view ir/irlandingpad.h @ 1117:4c20fcc4252b

Fun with parameter attributes: For several of the "synthetic" parameters added to D functions, we can apply noalias and nocapture. They are sret parameters, 'nest' pointers passed to nested functions, and _argptr: Nocapture: - Sret and nest are nocapture because they don't represent D-level variables, and thus the callee can't (validly) obtain a pointer to them, let alone keep it around after it returns. - _argptr is nocapture because although the callee has access to it as a pointer, that pointer is invalidated when it returns. All three are noalias because they're function-local variables - Sret and _argptr are noalias because they're freshly alloca'd memory only used for a single function call that's not allowed to keep an aliasing pointer to it around (since the parameter is nocapture). - 'Nest' is noalias because the callee only ever has access to one such pointer per parent function, and every parent function has a different one. This commit also ensures attributes set on sret, _arguments and _argptr are propagated to calls to such functions. It also adds one exception to the general rule that attributes on function types should propagate to calls: the type of a delegate's function pointer has a 'nest' parameter, but this can either be a true 'nest' (for delegates to nested functions) or a 'this' (for delegates to member functions). Since 'this' is neither noalias nor nocapture, and there's generally no way to tell which one it is, we remove these attributes at the call site if the callee is a delegate.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:15:31 +0100
parents dc608dc33081
line wrap: on
line source


#include "ir/ir.h"
#include "statement.h"

#include <deque>
#include <stack>

namespace llvm {
    class Type;
    class Value;
    class BasicBlock;
    class Function;

// only to be used within IRLandingPad
// holds information about a single catch or finally
struct IRLandingPadInfo
    // default constructor for being able to store in a vector
    : target(NULL), finallyBody(NULL), catchType(NULL)

    // constructor for catch
    IRLandingPadInfo(Catch* catchstmt, llvm::BasicBlock* end);

    // constructor for finally
    IRLandingPadInfo(Statement* finallystmt);

    // the target catch bb if this is a catch
    // or the target finally bb if this is a finally
    llvm::BasicBlock* target;

    // nonzero if this is a finally
    Statement* finallyBody;

    // nonzero if this is a catch
    ClassDeclaration* catchType;

// holds information about all possible catch and finally actions
// and can emit landing pads to be called from the unwind runtime
struct IRLandingPad
    IRLandingPad() : catch_var(NULL) {}

    // builds a new landing pad according to given infos
    // and the ones on the stack. also stores it as invoke target
    void push(llvm::BasicBlock* inBB);

    // add catch information, will be used in next call to push
    void addCatch(Catch* catchstmt, llvm::BasicBlock* end);
    // add finally information, will be used in next call to push
    void addFinally(Statement* finallystmt);

    // pops the most recently constructed landing pad bb
    // and its infos
    void pop();

    // gets the current landing pad
    llvm::BasicBlock* get();

    // creates or gets storage for exception object
    llvm::Value* getExceptionStorage();

    // constructs the landing pad from infos
    void constructLandingPad(llvm::BasicBlock* inBB);

    // information needed to create landing pads
    std::deque<IRLandingPadInfo> infos;
    std::deque<IRLandingPadInfo> unpushed_infos;

    // the number of infos we had before the push
    std::stack<size_t> nInfos;

    // the target for invokes
    std::stack<llvm::BasicBlock*> padBBs;

    // associate increasing ints with each unique classdecl encountered
    std::map<ClassDeclaration*, int> catchToInt;

    // storage for the catch variable
    llvm::Value* catch_var;
