view lphobos/std/random.d @ 715:30b42a283c8e

Removed TypeOpaque from DMD. Changed runtime functions taking opaque[] to void[]. Implemented proper type painting, to avoid "resizing" array casts in runtime calls that previously took opaque[]. Implemented dynamic arrays as first class types, this implements proper ABI for these types on x86. Added dwarf region end after call to assert function, fixes some problems with llvm not allowing this to be missing. Reverted change to WithStatement from rev [704] it breaks MiniD, mini/with2.d needs to be fixed some other way... Fixed tango bug 1339 in runtime, problem with _adReverseChar on invalid UTF-8. Disabled .bc generation in the compiler runtime part, genobj.d triggers some llvm bug when using debug info. the .o seems to work fine.
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <>
date Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:55:33 +0200
parents 88e23f8c2354
line wrap: on
line source

 * Macros:
 *	WIKI = Phobos/StdRandom

// random.d

/* NOTE: This file has been patched from the original DMD distribution to
   work with the GDC compiler.

   Modified by David Friedman, September 2007

module std.random;

// Segments of the code in this file Copyright (c) 1997 by Rick Booth
// From "Inner Loops" by Rick Booth, Addison-Wesley

version(linux) version = Unix;

version (Win32)
    extern(Windows) int QueryPerformanceCounter(ulong *count);
else version (Unix)
    version(linux) import std.c.linux.linux;
    else private import std.c.unix.unix;

/* ===================== Random ========================= */

// BUG: not multithreaded

private uint seed;		// starting seed
private uint index;		// ith random number

 * The random number generator is seeded at program startup with a random value.
 This ensures that each program generates a different sequence of random
 numbers. To generate a repeatable sequence, use rand_seed() to start the
 sequence. seed and index start it, and each successive value increments index.
 This means that the $(I n)th random number of the sequence can be directly
 by passing index + $(I n) to rand_seed().

 Note: This is more random, but slower, than C's rand() function.
 To use C's rand() instead, import std.c.stdlib.

void rand_seed(uint seed, uint index)
     .seed = seed;
     .index = index;

 * Get the next random number in sequence.
 * BUGS: shares a global single state, not multithreaded

uint rand()
    static uint xormix1[20] =
                0xbaa96887, 0x1e17d32c, 0x03bcdc3c, 0x0f33d1b2,
                0x76a6491d, 0xc570d85d, 0xe382b1e3, 0x78db4362,
                0x7439a9d4, 0x9cea8ac5, 0x89537c5c, 0x2588f55d,
                0x415b5e1d, 0x216e3d95, 0x85c662e7, 0x5e8ab368,
                0x3ea5cc8c, 0xd26a0f74, 0xf3a9222b, 0x48aad7e4

    static uint xormix2[20] =
                0x4b0f3b58, 0xe874f0c3, 0x6955c5a6, 0x55a7ca46,
                0x4d9a9d86, 0xfe28a195, 0xb1ca7865, 0x6b235751,
                0x9a997a61, 0xaa6e95c8, 0xaaa98ee1, 0x5af9154c,
                0xfc8e2263, 0x390f5e8c, 0x58ffd802, 0xac0a5eba,
                0xac4874f6, 0xa9df0913, 0x86be4c74, 0xed2c123b

    uint hiword, loword, hihold, temp, itmpl, itmph, i;

    loword = seed;
    hiword = index++;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)		// loop limit can be 2..20, we choose 4
        hihold  = hiword;                           // save hiword for later
        temp    = hihold ^  xormix1[i];             // mix up bits of hiword
        itmpl   = temp   &  0xffff;                 // decompose to hi & lo
        itmph   = temp   >> 16;                     // 16-bit words
        temp    = itmpl * itmpl + ~(itmph * itmph); // do a multiplicative mix
        temp    = (temp >> 16) | (temp << 16);      // swap hi and lo halves
        hiword  = loword ^ ((temp ^ xormix2[i]) + itmpl * itmph); //loword mix
        loword  = hihold;                           // old hiword is loword
    return hiword;

static this()
    ulong s;

    else version(Unix)
	// time.h
	// sys/time.h

	timeval tv;

	if (gettimeofday(&tv, null))
	{   // Some error happened - try time() instead
	    s = time(null);
	    s = cast(ulong)((cast(long)tv.tv_sec << 32) + tv.tv_usec);
    else version(NoSystem)
	// nothing
	static assert(false);
    rand_seed(cast(uint) s, cast(uint)(s >> 32));

    static uint results[10] =
    int i;
    uint seedsave = seed;
    uint indexsave = index;

    rand_seed(1234, 5678);
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    {	uint r = rand();
	//printf("0x%x,\n", rand());
	assert(r == results[i]);

    seed = seedsave;
    index = indexsave;