view tests/testincludes/object.di @ 339:385a18242485 trunk

[svn r360] Another mostly rewrite of DtoArrayInit. Should be much more robust now, and probably faster code generated for the most common cases too! Fixed issues with slice initialization (!!!) of multidimensional static arrays. Attempt to fix issue with referencing nested 'this' pointers introduced in DMD 1.033 merge.
author lindquist
date Sun, 13 Jul 2008 01:29:49 +0200
parents 1aaf6ff7f685
children ca401c18c24e
line wrap: on
line source

// This is a modification of tango/object.di that includes
// aliases for string, wstring, dstring and Exception.
// This is because dstress expects phobos, which provides
// these aliases.

module object;

alias char[] string;
alias wchar[] wstring;
alias dchar[] dstring;
alias Exception Error;

alias typeof(int.sizeof)                    size_t;
alias typeof(cast(void*)0 - cast(void*)0)   ptrdiff_t;

alias size_t hash_t;

class Object
    char[] toString();
    hash_t toHash();
    int    opCmp(Object o);
    int    opEquals(Object o);

    interface Monitor
        void lock();
        void unlock();

struct Interface
    ClassInfo   classinfo;
    void*[]     vtbl;
    ptrdiff_t   offset;   // offset to Interface 'this' from Object 'this'

class ClassInfo : Object
    byte[]      init;   // class static initializer
    char[]      name;   // class name
    void*[]     vtbl;   // virtual function pointer table
    Interface[] interfaces;
    ClassInfo   base;
    void*       destructor;
    uint        flags;
    // 1:       // IUnknown
    // 2:       // has no possible pointers into GC memory
    // 4:       // has offTi[] member
    // 8:       // has constructors
    void*       deallocator;
    OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi;
    void*       defaultConstructor;

    static ClassInfo find(char[] classname);
    Object create();

struct OffsetTypeInfo
    size_t   offset;
    TypeInfo ti;

class TypeInfo
    hash_t   getHash(void *p);
    int      equals(void *p1, void *p2);
    int      compare(void *p1, void *p2);
    size_t   tsize();
    void     swap(void *p1, void *p2);
    TypeInfo next();
    void[]   init();
    uint     flags();
    // 1:    // has possible pointers into GC memory
    OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi();

class TypeInfo_Typedef : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo base;
    char[]   name;
    void[]   m_init;

class TypeInfo_Enum : TypeInfo_Typedef

class TypeInfo_Pointer : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo m_next;

class TypeInfo_Array : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo value;

class TypeInfo_StaticArray : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo value;
    size_t   len;

class TypeInfo_AssociativeArray : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo value;
    TypeInfo key;

class TypeInfo_Function : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo next;

class TypeInfo_Delegate : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo next;

class TypeInfo_Class : TypeInfo
    ClassInfo info;

class TypeInfo_Interface : TypeInfo
    ClassInfo info;

class TypeInfo_Struct : TypeInfo
    char[] name;
    void[] m_init;

    uint function(void*)      xtoHash;
    int function(void*,void*) xopEquals;
    int function(void*,void*) xopCmp;
    char[] function(void*)    xtoString;

    uint m_flags;

class TypeInfo_Tuple : TypeInfo
    TypeInfo[]  elements;

class ModuleInfo
    char[]          name;
    ModuleInfo[]    importedModules;
    ClassInfo[]     localClasses;
    uint            flags;

    void function() ctor;
    void function() dtor;
    void function() unitTest;

    void* xgetMembers;
    void function() ictor;

    static int opApply( int delegate( inout ModuleInfo ) );

class Exception : Object
    char[]      msg;
    char[]      file;
    size_t      line;
    Exception   next;

    this(char[] msg, Exception next = null);
    this(char[] msg, char[] file, size_t line, Exception next = null);
    char[] toString();