view tango/tango/util/Convert.d @ 303:4aa2b6753059 trunk

[svn r324] Small indentation fixes. Added end of line to complex.cpp.
author ChristianK
date Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:42:30 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source

 * This module provides a templated function that performs value-preserving
 * conversions between arbitrary types.  This function's behaviour can be
 * extended for user-defined types as needed.
 * Copyright:   Copyright © 2007 Daniel Keep.
 * License:     BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:     Daniel Keep
 * Credits:     Inspired in part by Andrei Alexandrescu's work on std.conv.

module tango.util.Convert;

private import tango.core.Traits;
private import tango.core.Tuple : Tuple;
private import tango.core.Exception : TracedException;

private import tango.math.Math;
private import tango.text.convert.Utf;
private import tango.text.convert.Float;
private import tango.text.convert.Integer;

private import Ascii = tango.text.Ascii;

version( DDoc )
     * Attempts to perform a value-preserving conversion of the given value
     * from type S to type D.  If the conversion cannot be performed in any
     * context, a compile-time error will be issued describing the types
     * involved.  If the conversion fails at run-time because the destination
     * type could not represent the value being converted, a
     * ConversionException will be thrown.
     * For example, to convert the string "123" into an equivalent integer
     * value, you would use:
     * -----
     * auto v = to!(int)("123");
     * -----
     * You may also specify a default value which should be returned in the
     * event that the conversion cannot take place:
     * -----
     * auto v = to!(int)("abc", 456);
     * -----
     * The function will attempt to preserve the input value as exactly as
     * possible, given the limitations of the destination format.  For
     * instance, converting a floating-point value to an integer will cause it
     * to round the value to the nearest integer value.
     * Below is a complete list of conversions between built-in types and
     * strings.  Capitalised names indicate classes of types.  Conversions
     * between types in the same class are also possible.
     * -----
     * bool         <-- Integer (0/!0), Char ('t'/'f'), String ("true"/"false")
     * Integer      <-- bool, Real, Char ('0'-'9'), String
     * Real         <-- Integer, String
     * Imaginary    <-- Complex
     * Complex      <-- Integer, Real, Imaginary
     * Char         <-- bool, Integer (0-9)
     * String       <-- bool, Integer, Real
     * -----
     * Conversions between arrays and associative arrays are also supported,
     * and are done element-by-element.
     * You can add support for value conversions to your types by defining
     * appropriate static and instance member functions.  Given a type
     * the_type, any of the following members of a type T may be used:
     * -----
     * the_type to_the_type();
     * static T from_the_type(the_type);
     * -----
     * You may also use "camel case" names:
     * -----
     * the_type toTheType();
     * static T fromTheType(the_type);
     * -----
     * Arrays and associative arrays can also be explicitly supported:
     * -----
     * the_type[] to_the_type_array();
     * the_type[] toTheTypeArray();
     * static T from_the_type_array(the_type[]);
     * static T fromTheTypeArray(the_type[]);
     * the_type[int] to_int_to_the_type_map();
     * the_type[int] toIntToTheTypeMap();
     * static T from_int_to_the_type_map(the_type[int]);
     * static T fromIntToTheTypeMap(the_type[int]);
     * -----
     * If you have more complex requirements, you can also use the generic to
     * and from templated members:
     * -----
     * the_type to(the_type)();
     * static T from(the_type)(the_type);
     * -----
     * These templates will have the_type explicitly passed to them in the
     * template instantiation.
     * Finally, strings are given special support.  The following members will
     * be checked for:
     * -----
     * char[]  toString();
     * wchar[] toString16();
     * dchar[] toString32();
     * char[]  toString();
     * -----
     * The "toString_" method corresponding to the destination string type will be
     * tried first.  If this method does not exist, then the function will
     * look for another "toString_" method from which it will convert the result.
     * Failing this, it will try "toString" and convert the result to the
     * appropriate encoding.
     * The rules for converting to a user-defined type are much the same,
     * except it makes use of the "fromUtf8", "fromUtf16", "fromUtf32" and
     * "fromString" static methods.
    D to(D,S)(S value);
    D to(D,S)(S value, D default_); /// ditto
    template to(D)
        D to(S, Def=Missing)(S value, Def def=Def.init)
            static if( is( Def == Missing ) )
                return toImpl!(D,S)(value);

                    return toImpl!(D,S)(value);
                catch( ConversionException e )

                return def;

                //D result = def;
                    return toImpl!(D,S)(value);
                catch( ConversionException e )
                    return def;
                // +/
                //return result;

