view gen/tollvm.cpp @ 108:288fe1029e1f trunk

[svn r112] Fixed 'case 1,2,3:' style case statements. Fixed a bunch of bugs with return/break/continue in loops. Fixed support for the DMDFE hidden implicit return value variable. This can be needed for some foreach statements where the loop body is converted to a nested delegate, but also possibly returns from the function. Added std.math to phobos. Added AA runtime support code, done ground work for implementing AAs. Several other bugfixes.
author lindquist
date Tue, 20 Nov 2007 05:29:20 +0100
parents 3efbcc81ba45
children 5ab8e92611f9
line wrap: on
line source

#include <iostream>

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include "mtype.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "init.h"

#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/logger.h"
#include "gen/runtime.h"
#include "gen/arrays.h"
#include "gen/dvalue.h"
#include "gen/functions.h"
#include "gen/structs.h"
#include "gen/classes.h"
#include "gen/typeinf.h"
#include "gen/complex.h"

bool DtoIsPassedByRef(Type* type)
    Type* typ = DtoDType(type);
    TY t = typ->ty;
    return (t == Tstruct || t == Tarray || t == Tdelegate || t == Tsarray || typ->iscomplex());

Type* DtoDType(Type* t)
    if (t->ty == Ttypedef) {
        Type* bt = t->toBasetype();
        return DtoDType(bt);
    return t;

const llvm::Type* DtoType(Type* t)
    switch (t->ty)
    // integers
    case Tint8:
    case Tuns8:
    case Tchar:
        return (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::Int8Ty;
    case Tint16:
    case Tuns16:
    case Twchar:
        return (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::Int16Ty;
    case Tint32:
    case Tuns32:
    case Tdchar:
        return (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::Int32Ty;
    case Tint64:
    case Tuns64:
        return (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::Int64Ty;

    case Tbool:
        return (const llvm::Type*)llvm::ConstantInt::getTrue()->getType();

    // floats
    case Tfloat32:
    case Timaginary32:
        return llvm::Type::FloatTy;
    case Tfloat64:
    case Timaginary64:
    case Tfloat80:
    case Timaginary80:
        return llvm::Type::DoubleTy;

    // complex
    case Tcomplex32:
    case Tcomplex64:
    case Tcomplex80:
        return DtoComplexType(t);

    // pointers
    case Tpointer: {
        if (t->next->ty == Tvoid)
            return (const llvm::Type*)llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
            return (const llvm::Type*)llvm::PointerType::get(DtoType(t->next));

    // arrays
    case Tarray:
        return DtoArrayType(t);
    case Tsarray:
        return DtoStaticArrayType(t);

    // void
    case Tvoid:
        return llvm::Type::VoidTy;

    // aggregates
    case Tstruct:    {
        if (!t->llvmType || *t->llvmType == NULL) {
            // recursive or cyclic declaration
            if (!gIR->structs.empty())
                IRStruct* found = 0;
                for (IRState::StructVector::iterator i=gIR->structs.begin(); i!=gIR->structs.end(); ++i)
                    if (t == (*i)->type)
                        return (*i)->recty.get();

        TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)t;
        return t->llvmType->get();

    case Tclass:    {
        if (!t->llvmType || *t->llvmType == NULL) {
            // recursive or cyclic declaration
            if (!gIR->structs.empty())
                IRStruct* found = 0;
                for (IRState::StructVector::iterator i=gIR->structs.begin(); i!=gIR->structs.end(); ++i)
                    if (t == (*i)->type)
                        return llvm::PointerType::get((*i)->recty.get());

        TypeClass* tc = (TypeClass*)t;
        return llvm::PointerType::get(t->llvmType->get());

    // functions
    case Tfunction:
        if (!t->llvmType || *t->llvmType == NULL) {
            return DtoFunctionType(t,NULL);
        else {
            return t->llvmType->get();

    // delegates
    case Tdelegate:
        if (!t->llvmType || *t->llvmType == NULL) {
            return DtoDelegateType(t);
        else {
            return t->llvmType->get();

