view gen/todebug.cpp @ 1117:4c20fcc4252b

Fun with parameter attributes: For several of the "synthetic" parameters added to D functions, we can apply noalias and nocapture. They are sret parameters, 'nest' pointers passed to nested functions, and _argptr: Nocapture: - Sret and nest are nocapture because they don't represent D-level variables, and thus the callee can't (validly) obtain a pointer to them, let alone keep it around after it returns. - _argptr is nocapture because although the callee has access to it as a pointer, that pointer is invalidated when it returns. All three are noalias because they're function-local variables - Sret and _argptr are noalias because they're freshly alloca'd memory only used for a single function call that's not allowed to keep an aliasing pointer to it around (since the parameter is nocapture). - 'Nest' is noalias because the callee only ever has access to one such pointer per parent function, and every parent function has a different one. This commit also ensures attributes set on sret, _arguments and _argptr are propagated to calls to such functions. It also adds one exception to the general rule that attributes on function types should propagate to calls: the type of a delegate's function pointer has a 'nest' parameter, but this can either be a true 'nest' (for delegates to nested functions) or a 'this' (for delegates to member functions). Since 'this' is neither noalias nor nocapture, and there's generally no way to tell which one it is, we remove these attributes at the call site if the callee is a delegate.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:15:31 +0100
parents 8038b106c458
children 79758fd2f48a
line wrap: on
line source

#include "gen/llvm.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Dwarf.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
#include "llvm/System/Path.h"

#include "declaration.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "mars.h"

#include "gen/todebug.h"
#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/logger.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/linkage.h"

#include "ir/irmodule.h"

using namespace llvm::dwarf;

#define DBG_NULL    ( LLConstant::getNullValue(DBG_TYPE) )
#define DBG_TYPE    ( getPtrToType(llvm::StructType::get(NULL,NULL)) )
#define DBG_CAST(X) ( llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(X, DBG_TYPE) )

#define DBG_TAG(X)  ( llvm::ConstantExpr::getAdd( DtoConstUint( X ), DtoConstUint( llvm::LLVMDebugVersion ) ) )


 * Emits a global variable, LLVM Dwarf style, only declares.
 * @param type Type of variable.
 * @param name Name.
 * @return The global variable.
static LLGlobalVariable* emitDwarfGlobalDecl(const LLStructType* type, const char* name, bool linkonce=false)
    LLGlobalValue::LinkageTypes linkage = linkonce
        : LLGlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
    LLGlobalVariable* gv = new LLGlobalVariable(type, true, linkage, NULL, name, gIR->module);
    return gv;


static llvm::DIAnchor getDwarfAnchor(dwarf_constants c)
    switch (c)
    case DW_TAG_compile_unit:
        return gIR->difactory.GetOrCreateCompileUnitAnchor();
    case DW_TAG_variable:
        return gIR->difactory.GetOrCreateGlobalVariableAnchor();
    case DW_TAG_subprogram:
        return gIR->difactory.GetOrCreateSubprogramAnchor();


static const llvm::StructType* getDwarfCompileUnitType() {
    return isaStruct(gIR->module->getTypeByName("llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type"));

static const llvm::StructType* getDwarfSubProgramType() {
    return isaStruct(gIR->module->getTypeByName("llvm.dbg.subprogram.type"));

static const llvm::StructType* getDwarfVariableType() {
    return isaStruct(gIR->module->getTypeByName("llvm.dbg.variable.type"));

static const llvm::StructType* getDwarfDerivedTypeType() {
    return isaStruct(gIR->module->getTypeByName("llvm.dbg.derivedtype.type"));

static const llvm::StructType* getDwarfBasicTypeType() {
    return isaStruct(gIR->module->getTypeByName("llvm.dbg.basictype.type"));

static const llvm::StructType* getDwarfCompositeTypeType() {
    return isaStruct(gIR->module->getTypeByName("llvm.dbg.compositetype.type"));

static const llvm::StructType* getDwarfGlobalVariableType() {
    return isaStruct(gIR->module->getTypeByName("llvm.dbg.global_variable.type"));


// get the module the symbol is in, or - for template instances - the current module
static Module* getDefinedModule(Dsymbol* s)
    if (!DtoIsTemplateInstance(s))
        return s->getModule();
	return gIR->dmodule;


static llvm::DIType dwarfTypeDescription_impl(Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit cu, const char* c_name);
static llvm::DIType dwarfTypeDescription(Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit cu, const char* c_name);


static llvm::DIBasicType dwarfBasicType(Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit compileUnit)
    Type* t = type->toBasetype();
    const LLType* T = DtoType(type);

