view demos/qd.d @ 1117:4c20fcc4252b

Fun with parameter attributes: For several of the "synthetic" parameters added to D functions, we can apply noalias and nocapture. They are sret parameters, 'nest' pointers passed to nested functions, and _argptr: Nocapture: - Sret and nest are nocapture because they don't represent D-level variables, and thus the callee can't (validly) obtain a pointer to them, let alone keep it around after it returns. - _argptr is nocapture because although the callee has access to it as a pointer, that pointer is invalidated when it returns. All three are noalias because they're function-local variables - Sret and _argptr are noalias because they're freshly alloca'd memory only used for a single function call that's not allowed to keep an aliasing pointer to it around (since the parameter is nocapture). - 'Nest' is noalias because the callee only ever has access to one such pointer per parent function, and every parent function has a different one. This commit also ensures attributes set on sret, _arguments and _argptr are propagated to calls to such functions. It also adds one exception to the general rule that attributes on function types should propagate to calls: the type of a delegate's function pointer has a 'nest' parameter, but this can either be a true 'nest' (for delegates to nested functions) or a 'this' (for delegates to member functions). Since 'this' is neither noalias nor nocapture, and there's generally no way to tell which one it is, we remove these attributes at the call site if the callee is a delegate.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:15:31 +0100
parents 6aaa3d3c1183
line wrap: on
line source

module qd;

alias char[] string;

extern(C) {
  struct SDL_Rect {
    short x, y;
    ushort w, h;
  struct SDL_PixelFormat {
    //SDL_Palette *palette;
    void *palette;
    ubyte BitsPerPixel, BytesPerPixel, Rloss, Gloss, Bloss, Aloss, Rshift, Gshift, Bshift, Ashift;
    uint Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask, colorkey; ubyte alpha;
  struct SDL_Surface {
    uint flags;
    SDL_PixelFormat *format;
    int w, h;
    ushort pitch;
    void *pixels;
    int offset;
    void *hwdata;
    SDL_Rect clip_rect;
    uint unused;
    uint locked;
    void *map;
    uint format_version;
    int refcount;
  uint SDL_MapRGBA(SDL_PixelFormat *format, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte a);
  void SDL_GetRGBA(uint pixel, SDL_PixelFormat *fmt, ubyte *r, ubyte *g, ubyte *b, ubyte *a);
  int SDL_LockSurface(SDL_Surface *);
  void SDL_UnlockSurface(SDL_Surface *);
  SDL_Surface * SDL_SetVideoMode(int width, int height, int bpp, uint flags);
  SDL_Surface *SDL_CreateRGBSurface(uint flags, int width, int height, int depth, uint Rmask=0, uint Gmask=0, uint Bmask=0, uint Amask=0);
  int SDL_Flip(SDL_Surface *);
  void SDL_UpdateRect (SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, uint w, uint h);
  int SDL_UpperBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect);
  alias SDL_UpperBlit SDL_BlitSurface;
  int SDL_SetAlpha(SDL_Surface *surface, uint flags, ubyte alpha);
  int SDL_SetColorKey(SDL_Surface *surface, uint flag, uint key);
  int SDL_FillRect(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect, uint color);
  const uint SDL_SWSURFACE=0;
  const uint SDL_HWSURFACE=1;
  const uint SDL_DOUBLEBUF=0x40000000;
  const uint SDL_FULLSCREEN=0x80000000;
  const uint SDL_SRCALPHA=0x00010000;
  const uint SDL_SRCCOLORKEY=0x00001000;
  void SDL_Delay(uint ms);
  uint SDL_GetTicks();

  enum SDLKey {
    Unknown = 0, First = 0, 
    Escape = 27,
    LCtrl = 306,
  enum SDLMod {
    KMOD_NONE  = 0x0000,
    KMOD_LSHIFT= 0x0001, KMOD_RSHIFT= 0x0002,
    KMOD_LCTRL = 0x0040, KMOD_RCTRL = 0x0080, KMOD_CTRL  = 0x00C0,
    KMOD_LALT  = 0x0100, KMOD_RALT  = 0x0200, KMOD_ALT   = 0x0300,
    KMOD_LMETA = 0x0400, KMOD_RMETA = 0x0800,
    KMOD_NUM   = 0x1000, KMOD_CAPS  = 0x2000, KMOD_MODE  = 0x4000,
    KMOD_RESERVED = 0x8000