 * This exception is thrown when the to template is unable to perform a
 * conversion at run-time.  This typically occurs when the source value cannot
 * be represented in the destination type.  This exception is also thrown when
 * the conversion would cause an over- or underflow.
class ConversionException : TracedException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );


typedef int Missing;

 * So, how is this module structured?
 * Firstly, we need a bunch of support code.  The first block of this contains
 * some CTFE functions for string manipulation (to cut down on the number of
 * template symbols we generate.)
 * The next contains a boat-load of templates.  Most of these are trait
 * templates (things like isPOD, isObject, etc.)  There are also a number of
 * mixins, and some switching templates (like toString_(n).)
 * Another thing to mention is intCmp, which performs a safe comparison
 * between two integers of arbitrary size and signage.
 * Following all this are the templated to* implementations.
 * The actual toImpl template is the second last thing in the module, with the
 * module unit tests coming last.

char ctfe_upper(char c)
    if( 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' )
        return (c - 'a') + 'A';
        return c;

char[] ctfe_camelCase(char[] s)
    char[] result;

    bool nextIsCapital = true;

    foreach( c ; s )
        if( nextIsCapital )
            if( c == '_' )
                result ~= c;
                result ~= ctfe_upper(c);
                nextIsCapital = false;
            if( c == '_' )
                nextIsCapital = true;
                result ~= c;

    return result;

bool ctfe_isSpace(T)(T c)
    static if (T.sizeof is 1)
        return (c <= 32 && (c is ' ' | c is '\t' | c is '\r'
                    | c is '\n' | c is '\v' | c is '\f'));
        return (c <= 32 && (c is ' ' | c is '\t' | c is '\r'
                    | c is '\n' | c is '\v' | c is '\f'))
            || (c is '\u2028' | c is '\u2029');

T[] ctfe_triml(T)(T[] source)
    if( source.length == 0 )
        return null;

    foreach( i,c ; source )
        if( !ctfe_isSpace(c) )
            return source[i..$];

    return null;

T[] ctfe_trimr(T)(T[] source)
    if( source.length == 0 )
        return null;

    foreach_reverse( i,c ; source )
        if( !ctfe_isSpace(c) )
            return source[0..i+1];

    return null;

T[] ctfe_trim(T)(T[] source)
    return ctfe_trimr(ctfe_triml(source));

template isPOD(T)
    static if( is( T == struct ) || is( T == union ) )
        const isPOD = true;
        const isPOD = false;

template isObject(T)
    static if( is( T == class ) || is( T == interface ) )
        const isObject = true;
        const isObject = false;

template isUDT(T)
    const isUDT = isPOD!(T) || isObject!(T);

template isString(T)
    static if( is( typeof(T[]) == char[] )
            || is( typeof(T[]) == wchar[] )
            || is( typeof(T[]) == dchar[] ) )
        const isString = true;
        const isString = false;

template isArrayType(T)
    const isArrayType = isDynamicArrayType!(T) || isStaticArrayType!(T);

template isPointerType(T)
     * You might think these first two tests are redundant.  You'd be wrong.
     * The linux compilers, for whatever reason, seem to think that objects
     * and arrays are implicitly castable to void*, whilst the Windows one
     * doesn't.  Don't ask me; just nod and smile...
    static if( is( T : Object ) )
        const isPointerType = false;
    else static if( is( T : void[] ) )
        const isPointerType = false;
    else static if( is( T : void* ) )
        const isPointerType = true;
        const isPointerType = false;

static assert( isPointerType!(char*) );
static assert( isPointerType!(void*) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(char[]) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(void[]) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(typeof("abc")) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(Object) );

 * Determines which signed integer type of T and U is larger.
template sintSuperType(T,U)
    static if( is( T == long ) || is( U == long ) )
        alias long sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == int ) || is( U == int ) )
        alias int sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == short ) || is( U == short ) )
        alias short sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == byte ) || is( U == byte ) )
        alias byte sintSuperType;

 * Determines which unsigned integer type of T and U is larger.
template uintSuperType(T,U)
    static if( is( T == ulong ) || is( U == ulong ) )
        alias ulong sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == uint ) || is( U == uint ) )
        alias uint sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == ushort ) || is( U == ushort ) )
        alias ushort sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == ubyte ) || is( U == ubyte ) )
        alias ubyte sintSuperType;

template uintOfSize(uint bytes)
    static if( bytes == 1 )
        alias ubyte uintOfSize;
    else static if( bytes == 2 )
        alias ushort uintOfSize;
    else static if( bytes == 4 )
        alias uint uintOfSize;

