view dmd2/dsymbol.c @ 1117:4c20fcc4252b

Fun with parameter attributes: For several of the "synthetic" parameters added to D functions, we can apply noalias and nocapture. They are sret parameters, 'nest' pointers passed to nested functions, and _argptr: Nocapture: - Sret and nest are nocapture because they don't represent D-level variables, and thus the callee can't (validly) obtain a pointer to them, let alone keep it around after it returns. - _argptr is nocapture because although the callee has access to it as a pointer, that pointer is invalidated when it returns. All three are noalias because they're function-local variables - Sret and _argptr are noalias because they're freshly alloca'd memory only used for a single function call that's not allowed to keep an aliasing pointer to it around (since the parameter is nocapture). - 'Nest' is noalias because the callee only ever has access to one such pointer per parent function, and every parent function has a different one. This commit also ensures attributes set on sret, _arguments and _argptr are propagated to calls to such functions. It also adds one exception to the general rule that attributes on function types should propagate to calls: the type of a delegate's function pointer has a 'nest' parameter, but this can either be a true 'nest' (for delegates to nested functions) or a 'this' (for delegates to member functions). Since 'this' is neither noalias nor nocapture, and there's generally no way to tell which one it is, we remove these attributes at the call site if the callee is a delegate.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:15:31 +0100
parents 5fa3e0ea06e9
children 638d16625da2
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "mem.h"

#include "mars.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "identifier.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "statement.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "template.h"
#include "attrib.h"

#include "../gen/enums.h"

/****************************** Dsymbol ******************************/

    //printf("Dsymbol::Dsymbol(%p)\n", this);
    this->ident = NULL;
    this->c_ident = NULL;
    this->parent = NULL;
    this->csym = NULL;
    this->isym = NULL;
    this->loc = 0;
    this->comment = NULL;

    this->llvmInternal = LLVMnone;

Dsymbol::Dsymbol(Identifier *ident)
    //printf("Dsymbol::Dsymbol(%p, ident)\n", this);
    this->ident = ident;
    this->c_ident = NULL;
    this->parent = NULL;
    this->csym = NULL;
    this->isym = NULL;
    this->loc = 0;
    this->comment = NULL;

    this->llvmInternal = LLVMnone;

int Dsymbol::equals(Object *o)
{   Dsymbol *s;

    if (this == o)
	return TRUE;
    s = (Dsymbol *)(o);
    if (s && ident->equals(s->ident))
	return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * Copy the syntax.
 * Used for template instantiations.
 * If s is NULL, allocate the new object, otherwise fill it in.

Dsymbol *Dsymbol::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    printf("%s %s\n", kind(), toChars());
    return NULL;

 * Determine if this symbol is only one.
 * Returns:
 *	FALSE, *ps = NULL: There are 2 or more symbols
 *	TRUE,  *ps = NULL: There are zero symbols
 *	TRUE,  *ps = symbol: The one and only one symbol

int Dsymbol::oneMember(Dsymbol **ps)
    *ps = this;
    return TRUE;

 * Same as Dsymbol::oneMember(), but look at an array of Dsymbols.

int Dsymbol::oneMembers(Array *members, Dsymbol **ps)
    //printf("Dsymbol::oneMembers() %d\n", members ? members->dim : 0);
    Dsymbol *s = NULL;

    if (members)
	for (int i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
	{   Dsymbol *sx = (Dsymbol *)members->data[i];

	    int x = sx->oneMember(ps);
	    //printf("\t[%d] kind %s = %d, s = %p\n", i, sx->kind(), x, *ps);
	    if (!x)
		//printf("\tfalse 1\n");
		assert(*ps == NULL);
		return FALSE;
	    if (*ps)
		if (s)			// more than one symbol
		{   *ps = NULL;
		    //printf("\tfalse 2\n");
		    return FALSE;
		s = *ps;
    *ps = s;		// s is the one symbol, NULL if none
    return TRUE;

 * Is Dsymbol a variable that contains pointers?

int Dsymbol::hasPointers()
    //printf("Dsymbol::hasPointers() %s\n", toChars());
    return 0;

char *Dsymbol::toChars()
    return ident ? ident->toChars() : (char *)"__anonymous";

char *Dsymbol::toPrettyChars()
{   Dsymbol *p;
    char *s;
    char *q;
    size_t len;

