view dmd/scope.c @ 1650:40bd4a0d4870

Update to work with LLVM 2.7. Removed use of dyn_cast, llvm no compiles without exceptions and rtti by default. We do need exceptions for the libconfig stuff, but rtti isn't necessary (anymore). Debug info needs to be rewritten, as in LLVM 2.7 the format has completely changed. To have something to look at while rewriting, the old code has been wrapped inside #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUG_INFO , this means that you have to define this to compile at the moment. Updated tango 0.99.9 patch to include updated EH runtime code, which is needed for LLVM 2.7 as well.
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen
date Wed, 19 May 2010 12:42:32 +0200
parents 9bf06e02070b
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (c) 1999-2010 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "root.h"
#include "speller.h"

#include "mars.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "identifier.h"
#include "attrib.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "id.h"

Scope *Scope::freelist = NULL;

void *Scope::operator new(size_t size)
    if (freelist)
	Scope *s = freelist;
	freelist = s->enclosing;
	//printf("freelist %p\n", s);
	assert(s->flags & SCOPEfree);
	s->flags &= ~SCOPEfree;
	return s;

    void *p = ::operator new(size);
    //printf("new %p\n", p);
    return p;

{   // Create root scope

    //printf("Scope::Scope() %p\n", this);
    this->module = NULL;
    this->scopesym = NULL;
    this->sd = NULL;
    this->enclosing = NULL;
    this->parent = NULL;
    this->sw = NULL;
    this->enclosingFinally = NULL;
    this->enclosingScopeExit = NULL;
    this->tinst = NULL;
    this->sbreak = NULL;
    this->scontinue = NULL;
    this->fes = NULL;
    this->structalign = global.structalign;
    this->func = NULL;
    this->slabel = NULL;
    this->linkage = LINKd;
    this->protection = PROTpublic;
    this->explicitProtection = 0;
    this->stc = 0;
    this->offset = 0;
    this->inunion = 0;
    this->incontract = 0;
    this->nofree = 0;
    this->noctor = 0;
    this->noaccesscheck = 0;
    this->mustsemantic = 0;
    this->intypeof = 0;
    this->parameterSpecialization = 0;
    this->callSuper = 0;
    this->flags = 0;
    this->anonAgg = NULL;
    this->lastdc = NULL;
    this->lastoffset = 0;
    this->docbuf = NULL;

Scope::Scope(Scope *enclosing)
    //printf("Scope::Scope(enclosing = %p) %p\n", enclosing, this);
    assert(!(enclosing->flags & SCOPEfree));
    this->module = enclosing->module;
    this->func   = enclosing->func;
    this->parent = enclosing->parent;
    this->scopesym = NULL;
    this->sd = NULL;
    this->sw = enclosing->sw;
    this->enclosingFinally = enclosing->enclosingFinally;
    this->enclosingScopeExit = enclosing->enclosingScopeExit;
    this->tinst = enclosing->tinst;
    this->sbreak = enclosing->sbreak;
    this->scontinue = enclosing->scontinue;
    this->fes = enclosing->fes;
    this->structalign = enclosing->structalign;
    this->enclosing = enclosing;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (enclosing->enclosing)
	assert(!(enclosing->enclosing->flags & SCOPEfree));
    if (this == enclosing->enclosing)
	printf("this = %p, enclosing = %p, enclosing->enclosing = %p\n", this, enclosing, enclosing->enclosing);
    assert(this != enclosing->enclosing);
    this->slabel = NULL;
    this->linkage = enclosing->linkage;
    this->protection = enclosing->protection;
    this->explicitProtection = enclosing->explicitProtection;
    this->stc = enclosing->stc;
    this->offset = 0;
    this->inunion = enclosing->inunion;
    this->incontract = enclosing->incontract;
    this->nofree = 0;
    this->noctor = enclosing->noctor;
    this->noaccesscheck = enclosing->noaccesscheck;
    this->mustsemantic = enclosing->mustsemantic;
    this->intypeof = enclosing->intypeof;
    this->parameterSpecialization = enclosing->parameterSpecialization;
    this->callSuper = enclosing->callSuper;
    this->flags = 0;
    this->anonAgg = NULL;
    this->lastdc = NULL;
    this->lastoffset = 0;
    this->docbuf = enclosing->docbuf;
    assert(this != enclosing);

Scope *Scope::createGlobal(Module *module)
    Scope *sc;

    sc = new Scope();
    sc->module = module;
    sc->scopesym = new ScopeDsymbol();
    sc->scopesym->symtab = new DsymbolTable();

    // Add top level package as member of this global scope
    Dsymbol *m = module;
    while (m->parent)
	m = m->parent;
    m->addMember(NULL, sc->scopesym, 1);
    m->parent = NULL;			// got changed by addMember()

    // Create the module scope underneath the global scope
    sc = sc->push(module);
    sc->parent = module;
    return sc;

Scope *Scope::push()
    Scope *s = new Scope(this);
    assert(this != s);
    return s;

Scope *Scope::push(ScopeDsymbol *ss)
    //printf("Scope::push(%s)\n", ss->toChars());
    Scope *s = push();
    s->scopesym = ss;
    return s;

