad(DtoBitCast(mem, getPtrToType(t)));
    const LLType* type(Type*, const LLType* t)
        size_t sz = getTypePaddedSize(t)*8;
        return LLIntegerType::get(sz);


struct X86TargetABI : TargetABI
    X87_complex_swap swapComplex;
    X86_cfloat_rewrite cfloatToInt;
    X86_struct_to_register structToReg;

    bool returnInArg(TypeFunction* tf)
        Type* rt = tf->next->toBasetype();
        // D only returns structs on the stack
        if (tf->linkage == LINKd)
            return (rt->ty == Tstruct);
        // other ABI's follow C, which is cdouble and creal returned on the stack
        // as well as structs
            return (rt->ty == Tstruct || rt->ty == Tcomplex64 || rt->ty == Tcomplex80);

    bool passByVal(Type* t)
        return t->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct;

    void rewriteFunctionType(TypeFunction* tf)
        IrFuncTy* fty = tf->fty;
        Type* rt = fty->ret->type->toBasetype();

        // extern(D)
        if (tf->linkage == LINKd)
            // RETURN VALUE

            // complex {re,im} -> {im,re}
            if (rt->iscomplex())
                fty->ret->rewrite = &swapComplex;


            // mark this/nested params inreg
            if (fty->arg_this)
                fty->arg_this->attrs = llvm::Attribute::InReg;
            else if (fty->arg_nest)
                fty->arg_nest->attrs = llvm::Attribute::InReg;
            // otherwise try to mark the last param inreg
            else if (!fty->arg_sret && !fty->args.empty())
                // The last parameter is passed in EAX rather than being pushed on the stack if the following conditions are met:
                //   * It fits in EAX.
                //   * It is not a 3 byte struct.
                //   * It is not a floating point type.

                IrFuncTyArg* last = fty->args.back();
                Type* lastTy = last->type->toBasetype();
                unsigned sz = lastTy->size();

                if (last->byref && !last->isByVal())
                    last->attrs |= llvm::Attribute::InReg;
                else if (!lastTy->isfloating() && (sz == 1 || sz == 2 || sz == 4)) // right?
                    // rewrite the struct into an integer to make inreg work
                    if (lastTy->ty == Tstruct)
                        last->rewrite = &structToReg;
                        last->ltype = structToReg.type(last->type, last->ltype);
                        last->byref = false;
                        // erase previous attributes
                        last->attrs = 0;
                    last->attrs |= llvm::Attribute::InReg;

            // FIXME: tf->varargs == 1 need to use C calling convention and vararg mechanism to live up to the spec:
            // "The caller is expected to clean the stack. _argptr is not passed, it is computed by the callee."


            // reverse parameter order
            // for non variadics
            if (!fty->args.empty() && tf->varargs != 1)
                fty->reverseParams = true;

        // extern(C) and all others
            // RETURN VALUE

            // cfloat -> i64
            if (tf->next->toBasetype() == Type::tcomplex32)
                fty->ret->rewrite = &cfloatToInt;
                fty->ret->ltype = LLType::Int64Ty;



///////////////////            X86-64               //////////////////////////

#include "gen/abi-x86-64.h"

///////////////////         Unknown targets         //////////////////////////

// Some reasonable defaults for when we don't know what ABI to use.
struct UnknownTargetABI : TargetABI
    bool returnInArg(TypeFunction* tf)
        return (tf->next->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct);

    bool passByVal(Type* t)
        return t->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct;

    void rewriteFunctionType(TypeFunction* t)
        // why?


TargetABI * TargetABI::getTarget()
    case ARCHx86:
        return new X86TargetABI;
    case ARCHx86_64:
        return getX86_64TargetABI();
        Logger::cout() << "WARNING: Unknown ABI, guessing...\n";
        return new UnknownTargetABI;