    //printf("Dsymbol::toPrettyChars() '%s'\n", toChars());
    if (!parent)
	return toChars();

    len = 0;
    for (p = this; p; p = p->parent)
	len += strlen(p->toChars()) + 1;

    s = (char *)mem.malloc(len);
    q = s + len - 1;
    *q = 0;
    for (p = this; p; p = p->parent)
	char *t = p->toChars();
	len = strlen(t);
	q -= len;
	memcpy(q, t, len);
	if (q == s)
	*q = '.';
    return s;

char *Dsymbol::locToChars()
    OutBuffer buf;
    char *p;

    Module *m = getModule();

    if (m && m->srcfile)
	loc.filename = m->srcfile->toChars();
    return loc.toChars();

const char *Dsymbol::kind()
    return "symbol";

 * If this symbol is really an alias for another,
 * return that other.

Dsymbol *Dsymbol::toAlias()
    return this;

Dsymbol *Dsymbol::toParent()
    return parent ? parent->pastMixin() : NULL;

Dsymbol *Dsymbol::pastMixin()
    Dsymbol *s = this;

    //printf("Dsymbol::pastMixin() %s\n", toChars());
    while (s && s->isTemplateMixin())
	s = s->parent;
    return s;

 * Use this instead of toParent() when looking for the
 * 'this' pointer of the enclosing function/class.

Dsymbol *Dsymbol::toParent2()
    Dsymbol *s = parent;
    while (s && s->isTemplateInstance())
	s = s->parent;
    return s;

TemplateInstance *Dsymbol::inTemplateInstance()
    for (Dsymbol *parent = this->parent; parent; parent = parent->parent)
	TemplateInstance *ti = parent->isTemplateInstance();
	if (ti)
	    return ti;
    return NULL;

int Dsymbol::isAnonymous()
    return ident ? 0 : 1;

void Dsymbol::semantic(Scope *sc)
    error("%p has no semantic routine", this);

void Dsymbol::semantic2(Scope *sc)
    // Most Dsymbols have no further semantic analysis needed

void Dsymbol::semantic3(Scope *sc)
    // Most Dsymbols have no further semantic analysis needed

void Dsymbol::inlineScan()
    // Most Dsymbols have no further semantic analysis needed

 * Search for ident as member of s.
 * Input:
 *	flags:	1	don't find private members
 *		2	don't give error messages
 *		4	return NULL if ambiguous
 * Returns:
 *	NULL if not found

Dsymbol *Dsymbol::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags)
    //printf("Dsymbol::search(this=%p,%s, ident='%s')\n", this, toChars(), ident->toChars());
    return NULL;

 * Search for identifier id as a member of 'this'.
 * id may be a template instance.
 * Returns:
 *	symbol found, NULL if not

Dsymbol *Dsymbol::searchX(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Identifier *id)
    //printf("Dsymbol::searchX(this=%p,%s, ident='%s')\n", this, toChars(), ident->toChars());
    Dsymbol *s = toAlias();
    Dsymbol *sm;

    switch (id->dyncast())
	    sm = s->search(loc, id, 0);

	{   // It's a template instance
	    //printf("\ttemplate instance id\n");
	    Dsymbol *st = (Dsymbol *)id;
	    TemplateInstance *ti = st->isTemplateInstance();
	    id = ti->name;
	    sm = s->search(loc, id, 0);
	    if (!sm)
	    {   error("template identifier %s is not a member of %s %s",
		    id->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars());
		return NULL;
	    sm = sm->toAlias();
	    TemplateDeclaration *td = sm->isTemplateDeclaration();
	    if (!td)
		error("%s is not a template, it is a %s", id->toChars(), sm->kind());
		return NULL;
	    ti->tempdecl = td;
	    if (!ti->semanticdone)
	    sm = ti->toAlias();

    return sm;

int Dsymbol::overloadInsert(Dsymbol *s)
    //printf("Dsymbol::overloadInsert('%s')\n", s->toChars());
    return FALSE;

void Dsymbol::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)

unsigned Dsymbol::size(Loc loc)
    error("Dsymbol '%s' has no size\n", toChars());
    return 0;

int Dsymbol::isforwardRef()
    return FALSE;

AggregateDeclaration *Dsymbol::isThis()
    return NULL;

ClassDeclaration *Dsymbol::isClassMember()	// are we a member of a class?
    Dsymbol *parent = toParent();
    if (parent && parent->isClassDeclaration())
	return (ClassDeclaration *)parent;
    return NULL;

void Dsymbol::defineRef(Dsymbol *s)

int Dsymbol::isExport()
    return FALSE;

int Dsymbol::isImportedSymbol()
    return FALSE;

int Dsymbol::isDeprecated()
    return FALSE;

int Dsymbol::isOverloadable()
    return 0;