 * Safely performs a comparison between two integer values, taking into
 * account different sizes and signages.
int intCmp(T,U)(T lhs, U rhs)
    static if( isSignedIntegerType!(T) && isSignedIntegerType!(U) )
        alias sintSuperType!(T,U) S;
        auto l = cast(S) lhs;
        auto r = cast(S) rhs;
        if( l < r ) return -1;
        else if( l > r ) return 1;
        else return 0;
    else static if( isUnsignedIntegerType!(T) && isUnsignedIntegerType!(U) )
        alias uintSuperType!(T,U) S;
        auto l = cast(S) lhs;
        auto r = cast(S) rhs;
        if( l < r ) return -1;
        else if( l > r ) return 1;
        else return 0;
        static if( isSignedIntegerType!(T) )
            if( lhs < 0 )
                return -1;
                static if( U.sizeof >= T.sizeof )
                    auto l = cast(U) lhs;
                    if( l < rhs ) return -1;
                    else if( l > rhs ) return 1;
                    else return 0;
                    auto l = cast(ulong) lhs;
                    auto r = cast(ulong) rhs;
                    if( l < r ) return -1;
                    else if( l > r ) return 1;
                    else return 0;
        else static if( isSignedIntegerType!(U) )
            if( rhs < 0 )
                return 1;
                static if( T.sizeof >= U.sizeof )
                    auto r = cast(T) rhs;
                    if( lhs < r ) return -1;
                    else if( lhs > r ) return 1;
                    else return 0;
                    auto l = cast(ulong) lhs;
                    auto r = cast(ulong) rhs;
                    if( l < r ) return -1;
                    else if( l > r ) return 1;
                    else return 0;

template unsupported(char[] desc="")
    static assert(false, "Unsupported conversion: cannot convert to "
            ~ctfe_trim(D.stringof)~" from "
            ~(desc!="" ? desc~" " : "")~ctfe_trim(S.stringof)~".");

template unsupported_backwards(char[] desc="")
    static assert(false, "Unsupported conversion: cannot convert to "
            ~(desc!="" ? desc~" " : "")~ctfe_trim(D.stringof)
            ~" from "~ctfe_trim(S.stringof)~".");

// TN works out the c_case name of the given type.
template TN(T:T[])
    static if( is( T == char ) )
        const TN = "string";
    else static if( is( T == wchar ) )
        const TN = "wstring";
    else static if( is( T == dchar ) )
        const TN = "dstring";
        const TN = TN!(T)~"_array";

// ditto
template TN(T:T*)
    const TN = TN!(T)~"_pointer";

// ditto
template TN(T)
    static if( isAssocArrayType!(T) )
        const TN = TN!(typeof(T.keys[0]))~"_to_"
        const TN = ctfe_trim(T.stringof);

// Picks an appropriate toUtf* method from t.text.convert.Utf.
template toString_(T)
    static if( is( T == char[] ) )
        alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString toString_;

    else static if( is( T == wchar[] ) )
        alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString16 toString_;

        alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString32 toString_;

template UtfNum(T)
    const UtfNum = is(typeof(T[0])==char) ? "8" : (
            is(typeof(T[0])==wchar) ? "16" : "32");

template StringNum(T)
    const StringNum = is(typeof(T[0])==char) ? "" : (
            is(typeof(T[0])==wchar) ? "16" : "32");

// This mixin defines a general function for converting to a UDT.
template toUDT()
    D toDfromS()
        static if( isString!(S) )
            static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.fromUtf"
                                ~UtfNum!(S)~"(value)")) : D ) )
                return mixin("D.fromUtf"~UtfNum!(S)~"(value)");

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromUtf8(""c)) : D ) )
                return D.fromUtf8(toString_!(char[])(value));

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromUtf16(""w)) : D ) )
                return D.fromUtf16(toString_!(wchar[])(value));

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromUtf32(""d)) : D ) )
                return D.fromUtf32(toString_!(dchar[])(value));

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromString(""c)) : D ) )
                static if( is( S == char[] ) )
                    return D.fromString(value);

                    return D.fromString(toString_!(char[])(value));

            // Default fallbacks

            else static if( is( typeof(D.from!(S)(value)) : D ) )
                return D.from!(S)(value);

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");
            // TODO: Check for templates.  Dunno what to do about them.

            static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from"
                                ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin("D.from"~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(D.from!(S)(value)) : D ) )
                return D.from!(S)(value);