Scope *Scope::pop()
    //printf("Scope::pop() %p nofree = %d\n", this, nofree);
    Scope *enc = enclosing;

    if (enclosing)
	enclosing->callSuper |= callSuper;

    if (!nofree)
    {	enclosing = freelist;
	freelist = this;
	flags |= SCOPEfree;

    return enc;

void Scope::mergeCallSuper(Loc loc, unsigned cs)
    // This does a primitive flow analysis to support the restrictions
    // regarding when and how constructors can appear.
    // It merges the results of two paths.
    // The two paths are callSuper and cs; the result is merged into callSuper.

    if (cs != callSuper)
    {	int a;
	int b;

	callSuper |= cs & (CSXany_ctor | CSXlabel);
	if (cs & CSXreturn)
	else if (callSuper & CSXreturn)
	    callSuper = cs | (callSuper & (CSXany_ctor | CSXlabel));
	    a = (cs        & (CSXthis_ctor | CSXsuper_ctor)) != 0;
	    b = (callSuper & (CSXthis_ctor | CSXsuper_ctor)) != 0;
	    if (a != b)
		error(loc, "one path skips constructor");
	    callSuper |= cs;

Dsymbol *Scope::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Dsymbol **pscopesym)
{   Dsymbol *s;
    Scope *sc;

    //printf("Scope::search(%p, '%s')\n", this, ident->toChars());
    if (ident == Id::empty)
	// Look for module scope
	for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc->enclosing)
	    assert(sc != sc->enclosing);
	    if (sc->scopesym)
		s = sc->scopesym->isModule();
		if (s)
		    //printf("\tfound %s.%s\n", s->parent ? s->parent->toChars() : "", s->toChars());
		    if (pscopesym)
			*pscopesym = sc->scopesym;
		    return s;
	return NULL;

    for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc->enclosing)
	assert(sc != sc->enclosing);
	if (sc->scopesym)
	    //printf("\tlooking in scopesym '%s', kind = '%s'\n", sc->scopesym->toChars(), sc->scopesym->kind());
	    s = sc->scopesym->search(loc, ident, 0);
	    if (s)
		if ((global.params.warnings ||
		    global.params.Dversion > 1) &&
		    ident == Id::length &&
		    sc->scopesym->isArrayScopeSymbol() &&
		    sc->enclosing &&
		    sc->enclosing->search(loc, ident, NULL))
		    warning(s->loc, "array 'length' hides other 'length' name in outer scope");

		//printf("\tfound %s.%s, kind = '%s'\n", s->parent ? s->parent->toChars() : "", s->toChars(), s->kind());
		if (pscopesym)
		    *pscopesym = sc->scopesym;
		return s;

    return NULL;

Dsymbol *Scope::insert(Dsymbol *s)
{   Scope *sc;

    for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc->enclosing)
	//printf("\tsc = %p\n", sc);
	if (sc->scopesym)
	    //printf("\t\tsc->scopesym = %p\n", sc->scopesym);
	    if (!sc->scopesym->symtab)
		sc->scopesym->symtab = new DsymbolTable();
	    return sc->scopesym->symtabInsert(s);
    return NULL;

 * Search enclosing scopes for ClassDeclaration.

ClassDeclaration *Scope::getClassScope()
{   Scope *sc;

    for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc->enclosing)
	ClassDeclaration *cd;
	if (sc->scopesym)
	    cd = sc->scopesym->isClassDeclaration();
	    if (cd)
		return cd;
    return NULL;

 * Search enclosing scopes for ClassDeclaration.

AggregateDeclaration *Scope::getStructClassScope()
{   Scope *sc;

    for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc->enclosing)
	AggregateDeclaration *ad;
	if (sc->scopesym)
	    ad = sc->scopesym->isClassDeclaration();
	    if (ad)
		return ad;
	    {	ad = sc->scopesym->isStructDeclaration();
		if (ad)
		    return ad;
    return NULL;

 * For TemplateDeclarations, we need to remember the Scope
 * where it was declared. So mark the Scope as not
 * to be free'd.

void Scope::setNoFree()
{   Scope *sc;
    //int i = 0;

    //printf("Scope::setNoFree(this = %p)\n", this);
    for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc->enclosing)
	//printf("\tsc = %p\n", sc);
	sc->nofree = 1;

	assert(!(flags & SCOPEfree));
	//assert(sc != sc->enclosing);
	//assert(!sc->enclosing || sc != sc->enclosing->enclosing);
	//if (++i == 10)

 * Given the failed search attempt, try to find
 * one with a close spelling.

void *scope_search_fp(void *arg, const char *seed)
    //printf("scope_search_fp('%s')\n", seed);
    Scope *sc = (Scope *)arg;
    Identifier id(seed, 0);
    Dsymbol *s = sc->search(0, &id, NULL);
    return s;

Dsymbol *Scope::search_correct(Identifier *ident)
    if (global.gag)
	return NULL;		// don't do it for speculative compiles; too time consuming

    return (Dsymbol *)speller(ident->toChars(), &scope_search_fp, this, idchars);