LabelDsymbol *Dsymbol::isLabel()		// is this a LabelDsymbol()?
    return NULL;

AggregateDeclaration *Dsymbol::isMember()	// is this a member of an AggregateDeclaration?
    //printf("Dsymbol::isMember() %s\n", toChars());
    Dsymbol *parent = toParent();
    //printf("parent is %s %s\n", parent->kind(), parent->toChars());
    return parent ? parent->isAggregateDeclaration() : NULL;

Type *Dsymbol::getType()
    return NULL;

int Dsymbol::needThis()
    return FALSE;

int Dsymbol::addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *sd, int memnum)
    //printf("Dsymbol::addMember('%s')\n", toChars());
    //printf("Dsymbol::addMember(this = %p, '%s' scopesym = '%s')\n", this, toChars(), sd->toChars());
    //printf("Dsymbol::addMember(this = %p, '%s' sd = %p, sd->symtab = %p)\n", this, toChars(), sd, sd->symtab);
    parent = sd;
    if (!isAnonymous())		// no name, so can't add it to symbol table
	if (!sd->symtab->insert(this))	// if name is already defined
	    Dsymbol *s2;

	    s2 = sd->symtab->lookup(ident);
	    if (!s2->overloadInsert(this))
		sd->multiplyDefined(0, this, s2);
	if (sd->isAggregateDeclaration() || sd->isEnumDeclaration())
	    if (ident == Id::__sizeof || ident == Id::alignof || ident == Id::mangleof)
		error(".%s property cannot be redefined", ident->toChars());
	return 1;
    return 0;

void Dsymbol::error(const char *format, ...)
    if (!global.gag)
	char *p = locToChars();

	if (*p)
	    fprintf(stdmsg, "%s: ", p);;

	fprintf(stdmsg, "Error: ");
	if (isAnonymous())
	    fprintf(stdmsg, "%s ", kind());
	    fprintf(stdmsg, "%s %s ", kind(), toPrettyChars());

	va_list ap;
	va_start(ap, format);
	vfprintf(stdmsg, format, ap);

	fprintf(stdmsg, "\n");


void Dsymbol::error(Loc loc, const char *format, ...)
    if (!global.gag)
	char *p = loc.toChars();
	if (!*p)
	    p = locToChars();

	if (*p)
	    fprintf(stdmsg, "%s: ", p);;

	fprintf(stdmsg, "Error: ");
	fprintf(stdmsg, "%s %s ", kind(), toPrettyChars());

	va_list ap;
	va_start(ap, format);
	vfprintf(stdmsg, format, ap);

	fprintf(stdmsg, "\n");



void Dsymbol::checkDeprecated(Loc loc, Scope *sc)
    if (!global.params.useDeprecated && isDeprecated())
	// Don't complain if we're inside a deprecated symbol's scope
	for (Dsymbol *sp = sc->parent; sp; sp = sp->parent)
	{   if (sp->isDeprecated())

	for (; sc; sc = sc->enclosing)
	    if (sc->scopesym && sc->scopesym->isDeprecated())

	    // If inside a StorageClassDeclaration that is deprecated
	    if (sc->stc & STCdeprecated)

	error(loc, "is deprecated");

 * Determine which Module a Dsymbol is in.

Module *Dsymbol::getModule()
    Module *m;
    Dsymbol *s;

    s = this;
    while (s)
	//printf("\ts = '%s'\n", s->toChars());
	m = s->isModule();
	if (m)
	    return m;
	s = s->parent;
    return NULL;

 * Determine which Module a Dsymbol will be compiled in.
 * This may be different from getModule for templates.

Module *Dsymbol::getCompilationModule()
    Module *m;
    TemplateInstance *ti;
    Dsymbol *s;

    s = this;
    while (s)
    //printf("\ts = '%s'\n", s->toChars());
    m = s->isModule();
    if (m)
        return m;
    ti = s->isTemplateInstance();
    if (ti && ti->tmodule)
        return ti->tmodule;
    s = s->parent;
    return NULL;


enum PROT Dsymbol::prot()
    return PROTpublic;

 * Do syntax copy of an array of Dsymbol's.

