view dmd/expression.h @ 1317:4099548c80e0

Allocate objects on the stack if they (a) don't have a destructor, and (b) don't override the delete operator (on top of the regular conditions for stack allocation that also apply to arrays, structs, etc.). The "no destructor" clause is not strictly necessary, but calling them at the right time would be tricky to say the least; it would involve, among other things, "manually" inserting a try-finally block around anything that might throw exceptions not caught in the current function. Note: objects with custom new operators are automatically ignored because they don't use the regular allocation runtime call, so there's no need to pay special attention to them.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Sat, 09 May 2009 00:50:15 +0200
parents e961851fb8be
children 78038e540342
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.


#include "mars.h"
#include "identifier.h"
#include "lexer.h"
#include "arraytypes.h"

struct Type;
struct Scope;
struct TupleDeclaration;
struct VarDeclaration;
struct FuncDeclaration;
struct FuncLiteralDeclaration;
struct Declaration;
struct CtorDeclaration;
struct NewDeclaration;
struct Dsymbol;
struct Import;
struct Module;
struct ScopeDsymbol;
struct InlineCostState;
struct InlineDoState;
struct InlineScanState;
struct Expression;
struct Declaration;
struct AggregateDeclaration;
struct StructDeclaration;
struct TemplateInstance;
struct TemplateDeclaration;
struct ClassDeclaration;
struct HdrGenState;
struct BinExp;
struct InterState;
struct OverloadSet;

enum TOK;

#if IN_DMD
// Back end
struct IRState;

struct dt_t;
struct elem;
struct Symbol;		// back end symbol

#ifdef IN_GCC
union tree_node; typedef union tree_node elem;

struct IRState;
struct DValue;
namespace llvm {
    class Constant;
    class ConstantInt;

void initPrecedence();

Expression *resolveProperties(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
void accessCheck(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression *e, Declaration *d);
Dsymbol *search_function(AggregateDeclaration *ad, Identifier *funcid);
void inferApplyArgTypes(enum TOK op, Arguments *arguments, Expression *aggr);
void argExpTypesToCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments, HdrGenState *hgs);
void argsToCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments, HdrGenState *hgs);
void expandTuples(Expressions *exps);
FuncDeclaration *hasThis(Scope *sc);
Expression *fromConstInitializer(int result, Expression *e);
int arrayExpressionCanThrow(Expressions *exps);

struct Expression : Object
    Loc loc;			// file location
    enum TOK op;		// handy to minimize use of dynamic_cast
    Type *type;			// !=NULL means that semantic() has been run
    int size;			// # of bytes in Expression so we can copy() it

    Expression(Loc loc, enum TOK op, int size);
    Expression *copy();
    virtual Expression *syntaxCopy();
    virtual Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);

    int dyncast() { return DYNCAST_EXPRESSION; }	// kludge for template.isExpression()

    void print();
    char *toChars();
    virtual void dump(int indent);
    void error(const char *format, ...);
    void warning(const char *format, ...);
    virtual void rvalue();

    static Expression *combine(Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    static Expressions *arraySyntaxCopy(Expressions *exps);

    virtual dinteger_t toInteger();
    virtual uinteger_t toUInteger();
    virtual real_t toReal();
    virtual real_t toImaginary();
    virtual complex_t toComplex();
    virtual void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    virtual void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
    virtual Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    virtual Expression *modifiableLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *implicitCastTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    virtual MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    virtual Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    virtual void checkEscape();
    void checkScalar();
    void checkNoBool();
    Expression *checkIntegral();
    Expression *checkArithmetic();
    void checkDeprecated(Scope *sc, Dsymbol *s);
    virtual Expression *checkToBoolean();
    Expression *checkToPointer();
    Expression *addressOf(Scope *sc);
    Expression *deref();
    Expression *integralPromotions(Scope *sc);

    Expression *toDelegate(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    virtual void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    virtual Expression *optimize(int result);
    #define WANTflags	1
    #define WANTvalue	2
    #define WANTinterpret 4

    virtual Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);

    virtual int isConst();
    virtual int isBool(int result);
    virtual int isBit();
    virtual int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    virtual int canThrow();

    virtual int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    virtual Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    virtual Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    // For operator overloading
    virtual int isCommutative();
    virtual Identifier *opId();
    virtual Identifier *opId_r();

    // For array ops
    virtual void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    virtual Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

