view dmd/module.h @ 1479:4f7d50c744ed

Rewrite `StructLiteralExp::toElem` to store individual fields instead of generating a constant to fill the entire struct with a single `store`. This is much more efficient at compile time (fixing #320) and vastly reduces the size of the emitted code. Since LLVM no longer needs to keep the data for all fields in "registers" until the store happens, it should also be more efficient at run time in cases where the fields aren't assigned with constants. There's also some code clean-up by removing duplicated logic.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:16:13 +0200
parents 46f6365a50d7
children 61f12f4651b5
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#ifndef DMD_MODULE_H
#define DMD_MODULE_H

#ifdef __DMC__
#pragma once
#endif /* __DMC__ */

#include "root.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"

struct ModuleInfoDeclaration;
struct ClassDeclaration;
struct ModuleDeclaration;
struct Macro;
struct Escape;
struct VarDeclaration;
struct Library;

// Back end
class Ir;
struct DValue;
typedef DValue elem;
namespace llvm { class Module; }

#ifdef IN_GCC
union tree_node; typedef union tree_node elem;
struct elem;

struct Package : ScopeDsymbol
    Package(Identifier *ident);
    const char *kind();

    static DsymbolTable *resolve(Array *packages, Dsymbol **pparent, Package **ppkg);

    Package *isPackage() { return this; }

    virtual void semantic(Scope *sc) { }

struct Module : Package
    static Module *rootModule;
    static DsymbolTable *modules;	// symbol table of all modules
    static Array amodules;		// array of all modules
    static Array deferred;	// deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic() run on them
    static unsigned dprogress;	// progress resolving the deferred list
    static void init();

    static ClassDeclaration *moduleinfo;

    const char *arg;	// original argument name
    ModuleDeclaration *md; // if !NULL, the contents of the ModuleDeclaration declaration
    File *srcfile;	// input source file

    File *objfile; // output object file
    File *docfile; // output doc file
    File *hdrfile; // output hdr file
    unsigned errors;	// if any errors in file
    unsigned numlines;	// number of lines in source file
    int isHtml;		// if it is an HTML file
    int isDocFile;	// if it is a documentation input file, not D source
    int needmoduleinfo;
#ifdef IN_GCC
    int strictlyneedmoduleinfo;

    int selfimports;		// 0: don't know, 1: does not, 2: does
    int selfImports();		// returns !=0 if module imports itself

    int insearch;
    Identifier *searchCacheIdent;
    Dsymbol *searchCacheSymbol;	// cached value of search
    int searchCacheFlags;	// cached flags

    int semanticstarted;	// has semantic() been started?
    int semanticdone;		// has semantic() been done?
    int root;			// != 0 if this is a 'root' module,
				// i.e. a module that will be taken all the
				// way to an object file
    Module *importedFrom;	// module from command line we're imported from,
				// i.e. a module that will be taken all the
				// way to an object file

    Array *decldefs;		// top level declarations for this Module

    Array aimports;		// all imported modules

    ModuleInfoDeclaration *vmoduleinfo;

    unsigned debuglevel;	// debug level
    Array *debugids;		// debug identifiers
    Array *debugidsNot;		// forward referenced debug identifiers

    unsigned versionlevel;	// version level
    Array *versionids;		// version identifiers
    Array *versionidsNot;	// forward referenced version identifiers

    Macro *macrotable;		// document comment macros
    struct Escape *escapetable;	// document comment escapes

    int doDocComment;		// enable generating doc comments for this module
    int doHdrGen;		// enable generating header file for this module

    Module(char *arg, Identifier *ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen);

    static Module *load(Loc loc, Array *packages, Identifier *ident);

    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    const char *kind();
    void read(Loc loc);	// read file
#if IN_GCC
    void parse(bool dump_source = false);	// syntactic parse
    void parse();	// syntactic parse
    void semantic(Scope* unused_sc = NULL);	// semantic analysis
    void semantic2(Scope* unused_sc = NULL);	// pass 2 semantic analysis
    void semantic3(Scope* unused_sc = NULL);	// pass 3 semantic analysis
    void inlineScan();	// scan for functions to inline
#ifdef _DH
    void genhdrfile();  // generate D import file
//    void gensymfile();
    void gendocfile();
    int needModuleInfo();
    Dsymbol *search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags);
    void deleteObjFile();
    void addDeferredSemantic(Dsymbol *s);
    void runDeferredSemantic();
    int imports(Module *m);

    // Back end
#if IN_DMD
    int doppelganger;		// sub-module
    Symbol *cov;		// private uint[] __coverage;
    unsigned *covb;		// bit array of valid code line numbers

    Symbol *sictor;		// module order independent constructor
    Symbol *sctor;		// module constructor
    Symbol *sdtor;		// module destructor
    Symbol *stest;		// module unit test

    Symbol *sfilename;		// symbol for filename

    Symbol *massert;		// module assert function
    Symbol *toModuleAssert();	// get module assert function

    Symbol *marray;		// module array bounds function
    Symbol *toModuleArray();	// get module array bounds function

    static Symbol *gencritsec();
    elem *toEfilename();
    elem *toEmodulename();

    Symbol *toSymbol();
    void genmoduleinfo();

    // LDC
    llvm::Module* genLLVMModule(Ir* sir);
    void buildTargetFiles();
    File* buildFilePath(const char* forcename, const char* path, const char* ext);
    Module *isModule() { return this; }

    bool llvmForceLogging;

    // array ops emitted in this module already
    StringTable arrayfuncs;

struct ModuleDeclaration
    Identifier *id;
    Array *packages;		// array of Identifier's representing packages

    ModuleDeclaration(Array *packages, Identifier *id);

    char *toChars();

#endif /* DMD_MODULE_H */