    // typedefs
    // enum
    case Ttypedef:
    case Tenum:
        Type* bt = t->toBasetype();
        return DtoType(bt);

    // associative arrays
    case Taarray:
        // TODO this is a kludge
        return llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);

        printf("trying to convert unknown type with value %d\n", t->ty);
    return 0;


const llvm::StructType* DtoDelegateType(Type* t)
    const llvm::Type* i8ptr = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
    const llvm::Type* func = DtoFunctionType(t->next, i8ptr);
    const llvm::Type* funcptr = llvm::PointerType::get(func);

    std::vector<const llvm::Type*> types;
    return llvm::StructType::get(types);


static llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemIntrinsic(const char* name, int bits, bool set=false)
    assert(bits == 32 || bits == 64);
    const llvm::Type* int8ty =    (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::Int8Ty;
    const llvm::Type* int32ty =   (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::Int32Ty;
    const llvm::Type* int64ty =   (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::Int64Ty;
    const llvm::Type* int8ptrty = (const llvm::Type*)llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
    const llvm::Type* voidty =    (const llvm::Type*)llvm::Type::VoidTy;


    // parameter types
    std::vector<const llvm::Type*> pvec;
    llvm::FunctionType* functype = llvm::FunctionType::get(voidty, pvec, false);
    return new llvm::Function(functype, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, name, gIR->module);


// llvm.memset.i32
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemSet32()
    static llvm::Function* _func = 0;
    if (_func == 0) {
        _func = LLVM_DeclareMemIntrinsic("llvm.memset.i32", 32, true);
    return _func;


llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemSet64()
    static llvm::Function* _func = 0;
    if (_func == 0) {
        _func = LLVM_DeclareMemIntrinsic("llvm.memset.i64", 64, true);
    return _func;


// llvm.memcpy.i32
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemCpy32()
    static llvm::Function* _func = 0;
    if (_func == 0) {
        _func = LLVM_DeclareMemIntrinsic("llvm.memcpy.i32", 32);
    return _func;


// llvm.memcpy.i64
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemCpy64()
    static llvm::Function* _func = 0;
    if (_func == 0) {
        _func = LLVM_DeclareMemIntrinsic("llvm.memcpy.i64", 64);
    return _func;


llvm::Value* DtoNullDelegate(llvm::Value* v)
    d_uns64 n = (global.params.is64bit) ? 16 : 8;

    llvm::Type* i8p_ty = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);

    llvm::Value* arr = new llvm::BitCastInst(v,i8p_ty,"tmp",gIR->scopebb());

    llvm::Function* fn = LLVM_DeclareMemSet32();
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> llargs;
    llargs[0] = arr;
    llargs[1] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false);
    llargs[2] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, n, false);
    llargs[3] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);

    llvm::Value* ret = new llvm::CallInst(fn, llargs.begin(), llargs.end(), "", gIR->scopebb());

    return ret;


llvm::Value* DtoDelegateCopy(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src)
    assert(dst->getType() == src->getType());

    d_uns64 n = (global.params.is64bit) ? 16 : 8;

    llvm::Type* arrty = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);

    llvm::Value* dstarr = new llvm::BitCastInst(dst,arrty,"tmp",gIR->scopebb());
    llvm::Value* srcarr = new llvm::BitCastInst(src,arrty,"tmp",gIR->scopebb());

    llvm::Function* fn = LLVM_DeclareMemCpy32();
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> llargs;
    llargs[0] = dstarr;
    llargs[1] = srcarr;
    llargs[2] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, n, false);
    llargs[3] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);

    return new llvm::CallInst(fn, llargs.begin(), llargs.end(), "", gIR->scopebb());