#if IN_DMD
    // Back end
    virtual elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    virtual dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);

    virtual DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    virtual llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);
    virtual void cacheLvalue(IRState* irs);

    llvm::Value* cachedLvalue;

struct IntegerExp : Expression
    dinteger_t value;

    IntegerExp(Loc loc, dinteger_t value, Type *type);
    IntegerExp(dinteger_t value);
    int equals(Object *o);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    char *toChars();
    void dump(int indent);
    dinteger_t toInteger();
    real_t toReal();
    real_t toImaginary();
    complex_t toComplex();
    int isConst();
    int isBool(int result);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct RealExp : Expression
    real_t value;

    RealExp(Loc loc, real_t value, Type *type);
    int equals(Object *o);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    char *toChars();
    dinteger_t toInteger();
    uinteger_t toUInteger();
    real_t toReal();
    real_t toImaginary();
    complex_t toComplex();
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    int isConst();
    int isBool(int result);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct ComplexExp : Expression
    complex_t value;

    ComplexExp(Loc loc, complex_t value, Type *type);
    int equals(Object *o);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    char *toChars();
    dinteger_t toInteger();
    uinteger_t toUInteger();
    real_t toReal();
    real_t toImaginary();
    complex_t toComplex();
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    int isConst();
    int isBool(int result);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
#ifdef _DH
    OutBuffer hexp;
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct IdentifierExp : Expression
    Identifier *ident;
    Declaration *var;

    IdentifierExp(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
    IdentifierExp(Loc loc, Declaration *var);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    char *toChars();
    void dump(int indent);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);

struct DollarExp : IdentifierExp
    DollarExp(Loc loc);

struct DsymbolExp : Expression
    Dsymbol *s;

    DsymbolExp(Loc loc, Dsymbol *s);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    char *toChars();
    void dump(int indent);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);

struct ThisExp : Expression
    Declaration *var;

    ThisExp(Loc loc);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    int isBool(int result);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    //Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct SuperExp : ThisExp
    SuperExp(Loc loc);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    //Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

struct NullExp : Expression
    unsigned char committed;	// !=0 if type is committed

    NullExp(Loc loc);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    int isBool(int result);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct StringExp : Expression
    void *string;	// char, wchar, or dchar data
    size_t len;		// number of chars, wchars, or dchars
    unsigned char sz;	// 1: char, 2: wchar, 4: dchar
    unsigned char committed;	// !=0 if type is committed
    unsigned char postfix;	// 'c', 'w', 'd'

    StringExp(Loc loc, char *s);
    StringExp(Loc loc, void *s, size_t len);
    StringExp(Loc loc, void *s, size_t len, unsigned char postfix);
    //Expression *syntaxCopy();
    int equals(Object *o);
    char *toChars();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    StringExp *toUTF8(Scope *sc);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    int compare(Object *obj);
    int isBool(int result);
    unsigned charAt(size_t i);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

// Tuple

struct TupleExp : Expression
    Expressions *exps;

    TupleExp(Loc loc, Expressions *exps);
    TupleExp(Loc loc, TupleDeclaration *tup);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    int equals(Object *o);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    void checkEscape();
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct ArrayLiteralExp : Expression
    Expressions *elements;

    ArrayLiteralExp(Loc loc, Expressions *elements);
    ArrayLiteralExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);

    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    int isBool(int result);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct AssocArrayLiteralExp : Expression
    Expressions *keys;
    Expressions *values;

    AssocArrayLiteralExp(Loc loc, Expressions *keys, Expressions *values);

    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    int isBool(int result);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct StructLiteralExp : Expression
    StructDeclaration *sd;		// which aggregate this is for
    Expressions *elements;	// parallels sd->fields[] with
				// NULL entries for fields to skip

#if IN_DMD
    Symbol *sym;		// back end symbol to initialize with literal
    size_t soffset;		// offset from start of s
    int fillHoles;		// fill alignment 'holes' with zero

    StructLiteralExp(Loc loc, StructDeclaration *sd, Expressions *elements);

    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *getField(Type *type, unsigned offset);
    int getFieldIndex(Type *type, unsigned offset);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void toMangleBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    // LDC: struct literals aren't lvalues! Taking their address can lead to 
    //      incorrect behavior, see LDC#218, DMD#2682
    // Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct TypeDotIdExp : Expression
    Identifier *ident;

