view dmd2/opover.c @ 1117:4c20fcc4252b

Fun with parameter attributes: For several of the "synthetic" parameters added to D functions, we can apply noalias and nocapture. They are sret parameters, 'nest' pointers passed to nested functions, and _argptr: Nocapture: - Sret and nest are nocapture because they don't represent D-level variables, and thus the callee can't (validly) obtain a pointer to them, let alone keep it around after it returns. - _argptr is nocapture because although the callee has access to it as a pointer, that pointer is invalidated when it returns. All three are noalias because they're function-local variables - Sret and _argptr are noalias because they're freshly alloca'd memory only used for a single function call that's not allowed to keep an aliasing pointer to it around (since the parameter is nocapture). - 'Nest' is noalias because the callee only ever has access to one such pointer per parent function, and every parent function has a different one. This commit also ensures attributes set on sret, _arguments and _argptr are propagated to calls to such functions. It also adds one exception to the general rule that attributes on function types should propagate to calls: the type of a delegate's function pointer has a 'nest' parameter, but this can either be a true 'nest' (for delegates to nested functions) or a 'this' (for delegates to member functions). Since 'this' is neither noalias nor nocapture, and there's generally no way to tell which one it is, we remove these attributes at the call site if the callee is a delegate.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:15:31 +0100
parents 356e65836fb5
children 638d16625da2
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2007 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#if _MSC_VER
#include <complex>

#ifdef __APPLE__
#define integer_t dmd_integer_t

#include "mem.h"
#elif POSIX
#include "../root/mem.h"
#elif _WIN32
#include "..\root\mem.h"

//#include "port.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "template.h"

static void inferApplyArgTypesX(FuncDeclaration *fstart, Arguments *arguments);
static void inferApplyArgTypesZ(TemplateDeclaration *tstart, Arguments *arguments);
static int inferApplyArgTypesY(TypeFunction *tf, Arguments *arguments);
static void templateResolve(Match *m, TemplateDeclaration *td, Scope *sc, Loc loc, Objects *targsi, Expression *ethis, Expressions *arguments);

/******************************** Expression **************************/

 * Determine if operands of binary op can be reversed
 * to fit operator overload.

int Expression::isCommutative()
    return FALSE;	// default is no reverse

 * Get Identifier for operator overload.

Identifier *Expression::opId()
    return NULL;

 * Get Identifier for reverse operator overload,
 * NULL if not supported for this operator.

Identifier *Expression::opId_r()
    return NULL;

/************************* Operators *****************************/

Identifier *UAddExp::opId()   { return Id::uadd; }

Identifier *NegExp::opId()   { return Id::neg; }

Identifier *ComExp::opId()   { return Id::com; }

Identifier *CastExp::opId()   { return Id::cast; }

Identifier *InExp::opId()     { return Id::opIn; }
Identifier *InExp::opId_r()     { return Id::opIn_r; }

Identifier *PostExp::opId() { return (op == TOKplusplus)
				? Id::postinc
				: Id::postdec; }

int AddExp::isCommutative()  { return TRUE; }
Identifier *AddExp::opId()   { return Id::add; }
Identifier *AddExp::opId_r() { return Id::add_r; }

Identifier *MinExp::opId()   { return Id::sub; }
Identifier *MinExp::opId_r() { return Id::sub_r; }

int MulExp::isCommutative()  { return TRUE; }
Identifier *MulExp::opId()   { return Id::mul; }
Identifier *MulExp::opId_r() { return Id::mul_r; }

Identifier *DivExp::opId()   { return Id::div; }
Identifier *DivExp::opId_r() { return Id::div_r; }

Identifier *ModExp::opId()   { return Id::mod; }
Identifier *ModExp::opId_r() { return Id::mod_r; }

Identifier *ShlExp::opId()   { return Id::shl; }
Identifier *ShlExp::opId_r() { return Id::shl_r; }

Identifier *ShrExp::opId()   { return Id::shr; }
Identifier *ShrExp::opId_r() { return Id::shr_r; }

Identifier *UshrExp::opId()   { return Id::ushr; }
Identifier *UshrExp::opId_r() { return Id::ushr_r; }

int AndExp::isCommutative()  { return TRUE; }
Identifier *AndExp::opId()   { return Id::iand; }
Identifier *AndExp::opId_r() { return Id::iand_r; }

int OrExp::isCommutative()  { return TRUE; }
Identifier *OrExp::opId()   { return Id::ior; }
Identifier *OrExp::opId_r() { return Id::ior_r; }

int XorExp::isCommutative()  { return TRUE; }
Identifier *XorExp::opId()   { return Id::ixor; }
Identifier *XorExp::opId_r() { return Id::ixor_r; }

Identifier *CatExp::opId()   { return Id::cat; }
Identifier *CatExp::opId_r() { return Id::cat_r; }