llvm::Value* DtoCompareDelegate(TOK op, llvm::Value* lhs, llvm::Value* rhs)
    llvm::ICmpInst::Predicate pred = (op == TOKequal) ? llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ : llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_NE;
    llvm::Value* l = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(DtoGEPi(lhs,0,0,"tmp"),"tmp");
    llvm::Value* r = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(DtoGEPi(rhs,0,0,"tmp"),"tmp");
    llvm::Value* b1 = gIR->ir->CreateICmp(pred,l,r,"tmp");
    l = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(DtoGEPi(lhs,0,1,"tmp"),"tmp");
    r = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(DtoGEPi(rhs,0,1,"tmp"),"tmp");
    llvm::Value* b2 = gIR->ir->CreateICmp(pred,l,r,"tmp");
    llvm::Value* b = gIR->ir->CreateAnd(b1,b2,"tmp");
    if (op == TOKnotequal)
        return gIR->ir->CreateNot(b,"tmp");
    return b;


llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes DtoLinkage(PROT prot, uint stc)
    case PROTprivate:
        return llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;

    case PROTpublic:
    case PROTpackage:
    case PROTprotected:
    case PROTexport:
        return llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;

    case PROTundefined:
    case PROTnone:
        assert(0 && "Unsupported linkage type");
    return llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;

/*      ExternalLinkage = 0, LinkOnceLinkage, WeakLinkage, AppendingLinkage,
  InternalLinkage, DLLImportLinkage, DLLExportLinkage, ExternalWeakLinkage,
  GhostLinkage */


unsigned DtoCallingConv(LINK l)
    if (l == LINKc)
        return llvm::CallingConv::C;
    else if (l == LINKd || l == LINKdefault)
        return llvm::CallingConv::Fast;
    else if (l == LINKwindows)
        return llvm::CallingConv::X86_StdCall;
        assert(0 && "Unsupported calling convention");


llvm::Value* DtoPointedType(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* val)
    const llvm::Type* ptrTy = ptr->getType()->getContainedType(0);
    const llvm::Type* valTy = val->getType();
    // ptr points to val's type
    if (ptrTy == valTy)
        return val;
    // ptr is integer pointer
    else if (ptrTy->isInteger())
        // val is integer
        const llvm::IntegerType* pt = llvm::cast<const llvm::IntegerType>(ptrTy);
        const llvm::IntegerType* vt = llvm::cast<const llvm::IntegerType>(valTy);
        if (pt->getBitWidth() < vt->getBitWidth()) {
            return new llvm::TruncInst(val, pt, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    // something else unsupported
        Logger::cout() << *ptrTy << '|' << *valTy << '\n';
    return 0;


llvm::Value* DtoBoolean(llvm::Value* val)
    const llvm::Type* t = val->getType();
    if (t->isInteger())
        if (t == llvm::Type::Int1Ty)
            return val;
        else {
            llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(t, 0, false);
            return new llvm::ICmpInst(llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, val, zero, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    else if (isaPointer(t)) {
        const llvm::Type* st = DtoSize_t();
        llvm::Value* ptrasint = new llvm::PtrToIntInst(val,st,"tmp",gIR->scopebb());
        llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(st, 0, false);
        return new llvm::ICmpInst(llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, ptrasint, zero, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
        Logger::cout() << *t << '\n';
    return 0;


const llvm::Type* DtoSize_t()
    if (global.params.is64bit)
    return llvm::Type::Int64Ty;
    return llvm::Type::Int32Ty;


llvm::Constant* DtoConstInitializer(Type* type, Initializer* init)
    llvm::Constant* _init = 0; // may return zero
    if (!init)
        Logger::println("const default initializer for %s", type->toChars());
        _init = type->defaultInit()->toConstElem(gIR);
    else if (ExpInitializer* ex = init->isExpInitializer())
        Logger::println("const expression initializer");
        _init = ex->exp->toConstElem(gIR);
    else if (StructInitializer* si = init->isStructInitializer())
        Logger::println("const struct initializer");
        _init = DtoConstStructInitializer(si);
    else if (ArrayInitializer* ai = init->isArrayInitializer())
        Logger::println("const array initializer");
        _init = DtoConstArrayInitializer(ai);
    else if (init->isVoidInitializer())
        Logger::println("const void initializer");
        const llvm::Type* ty = DtoType(type);
        _init = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(ty);
    else {
        Logger::println("unsupported const initializer: %s", init->toChars());
    return _init;


