view @ 979:523bf4f166bc

Fix some assembler issues: The assembler was miscompiling "add" (specifically, the "add reg/mem, imm" variations). The change that caused this seems to have been made because without it, some "add"s didn't compile at all. This patch reverts the previous change, and makes sure assembler operands are remapped correctly even though the input operands auto-generated due to updating operations aren't explicitly used.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Wed, 18 Feb 2009 21:46:14 +0100
parents d66ab756c75b
children f0b6549055ab
line wrap: on
line source


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;

my $llvm_src = `perl @LLVM_CONFIG@ --src-root`;

my $llvm_rev = `svnversion $llvm_src`;

if ($llvm_rev =~ s/(\d+M?)\s+$/$1/) {
	$llvm_rev = qq!#define LLVM_REV "LLVM rev. $llvm_rev"!
} else {
	my $llvm_lib = `perl @LLVM_CONFIG@ --libdir`;
	$llvm_lib =~ s/\s+$//;
	$llvm_rev = ctime(stat($llvm_lib)->mtime) if (-d $llvm_lib);
	$llvm_rev = qq!#include "llvm/Config/config.h"\n#define LLVM_REV PACKAGE_STRING" ($llvm_rev)"!;

my $ldc_rev = `hg -R@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@ log -r qparent --template '{rev}:{node|short} ({date|isodate})' 2>/dev/null || hg -R@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@ tip --template '{rev}:{node|short} ({date|isodate})'`;

my $out = qq!#ifndef LDC_VERSIONS_H

#define LDC_REV "rev. $ldc_rev"

#endif // LDC_VERSIONS_H\n!;

my $revh;
my $old = "";
open $revh, "revisions.h" and $old = join "", <$revh>;

if ($old ne $out) {
	open $revh, ">revisions.h" or die "cannot create revisions.h: $!";
	print $revh $out;
	close $revh;