view gen/naked.cpp @ 984:4c0df37d0421

Removing ldc.conf. (IMPORTANT: run 'cmake .' after pull) Added it to .hgignore. This gets rid of spurious differences caused by CMake regenerating it differently. Just run 'cmake .' to get it back in your local checkout.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:50:05 +0100
parents 7e669954db7d
children 2667e3a145be
line wrap: on
line source

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include "expression.h"
#include "statement.h"
#include "declaration.h"

#include <cassert>

#include "gen/logger.h"
#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/tollvm.h"


void Statement::toNakedIR(IRState *p)
    error("not allowed in naked function");


void CompoundStatement::toNakedIR(IRState *p)
    Logger::println("CompoundStatement::toNakedIR(): %s", loc.toChars());

    if (statements)
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
        Statement* s = (Statement*)statements->data[i];
        if (s) s->toNakedIR(p);


void ExpStatement::toNakedIR(IRState *p)
    Logger::println("ExpStatement::toNakedIR(): %s", loc.toChars());

    // only expstmt supported in declarations
    if (exp->op != TOKdeclaration)

    DeclarationExp* d = (DeclarationExp*)exp;
    VarDeclaration* vd = d->declaration->isVarDeclaration();
    FuncDeclaration* fd = d->declaration->isFuncDeclaration();
    EnumDeclaration* ed = d->declaration->isEnumDeclaration();

    // and only static variable/function declaration
    // no locals or nested stuffies!
    if (!vd && !fd && !ed)
    else if (vd && !vd->isDataseg())
        error("non-static variable '%s' not allowed in naked function", vd->toChars());
    else if (fd && !fd->isStatic())
        error("non-static nested function '%s' not allowed in naked function", fd->toChars());
    // enum decls should always be safe

    // make sure the symbols gets processed


void LabelStatement::toNakedIR(IRState *p)
    Logger::println("LabelStatement::toNakedIR(): %s", loc.toChars());

    p->nakedAsm << p->func()->decl->mangle() << "_" << ident->toChars() << ":";

    if (statement)


void DtoDefineNakedFunction(FuncDeclaration* fd)
    Logger::println("DtoDefineNakedFunction(%s)", fd->mangle());


    // we need to do special processing on the body, since we only want
    // to allow actual inline asm blocks to reach the final asm output

    std::ostringstream& asmstr = gIR->nakedAsm;

    // build function header

    // FIXME: could we perhaps use llvm asmwriter to give us these details ?

    const char* mangle = fd->mangle();
    std::ostringstream tmpstr;

    // osx is different
    // also mangling has an extra underscore prefixed
    if (global.params.os == OSMacOSX)
        std::string section = "text";
        bool weak = false;
        if (DtoIsTemplateInstance(fd))
            tmpstr << "section\t__TEXT,__textcoal_nt,coalesced,pure_instructions";
            section = tmpstr.str();
            weak = true;
        asmstr << "\t." << section << std::endl;
        asmstr << "\t.align\t4,0x90" << std::endl;
        asmstr << "\t.globl\t_" << mangle << std::endl;
        if (weak)
            asmstr << "\t.weak_definition\t_" << mangle << std::endl;
        asmstr << "_" << mangle << ":" << std::endl;
    // this works on linux x86 32 and 64 bit
    // assume it works everywhere else as well for now
        const char* linkage = "globl";
        std::string section = "text";
        if (DtoIsTemplateInstance(fd))
            linkage = "weak";
            tmpstr << "section\t.gnu.linkonce.t." << mangle << ",\"ax\",@progbits";
            section = tmpstr.str();
        asmstr << "\t." << section << std::endl;
        asmstr << "\t.align\t16" << std::endl;
        asmstr << "\t." << linkage << "\t" << mangle << std::endl;
        asmstr << "\t.type\t" << mangle << ",@function" << std::endl;
        asmstr << mangle << ":" << std::endl;

    // emit body

    // emit size after body
    // llvm does this on linux, but not on osx
    if (global.params.os != OSMacOSX)
        asmstr << "\t.size\t" << mangle << ", .-" << mangle << std::endl << std::endl;




static LLValue* x86_64_cfloatRetFixup(IRBuilderHelper b, LLValue* orig) {
    assert(orig->getType() == LLType::DoubleTy);
    LLType* retty = LLStructType::get(LLType::DoubleTy, NULL);
    LLValue* undef = llvm::UndefValue::get(retty);
    return b->CreateInsertValue(undef, orig, 0, "asm.ret");

void emitABIReturnAsmStmt(IRAsmBlock* asmblock, Loc loc, FuncDeclaration* fdecl)
    Logger::println("emitABIReturnAsmStmt(%s)", fdecl->mangle());