llvm::Constant* DtoConstFieldInitializer(Type* t, Initializer* init)

    const llvm::Type* _type = DtoType(t);

    llvm::Constant* _init = DtoConstInitializer(t, init);
    if (_type != _init->getType())
        Logger::cout() << "field init is: " << *_init << " type should be " << *_type << '\n';
        if (t->ty == Tsarray)
            const llvm::ArrayType* arrty = isaArray(_type);
            uint64_t n = arrty->getNumElements();
            std::vector<llvm::Constant*> vals(n,_init);
            _init = llvm::ConstantArray::get(arrty, vals);
        else if (t->ty == Tarray)
            _init = llvm::ConstantAggregateZero::get(_type);
        else if (t->ty == Tstruct)
            const llvm::StructType* structty = isaStruct(_type);
            TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)t;
            _init = ts->sym->llvmInitZ;
        else if (t->ty == Tclass)
            _init = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(_type);
        else {
            Logger::println("failed for type %s", t->toChars());

    return _init;


DValue* DtoInitializer(Initializer* init)
    if (ExpInitializer* ex = init->isExpInitializer())
        Logger::println("expression initializer");
        return ex->exp->toElem(gIR);
    else if (init->isVoidInitializer())
        // do nothing
    else {
        Logger::println("unsupported initializer: %s", init->toChars());
    return 0;


llvm::Value* DtoGEP(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* i0, llvm::Value* i1, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb)
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> v(2);
    v[0] = i0;
    v[1] = i1;
    //Logger::cout() << "DtoGEP: " << *ptr << '\n';
    return new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(ptr, v.begin(), v.end(), var, bb?bb:gIR->scopebb());


llvm::Value* DtoGEP(llvm::Value* ptr, const std::vector<unsigned>& src, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb)
    size_t n = src.size();
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> dst(n, NULL);
    //std::ostream& ostr = Logger::cout();
    //ostr << "indices for '" << *ptr << "':";
    for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
        //ostr << ' ' << i;
        dst[i] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, src[i], false);
    //ostr << '\n';*/
    return new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(ptr, dst.begin(), dst.end(), var, bb?bb:gIR->scopebb());


llvm::Value* DtoGEPi(llvm::Value* ptr, unsigned i, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb)
    return new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(ptr, llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i, false), var, bb?bb:gIR->scopebb());


llvm::Value* DtoGEPi(llvm::Value* ptr, unsigned i0, unsigned i1, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb)
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> v(2);
    v[0] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i0, false);
    v[1] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i1, false);
    return new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(ptr, v.begin(), v.end(), var, bb?bb:gIR->scopebb());


llvm::Value* DtoRealloc(llvm::Value* ptr, const llvm::Type* ty)
    /*size_t sz = gTargetData->getTypeSize(ty);
    llvm::ConstantInt* n = llvm::ConstantInt::get(DtoSize_t(), sz, false);
    if (ptr == 0) {
        llvm::PointerType* i8pty = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
        ptr = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(i8pty);
    return DtoRealloc(ptr, n);*/
    return NULL;


llvm::Value* DtoRealloc(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* n)

    llvm::Function* fn = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_d_realloc");

    llvm::Value* newptr = ptr;

    llvm::PointerType* i8pty = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
    if (ptr->getType() != i8pty) {
        newptr = new llvm::BitCastInst(ptr,i8pty,"tmp",gIR->scopebb());

    std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
    llvm::Value* ret = new llvm::CallInst(fn, args.begin(), args.end(), "tmprealloc", gIR->scopebb());

    return ret->getType() == ptr->getType() ? ret : new llvm::BitCastInst(ret,ptr->getType(),"tmp",gIR->scopebb());


void DtoAssert(llvm::Value* cond, Loc* loc, DValue* msg)
    llvm::Function* fn = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_d_assert");
    const llvm::FunctionType* fnt = fn->getFunctionType();