    TypeDotIdExp(Loc loc, Type *type, Identifier *ident);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct TypeExp : Expression
    TypeExp(Loc loc, Type *type);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct ScopeExp : Expression
    ScopeDsymbol *sds;

    ScopeExp(Loc loc, ScopeDsymbol *sds);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct TemplateExp : Expression
    TemplateDeclaration *td;

    TemplateExp(Loc loc, TemplateDeclaration *td);
    void rvalue();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct NewExp : Expression
    /* newtype(arguments)
    Expression *thisexp;	// if !NULL, 'this' for class being allocated
    Expressions *newargs;	// Array of Expression's to call new operator
    Type *newtype;
    Expressions *arguments;	// Array of Expression's

    CtorDeclaration *member;	// constructor function
    NewDeclaration *allocator;	// allocator function
    int onstack;		// allocate on stack

    NewExp(Loc loc, Expression *thisexp, Expressions *newargs,
	Type *newtype, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    //int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    //Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct NewAnonClassExp : Expression
    /* class baseclasses { } (arguments)
    Expression *thisexp;	// if !NULL, 'this' for class being allocated
    Expressions *newargs;	// Array of Expression's to call new operator
    ClassDeclaration *cd;	// class being instantiated
    Expressions *arguments;	// Array of Expression's to call class constructor

    NewAnonClassExp(Loc loc, Expression *thisexp, Expressions *newargs,
	ClassDeclaration *cd, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

// Offset from symbol

struct SymOffExp : Expression
    Declaration *var;
    unsigned offset;

    SymOffExp(Loc loc, Declaration *var, unsigned offset);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void checkEscape();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    int isConst();
    int isBool(int result);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

// Variable

struct VarExp : Expression
    Declaration *var;

    VarExp(Loc loc, Declaration *var);
    int equals(Object *o);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void dump(int indent);
    char *toChars();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void checkEscape();
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *modifiableLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    //Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);
    void cacheLvalue(IRState* irs);

#if DMDV2
// Overload Set

struct OverExp : Expression
    OverloadSet *vars;

    OverExp(OverloadSet *s);
    int isLvalue();
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);

// Function/Delegate literal

struct FuncExp : Expression
    FuncLiteralDeclaration *fd;

    FuncExp(Loc loc, FuncLiteralDeclaration *fd);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    char *toChars();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    //Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    //Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

// Declaration of a symbol

struct DeclarationExp : Expression
    Dsymbol *declaration;

    DeclarationExp(Loc loc, Dsymbol *declaration);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct TypeidExp : Expression
    Type *typeidType;

    TypeidExp(Loc loc, Type *typeidType);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

#if DMDV2
struct TraitsExp : Expression
    Identifier *ident;
    Objects *args;

    TraitsExp(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Objects *args);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct HaltExp : Expression
    HaltExp(Loc loc);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct IsExp : Expression
    /* is(targ id tok tspec)
     * is(targ id == tok2)
    Type *targ;
    Identifier *id;	// can be NULL
    enum TOK tok;	// ':' or '=='
    Type *tspec;	// can be NULL
    enum TOK tok2;	// 'struct', 'union', 'typedef', etc.

    IsExp(Loc loc, Type *targ, Identifier *id, enum TOK tok, Type *tspec, enum TOK tok2);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);


struct UnaExp : Expression
    Expression *e1;

    UnaExp(Loc loc, enum TOK op, int size, Expression *e1);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    void dump(int indent);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpretCommon(InterState *istate, Expression *(*fp)(Type *, Expression *));

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    Expression *op_overload(Scope *sc);	// doesn't need to be virtual

struct BinExp : Expression
    Expression *e1;
    Expression *e2;

    BinExp(Loc loc, enum TOK op, int size, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *semanticp(Scope *sc);
    Expression *commonSemanticAssign(Scope *sc);
    Expression *commonSemanticAssignIntegral(Scope *sc);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *scaleFactor(Scope *sc);
    Expression *typeCombine(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    int isunsigned();
    void incompatibleTypes();
    void dump(int indent);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpretCommon(InterState *istate, Expression *(*fp)(Type *, Expression *, Expression *));
    Expression *interpretCommon2(InterState *istate, Expression *(*fp)(TOK, Type *, Expression *, Expression *));
    Expression *interpretAssignCommon(InterState *istate, Expression *(*fp)(Type *, Expression *, Expression *), int post = 0);
    Expression *arrayOp(Scope *sc);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    Expression *op_overload(Scope *sc);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElemBin(IRState *irs, int op);

struct BinAssignExp : BinExp
    BinAssignExp(Loc loc, enum TOK op, int size, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);


struct CompileExp : UnaExp
    CompileExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct FileExp : UnaExp
    FileExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct AssertExp : UnaExp
    Expression *msg;

    AssertExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Expression *msg = NULL);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct DotIdExp : UnaExp
    Identifier *ident;

    DotIdExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void dump(int i);

struct DotTemplateExp : UnaExp
    TemplateDeclaration *td;
    DotTemplateExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, TemplateDeclaration *td);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct DotVarExp : UnaExp
    Declaration *var;

    DotVarExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Declaration *var);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *modifiableLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void dump(int indent);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    void cacheLvalue(IRState* irs);

struct DotTemplateInstanceExp : UnaExp
    TemplateInstance *ti;

    DotTemplateInstanceExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, TemplateInstance *ti);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void dump(int indent);

struct DelegateExp : UnaExp
    FuncDeclaration *func;

    DelegateExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, FuncDeclaration *func);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void dump(int indent);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct DotTypeExp : UnaExp
    Dsymbol *sym;		// symbol that represents a type

    DotTypeExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Dsymbol *sym);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct CallExp : UnaExp
    Expressions *arguments;	// function arguments

    CallExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Expressions *exps);
    CallExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    CallExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Expression *earg1);
    CallExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Expression *earg1, Expression *earg2);

    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void dump(int indent);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct AddrExp : UnaExp
    AddrExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    Expression *optimize(int result);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct PtrExp : UnaExp
    PtrExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    PtrExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Type *t);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    void cacheLvalue(IRState* irs);

struct NegExp : UnaExp
    NegExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct UAddExp : UnaExp
    UAddExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();

struct ComExp : UnaExp
    ComExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct NotExp : UnaExp
    NotExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int isBit();
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct BoolExp : UnaExp
    BoolExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Type *type);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int isBit();
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct DeleteExp : UnaExp
    DeleteExp(Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *checkToBoolean();
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct CastExp : UnaExp
    // Possible to cast to one type while painting to another type
    Type *to;			// type to cast to

    CastExp(Loc loc, Expression *e, Type *t);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void checkEscape();
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct SliceExp : UnaExp
    Expression *upr;		// NULL if implicit 0
    Expression *lwr;		// NULL if implicit [length - 1]
    VarDeclaration *lengthVar;

    SliceExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *lwr, Expression *upr);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void checkEscape();
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *modifiableLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void dump(int indent);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);

struct ArrayLengthExp : UnaExp
    ArrayLengthExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

// e1[a0,a1,a2,a3,...]

struct ArrayExp : UnaExp
    Expressions *arguments;		// Array of Expression's

    ArrayExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);


struct DotExp : BinExp
    DotExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);

struct CommaExp : BinExp
    CommaExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    void checkEscape();
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *modifiableLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    int isBool(int result);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct IndexExp : BinExp
    VarDeclaration *lengthVar;
    int modifiable;

    IndexExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *modifiableLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
#elif IN_LLVM
    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);
    void cacheLvalue(IRState* irs);

/* For both i++ and i--
struct PostExp : BinExp
    PostExp(enum TOK op, Loc loc, Expression *e);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Identifier *opId();    // For operator overloading
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct AssignExp : BinExp
{   int ismemset;	// !=0 if setting the contents of an array

    AssignExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *checkToBoolean();
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    Identifier *opId();    // For operator overloading
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

#if IN_DMD
#define ASSIGNEXP_TOELEM    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);
#elif IN_LLVM
#define ASSIGNEXP_TOELEM    DValue* toElem(IRState *irs);

#define ASSIGNEXP(op)	\
struct op##AssignExp : BinExp					\
{								\
    op##AssignExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);	\
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);				\
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);			\
    X(void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);) \
    X(Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);)		\
    Identifier *opId();    /* For operator overloading */	\
    ASSIGNEXP_TOELEM					        \

#define X(a) a
#undef X

#define X(a)


