view dmd/aggregate.h @ 602:48f079b4fe0f

Fixed ArrayLiteralExp::toConstElem for dynamic arrays, tango-user library should now be possible to build. It seems to be related to DMD bug 2356, which must have been introduced recently, as we already handled this fine for ArrayInitializers, just not ArrayLiterals... Kinda annoying to have to do this work due to DMD bugs ...
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <>
date Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:48:59 +0200
parents aaade6ded589
children 340acf1535d0
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.


#ifdef __DMC__
#pragma once
#endif /* __DMC__ */

#include "root.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"

#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>

struct Identifier;
struct Type;
struct TypeFunction;
struct Expression;
struct FuncDeclaration;
struct CtorDeclaration;
struct DtorDeclaration;
struct InvariantDeclaration;
struct NewDeclaration;
struct DeleteDeclaration;
struct InterfaceDeclaration;
struct ClassInfoDeclaration;
struct VarDeclaration;
struct dt_t;

namespace llvm
    class Type;
    class Value;
    class Constant;
    class ConstantStruct;
    class GlobalVariable;
struct DUnion;

struct AggregateDeclaration : ScopeDsymbol
    Type *type;
    unsigned storage_class;
    enum PROT protection;
    Type *handle;		// 'this' type
    unsigned structsize;	// size of struct
    unsigned alignsize;		// size of struct for alignment purposes
    unsigned structalign;	// struct member alignment in effect
    int hasUnions;		// set if aggregate has overlapping fields
    Array fields;		// VarDeclaration fields
    unsigned sizeok;		// set when structsize contains valid data
				// 0: no size
				// 1: size is correct
				// 2: cannot determine size; fwd referenced
    int isdeprecated;		// !=0 if deprecated
    Scope *scope;		// !=NULL means context to use

    // Special member functions
    InvariantDeclaration *inv;		// invariant
    NewDeclaration *aggNew;		// allocator
    DeleteDeclaration *aggDelete;	// deallocator

    FuncDeclarations dtors;	// Array of destructors
    FuncDeclaration *dtor;	// aggregate destructor

#ifdef IN_GCC
    Array methods;              // flat list of all methods for debug information

    AggregateDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id);
    void semantic2(Scope *sc);
    void semantic3(Scope *sc);
    void inlineScan();
    unsigned size(Loc loc);
    static void alignmember(unsigned salign, unsigned size, unsigned *poffset);
    Type *getType();
    void addField(Scope *sc, VarDeclaration *v);
    int isDeprecated();		// is aggregate deprecated?
    FuncDeclaration *buildDtor(Scope *sc);

    void emitComment(Scope *sc);
    void toDocBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);

    // For access checking
    virtual PROT getAccess(Dsymbol *smember);	// determine access to smember
    int isFriendOf(AggregateDeclaration *cd);
    int hasPrivateAccess(Dsymbol *smember);	// does smember have private access to members of this class?
    void accessCheck(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Dsymbol *smember);

    enum PROT prot();

    // Back end
    Symbol *stag;		// tag symbol for debug data
    Symbol *sinit;
    Symbol *toInitializer();

    AggregateDeclaration *isAggregateDeclaration() { return this; }

struct AnonymousAggregateDeclaration : AggregateDeclaration
	: AggregateDeclaration(0, NULL)

    AnonymousAggregateDeclaration *isAnonymousAggregateDeclaration() { return this; }

struct StructDeclaration : AggregateDeclaration
    int zeroInit;		// !=0 if initialize with 0 fill
#if DMDV2
    int hasIdentityAssign;	// !=0 if has identity opAssign
    FuncDeclaration *cpctor;	// generated copy-constructor, if any

    FuncDeclarations postblits;	// Array of postblit functions
    FuncDeclaration *postblit;	// aggregate postblit

    StructDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    char *mangle();
    const char *kind();
    Expression *cloneMembers();
    void toDocBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);

    PROT getAccess(Dsymbol *smember);	// determine access to smember

    void toObjFile(int multiobj);			// compile to .obj file
    void toDt(dt_t **pdt);
    void toDebug();			// to symbolic debug info

    StructDeclaration *isStructDeclaration() { return this; }

struct UnionDeclaration : StructDeclaration
    UnionDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    const char *kind();