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");

// This mixin defines a general function for converting from a UDT.
template fromUDT(char[] fallthrough="")
    D toDfromS()
        static if( isString!(D) )
            static if( is( typeof(mixin("value.toString"
                                ~StringNum!(D)~"()")) == D ) )
                return mixin("value.toString"~StringNum!(D)~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString()) == char[] ) )
                return toString_!(D)(value.toString);

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString16()) == wchar[] ) )
                return toString_!(D)(value.toString16);

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString32()) == dchar[] ) )
                return toString_!(D)(value.toString32);

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString()) == char[] ) )
                static if( is( D == char[] ) )
                    return value.toString;

                    return toString_!(D)(value.toString);

            // Default fallbacks

            else static if( is( typeof(!(D)()) : D ) )

            else static if( fallthrough != "" )

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");
            // TODO: Check for templates.  Dunno what to do about them.

            static if( is( typeof(mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(mixin(""
                                ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin(""~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(!(D)()) : D ) )

            else static if( fallthrough != "" )

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");

template convError()
    void throwConvError()
        // Since we're going to use to!(T) to convert the value to a string,
        // we need to make sure we don't end up in a loop...
        static if( isString!(D) || !is( typeof(to!(char[])(value)) == char[] ) )
            throw new ConversionException("Could not convert a value of type "
                    ~S.stringof~" to type "~D.stringof~".");
            throw new ConversionException("Could not convert `"
                    ~to!(char[])(value)~"` of type "
                    ~S.stringof~" to type "~D.stringof~".");

D toBool(D,S)(S value)
    static assert(is(D==bool));

    static if( isIntegerType!(S) /+|| isRealType!(S) || isImaginaryType!(S)
                || isComplexType!(S)+/ )
        // The weird comparison is to support NaN as true
        return !(value == 0);

    else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        switch( value )
            case 'F': case 'f':
                return false;

            case 'T': case 't':
                return true;

                mixin convError;

    else static if( isString!(S) )
        switch( Ascii.toLower(value) )
            case "false":
                return false;

            case "true":
                return true;

                mixin convError;
    else static if( isDynamicArrayType!(S) || isStaticArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("array type");
    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("associative array type");
    else static if( isPointerType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("pointer type");
    else static if( is( S == typedef ) )
        mixin unsupported!("typedef'ed type");
    // +/
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toIntegerFromInteger(D,S)(S value)
    static if( (cast(ulong) D.max) >= (cast(ulong) S.max)
            && (cast(long) D.min) <= (cast(long) S.min) )
        return cast(D) value;
        mixin convError; // TODO: Overflow error

        if( intCmp(value,D.min)<0 || intCmp(value,D.max)>0 )
            return cast(D) value;

D toIntegerFromReal(D,S)(S value)
    auto v = tango.math.Math.round(value);
    if( (cast(real) D.min) <= v && v <= (cast(real) D.max) )
        return cast(D) v;
        mixin convError; // TODO: Overflow error

D toIntegerFromString(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S charT : charT[] ) )
        mixin convError;

        static if( is( D == ulong ) )
            uint len;
            auto result = tango.text.convert.Integer.convert(value, 10, &len);

            if( len < value.length )

            return result;
            uint len;
            auto result = tango.text.convert.Integer.parse(value, 10, &len);

            if( len < value.length )

            return toIntegerFromInteger!(D,long)(result);

D toInteger(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 1 : 0);

    else static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        return toIntegerFromInteger!(D,S)(value);
    else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        if( value >= '0' && value <= '9' )
            return cast(D)(value - '0');
            mixin convError;
    else static if( isRealType!(S) )
        return toIntegerFromReal!(D,S)(value);
    else static if( isString!(S) )
        return toIntegerFromString!(D,S)(value);
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toReal(D,S)(S value)
    /+static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 1.0 : 0.0);

    else+/ static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        return cast(D) value;

    /+else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        return cast(D) to!(uint)(value);+/

    else static if( isString!(S) )
        return tango.text.convert.Float.parse(value);

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toImaginary(D,S)(S value)
    /+static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 1.0i : 0.0i);

    else+/ static if( isComplexType!(S) )
        if( == 0.0 )
            return * cast(D)1.0i;

            mixin convError;
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toComplex(D,S)(S value)
    static if( isIntegerType!(S) || isRealType!(S) || isImaginaryType!(S)
            || isComplexType!(S) )
        return cast(D) value;

    /+else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        return cast(D) to!(uint)(value);+/