Array *Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(Array *a)

    Array *b = NULL;
    if (a)
	b = a->copy();
	for (int i = 0; i < b->dim; i++)
	    Dsymbol *s = (Dsymbol *)b->data[i];

	    s = s->syntaxCopy(NULL);
	    b->data[i] = (void *)s;
    return b;

 * Add documentation comment to Dsymbol.
 * Ignore NULL comments.

void Dsymbol::addComment(unsigned char *comment)
    //if (comment)
	//printf("adding comment '%s' to symbol %p '%s'\n", comment, this, toChars());

    if (!this->comment)
	this->comment = comment;
#if 1
    else if (comment && strcmp((char *)comment, (char *)this->comment))
    {	// Concatenate the two
	this->comment = Lexer::combineComments(this->comment, comment);

/********************************* OverloadSet ****************************/

    : Dsymbol()

void OverloadSet::push(Dsymbol *s)

const char *OverloadSet::kind()
    return "overloadset";

/********************************* ScopeDsymbol ****************************/

    : Dsymbol()
    members = NULL;
    symtab = NULL;
    imports = NULL;
    prots = NULL;

ScopeDsymbol::ScopeDsymbol(Identifier *id)
    : Dsymbol(id)
    members = NULL;
    symtab = NULL;
    imports = NULL;
    prots = NULL;

Dsymbol *ScopeDsymbol::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
    //printf("ScopeDsymbol::syntaxCopy('%s')\n", toChars());

    ScopeDsymbol *sd;
    if (s)
	sd = (ScopeDsymbol *)s;
	sd = new ScopeDsymbol(ident);
    sd->members = arraySyntaxCopy(members);
    return sd;

Dsymbol *ScopeDsymbol::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags)
    //printf("%s->ScopeDsymbol::search(ident='%s', flags=x%x)\n", toChars(), ident->toChars(), flags);
    //if (strcmp(ident->toChars(),"c") == 0) *(char*)0=0;

    // Look in symbols declared in this module
    Dsymbol *s = symtab ? symtab->lookup(ident) : NULL;

    // hide private nonlocal symbols
    if (flags & 1 && s && s->prot() == PROTprivate)
	s = NULL;

    if (s)
	//printf("\ts = '%s.%s'\n",toChars(),s->toChars());
    else if (imports)
	OverloadSet *a = NULL;

	// Look in imported modules
	for (int i = 0; i < imports->dim; i++)
	{   ScopeDsymbol *ss = (ScopeDsymbol *)imports->data[i];
	    Dsymbol *s2;

	    // If private import, don't search it
	    if (flags & 1 && prots[i] == PROTprivate)

	    //printf("\tscanning import '%s', prots = %d, isModule = %p, isImport = %p\n", ss->toChars(), prots[i], ss->isModule(), ss->isImport());
	    /* Don't find private members if ss is a module
	    s2 = ss->search(loc, ident, ss->isModule() ? 1 : 0);
	    if (!s)
		s = s2;
	    else if (s2 && s != s2)
		if (s->toAlias() == s2->toAlias())
		    /* After following aliases, we found the same symbol,
		     * so it's not an ambiguity.
		     * But if one alias is deprecated, prefer the other.
		    if (s->isDeprecated())
			s = s2;
		    /* Two imports of the same module should be regarded as
		     * the same.
		    Import *i1 = s->isImport();
		    Import *i2 = s2->isImport();
		    if (!(i1 && i2 &&
			  (i1->mod == i2->mod ||
			   (!i1->parent->isImport() && !i2->parent->isImport() &&
			/* If both s2 and s are overloadable (though we only
			 * need to check s once)
			if (s2->isOverloadable() && (a || s->isOverloadable()))
			{   if (!a)
				a = new OverloadSet();
			    /* Don't add to a[] if s2 is alias of previous sym
			    for (int j = 0; j < a->a.dim; j++)
			    {	Dsymbol *s3 = (Dsymbol *)a->[j];
				if (s2->toAlias() == s3->toAlias())
				    if (s3->isDeprecated())
					a->[j] = (void *)s2;
				    goto Lcontinue;
			if (flags & 4)		// if return NULL on ambiguity
			    return NULL;
			if (!(flags & 2))
			    ss->multiplyDefined(loc, s, s2);

	/* Build special symbol if we had multiple finds
	if (a)
	{   assert(s);
	    s = a;

	if (s)
	    Declaration *d = s->isDeclaration();
	    if (d && d->protection == PROTprivate &&
		!d->parent->isTemplateMixin() &&
		!(flags & 2))
		error("%s is private", d->toPrettyChars());
    return s;

void ScopeDsymbol::importScope(ScopeDsymbol *s, enum PROT protection)
    //printf("%s->ScopeDsymbol::importScope(%s, %d)\n", toChars(), s->toChars(), protection);