    // find encoding
    unsigned id;
    if (t->isintegral())
        if (type->isunsigned())
            id = DW_ATE_unsigned;
            id = DW_ATE_signed;
    else if (t->isfloating())
        id = DW_ATE_float;
        assert(0 && "unsupported basictype for debug info");

    return gIR->difactory.CreateBasicType(
        compileUnit, // context
        type->toChars(), // name
        llvm::DICompileUnit(NULL), // compile unit
        0, // line number
        getTypeBitSize(T), // size (bits)
        getABITypeAlign(T)*8, // align (bits)
        0, // offset (bits)
//FIXME: need flags?
        0, // flags
        id // encoding


static llvm::DIDerivedType dwarfDerivedType(Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit compileUnit)
    const LLType* T = DtoType(type);
    Type* t = type->toBasetype();

    assert(t->ty == Tpointer && "unsupported derivedtype for debug info, only pointers allowed");

    // find base type
    llvm::DIType basetype;
    Type* nt = t->nextOf();
    basetype = dwarfTypeDescription_impl(nt, compileUnit, NULL);
    if (nt->ty == Tvoid)
        basetype = llvm::DIType(NULL);

    return gIR->difactory.CreateDerivedType(
        DW_TAG_pointer_type, // tag
        compileUnit, // context
        "", // name
        llvm::DICompileUnit(NULL), // compile unit
        0, // line number
        getTypeBitSize(T), // size (bits)
        getABITypeAlign(T)*8, // align (bits)
        0, // offset (bits)
//FIXME: need flags?
        0, // flags
        basetype // derived from


static llvm::DIDerivedType dwarfMemberType(unsigned linnum, Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit compileUnit, llvm::DICompileUnit definedCU, const char* c_name, unsigned offset)
    const LLType* T = DtoType(type);
    Type* t = type->toBasetype();

    // find base type
    llvm::DIType basetype;
    basetype = dwarfTypeDescription(t, compileUnit, NULL);
    if (t->ty == Tvoid)
        basetype = llvm::DIType(NULL);

    return gIR->difactory.CreateDerivedType(
        DW_TAG_member, // tag
        compileUnit, // context
        c_name, // name
        definedCU, // compile unit
        linnum, // line number
        getTypeBitSize(T), // size (bits)
        getABITypeAlign(T)*8, // align (bits)
        offset*8, // offset (bits)
//FIXME: need flags?
        0, // flags
        basetype // derived from


//FIXME: This does not use llvm's DIFactory as it can't 
//   handle recursive types properly.
static llvm::DICompositeType dwarfCompositeType(Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit compileUnit)
    const LLType* T = DtoType(type);
    Type* t = type->toBasetype();

    // defaults
    LLConstant* name = getNullPtr(getVoidPtrType());
    LLGlobalVariable* members = NULL;
    unsigned linnum = 0;
    llvm::DICompileUnit definedCU;

    // prepare tag and members
    unsigned tag;

    // declare final global variable
    LLGlobalVariable* gv = NULL;

    // dynamic array
    if (t->ty == Tarray)
        tag = DW_TAG_structure_type;

        LLGlobalVariable* len = dwarfMemberType(0, Type::tsize_t, compileUnit, llvm::DICompileUnit(NULL), "length", 0).getGV();
        LLGlobalVariable* ptr = dwarfMemberType(0, t->nextOf()->pointerTo(), compileUnit, llvm::DICompileUnit(NULL), "ptr", global.params.is64bit?8:4).getGV();

        const LLArrayType* at = LLArrayType::get(DBG_TYPE, 2);

        std::vector<LLConstant*> elems(2);
        elems[0] = DBG_CAST(len);
        elems[1] = DBG_CAST(ptr);

        LLConstant* ca = LLConstantArray::get(at, elems);
        members = new LLGlobalVariable(ca->getType(), true, LLGlobalValue::InternalLinkage, ca, ".array", gIR->module);

        name = DtoConstStringPtr(t->toChars(), "llvm.metadata");

    // struct/class
    else if (t->ty == Tstruct || t->ty == Tclass)
        AggregateDeclaration* sd;
        if (t->ty == Tstruct)
            TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)t;
            sd = ts->sym;
            TypeClass* tc = (TypeClass*)t;
            sd = tc->sym;

        // if we don't know the aggregate's size, we don't know enough about it
        // to provide debug info. probably a forward-declared struct?
        if (sd->sizeok == 0)
            return llvm::DICompositeType(NULL);

        IrStruct* ir = sd->ir.irStruct;
        if (!ir->diCompositeType.isNull())
            return ir->diCompositeType;