  struct SDL_keysym { ubyte scancode; SDLKey sym; SDLMod mod; ushort unicode; }
  enum SDL_EventType : ubyte {
    NoEvent=0, Active, KeyDown, KeyUp,
    MouseMotion, MouseButtonDown, MouseButtonUp,
    JoyAxisMotion, JoyBallMotion, JoyHatMotion, JoyButtonDown, JoyButtonUp,
    Quit, SysWMEvent
  union SDL_Event {
    SDL_EventType type;
    struct Active { SDL_EventType type, gain, state; }; Active active;
    struct Key { SDL_EventType type, which, state; SDL_keysym keysym; }; Key key;
    struct Motion { SDL_EventType type, which, state; ushort x, y; short xrel, yrel; }; Motion motion;
    struct Button { SDL_EventType type, which, button, state; ushort x, y; }; Button button;
    struct Jaxis { SDL_EventType type, which, axis; short value; }; Jaxis jaxis;
    struct Jball { SDL_EventType type, which, ball; short xrel, yrel; }; Jball jball;
    struct Jhat { SDL_EventType type, which, hat, value; }; Jhat jhat;
    struct Jbutton { SDL_EventType type, which, button, state; }; Jbutton jbutton;
    struct Resize { SDL_EventType type; int w, h; }; Resize resize;
    struct Expose { SDL_EventType type; }; Expose expose;
    struct Quit { SDL_EventType type; }; Quit quit;
    struct User { SDL_EventType type; int code; void *data1, data2; }; User user;
    struct Syswm { SDL_EventType type; void *msg; }; Syswm syswm;

  int SDL_PollEvent(SDL_Event *event);

SDL_Surface *display;

void putpixel32(int x, int y, ubyte[4] col) {
  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
  *bufp = SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]);

void putpixel32(int x, int y, ubyte[3] col) {
  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
  *bufp = SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, col[0], col[1], col[2], 0);

void getpixel32(int x, int y, ubyte[4] *col) {
  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
  SDL_GetRGBA(*bufp, display.format, &(*col)[0], &(*col)[1], &(*col)[2], &(*col)[3]);

struct rgb {
  ubyte[3] values;
  ubyte r() { return values[0]; }
  ubyte g() { return values[1]; }
  ubyte b() { return values[2]; }
  rgb opCat(rgb other) {
    rgb res;
    foreach (id, ref v; res.values) v=cast(ubyte)((values[id]+other.values[id])/2);
    return res;
  bool opEquals(rgb r) {
    return values == r.values;

void putpixel(int x, int y, ubyte[4] col) {
  if ( (x<0) || (y<0) || (x!<display.w) || (y!<display.h) ) return;
  putpixel32(x, y, col);

void hline(int x, int y, int w, rgb r) {
  hline(x, y, w, SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, r.values[0], r.values[1], r.values[2], 0));
void hline(int x, int y, int w, uint c) {
  if ( (y<0) || (y!<display.h) ) return;
  if (x<0) { w+=x; x=0; }
  if (w<0) return;
  if ( (x+w) !<display.w) w=display.w-x-1;
  auto cur = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
  foreach (ref value; cur[0..w+1]) value=c;

const rgb White={[255, 255, 255]};
const rgb Black={[0, 0, 0]};
const rgb Red={[255, 0, 0]};
const rgb Green={[0, 255, 0]};
const rgb Blue={[0, 0, 255]};
const rgb Yellow={[255, 255, 0]};
const rgb Cyan={[0, 255, 255]};
const rgb Purple={[255, 0, 255]};
rgb color=White;
rgb back=Black;

template failfind(U, T...) {
  static if (T.length)
    static if (is(T[0] == U)) static assert(false, "Duplicate "~U.stringof~" found!");
    else const bool failfind=failfind!(U, T[1..$]);
    const bool failfind=true;

template select(U, T...) {
  static if(T.length)
    static if (is(U == T[0])) { static if (failfind!(U, T[1..$])) { }; const int select = 0; }
      static if (select!(U, T[1..$]) != -1)
        const int select = 1 + select!(U, T[1..$]);
        const int select = -1;
    const int select = -1;

typedef rgb back_rgb;
back_rgb Back(rgb r) { return cast(back_rgb) r; }
back_rgb Back() { return cast(back_rgb) back; }
typedef rgb box_rgb;
box_rgb Box(rgb r) { return cast(box_rgb) r; }
box_rgb Box() { return cast(box_rgb) color; }
alias Back Fill;

