view gen/dvalue.h @ 1650:40bd4a0d4870

Update to work with LLVM 2.7. Removed use of dyn_cast, llvm no compiles without exceptions and rtti by default. We do need exceptions for the libconfig stuff, but rtti isn't necessary (anymore). Debug info needs to be rewritten, as in LLVM 2.7 the format has completely changed. To have something to look at while rewriting, the old code has been wrapped inside #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUG_INFO , this means that you have to define this to compile at the moment. Updated tango 0.99.9 patch to include updated EH runtime code, which is needed for LLVM 2.7 as well.
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen
date Wed, 19 May 2010 12:42:32 +0200
parents a5bfed1f6775
line wrap: on
line source


These classes are used for generating the IR. They encapsulate D values and
provide a common interface to the most common operations. When more specialized
handling is necessary, they hold enough information to do-the-right-thing (TM)

#include <cassert>
#include "root.h"

struct Type;
struct Dsymbol;
struct VarDeclaration;
struct FuncDeclaration;

namespace llvm
    class Value;
    class Type;
    class Constant;

struct DImValue;
struct DConstValue;
struct DNullValue;
struct DVarValue;
struct DFieldValue;
struct DFuncValue;
struct DSliceValue;

// base class for d-values
struct DValue : Object
    Type* type;
    DValue(Type* ty) : type(ty) {}

    Type*& getType() { assert(type); return type; }

    virtual llvm::Value* getLVal() { assert(0); return 0; }
    virtual llvm::Value* getRVal() { assert(0); return 0; }

    virtual bool isLVal() { return false; }

    virtual DImValue* isIm() { return NULL; }
    virtual DConstValue* isConst() { return NULL; }
    virtual DNullValue* isNull() { return NULL; }
    virtual DVarValue* isVar() { return NULL; }
    virtual DFieldValue* isField() { return NULL; }
    virtual DSliceValue* isSlice() { return NULL; }
    virtual DFuncValue* isFunc() { return NULL; }

    DValue() {}
    DValue(const DValue&) { }
    DValue& operator=(const DValue& other) { type = other.type; return *this; }

// immediate d-value
struct DImValue : DValue
    llvm::Value* val;

    DImValue(Type* t, llvm::Value* v) : DValue(t), val(v) { }

    virtual llvm::Value* getRVal() { assert(val); return val; }

    virtual DImValue* isIm() { return this; }

// constant d-value
struct DConstValue : DValue
    llvm::Constant* c;

    DConstValue(Type* t, llvm::Constant* con) : DValue(t), c(con) {}

    virtual llvm::Value* getRVal();

    virtual DConstValue* isConst() { return this; }

// null d-value
struct DNullValue : DConstValue
    DNullValue(Type* t, llvm::Constant* con) : DConstValue(t,con) {}
    virtual DNullValue* isNull() { return this; }

// variable d-value
struct DVarValue : DValue
    VarDeclaration* var;
    llvm::Value* val;

    DVarValue(Type* t, VarDeclaration* vd, llvm::Value* llvmValue);
    DVarValue(Type* t, llvm::Value* llvmValue);

    virtual bool isLVal() { return true; }
    virtual llvm::Value* getLVal();
    virtual llvm::Value* getRVal();

    virtual DVarValue* isVar() { return this; }

// field d-value
struct DFieldValue : DVarValue
    DFieldValue(Type* t, llvm::Value* llvmValue) : DVarValue(t, llvmValue) {}
    virtual DFieldValue* isField() { return this; }

// slice d-value
struct DSliceValue : DValue
    llvm::Value* len;
    llvm::Value* ptr;

    DSliceValue(Type* t, llvm::Value* l, llvm::Value* p) : DValue(t), len(l), ptr(p) {}

    virtual llvm::Value* getRVal();

    virtual DSliceValue* isSlice() { return this; }

// function d-value
struct DFuncValue : DValue
    FuncDeclaration* func;
    llvm::Value* val;
    llvm::Value* vthis;

    DFuncValue(FuncDeclaration* fd, llvm::Value* v, llvm::Value* vt = 0);

    virtual llvm::Value* getRVal();

    virtual DFuncValue* isFunc() { return this; }

#endif // LDC_GEN_DVALUE_H