#undef X

struct AddExp : BinExp
    AddExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    int isCommutative();
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct MinExp : BinExp
    MinExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct CatExp : BinExp
    CatExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct MulExp : BinExp
    MulExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    int isCommutative();
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct DivExp : BinExp
    DivExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct ModExp : BinExp
    ModExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct ShlExp : BinExp
    ShlExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct ShrExp : BinExp
    ShrExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct UshrExp : BinExp
    UshrExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct AndExp : BinExp
    AndExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    int isCommutative();
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct OrExp : BinExp
    OrExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    int isCommutative();
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct XorExp : BinExp
    XorExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void buildArrayIdent(OutBuffer *buf, Expressions *arguments);
    Expression *buildArrayLoop(Arguments *fparams);

    // For operator overloading
    int isCommutative();
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct OrOrExp : BinExp
    OrOrExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *checkToBoolean();
    int isBit();
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct AndAndExp : BinExp
    AndAndExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *checkToBoolean();
    int isBit();
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct CmpExp : BinExp
    CmpExp(enum TOK op, Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int isBit();

    // For operator overloading
    int isCommutative();
    Identifier *opId();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct InExp : BinExp
    InExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    int isBit();

    // For operator overloading
    Identifier *opId();
    Identifier *opId_r();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

struct RemoveExp : BinExp
    RemoveExp(Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

// == and !=

struct EqualExp : BinExp
    EqualExp(enum TOK op, Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    int isBit();

    // For operator overloading
    int isCommutative();
    Identifier *opId();

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

// === and !===

struct IdentityExp : BinExp
    IdentityExp(enum TOK op, Loc loc, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    int isBit();
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);


struct CondExp : BinExp
    Expression *econd;

    CondExp(Loc loc, Expression *econd, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
    Expression *syntaxCopy();
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *optimize(int result);
    Expression *interpret(InterState *istate);
    void checkEscape();
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *modifiableLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);
    Expression *checkToBoolean();
    int checkSideEffect(int flag);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *t);
    Expression *castTo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
    void scanForNestedRef(Scope *sc);

    int inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics);
    Expression *doInline(InlineDoState *ids);
    Expression *inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss);

#if IN_DMD
    elem *toElem(IRState *irs);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);

#if DMDV2

struct DefaultInitExp : Expression
    enum TOK subop;		// which of the derived classes this is

    DefaultInitExp(Loc loc, enum TOK subop, int size);
    virtual Expression *resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc) = 0;
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct FileInitExp : DefaultInitExp
    FileInitExp(Loc loc);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc);

struct LineInitExp : DefaultInitExp
    LineInitExp(Loc loc);
    Expression *semantic(Scope *sc);
    Expression *resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc);



// this stuff is strictly LDC

struct GEPExp : UnaExp
    unsigned index;
    Identifier* ident;

    GEPExp(Loc loc, Expression* e, Identifier* id, unsigned idx);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    Expression *toLvalue(Scope *sc, Expression *e);

    DValue* toElem(IRState* irs);
    llvm::Constant *toConstElem(IRState *irs);



/* Special values used by the interpreter
#define EXP_CANT_INTERPRET	((Expression *)1)
#define EXP_CONTINUE_INTERPRET	((Expression *)2)
#define EXP_BREAK_INTERPRET	((Expression *)3)
#define EXP_GOTO_INTERPRET	((Expression *)4)
#define EXP_VOID_INTERPRET	((Expression *)5)

Expression *expType(Type *type, Expression *e);

Expression *Neg(Type *type, Expression *e1);
Expression *Com(Type *type, Expression *e1);
Expression *Not(Type *type, Expression *e1);
Expression *Bool(Type *type, Expression *e1);
Expression *Cast(Type *type, Type *to, Expression *e1);
Expression *ArrayLength(Type *type, Expression *e1);
Expression *Ptr(Type *type, Expression *e1);

Expression *Add(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Min(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Mul(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Div(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Mod(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Shl(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Shr(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Ushr(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *And(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Or(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Xor(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Index(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Cat(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);

Expression *Equal(enum TOK op, Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Cmp(enum TOK op, Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);
Expression *Identity(enum TOK op, Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2);

Expression *Slice(Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *lwr, Expression *upr);

#endif /* DMD_EXPRESSION_H */