bool doFlip=true;
void flip() { SDL_Flip(display); }
void flip(bool target) { doFlip=target; }
scope class groupDraws {
  bool wasOn;
  this() { wasOn=doFlip; flip=false; }
  ~this() { if (wasOn) { flip=true; flip; } }

void execParams(T...)(T params) {
  const int bcol=select!(back_rgb, T);
  static if (bcol != -1) back=cast(rgb) params[bcol];
  const int col=select!(rgb, T);
  static if (col != -1) color=params[col];
  else static if (bcol != -1) color=back;
  const int boxcol=select!(box_rgb, T);
  static if (boxcol != -1) color=cast(rgb) params[boxcol];

void tintfill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, rgb color) {
  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
  ubyte[4] c;
  for (int x=x1; x<x2; ++x) {
    for (int y=y1; y<y2; ++y) {
      getpixel32(x, y, &c);
      putpixel32(x, y, c);

void pset(T...)(int x, int y, T params) {
  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
  putpixel32(x, y, color.values);

rgb pget(int x, int y) {
  scope(exit) SDL_UnlockSurface(display);
  ubyte[4] c;
  getpixel32(x, y, &c);
  rgb res; res.values[]=c[0..3]; return res;

void swap(T)(ref T a, ref T b) { T c=a; a=b; b=c; }
T abs(T)(T a) { return (a<0) ? -a : a; }

void bresenham(bool countUp=true, bool steep=false)(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
  auto deltax = x1 - x0, deltay = y1 - y0;
  static if (steep) {
    auto Δerror = cast(float)deltax / cast(float)deltay;
    auto var2 = x0;
    const string name="y";
  } else {
    auto Δerror = cast(float)deltay / cast(float)deltax;
    auto var2 = y0;
    const string name="x";
  auto error = 0f;
  ubyte[4] col; col[0..3]=color.values;
  for (auto var1 = mixin(name~'0'); var1 <= mixin(name~'1'); ++var1) {
    static if (steep) putpixel(var2, var1, col);
    else putpixel(var1, var2, col);
    error += Δerror;
    if (abs(error) >= 1f) { static if (countUp) { var2++; error -= 1f; } else { var2--; error += 1f; }}

T max(T)(T a, T b) { return a>b?a:b; }
T min(T)(T a, T b) { return a<b?a:b; }

void line(T...)(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, T p) {
  static if (select!(back_rgb, T)!=-1) {
    scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
    auto yend=max(y0, y1);
    for (int y=min(y0, y1); y<=yend; ++y) {
      hline(min(x0, x1), y, max(x0, x1)-min(x0, x1), back);
  static if (select!(box_rgb, T)!=-1) {
    line(x0, y0, x1, y0);
    line(x1, y0, x1, y1);
    line(x1, y1, x0, y1);
    line(x0, y1, x0, y0);
  static if (select!(box_rgb, T)+select!(back_rgb, T)==-2) {
    scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
    bool steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
    void turn() { swap(x0, x1); swap(y0, y1); }
    if (steep) { if (y1 < y0) turn; }
    else { if (x1 < x0) turn; }
    bool stepUp=steep ? (x0 < x1) : (y0 < y1);
    if (steep) {
      if (stepUp) bresenham!(true, true)(x0, y0, x1, y1);
      else bresenham!(false, true)(x0, y0, x1, y1);
    } else {
      if (stepUp) bresenham!(true, false)(x0, y0, x1, y1);
      else bresenham!(false, false)(x0, y0, x1, y1);

import ldc.intrinsics;
alias llvm_sqrt_f32 sqrt;
alias llvm_sqrt_f64 sqrt;
    alias llvm_sqrt_f80 sqrt;
    static import tango.stdc.math;
    real sqrt(real x)
        return tango.stdc.math.sqrtl(x);

template circle_bresenham_pass(bool first) {
  const string xy=(first?"x":"y");
  const string yx=(first?"y":"x");
  const string str="
    auto x="~(first?"xradius":"0")~";
    auto y="~(first?"0":"yradius")~";
    auto xchange=yradius*yradius*"~(first?"(1-2*xradius)":"1")~";
    auto ychange=xradius*xradius*"~(first?"1":"(1-2*yradius)")~";
    auto error=0;
    auto stopx="~(first?"y2square*xradius":"0")~";
    auto stopy="~(first?"0":"x2square*yradius")~";
    while (stopx"~(first?">=":"<=")~"stopy) {
      putpixel(cx+x, cy+y, col);
      putpixel(cx+x, cy-y, col);
      putpixel(cx-x, cy+y, col);
      putpixel(cx-x, cy-y, col);
      if ((2*error+"~xy~"change)>0) {