    // No circular or redundant import's
    if (s != this)
	if (!imports)
	    imports = new Array();
	    for (int i = 0; i < imports->dim; i++)
	    {   ScopeDsymbol *ss;

		ss = (ScopeDsymbol *) imports->data[i];
		if (ss == s)			// if already imported
		    if (protection > prots[i])
			prots[i] = protection;	// upgrade access
	prots = (unsigned char *)mem.realloc(prots, imports->dim * sizeof(prots[0]));
	prots[imports->dim - 1] = protection;

int ScopeDsymbol::isforwardRef()
    return (members == NULL);

void ScopeDsymbol::defineRef(Dsymbol *s)
    ScopeDsymbol *ss;

    ss = s->isScopeDsymbol();
    members = ss->members;
    ss->members = NULL;

void ScopeDsymbol::multiplyDefined(Loc loc, Dsymbol *s1, Dsymbol *s2)
#if 0
    printf("s1 = %p, '%s' kind = '%s', parent = %s\n", s1, s1->toChars(), s1->kind(), s1->parent ? s1->parent->toChars() : "");
    printf("s2 = %p, '%s' kind = '%s', parent = %s\n", s2, s2->toChars(), s2->kind(), s2->parent ? s2->parent->toChars() : "");
    if (loc.filename)
    {	::error(loc, "%s at %s conflicts with %s at %s",
	s1->error(loc, "conflicts with %s %s at %s",

Dsymbol *ScopeDsymbol::nameCollision(Dsymbol *s)
    Dsymbol *sprev;

    // Look to see if we are defining a forward referenced symbol

    sprev = symtab->lookup(s->ident);
    if (s->equals(sprev))		// if the same symbol
	if (s->isforwardRef())		// if second declaration is a forward reference
	    return sprev;
	if (sprev->isforwardRef())
	    sprev->defineRef(s);	// copy data from s into sprev
	    return sprev;
    multiplyDefined(0, s, sprev);
    return sprev;

const char *ScopeDsymbol::kind()
    return "ScopeDsymbol";

 * Determine number of Dsymbols, folding in AttribDeclaration members.

size_t ScopeDsymbol::dim(Array *members)
    size_t n = 0;
    if (members)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
	{   Dsymbol *s = (Dsymbol *)members->data[i];
	    AttribDeclaration *a = s->isAttribDeclaration();

	    if (a)
		n += dim(a->decl);
    return n;

 * Get nth Dsymbol, folding in AttribDeclaration members.
 * Returns:
 *	Dsymbol*	nth Dsymbol
 *	NULL		not found, *pn gets incremented by the number
 *			of Dsymbols

Dsymbol *ScopeDsymbol::getNth(Array *members, size_t nth, size_t *pn)
    if (!members)
	return NULL;

    size_t n = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
    {   Dsymbol *s = (Dsymbol *)members->data[i];
	AttribDeclaration *a = s->isAttribDeclaration();

	if (a)
	    s = getNth(a->decl, nth - n, &n);
	    if (s)
		return s;
	else if (n == nth)
	    return s;

    if (pn)
	*pn += n;
    return NULL;

 * Look for member of the form:
 *	const(MemberInfo)[] getMembers(string);
 * Returns NULL if not found

#if DMDV2
FuncDeclaration *ScopeDsymbol::findGetMembers()
    Dsymbol *s = search_function(this, Id::getmembers);
    FuncDeclaration *fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;

#if 0  // Finish
    static TypeFunction *tfgetmembers;

    if (!tfgetmembers)
	Scope sc;
	Arguments *arguments = new Arguments;
	Arguments *arg = new Argument(STCin, Type::tchar->constOf()->arrayOf(), NULL, NULL);

	Type *tret = NULL;
	tfgetmembers = new TypeFunction(arguments, tret, 0, LINKd);
	tfgetmembers = (TypeFunction *)tfgetmembers->semantic(0, &sc);
    if (fdx)
	fdx = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tfgetmembers);
    if (fdx && fdx->isVirtual())
	fdx = NULL;

    return fdx;

/****************************** WithScopeSymbol ******************************/

WithScopeSymbol::WithScopeSymbol(WithStatement *withstate)
    : ScopeDsymbol()
    this->withstate = withstate;

