view tango/tango/io/FileSystem.d @ 243:4d006f7b2ada trunk

[svn r260] Changed some of the LLVMDC specific code in the Tango core and did some minor cleanups.
author lindquist
date Mon, 09 Jun 2008 03:02:14 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Mar 2004: Initial release
        version:        Feb 2007: Now using mutating paths

        author:         Kris, Chris Sauls (Win95 file support)



private import  tango.sys.Common;

private import;

private import  tango.core.Exception;

version (Posix)
        private import tango.stdc.string;
        private import tango.stdc.posix.unistd;


        Models an OS-specific file-system. Included here are methods to
        manipulate the current working directory, and to convert a path
        to its absolute form.


class FileSystem

                Convert the provided path to an absolute path, using the
                current working directory where prefix is not provided. 
                If the given path is already an absolute path, return it 

                Returns the provided path, adjusted as necessary


        static FilePath toAbsolute (FilePath target, char[] prefix=null)
                if (! target.isAbsolute)
                   if (prefix is null)
                       prefix = getDirectory;

                   target.prepend (target.padded(prefix));
                return target;



        private static void exception (char[] msg)
                throw new IOException (msg);



        version (Win32)

                        Set the current working directory


                static void setDirectory (char[] path)
                        version (Win32SansUnicode)
                                char[MAX_PATH+1] tmp = void;
                                tmp[0..path.length] = path;
                                tmp[path.length] = 0;

                                if (! SetCurrentDirectoryA (tmp.ptr))
                                      exception ("Failed to set current directory");
                                // convert into output buffer
                                wchar[MAX_PATH+1] tmp = void;
                                assert (path.length < tmp.length);
                                auto i = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, 
                                                              path.ptr, path.length, 
                                                              tmp.ptr, tmp.length);
                                tmp[i] = 0;

                                if (! SetCurrentDirectoryW (tmp.ptr))
                                      exception ("Failed to set current directory");


                        Return the current working directory


                static char[] getDirectory ()
                        char[] path;

                        version (Win32SansUnicode)
                                int len = GetCurrentDirectoryA (0, null);
                                auto dir = new char [len];
                                GetCurrentDirectoryA (len, dir.ptr);
                                if (len)
                                   dir[len-1] = '\\';                                   
                                   path = dir;
                                   exception ("Failed to get current directory");
                                wchar[MAX_PATH+2] tmp = void;

                                auto len = GetCurrentDirectoryW (0, null);
                                assert (len < tmp.length);
                                auto dir = new char [len * 3];
                                GetCurrentDirectoryW (len, tmp.ptr); 
                                auto i = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, tmp.ptr, len, 
                                                              dir.ptr, dir.length, null, null);
                                if (len && i)
                                   path = dir[0..i];
                                   path[$-1] = '\\';
                                   exception ("Failed to get current directory");

                        return path;



        version (Posix)

                        Set the current working directory


                static void setDirectory (char[] path)
                        char[512] tmp = void;
                        tmp [path.length] = 0;
                        tmp[0..path.length] = path;

                        if (tango.stdc.posix.unistd.chdir (tmp.ptr))
                            exception ("Failed to set current directory");


                        Return the current working directory


                static char[] getDirectory ()
                        char[512] tmp = void;

                        char *s = tango.stdc.posix.unistd.getcwd (tmp.ptr, tmp.length);
                        if (s is null)
                            exception ("Failed to get current directory");

                        auto path = s[0 .. strlen(s)+1].dup;
                        path[$-1] = '/';
                        return path;



debug (FileSystem)

        static void foo (FilePath path)
        Stdout("all: ") (path).newline;
        Stdout("path: ") (path.path).newline;
        Stdout("file: ") (path.file).newline;
        Stdout("folder: ") (path.folder).newline;
        Stdout("name: ") (;
        Stdout("ext: ") (path.ext).newline;
        Stdout("suffix: ") (path.suffix).newline.newline;

        void main() 
        auto path = new FilePath (".");
        foo (path);

        path.set ("..");
        foo (path); 

        path.set ("...");
        foo (path); 

        path.set (r"\x\y\.file");
        foo (path); 

        path.suffix = ".foo";
        foo (path);

        path.set ("");

        path.set (r"arf\test");
        foo(path); = "foo";

        path.suffix = ".d"; = path.suffix;