Identifier *    AssignExp::opId()  { return Id::assign;  }
Identifier * AddAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::addass;  }
Identifier * MinAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::subass;  }
Identifier * MulAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::mulass;  }
Identifier * DivAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::divass;  }
Identifier * ModAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::modass;  }
Identifier * AndAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::andass;  }
Identifier *  OrAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::orass;   }
Identifier * XorAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::xorass;  }
Identifier * ShlAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::shlass;  }
Identifier * ShrAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::shrass;  }
Identifier *UshrAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::ushrass; }
Identifier * CatAssignExp::opId()  { return Id::catass;  }

int EqualExp::isCommutative()  { return TRUE; }
Identifier *EqualExp::opId()   { return Id::eq; }

int CmpExp::isCommutative()  { return TRUE; }
Identifier *CmpExp::opId()   { return Id::cmp; }

Identifier *ArrayExp::opId()	{ return Id::index; }
Identifier *PtrExp::opId()	{ return Id::opStar; }

 * Operator overload.
 * Check for operator overload, if so, replace
 * with function call.
 * Return NULL if not an operator overload.

Expression *UnaExp::op_overload(Scope *sc)
    AggregateDeclaration *ad;
    Dsymbol *fd;
    Type *t1 = e1->type->toBasetype();

    if (t1->ty == Tclass)
	ad = ((TypeClass *)t1)->sym;
	goto L1;
    else if (t1->ty == Tstruct)
	ad = ((TypeStruct *)t1)->sym;

	fd = search_function(ad, opId());
	if (fd)
	    if (op == TOKarray)
		Expression *e;
		ArrayExp *ae = (ArrayExp *)this;

		e = new DotIdExp(loc, e1, fd->ident);
		e = new CallExp(loc, e, ae->arguments);
		e = e->semantic(sc);
		return e;
		// Rewrite +e1 as e1.add()
		return build_overload(loc, sc, e1, NULL, fd->ident);
    return NULL;

Expression *BinExp::op_overload(Scope *sc)
    //printf("BinExp::op_overload() (%s)\n", toChars());

    AggregateDeclaration *ad;
    Type *t1 = e1->type->toBasetype();
    Type *t2 = e2->type->toBasetype();
    Identifier *id = opId();
    Identifier *id_r = opId_r();

    Match m;
    Expressions args1;
    Expressions args2;
    int argsset = 0;

    AggregateDeclaration *ad1;
    if (t1->ty == Tclass)
	ad1 = ((TypeClass *)t1)->sym;
    else if (t1->ty == Tstruct)
	ad1 = ((TypeStruct *)t1)->sym;
	ad1 = NULL;

    AggregateDeclaration *ad2;
    if (t2->ty == Tclass)
	ad2 = ((TypeClass *)t2)->sym;
    else if (t2->ty == Tstruct)
	ad2 = ((TypeStruct *)t2)->sym;
	ad2 = NULL;

    Dsymbol *s = NULL;
    Dsymbol *s_r = NULL;
    FuncDeclaration *fd = NULL;
    TemplateDeclaration *td = NULL;
    if (ad1 && id)
	s = search_function(ad1, id);
    if (ad2 && id_r)
	s_r = search_function(ad2, id_r);

    if (s || s_r)
	/* Try:
	 *	a.opfunc(b)
	 *	b.opfunc_r(a)
	 * and see which is better.
	Expression *e;
	FuncDeclaration *lastf;

	args1.setDim(1);[0] = (void*) e1;
	args2.setDim(1);[0] = (void*) e2;
	argsset = 1;

	memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
	m.last = MATCHnomatch;

	if (s)
	    fd = s->isFuncDeclaration();
	    if (fd)
		overloadResolveX(&m, fd, NULL, &args2);
	    {   td = s->isTemplateDeclaration();
		templateResolve(&m, td, sc, loc, NULL, NULL, &args2);

	lastf = m.lastf;

	if (s_r)
	    fd = s_r->isFuncDeclaration();
	    if (fd)
		overloadResolveX(&m, fd, NULL, &args1);
	    {   td = s_r->isTemplateDeclaration();
		templateResolve(&m, td, sc, loc, NULL, NULL, &args1);

	if (m.count > 1)
	    // Error, ambiguous
	    error("overloads %s and %s both match argument list for %s",
	else if (m.last == MATCHnomatch)
	    m.lastf = m.anyf;

	if (op == TOKplusplus || op == TOKminusminus)
	    // Kludge because operator overloading regards e++ and e--
	    // as unary, but it's implemented as a binary.
	    // Rewrite (e1 ++ e2) as e1.postinc()
	    // Rewrite (e1 -- e2) as e1.postdec()
	    e = build_overload(loc, sc, e1, NULL, id);
	else if (lastf && m.lastf == lastf || m.last == MATCHnomatch)
	    // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e1.opfunc(e2)
	    e = build_overload(loc, sc, e1, e2, id);
	    // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e2.opfunc_r(e1)
	    e = build_overload(loc, sc, e2, e1, id_r);
	return e;