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toChar(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 't' : 'f');

    else static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        if( value >= 0 && value <= 9 )
            return cast(D) value+'0';

            mixin convError; // TODO: Overflow error
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toStringFromString(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( typeof(D[0]) == char ) )
        return tango.text.convert.Utf.toString(value);

    else static if( is( typeof(D[0]) == wchar ) )
        return tango.text.convert.Utf.toString16(value);

        static assert( is( typeof(D[0]) == dchar ) );
        return tango.text.convert.Utf.toString32(value);

D toString(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? "true" : "false");

    else static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        // TODO: Make sure this works with ulongs.
        return mixin("tango.text.convert.Integer.toString"~StringNum!(D)~"(value)");

    else static if( isRealType!(S) )
        return mixin("tango.text.convert.Float.toString"~StringNum!(D)~"(value)");

    else static if( isDynamicArrayType!(S) || isStaticArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("array type");

    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("associative array type");

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D fromString(D,S)(D value)
    static if( isDynamicArrayType!(S) || isStaticArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported_backwards!("array type");

    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported_backwards!("associative array type");

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin toUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported_backwards;

D toArrayFromArray(D,S)(S value)
    alias typeof(D[0]) De;

    D result; result.length = value.length;
    scope(failure) delete result;

    foreach( i,e ; value )
        result[i] = to!(De)(e);

    return result;

D toMapFromMap(D,S)(S value)
    alias typeof(D.keys[0])   Dk;
    alias typeof(D.values[0]) Dv;

    D result;

    foreach( k,v ; value )
        result[ to!(Dk)(k) ] = to!(Dv)(v);

    return result;

D toFromUDT(D,S)(S value)
    // Try* first
    static if( is( typeof(mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()")) : D ) )
        return mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()");

    else static if( is( typeof(mixin(""
                        ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()")) : D ) )
        return mixin(""~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()");

    else static if( is( typeof(!(D)()) : D ) )

    // Ok, try D.from* now
    else static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"(value)")) : D ) )
        return mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"(value)");

    else static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from"
                        ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"(value)")) : D ) )
        return mixin("D.from"~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"(value)");

    else static if( is( typeof(D.from!(S)(value)) : D ) )
        return D.from!(S)(value);

    // Give up
        mixin unsupported;

D toImpl(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( D == S ) )
        return value;

    else static if( isArrayType!(D) && isArrayType!(S)
            && is( typeof(D[0]) == typeof(S[0]) ) )
        // Special-case which catches to!(T[])!(T[n]).
        return value;

    else static if( is( D == bool ) )
        return toBool!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isIntegerType!(D) )
        return toInteger!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isRealType!(D) )
        return toReal!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isImaginaryType!(D) )
        return toImaginary!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isComplexType!(D) )
        return toComplex!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isCharType!(D) )
        return toChar!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isString!(D) && isString!(S) )
        return toStringFromString!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isString!(D) )
        return toString!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isString!(S) )
        return fromString!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isArrayType!(D) && isArrayType!(S) )
        return toArrayFromArray!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(D) && isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        return toMapFromMap!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isUDT!(D) || isUDT!(S) )
        return toFromUDT!(D,S)(value);

        mixin unsupported;

debug ( ConvertTest ):
    void main() {}

debug( UnitTest ):

bool ex(T)(lazy T v)
    bool result = false;
    catch( Exception _ )
        result = true;
    return result;

bool nx(T)(lazy T v)
    bool result = true;
    catch( Exception _ )
        result = false;
    return result;

struct Foo
    int toInt() { return 42; }

    char[] toString() { return "string foo"; }

    int[] toIntArray() { return [1,2,3]; }

    Bar toBar()
        Bar result; return result;

    T to(T)()
        static if( is( T == bool ) )
            return true;
            static assert( false );

struct Bar
    real toReal()
        return 3.14159;

    ireal toIreal()
        return 42.0i;

struct Baz
    static Baz fromFoo(Foo foo)
        Baz result; return result;

    Bar toBar()
        Bar result; return result;

     * bool
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(bool)(1.0)) ) );
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(bool)(1.0i)) ) );
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(bool)(1.0+1.0i)) ) );

    assert( to!(bool)(0) == false );
    assert( to!(bool)(1) == true );
    assert( to!(bool)(-1) == true );

    assert( to!(bool)('t') == true );
    assert( to!(bool)('T') == true );
    assert( to!(bool)('f') == false );
    assert( to!(bool)('F') == false );
    assert(ex( to!(bool)('x') ));

    assert( to!(bool)("true") == true );
    assert( to!(bool)("false") == false );
    assert( to!(bool)("TrUe") == true );
    assert( to!(bool)("fAlSe") == false );