Dsymbol *WithScopeSymbol::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags)
    // Acts as proxy to the with class declaration
    return withstate->exp->type->toDsymbol(NULL)->search(loc, ident, 0);

/****************************** ArrayScopeSymbol ******************************/

ArrayScopeSymbol::ArrayScopeSymbol(Scope *sc, Expression *e)
    : ScopeDsymbol()
    assert(e->op == TOKindex || e->op == TOKslice);
    exp = e;
    type = NULL;
    td = NULL;
    this->sc = sc;

ArrayScopeSymbol::ArrayScopeSymbol(Scope *sc, TypeTuple *t)
    : ScopeDsymbol()
    exp = NULL;
    type = t;
    td = NULL;
    this->sc = sc;

ArrayScopeSymbol::ArrayScopeSymbol(Scope *sc, TupleDeclaration *s)
    : ScopeDsymbol()
    exp = NULL;
    type = NULL;
    td = s;
    this->sc = sc;

Dsymbol *ArrayScopeSymbol::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags)
    //printf("ArrayScopeSymbol::search('%s', flags = %d)\n", ident->toChars(), flags);
    if (ident == Id::length || ident == Id::dollar)
    {	VarDeclaration **pvar;
	Expression *ce;


	if (td)
	    VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type::tsize_t, Id::dollar, NULL);
	    Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, td->objects->dim, Type::tsize_t);
	    v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
	    v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
	    return v;

	if (type)
	    VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type::tsize_t, Id::dollar, NULL);
	    Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, type->arguments->dim, Type::tsize_t);
	    v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
	    v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
	    return v;

	if (exp->op == TOKindex)
	    IndexExp *ie = (IndexExp *)exp;

	    pvar = &ie->lengthVar;
	    ce = ie->e1;
	else if (exp->op == TOKslice)
	    SliceExp *se = (SliceExp *)exp;

	    pvar = &se->lengthVar;
	    ce = se->e1;
	    return NULL;

	if (ce->op == TOKtype)
	    Type *t = ((TypeExp *)ce)->type;
	    if (t->ty == Ttuple)
	    {	type = (TypeTuple *)t;
		goto L1;

	if (!*pvar)
	    VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type::tsize_t, Id::dollar, NULL);

	    if (ce->op == TOKvar)
	    {	// if ce is const, get its initializer
		ce = fromConstInitializer(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret, ce);

	    if (ce->op == TOKstring)
	    {	/* It is for a string literal, so the
		 * length will be a const.
		Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, ((StringExp *)ce)->len, Type::tsize_t);
		v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
		v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
	    else if (ce->op == TOKarrayliteral)
	    {	/* It is for an array literal, so the
		 * length will be a const.
		Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, ((ArrayLiteralExp *)ce)->elements->dim, Type::tsize_t);
		v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
		v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
	    else if (ce->op == TOKtuple)
	    {	/* It is for an expression tuple, so the
		 * length will be a const.
		Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, ((TupleExp *)ce)->exps->dim, Type::tsize_t);
		v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
		v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
	    *pvar = v;
	return (*pvar);
    return NULL;

/****************************** DsymbolTable ******************************/

    tab = new StringTable;

    delete tab;

Dsymbol *DsymbolTable::lookup(Identifier *ident)
{   StringValue *sv;

#ifdef DEBUG
    sv = tab->lookup((char*)ident->string, ident->len);
    return (Dsymbol *)(sv ? sv->ptrvalue : NULL);

Dsymbol *DsymbolTable::insert(Dsymbol *s)
{   StringValue *sv;
    Identifier *ident;

    //printf("DsymbolTable::insert(this = %p, '%s')\n", this, s->ident->toChars());
    ident = s->ident;
#ifdef DEBUG
    sv = tab->insert(ident->toChars(), ident->len);
    if (!sv)
	return NULL;		// already in table
    sv->ptrvalue = s;
    return s;

Dsymbol *DsymbolTable::insert(Identifier *ident, Dsymbol *s)
{   StringValue *sv;

    sv = tab->insert(ident->toChars(), ident->len);
    if (!sv)
	return NULL;		// already in table
    sv->ptrvalue = s;
    return s;

Dsymbol *DsymbolTable::update(Dsymbol *s)
{   StringValue *sv;
    Identifier *ident;

    ident = s->ident;
    sv = tab->update(ident->toChars(), ident->len);
    sv->ptrvalue = s;
    return s;