    std::vector<llvm::Value*> llargs;
    llargs[0] = cond ? DtoBoolean(cond) : llvm::ConstantInt::getFalse();
    llargs[1] = DtoConstUint(loc->linnum);
    if (msg)
        llargs[2] = msg->getRVal();
    else {
        llvm::Constant* c = DtoConstSlice(DtoConstSize_t(0), DtoConstNullPtr(llvm::Type::Int8Ty));
        static llvm::AllocaInst* alloc = 0;
        if (!alloc || alloc->getParent()->getParent() != gIR->func()->func) {
            alloc = new llvm::AllocaInst(c->getType(), "assertnullparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
        llargs[2] = alloc;

    llvm::CallInst* call = new llvm::CallInst(fn, llargs.begin(), llargs.end(), "", gIR->scopebb());


llvm::Value* DtoArgument(const llvm::Type* paramtype, Argument* fnarg, Expression* argexp)
    llvm::Value* retval = 0;

    bool haslvals = !gIR->exps.empty();
    if (haslvals)

    DValue* arg = argexp->toElem(gIR);

    if (haslvals)

    if (arg->inPlace()) {
        retval = arg->getRVal();
        return retval;

    Type* realtype = DtoDType(argexp->type);
    TY argty = realtype->ty;
    if (DtoIsPassedByRef(realtype)) {
        if (!fnarg || !fnarg->llvmCopy) {
            if (DSliceValue* sv = arg->isSlice()) {
                retval = new llvm::AllocaInst(DtoType(realtype), "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
                DtoSetArray(retval, DtoArrayLen(sv), DtoArrayPtr(sv));
            else if (DComplexValue* cv = arg->isComplex()) {
                retval = new llvm::AllocaInst(DtoType(realtype), "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
                DtoComplexSet(retval, cv->re, cv->im);
            else {
                retval = arg->getRVal();
        else {
            llvm::Value* allocaInst = 0;
            llvm::BasicBlock* entryblock = &gIR->topfunc()->front();

            const llvm::Type* realtypell = DtoType(realtype);
            const llvm::PointerType* pty = llvm::PointerType::get(realtypell);
            if (argty == Tstruct) {
                allocaInst = new llvm::AllocaInst(pty->getElementType(), "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
                DValue* dst = new DVarValue(realtype, allocaInst, true);
                delete dst;
            else if (argty == Tdelegate) {
                allocaInst = new llvm::AllocaInst(pty->getElementType(), "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
                DValue* dst = new DVarValue(realtype, allocaInst, true);
                delete dst;
            else if (argty == Tarray) {
                if (arg->isSlice()) {
                    allocaInst = new llvm::AllocaInst(realtypell, "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
                else {
                    allocaInst = new llvm::AllocaInst(pty->getElementType(), "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
            else if (realtype->iscomplex()) {
                if (arg->isComplex()) {
                    allocaInst = new llvm::AllocaInst(realtypell, "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());
                else {
                    allocaInst = new llvm::AllocaInst(pty->getElementType(), "tmpparam", gIR->topallocapoint());

            DValue* dst = new DVarValue(realtype, allocaInst, true);
            delete dst;

            retval = allocaInst;
    else if (!fnarg || fnarg->llvmCopy) {
        Logger::println("regular arg");
        if (DSliceValue* sl = arg->isSlice()) {
            if (sl->ptr) Logger::cout() << "ptr = " << *sl->ptr << '\n';
            if (sl->len) Logger::cout() << "len = " << *sl->len << '\n';
        else if (DComplexValue* cl = arg->isComplex()) {
            assert(0 && "complex in the wrong place");
        else {
            retval = arg->getRVal();
    else {
        Logger::println("as ptr arg");
        retval = arg->getLVal();
        if (paramtype && retval->getType() != paramtype)
            /*assert(retval->getType() == paramtype->getContainedType(0));
            new llvm::StoreInst(retval, arg->getLVal(), gIR->scopebb());
            retval = arg->getLVal();*/

    if (fnarg && paramtype && retval->getType() != paramtype) {
        // this is unfortunately needed with the way SymOffExp is overused
        // and static arrays can end up being a pointer to their element type
        if (arg->isField()) {
            retval = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(retval, paramtype, "tmp");
        else {
            Logger::cout() << "got '" << *retval->getType() << "' expected '" << *paramtype << "'\n";
            assert(0 && "parameter type that was actually passed is invalid");

    delete arg;

    return retval;


llvm::Value* DtoNestedVariable(VarDeclaration* vd)
    FuncDeclaration* fd = vd->toParent()->isFuncDeclaration();
    assert(fd != NULL);