     * Integer
    assert( to!(int)(42L) == 42 );
    assert( to!(byte)(42) == cast(byte)42 );
    assert( to!(short)(-1701) == cast(short)-1701 );
    assert( to!(long)(cast(ubyte)72) == 72L );

    assert(nx( to!(byte)(127) ));
    assert(ex( to!(byte)(128) ));
    assert(nx( to!(byte)(-128) ));
    assert(ex( to!(byte)(-129) ));

    assert(nx( to!(ubyte)(255) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ubyte)(256) ));
    assert(nx( to!(ubyte)(0) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ubyte)(-1) ));

    assert(nx( to!(long)(9_223_372_036_854_775_807UL) ));
    assert(ex( to!(long)(9_223_372_036_854_775_808UL) ));
    assert(nx( to!(ulong)(0L) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ulong)(-1L) ));

    assert( to!(int)(3.14159) == 3 );
    assert( to!(int)(2.71828) == 3 );

    assert( to!(int)("1234") == 1234 );

    assert( to!(int)(true) == 1 );
    assert( to!(int)(false) == 0 );

    assert( to!(int)('0') == 0 );
    assert( to!(int)('9') == 9 );

     * Real
    assert( to!(real)(3) == 3.0 );
    assert( to!(real)("1.125") == 1.125 );

     * Imaginary
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(ireal)(3.0)) ) );

    assert( to!(ireal)(0.0+1.0i) == 1.0i );
    assert(nx( to!(ireal)(0.0+1.0i) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ireal)(1.0+0.0i) ));

     * Complex
    assert( to!(creal)(1) == (1.0+0.0i) );
    assert( to!(creal)(2.0) == (2.0+0.0i) );
    assert( to!(creal)(3.0i) == (0.0+3.0i) );

     * Char
    assert( to!(char)(true) == 't' );
    assert( to!(char)(false) == 'f' );

    assert( to!(char)(0) == '0' );
    assert( to!(char)(9) == '9' );

    assert(ex( to!(char)(-1) ));
    assert(ex( to!(char)(10) ));

     * String-string
    assert( to!(char[])("Í love to æt "w) == "Í love to æt "c );
    assert( to!(char[])("them smûrƒies™,"d) == "them smûrƒies™,"c );
    assert( to!(wchar[])("Smûrfies™ I love"c) == "Smûrfies™ I love"w );
    assert( to!(wchar[])("2 食い散らす"d) == "2 食い散らす"w );
    assert( to!(dchar[])("bite đey µgly"c) == "bite đey µgly"d );
    assert( to!(dchar[])("headž ㍳ff"w) == "headž ㍳ff"d );
    // ... nibble on they bluish feet.

     * String
    assert( to!(char[])(true) == "true" );
    assert( to!(char[])(false) == "false" );

    assert( to!(char[])(12345678) == "12345678" );
    assert( to!(char[])(1234.567800) == "1234.57");

     * Array-array
    assert( to!(ubyte[])([1,2,3]) == [cast(ubyte)1, 2, 3] );
    assert( to!(bool[])(["true"[], "false"]) == [true, false] );

     * Map-map
        char[][int] src = [1:"true"[], 2:"false"];
        bool[ubyte] dst = to!(bool[ubyte])(src);
        assert( dst.keys.length == 2 );
        assert( dst[1] == true );
        assert( dst[2] == false );

     * UDT
        Foo foo;

        assert( to!(bool)(foo) == true );
        assert( to!(int)(foo) == 42 );
        assert( to!(char[])(foo) == "string foo" );
        assert( to!(wchar[])(foo) == "string foo"w );
        assert( to!(dchar[])(foo) == "string foo"d );
        assert( to!(int[])(foo) == [1,2,3] );
        assert( to!(ireal)(to!(Bar)(foo)) == 42.0i );
        assert( to!(real)(to!(Bar)(to!(Baz)(foo))) == 3.14159 );

     * Default values
        assert( to!(int)("123", 456) == 123,
                `to!(int)("123", 456) == "` ~ to!(char[])(
                    to!(int)("123", 456)) ~ `"` );
        assert( to!(int)("abc", 456) == 456,
                `to!(int)("abc", 456) == "` ~ to!(char[])(
                    to!(int)("abc", 456)) ~ `"` );