        // set to handle recursive types properly
        gv = emitDwarfGlobalDecl(getDwarfCompositeTypeType(), "llvm.dbg.compositetype");
        // set bogus initializer to satisfy asserts in DICompositeType constructor
        ir->diCompositeType = llvm::DICompositeType(gv);

        tag = DW_TAG_structure_type;

        name = DtoConstStringPtr(sd->toChars(), "llvm.metadata");
        linnum = sd->loc.linnum;
        definedCU = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(getDefinedModule(sd));

        std::vector<LLConstant*> elems;
        if (!ir->aggrdecl->isInterfaceDeclaration()) // plain interfaces don't have one
            std::vector<VarDeclaration*>& arr = ir->varDecls;
            size_t narr = arr.size();
            for (int k=0; k<narr; k++)
                VarDeclaration* vd = arr[k];

                LLGlobalVariable* ptr = dwarfMemberType(vd->loc.linnum, vd->type, compileUnit, definedCU, vd->toChars(), vd->offset).getGV();

        const LLArrayType* at = LLArrayType::get(DBG_TYPE, elems.size());
        LLConstant* ca = LLConstantArray::get(at, elems);
        members = new LLGlobalVariable(ca->getType(), true, LLGlobalValue::InternalLinkage, ca, ".array", gIR->module);

    // unsupported composite type
        assert(0 && "unsupported compositetype for debug info");

    std::vector<LLConstant*> vals(11);

    // tag
    vals[0] = DBG_TAG(tag);

    // context
    vals[1] = DBG_CAST(compileUnit.getGV());

    // name
    vals[2] = name;

    // compile unit where defined
    if (definedCU.getGV())
        vals[3] = DBG_CAST(definedCU.getGV());
        vals[3] = DBG_NULL;

    // line number where defined
    vals[4] = DtoConstInt(linnum);

    // size in bits
    vals[5] = LLConstantInt::get(LLType::Int64Ty, getTypeBitSize(T), false);

    // alignment in bits
    vals[6] = LLConstantInt::get(LLType::Int64Ty, getABITypeAlign(T)*8, false);

    // offset in bits
    vals[7] = LLConstantInt::get(LLType::Int64Ty, 0, false);

    // FIXME: dont know what this is
    vals[8] = DtoConstUint(0);

    // FIXME: ditto
    vals[9] = DBG_NULL;

    // members array
    if (members)
        vals[10] = DBG_CAST(members);
        vals[10] = DBG_NULL;

    // set initializer
    if (!gv)
        gv = emitDwarfGlobalDecl(getDwarfCompositeTypeType(), "llvm.dbg.compositetype");
    LLConstant* initia = LLConstantStruct::get(getDwarfCompositeTypeType(), vals);

    return llvm::DICompositeType(gv);


static llvm::DIGlobalVariable dwarfGlobalVariable(LLGlobalVariable* ll, VarDeclaration* vd)
#if DMDV2
    assert(vd->isDataseg() || (vd->storage_class & (STCconst | STCinvariant) && vd->init));
    llvm::DICompileUnit compileUnit = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(gIR->dmodule);

    return gIR->difactory.CreateGlobalVariable(
        compileUnit, // context
        vd->mangle(), // name
        vd->toPrettyChars(), // displayname
        vd->toChars(), // linkage name
        DtoDwarfCompileUnit(getDefinedModule(vd)), // compile unit
        vd->loc.linnum, // line num
        dwarfTypeDescription_impl(vd->type, compileUnit, NULL), // type
        vd->protection == PROTprivate, // is local to unit
        getDefinedModule(vd) == gIR->dmodule, // is definition
        ll // value


static llvm::DIVariable dwarfVariable(VarDeclaration* vd, llvm::DIType type)
    assert(!vd->isDataseg() && "static variable");

    unsigned tag;
    if (vd->isParameter())
        tag = DW_TAG_arg_variable;
        tag = DW_TAG_auto_variable;

    return gIR->difactory.CreateVariable(
        tag, // tag
        gIR->func()->diSubprogram, // context
        vd->toChars(), // name
        DtoDwarfCompileUnit(getDefinedModule(vd)), // compile unit
        vd->loc.linnum, // line num
        type // type


static void dwarfDeclare(LLValue* var, llvm::DIVariable divar)
    gIR->difactory.InsertDeclare(var, divar, gIR->scopebb());


static llvm::DIType dwarfTypeDescription_impl(Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit cu, const char* c_name)
    Type* t = type->toBasetype();
    if (t->ty == Tvoid)
        return llvm::DIType(NULL);
    else if (t->isintegral() || t->isfloating())
        return dwarfBasicType(type, cu);
    else if (t->ty == Tpointer)
        return dwarfDerivedType(type, cu);
    else if (t->ty == Tarray || t->ty == Tstruct || t->ty == Tclass)
        return dwarfCompositeType(type, cu);

    return llvm::DIType(NULL);

static llvm::DIType dwarfTypeDescription(Type* type, llvm::DICompileUnit cu, const char* c_name)
    Type* t = type->toBasetype();
    if (t->ty == Tclass)
        return dwarfTypeDescription_impl(type->pointerTo(), cu, c_name);
        return dwarfTypeDescription_impl(type, cu, c_name);


void DtoDwarfLocalVariable(LLValue* ll, VarDeclaration* vd)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf local variable");

