view tests/mini/bug55.d @ 443:44f08170f4ef

Removed tango from the repository and instead added a runtime dir with the files needed to patch and build tango from svn. Reworked the LLVMDC specific pragmas.
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <>
date Fri, 01 Aug 2008 00:32:06 +0200
parents 1bb99290e03a
line wrap: on
line source

module bug55;
extern(C) int printf(char*, ...);

int atoi(char[] s) {
    int i, fac=1;
    bool neg = (s.length) && (s[0] == '-');
    char[] a = neg ? s[1..$] : s;
    foreach_reverse(c; a) {
        i += (c-'0') * fac;
        fac *= 10;
    return !neg ? i : -i;

void main()
    printf("64213 = %d\n", atoi("64213"));
    printf("-64213 = %d\n", atoi("-64213"));
    assert(atoi("64213") == 64213);
    assert(atoi("-64213") == -64213);