view premake.lua @ 275:665b81613475 trunk

[svn r296] Removed: the 'suite' dir, it never took off! Fixed: foreach statement, key-type checks were buggy. Fixed: setting LLVMDC versions on the command line is now an error. Fixed: array compare runtime had incorrect param attrs on call. Fixed: index expressions on dynamic array slices w/o storage was broken. Fixed: scope classes had incorrect finalization in some cases. Fixed: when outputting !ClassInfoS !OffsetTypeInfoS, static class members were trying to be included, crashing the compiler. Fixed: calling LLVMDC with -inline but not any -O option caused assertion failure. Changed: the runtime now uses a single interface to "get" to !TypeInfoS, part of eliminating duplicate !TypeInfo codegen.
author lindquist
date Thu, 19 Jun 2008 17:30:32 +0200
parents 23d0d9855cad
children 297690b5d4a5
line wrap: on
line source = llvmdc

-- options

-- idgen
package = newpackage() = "idgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/idgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "./idgen", "mv -f id.c id.h dmd" }

-- impcnvgen
package = newpackage() = "impcnvgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "./impcnvgen", "mv -f impcnvtab.c dmd" }

-- llvmdc
package = newpackage()
package.bindir = "bin" = "llvmdc"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { matchfiles("dmd/*.c"), matchfiles("gen/*.cpp"), matchfiles("ir/*.cpp") }
package.excludes = { "dmd/idgen.c", "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++", "`llvm-config --cxxflags`" }
package.linkoptions = {
    -- long but it's faster than just 'all'
    "`llvm-config --libs core asmparser bitreader bitwriter linker support target transformutils scalaropts ipo instrumentation x86 powerpc`",
    "`llvm-config --ldflags`",
package.defines = {
package.config.Release.defines = { "LLVMD_NO_LOGGER" }
package.config.Debug.buildoptions = { "-g -O0" }
--package.targetprefix = "llvm"
package.includepaths = { ".", "dmd" }
--package.postbuildcommands = { "cd runtime; ./; cd .." }
if USE_BOEHM_GC == 1 then
    package.links = { "gc" }