    // get compile units
    llvm::DICompileUnit thisCU = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(gIR->dmodule);
    llvm::DICompileUnit varCU = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(getDefinedModule(vd));

    // get type description
    llvm::DIType TD = dwarfTypeDescription(vd->type, thisCU, NULL);
    if (TD.isNull())
        return; // unsupported

    // get variable description
    llvm::DIVariable VD = dwarfVariable(vd, TD);

    // declare
    dwarfDeclare(ll, VD);


llvm::DICompileUnit DtoDwarfCompileUnit(Module* m)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf compile_unit");

    // we might be generating for an import
    if (!m->ir.irModule)
        m->ir.irModule = new IrModule(m, m->srcfile->toChars());
    else if (!m->ir.irModule->diCompileUnit.isNull())
        assert (m->ir.irModule->diCompileUnit.getGV()->getParent() == gIR->module
            && "debug info compile unit belongs to incorrect llvm module!");
        return m->ir.irModule->diCompileUnit;

    // prepare srcpath
    std::string srcpath(FileName::path(m->srcfile->name->toChars()));
    if (!FileName::absolute(srcpath.c_str())) {
        llvm::sys::Path tmp = llvm::sys::Path::GetCurrentDirectory();
        srcpath = tmp.toString();
        if (!srcpath.empty() && *srcpath.rbegin() != '/' && *srcpath.rbegin() != '\\')
            srcpath = srcpath + '/';

    // make compile unit
    m->ir.irModule->diCompileUnit = gIR->difactory.CreateCompileUnit(
        global.params.symdebug == 2 ? DW_LANG_C : DW_LANG_D,
        "LDC (",
//FIXME: What do these two mean?
        false, // isMain,
        false // isOptimized
    // if the linkage stays internal, we can't llvm-link the generated modules together:
    // llvm's DwarfWriter uses path and filename to determine the symbol name and we'd
    // end up with duplicate symbols
    m->ir.irModule->diCompileUnit.getGV()->setName(std::string("llvm.dbg.compile_unit_") + srcpath + m->srcfile->name->toChars());

    return m->ir.irModule->diCompileUnit;


llvm::DISubprogram DtoDwarfSubProgram(FuncDeclaration* fd)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf subprogram");

    llvm::DICompileUnit context = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(gIR->dmodule);
    llvm::DICompileUnit definition = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(getDefinedModule(fd));

    // FIXME: duplicates ?
    return gIR->difactory.CreateSubprogram(
        context, // context
        fd->toPrettyChars(), // name
        fd->toPrettyChars(), // display name
        fd->mangle(), // linkage name
        definition, // compile unit
        fd->loc.linnum, // line no
//FIXME: what's this type for?
        llvm::DIType(NULL), // type
        fd->protection == PROTprivate, // is local to unit
        context.getGV() == definition.getGV() // isdefinition


llvm::DISubprogram DtoDwarfSubProgramInternal(const char* prettyname, const char* mangledname)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf subprogram");

    llvm::DICompileUnit context = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(gIR->dmodule);

    // FIXME: duplicates ?
    return gIR->difactory.CreateSubprogram(
        context, // context
        prettyname, // name
        prettyname, // display name
        mangledname, // linkage name
        context, // compile unit
        0, // line no
//FIXME: what's this type for?
        llvm::DIType(NULL), // type
        true, // is local to unit
        true // isdefinition


llvm::DIGlobalVariable DtoDwarfGlobalVariable(LLGlobalVariable* ll, VarDeclaration* vd)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf global_variable");

    // FIXME: duplicates ?
    return dwarfGlobalVariable(ll, vd);


void DtoDwarfFuncStart(FuncDeclaration* fd)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf funcstart");

    gIR->difactory.InsertSubprogramStart(fd->ir.irFunc->diSubprogram, gIR->scopebb());


void DtoDwarfFuncEnd(FuncDeclaration* fd)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf funcend");

    gIR->difactory.InsertRegionEnd(fd->ir.irFunc->diSubprogram, gIR->scopebb());


void DtoDwarfStopPoint(unsigned ln)
    Logger::println("D to dwarf stoppoint at line %u", ln);

        DtoDwarfCompileUnit(getDefinedModule(gIR->func()->decl)), // compile unit
        ln, // line no
        0, // col no