view tests/runminitest.d @ 1317:4099548c80e0

Allocate objects on the stack if they (a) don't have a destructor, and (b) don't override the delete operator (on top of the regular conditions for stack allocation that also apply to arrays, structs, etc.). The "no destructor" clause is not strictly necessary, but calling them at the right time would be tricky to say the least; it would involve, among other things, "manually" inserting a try-finally block around anything that might throw exceptions not caught in the current function. Note: objects with custom new operators are automatically ignored because they don't use the regular allocation runtime call, so there's no need to pay special attention to them.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 09 May 2009 00:50:15 +0200
parents 498c484f3a03
children 9081d916df1d
line wrap: on
line source

module runminitest;

import Path =;
import Util = tango.text.Util;
import tango.text.convert.Format;
import tango.stdc.stdlib, 

int main(char[][] args)
    enum : int

    char[][] compilefailed;
    char[][] nocompilefailed;
    char[][] runfailed;
    char[][] norunfailed;


    if (!Path.exists("obj"))

    foreach(f; Path.children("./obj"))
        Path.remove(f.path ~;

    static int classify(char[] name)
        char[] tail;
        char[] desc = Util.head(name, "_", tail);
        if ("compile" == desc)
            return COMPILE;
        else if ("nocompile" == desc)
            return NOCOMPILE;
        else if ("run" == desc)
            return RUN;
        else if ("norun" == desc)
            return NORUN;
        return RUN;

    auto scan = new FileFolder (".");
    auto contents = scan.tree.catalog("*.d");
    foreach(c; contents) {
        auto testname = Path.parse(;
        Stdout.formatln("TEST NAME: {}", testname);

        char[] cmd = Format.convert("ldc {} -quiet -L-s -ofobj/{}", c, testname);
        foreach(v; args[1..$]) {
            cmd ~= ' ';
            cmd ~= v;
        int cl = classify(testname);
        if (cl == COMPILE || cl == NOCOMPILE)
            cmd ~= " -c";
        if (system(toStringz(cmd)) != 0) {
            if (cl != NOCOMPILE)
                compilefailed ~= c.toString;
        else if (cl == RUN || cl == NORUN) {
            if (system(toStringz("obj/" ~ testname)) != 0) {
                if (cl == RUN)
                    runfailed ~= c.toString;
            else {
                if (cl == NORUN)
                    norunfailed ~= c.toString;
        else {
            if (cl == NOCOMPILE)
                nocompilefailed ~= c.toString;

    size_t nerrors = 0;

    if (compilefailed.length > 0)
        Stdout.formatln("{}{}{}{}", compilefailed.length, '/', contents.files, " of the tests failed to compile:");
        foreach(b; compilefailed) {
            Stdout.formatln(" {}",b);
        nerrors += compilefailed.length;

    if (nocompilefailed.length > 0)
        Stdout.formatln("{}{}{}{}", nocompilefailed.length, '/', contents.files, " of the tests failed to NOT compile:");
        foreach(b; nocompilefailed) {
            Stdout.formatln(" {}",b);
        nerrors += nocompilefailed.length;

    if (runfailed.length > 0)
        Stdout.formatln("{}{}{}{}", runfailed.length, '/', contents.files, " of the tests failed to run:");
        foreach(b; runfailed) {
            Stdout.formatln("  {}",b);
        nerrors += runfailed.length;

    if (norunfailed.length > 0)
        Stdout.formatln("{}{}{}{}", norunfailed.length, '/', contents.files, " of the tests failed to NOT run:");
        foreach(b; norunfailed) {
            Stdout.formatln(" {}",b);
        nerrors += norunfailed.length;

    Stdout.formatln("{}{}{}{}", contents.files - nerrors, '/', contents.files, " of the tests passed");

    return nerrors ? 1 : 0;