    if (isCommutative())
	s = NULL;
	s_r = NULL;
	if (ad1 && id_r)
	    s_r = search_function(ad1, id_r);
	if (ad2 && id)
	    s = search_function(ad2, id);

	if (s || s_r)
	    /* Try:
	     *	a.opfunc_r(b)
	     *	b.opfunc(a)
	     * and see which is better.
	    Expression *e;
	    FuncDeclaration *lastf;

	    if (!argsset)
	    {	args1.setDim(1);[0] = (void*) e1;
		args2.setDim(1);[0] = (void*) e2;

	    memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
	    m.last = MATCHnomatch;

	    if (s_r)
		fd = s_r->isFuncDeclaration();
		if (fd)
		    overloadResolveX(&m, fd, NULL, &args2);
		{   td = s_r->isTemplateDeclaration();
		    templateResolve(&m, td, sc, loc, NULL, NULL, &args2);
	    lastf = m.lastf;

	    if (s)
		fd = s->isFuncDeclaration();
		if (fd)
		    overloadResolveX(&m, fd, NULL, &args1);
		{   td = s->isTemplateDeclaration();
		    templateResolve(&m, td, sc, loc, NULL, NULL, &args1);

	    if (m.count > 1)
		// Error, ambiguous
		error("overloads %s and %s both match argument list for %s",
	    else if (m.last == MATCHnomatch)
		m.lastf = m.anyf;

	    if (lastf && m.lastf == lastf ||
		id_r && m.last == MATCHnomatch)
		// Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e1.opfunc_r(e2)
		e = build_overload(loc, sc, e1, e2, id_r);
		// Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e2.opfunc(e1)
		e = build_overload(loc, sc, e2, e1, id);

	    // When reversing operands of comparison operators,
	    // need to reverse the sense of the op
	    switch (op)
		case TOKlt:	op = TOKgt;	break;
		case TOKgt:	op = TOKlt;	break;
		case TOKle:	op = TOKge;	break;
		case TOKge:	op = TOKle;	break;

		// Floating point compares
		case TOKule:	op = TOKuge;	 break;
		case TOKul:	op = TOKug;	 break;
		case TOKuge:	op = TOKule;	 break;
		case TOKug:	op = TOKul;	 break;

		// These are symmetric
		case TOKunord:
		case TOKlg:
		case TOKleg:
		case TOKue:

	    return e;

    return NULL;

 * Utility to build a function call out of this reference and argument.

Expression *build_overload(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression *ethis, Expression *earg, Identifier *id)
    Expression *e;

    //printf("build_overload(id = '%s')\n", id->toChars());
    e = new DotIdExp(loc, ethis, id);

    if (earg)
	e = new CallExp(loc, e, earg);
	e = new CallExp(loc, e);

    e = e->semantic(sc);
    return e;

 * Search for function funcid in aggregate ad.

Dsymbol *search_function(ScopeDsymbol *ad, Identifier *funcid)
    Dsymbol *s;
    FuncDeclaration *fd;
    TemplateDeclaration *td;

    s = ad->search(0, funcid, 0);
    if (s)
    {	Dsymbol *s2;

	//printf("search_function: s = '%s'\n", s->kind());
	s2 = s->toAlias();
	//printf("search_function: s2 = '%s'\n", s2->kind());
	fd = s2->isFuncDeclaration();
	if (fd && fd->type->ty == Tfunction)
	    return fd;

	td = s2->isTemplateDeclaration();
	if (td)
	    return td;
    return NULL;

 * Given array of arguments and an aggregate type,
 * if any of the argument types are missing, attempt to infer
 * them from the aggregate type.

void inferApplyArgTypes(enum TOK op, Arguments *arguments, Expression *aggr)
    if (!arguments || !arguments->dim)

    /* Return if no arguments need types.
    for (size_t u = 0; 1; u++)
    {	if (u == arguments->dim)
	Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[u];
	if (!arg->type)

    AggregateDeclaration *ad;

    Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[0];
    Type *taggr = aggr->type;
    if (!taggr)
    Type *tab = taggr->toBasetype();
    switch (tab->ty)
	case Tarray:
	case Tsarray:
	case Ttuple:
	    if (arguments->dim == 2)
		if (!arg->type)
		    arg->type = Type::tsize_t;	// key type
		arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[1];
	    if (!arg->type && tab->ty != Ttuple)
		arg->type = tab->nextOf();	// value type

	case Taarray:
	{   TypeAArray *taa = (TypeAArray *)tab;

	    if (arguments->dim == 2)
		if (!arg->type)
		    arg->type = taa->index;	// key type
		arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[1];
	    if (!arg->type)
		arg->type = taa->next;		// value type

	case Tclass:
	    ad = ((TypeClass *)tab)->sym;
	    goto Laggr;

	case Tstruct:
	    ad = ((TypeStruct *)tab)->sym;
	    goto Laggr;

	    if (arguments->dim == 1)
		if (!arg->type)
		    /* Look for a head() or rear() overload
		    Identifier *id = (op == TOKforeach) ? Id::Fhead : Id::Ftoe;
		    Dsymbol *s = search_function(ad, id);
		    FuncDeclaration *fd = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
		    if (!fd)
		    {	if (s && s->isTemplateDeclaration())
			goto Lapply;
		    arg->type = fd->type->nextOf();

	{   /* Look for an
	     *	int opApply(int delegate(ref Type [, ...]) dg);
	     * overload
	    Dsymbol *s = search_function(ad,
			(op == TOKforeach_reverse) ? Id::applyReverse
						   : Id::apply);
	    if (s)
		FuncDeclaration *fd = s->isFuncDeclaration();
		if (fd)
		{   inferApplyArgTypesX(fd, arguments);
#if 0
		TemplateDeclaration *td = s->isTemplateDeclaration();
		if (td)
		{   inferApplyArgTypesZ(td, arguments);

	case Tdelegate:
	    if (0 && aggr->op == TOKdelegate)
	    {	DelegateExp *de = (DelegateExp *)aggr;

		FuncDeclaration *fd = de->func->isFuncDeclaration();
		if (fd)
		    inferApplyArgTypesX(fd, arguments);
		inferApplyArgTypesY((TypeFunction *)tab->nextOf(), arguments);

	    break;		// ignore error, caught later

 * Recursive helper function,
 * analogous to func.overloadResolveX().

int fp3(void *param, FuncDeclaration *f)
    Arguments *arguments = (Arguments *)param;
    TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)f->type;
    if (inferApplyArgTypesY(tf, arguments) == 1)
	return 0;
    if (arguments->dim == 0)
	return 1;
    return 0;

static void inferApplyArgTypesX(FuncDeclaration *fstart, Arguments *arguments)
    overloadApply(fstart, &fp3, arguments);

 * Infer arguments from type of function.
 * Returns:
 *	0 match for this function
 *	1 no match for this function

static int inferApplyArgTypesY(TypeFunction *tf, Arguments *arguments)
{   size_t nparams;
    Argument *p;

    if (Argument::dim(tf->parameters) != 1)
	goto Lnomatch;
    p = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, 0);
    if (p->type->ty != Tdelegate)
	goto Lnomatch;
    tf = (TypeFunction *)p->type->nextOf();
    assert(tf->ty == Tfunction);

    /* We now have tf, the type of the delegate. Match it against
     * the arguments, filling in missing argument types.
    nparams = Argument::dim(tf->parameters);
    if (nparams == 0 || tf->varargs)
	goto Lnomatch;		// not enough parameters
    if (arguments->dim != nparams)
	goto Lnomatch;		// not enough parameters

    for (size_t u = 0; u < nparams; u++)
	Argument *arg = (Argument *)arguments->data[u];
	Argument *param = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, u);
	if (arg->type)
	{   if (!arg->type->equals(param->type))
		/* Cannot resolve argument types. Indicate an
		 * error by setting the number of arguments to 0.
		arguments->dim = 0;
		goto Lmatch;
	arg->type = param->type;
    return 0;

    return 1;

 * Infer foreach arg types from a template function opApply which looks like:
 *    int opApply(alias int func(ref uint))() { ... }

#if 0
void inferApplyArgTypesZ(TemplateDeclaration *tstart, Arguments *arguments)
    for (TemplateDeclaration *td = tstart; td; td = td->overnext)
        if (!td->scope)
            error("forward reference to template %s", td->toChars());
        if (!td->onemember || !td->onemember->toAlias()->isFuncDeclaration())
            error("is not a function template");
	if (!td->parameters || td->parameters->dim != 1)
	TemplateParameter *tp = (TemplateParameter *)td->parameters->data[0];
	TemplateAliasParameter *tap = tp->isTemplateAliasParameter();
	if (!tap || !tap->specType || tap->specType->ty != Tfunction)
	TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)tap->specType;
	if (inferApplyArgTypesY(tf, arguments) == 0)	// found it


static void templateResolve(Match *m, TemplateDeclaration *td, Scope *sc, Loc loc, Objects *targsi, Expression *ethis, Expressions *arguments)
    FuncDeclaration *fd;

    fd = td->deduceFunctionTemplate(sc, loc, targsi, ethis, arguments);
    if (!fd)
    m->anyf = fd;
    if (m->last >= MATCHexact)
	m->nextf = fd;
	m->last = MATCHexact;
	m->lastf = fd;
	m->count = 1;