view gen/irstate.h @ 54:28e99b04a132 trunk

[svn r58] Fixed cond expression resulting in a non-basic type. Fixed identity expression for dynamic arrays. Revamped the system to keep track of lvalues and rvalues and their relations. Typedef declaration now generate the custom typeinfo. Other bugfixes.
author lindquist
date Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:37:34 +0200
parents 8b0e809563df
children b706170e24a9
line wrap: on
line source


#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>

#include "root.h"

// global ir state for current module
struct IRState;
extern IRState* gIR;
extern llvm::TargetData* gTargetData;

struct TypeFunction;
struct TypeStruct;
struct ClassDeclaration;
struct FuncDeclaration;
struct Module;
struct TypeStruct;

struct LLVMValue
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> vals;

// represents a scope
struct IRScope
    llvm::BasicBlock* begin;
    llvm::BasicBlock* end;
    LLVMBuilder builder;

    IRScope(llvm::BasicBlock* b, llvm::BasicBlock* e);

// represents a struct or class
struct IRStruct
    typedef std::vector<const llvm::Type*> TypeVector;
    typedef std::vector<llvm::Constant*> ConstantVector;
    typedef std::vector<FuncDeclaration*> FuncDeclVec;


    Type* type;
    TypeVector fields;
    ConstantVector inits;
    llvm::PATypeHolder recty;
    FuncDeclVec funcs;
    bool queueFuncs;

// represents a finally block
struct IRFinally
    llvm::BasicBlock* bb;
    bool ret;
    llvm::Value* retval;

    IRFinally(llvm::BasicBlock* b);

// represents a function
struct IRFunction
    llvm::Function* func;
    llvm::Instruction* allocapoint;
    FuncDeclaration* decl;
    TypeFunction* type;

    // finally blocks
    typedef std::vector<IRFinally> FinallyVec;
    FinallyVec finallys;


struct IRBuilderHelper
    IRState* state;
    LLVMBuilder* operator->();

struct IRExp
    Expression* e1;
    Expression* e2;
    llvm::Value* v;
    IRExp(Expression* l, Expression* r, llvm::Value* val);

// represents the module
struct IRState

    // module
    Module* dmodule;
    llvm::Module* module;

    // functions
    typedef std::vector<IRFunction> FunctionVector;
    FunctionVector functions;
    IRFunction& func();

    llvm::Function* topfunc();
    TypeFunction* topfunctype();
    llvm::Instruction* topallocapoint();

    // structs
    typedef std::vector<IRStruct> StructVector;
    StructVector structs;
    IRStruct& topstruct();

    // classes TODO move into IRClass
    typedef std::vector<ClassDeclaration*> ClassDeclVec;
    ClassDeclVec classes;

    // D main function
    bool emitMain;
    llvm::Function* mainFunc;

    // expression l/r value handling
    typedef std::vector<IRExp> ExpVec;
    ExpVec exps;
    IRExp* topexp();

    // basic block scopes
    std::vector<IRScope> scopes;
    IRScope& scope();
    llvm::BasicBlock* scopebegin();
    llvm::BasicBlock* scopeend();
    llvm::BasicBlock* scopebb();
    bool scopereturned();

    // loop blocks
    typedef std::vector<IRScope> BBVec;
    BBVec loopbbs;

    // this holds the array being indexed or sliced so $ will work
    // might be a better way but it works. problem is I only get a
    // VarDeclaration for __dollar, but I can't see how to get the
    // array pointer from this :(
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> arrays;

    // builder helper
    IRBuilderHelper ir;