void circle(T...)(T t) {
  static assert(T.length!<3, "Circle: Needs x, y and radius");
  int cx=t[0], cy=t[1], xradius=t[2];
  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
  auto yradius=xradius;
  if (xradius!>0) return;
  static if (T.length>3 && is(T[3]: int)) yradius=t[3];
  static if (select!(back_rgb, T) != -1) {
    auto ratio=xradius*1f/yradius;
    auto back_sdl=SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, back.values[0], back.values[1], back.values[2], 0);
    for (int i=0; i<=yradius; ++i) {
      ushort j=cast(ushort)(sqrt(cast(real)(yradius*yradius-i*i))*ratio);
      hline(cx-j, cy+i, 2*j, back_sdl);
      hline(cx-j, cy-i, 2*j, back_sdl);
  auto x2square=2*xradius*xradius;
  auto y2square=2*yradius*yradius;
  ubyte[4] col; col[0..3]=color.values;
  { mixin(circle_bresenham_pass!(true).str); }
  { mixin(circle_bresenham_pass!(false).str); }

float distance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
  auto x=x1-x2, y=y1-y2;
  return sqrt(x*x+y*y);

struct floodfill_node {
  int x, y;
  static floodfill_node opCall(int x, int y) {
    floodfill_node res;
    res.x=x; res.y=y;
    return res;

void paint(T...)(int x, int y, T t) {
  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
  bool border=true;
  if (select!(back_rgb, T) == -1) {
    back=pget(x, y);
  bool check(rgb r) {
    if (border) return (r != back) && (r != color);
    else return r == back;
  if (back == color) throw new Exception("Having identical backgrounds and foregrounds will severely mess up floodfill.");
  alias floodfill_node node;
  node[] queue;
  queue ~= node(x, y);
  size_t count=0;
  while (count<queue.length) {
    scope(exit) count++;
    with (queue[count]) {
      if (check(pget(x, y))) {
        int w=x, e=x;
        if (w<display.w) do w++; while ((w<display.w) && check(pget(w, y)));
        if (e>=0) do e--; while (e>=0 && check(pget(e, y)));
        for (int i=e+1; i<w; ++i) {
          putpixel32(i, y, color.values);
          if (y && check(pget(i, y-1)) && ((i==w-1)||!check(pget(i+1, y-1)))) queue ~= node(i, y-1);
          if ((y < display.h-1) && check(pget(i, y+1)) && ((i==w-1)||!check(pget(i+1, y+1)))) queue ~= node(i, y+1);

struct screen {
  static {
    void opCall(size_t w, size_t h) {
      display = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
    int width() { return display.w; }
    int height() { return display.h; }

void cls(rgb fill=Black) { line(0, 0, display.w-1, display.h-1, Fill=fill); }

void events(void delegate(int, bool) key=null, void delegate(int, int, ubyte, bool) mouse=null) {
  SDL_Event evt;
  while (SDL_PollEvent(&evt)) {
    switch (evt.type) {
      case SDL_EventType.MouseMotion:
        with (evt.motion) if (mouse) mouse(x, y, 0, false);
      case SDL_EventType.MouseButtonDown:
        with (evt.button) if (mouse) mouse(x, y, button, true);
      case SDL_EventType.MouseButtonUp:
        with (evt.button) if (mouse) mouse(x, y, button, false);
      case SDL_EventType.KeyDown:
        if (key) key(evt.key.keysym.sym, true);
      case SDL_EventType.KeyUp:
        if (key) key(evt.key.keysym.sym, false);
      case SDL_EventType.Quit:
        throw new Exception("Quit");
      default: break;

void events(void delegate(int) key, void delegate(int, int, ubyte, bool) mouse=null) {
  events((int a, bool b) {
    if (b) key(a);
  }, mouse);

void events(void delegate(int) key, void delegate(int, int) mouse) {
  events(key, (int x, int y, ubyte b, bool p) { mouse(x, y); });

void events(void delegate(int, bool) key, void delegate(int, int) mouse) {
  events(key, (int x, int y, ubyte b, bool p) { mouse(x, y); });

void sleep(float secs)
    assert(secs >= 0);
    uint ms = cast(uint)(secs * 1000);