    UnionDeclaration *isUnionDeclaration() { return this; }

struct BaseClass
    Type *type;				// (before semantic processing)
    enum PROT protection;		// protection for the base interface

    ClassDeclaration *base;
    int offset;				// 'this' pointer offset
    Array vtbl;				// for interfaces: Array of FuncDeclaration's
					// making up the vtbl[]

    int baseInterfaces_dim;
    BaseClass *baseInterfaces;		// if BaseClass is an interface, these
					// are a copy of the InterfaceDeclaration::interfaces

    BaseClass(Type *type, enum PROT protection);

    int fillVtbl(ClassDeclaration *cd, Array *vtbl, int newinstance);
    void copyBaseInterfaces(BaseClasses *);

#if DMDV2
#define CLASSINFO_SIZE 	(0x3C+16)	// value of ClassInfo.size
#define CLASSINFO_SIZE 	(0x3C+12)	// value of ClassInfo.size

struct ClassDeclaration : AggregateDeclaration
    static ClassDeclaration *object;
    static ClassDeclaration *classinfo;

    ClassDeclaration *baseClass;	// NULL only if this is Object
    CtorDeclaration *ctor;
    CtorDeclaration *defaultCtor;	// default constructor
    FuncDeclaration *staticCtor;
    FuncDeclaration *staticDtor;
    Array vtbl;				// Array of FuncDeclaration's making up the vtbl[]
    Array vtblFinal;			// More FuncDeclaration's that aren't in vtbl[]

    BaseClasses baseclasses;		// Array of BaseClass's; first is super,
					// rest are Interface's

    int interfaces_dim;
    BaseClass **interfaces;		// interfaces[interfaces_dim] for this class
					// (does not include baseClass)

    BaseClasses *vtblInterfaces;	// array of base interfaces that have
					// their own vtbl[]

    ClassInfoDeclaration *vclassinfo;	// the ClassInfo object for this ClassDeclaration
    int com;				// !=0 if this is a COM class (meaning
					// it derives from IUnknown)
    int isauto;				// !=0 if this is an auto class
    int isabstract;			// !=0 if abstract class

    int isnested;			// !=0 if is nested
    VarDeclaration *vthis;		// 'this' parameter if this class is nested

    int inuse;				// to prevent recursive attempts

    ClassDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, BaseClasses *baseclasses);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    int isBaseOf2(ClassDeclaration *cd);

    #define OFFSET_RUNTIME 0x76543210
    virtual int isBaseOf(ClassDeclaration *cd, int *poffset);

    Dsymbol *search(Loc, Identifier *ident, int flags);
#if DMDV2
    int isFuncHidden(FuncDeclaration *fd);
    FuncDeclaration *findFunc(Identifier *ident, TypeFunction *tf);
    void interfaceSemantic(Scope *sc);
    int isNested();
    int isCOMclass();
    virtual int isCOMinterface();
#if DMDV2
    virtual int isCPPinterface();
    int isAbstract();
    virtual int vtblOffset();
    const char *kind();
    char *mangle();
    void toDocBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);

    PROT getAccess(Dsymbol *smember);	// determine access to smember

    void addLocalClass(ClassDeclarations *);

    // Back end
    void toObjFile(int multiobj);			// compile to .obj file
    void toDebug();
    unsigned baseVtblOffset(BaseClass *bc);
    Symbol *toSymbol();
    Symbol *toVtblSymbol();
    void toDt(dt_t **pdt);
    void toDt2(dt_t **pdt, ClassDeclaration *cd);

    Symbol *vtblsym;

    // llvm
    void offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result);

    ClassDeclaration *isClassDeclaration() { return (ClassDeclaration *)this; }

struct InterfaceDeclaration : ClassDeclaration
#if DMDV2
    int cpp;				// !=0 if this is a C++ interface
    InterfaceDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, BaseClasses *baseclasses);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    int isBaseOf(ClassDeclaration *cd, int *poffset);
    int isBaseOf(BaseClass *bc, int *poffset);
    const char *kind();
    int vtblOffset();
#if DMDV2
    int isCPPinterface();
    virtual int isCOMinterface();

    void toObjFile(int multiobj);			// compile to .obj file
    Symbol *toSymbol();

    InterfaceDeclaration *isInterfaceDeclaration() { return this; }

#endif /* DMD_AGGREGATE_H */