    IRAsmStmt* as = new IRAsmStmt;

    const LLType* llretTy = DtoType(fdecl->type->nextOf());
    asmblock->retty = llretTy;
    asmblock->retn = 1;

    // x86
    if (global.params.cpu == ARCHx86)
        LINK l = fdecl->linkage;
        assert((l == LINKd || l == LINKc || l == LINKwindows) && "invalid linkage for asm implicit return");

        Type* rt = fdecl->type->nextOf()->toBasetype();
        if (rt->isintegral() || rt->ty == Tpointer || rt->ty == Tclass || rt->ty == Taarray)
            if (rt->size() == 8) {
                as->out_c = "=A,";
            } else {
                as->out_c = "={ax},";
        else if (rt->isfloating())
            if (rt->iscomplex()) {
                as->out_c = "={st},={st(1)},";
                asmblock->retn = 2;
            } else {
                as->out_c = "={st},";
        else if (rt->ty == Tarray || rt->ty == Tdelegate)
            as->out_c = "={ax},={dx},";
            asmblock->retn = 2;
        #if 0
            // this is to show how to allocate a temporary for the return value
            // in case the appropriate multi register constraint isn't supported.
            // this way abi return from inline asm can still be emulated.

            // generate asm
            as->out_c = "=*m,=*m,";
            LLValue* tmp = DtoAlloca(llretTy, ".tmp_asm_ret");
            as->out.push_back( tmp );
            as->out.push_back( DtoGEPi(tmp, 0,1) );
            as->code = "movd %eax, $<<out0>>" "\n\t" "mov %edx, $<<out1>>";

            // fix asmblock
            asmblock->retn = 0;
            asmblock->retemu = true;
            asmblock->asmBlock->abiret = tmp;

            // add "ret" stmt

            // done, we don't want anything pushed in the front of the block
            error(loc, "unimplemented return type '%s' for implicit abi return", rt->toChars());

    // x86_64
    else if (global.params.cpu == ARCHx86_64)
        LINK l = fdecl->linkage;
        /* TODO: Check if this works with extern(Windows), completely untested.
         *       In particular, returning cdouble may not work with
         *       extern(Windows) since according to it
         *       doesn't allow XMM1 to be used.
         * (So is extern(C), but that should be fine as the calling convention
         * is identical to that of extern(D))
        assert((l == LINKd || l == LINKc || l == LINKwindows) && "invalid linkage for asm implicit return");

        Type* rt = fdecl->type->nextOf()->toBasetype();
        if (rt->isintegral() || rt->ty == Tpointer || rt->ty == Tclass || rt->ty == Taarray)
            as->out_c = "={ax},";
        else if (rt->isfloating())
            if (rt == Type::tcomplex80) {
                // On x87 stack, re=st, im=st(1)
                as->out_c = "={st},={st(1)},";
                asmblock->retn = 2;
            } else if (rt == Type::tfloat80 || rt == Type::timaginary80) {
                // On x87 stack
                as->out_c = "={st},";
            } else if (l != LINKd && rt == Type::tcomplex32) {
                // LLVM and GCC disagree on how to return {float, float}.
                // For compatibility, use the GCC/LLVM-GCC way for extern(C/Windows)
                // extern(C) cfloat -> %xmm0 (extract two floats)
            #if 0
                // Disabled because "regular" extern(C) functions aren't
                // ABI-compatible with GCC yet.
                // TODO: enable when "extern(C) cfloat foo();" compiles to "declare { double } @foo();"
                as->out_c = "={xmm0},";
                asmblock->retty = LLStructType::get(LLType::DoubleTy, NULL);;
                asmblock->retfixup = &x86_64_cfloatRetFixup;
                error(loc, "unimplemented return type '%s' for implicit abi return", rt->toChars());
            } else if (rt->iscomplex()) {
                // cdouble and extern(D) cfloat -> re=%xmm0, im=%xmm1
                as->out_c = "={xmm0},={xmm1},";
                asmblock->retn = 2;
            } else {
                // Plain float/double/ifloat/idouble
                as->out_c = "={xmm0},";
        else if (rt->ty == Tarray || rt->ty == Tdelegate)
            as->out_c = "={ax},={dx},";
            asmblock->retn = 2;
            error(loc, "unimplemented return type '%s' for implicit abi return", rt->toChars());

    // unsupported
        error(loc, "this target (%s) does not implement inline asm falling off the end of the function", global.params.targetTriple);

    // return values always go in the front