    IRFunction* fcur = gIR->func();
    FuncDeclaration* f = fcur->decl;

    // on this stack
    if (fd == f) {
        llvm::Value* vdv = vd->llvmValue;
        if (!vdv)
            Logger::println(":o null vd->llvmValue for: %s", vd->toChars());
            vdv = fd->llvmNested;
        assert(vd->llvmNestedIndex != ~0);
        llvm::Value* v = DtoGEPi(vdv,0,unsigned(vd->llvmNestedIndex),"tmp");
        if (vd->isParameter() && (vd->isRef() || vd->isOut() || DtoIsPassedByRef(vd->type))) {
            Logger::cout() << "1267 loading: " << *v << '\n';
            v = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(v,"tmp");
        return v;

    // on a caller stack
    llvm::Value* ptr = f->llvmThisVar;

    f = f->toParent()->isFuncDeclaration();
    const llvm::Type* nesttype = f->llvmNested->getType();

    ptr = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(ptr, nesttype, "tmp");

    Logger::cout() << "nested var reference:" << '\n' << *ptr << *nesttype << '\n';

    while (f) {
        if (fd == f) {
            llvm::Value* v = DtoGEPi(ptr,0,vd->llvmNestedIndex,"tmp");
            if (vd->isParameter() && (vd->isRef() || vd->isOut() || DtoIsPassedByRef(vd->type))) {
                Logger::cout() << "1291 loading: " << *v << '\n';
                v = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(v,"tmp");
            return v;
        else {
            ptr = DtoGEPi(ptr,0,0,"tmp");
            ptr = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(ptr,"tmp");
        f = f->toParent()->isFuncDeclaration();

    assert(0 && "nested var not found");
    return NULL;


void DtoAssign(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    Logger::cout() << "DtoAssign(...);\n";
    Type* t = DtoDType(lhs->getType());
    Type* t2 = DtoDType(rhs->getType());

    if (t->ty == Tstruct) {
        if (t2 != t) {
            // TODO: fix this, use 'rhs' for something
        else if (!rhs->inPlace()) {
    else if (t->ty == Tarray) {
        // lhs is slice
        if (DSliceValue* s = lhs->isSlice()) {
            if (DSliceValue* s2 = rhs->isSlice()) {
                DtoArrayCopySlices(s, s2);
            else if (t->next == t2) {
                if (s->len)
                    DtoArrayInit(s->ptr, s->len, rhs->getRVal());
                    DtoArrayInit(s->ptr, rhs->getRVal());
            else {
                DtoArrayCopyToSlice(s, rhs);
        // rhs is slice
        else if (DSliceValue* s = rhs->isSlice()) {
        // null
        else if (rhs->isNull()) {
        // reference assignment
        else {
            DtoArrayAssign(lhs->getLVal(), rhs->getRVal());
    else if (t->ty == Tsarray) {
        DtoStaticArrayCopy(lhs->getLVal(), rhs->getRVal());
    else if (t->ty == Tdelegate) {
        if (rhs->isNull())
        else if (!rhs->inPlace())
            DtoDelegateCopy(lhs->getLVal(), rhs->getRVal());
    else if (t->ty == Tclass) {
        assert(t2->ty == Tclass);
        // assignment to this in constructor special case
        if (lhs->isThis()) {
            llvm::Value* tmp = rhs->getRVal();
            FuncDeclaration* fdecl = gIR->func()->decl;
            // respecify the this param
            if (!llvm::isa<llvm::AllocaInst>(fdecl->llvmThisVar))
                fdecl->llvmThisVar = new llvm::AllocaInst(tmp->getType(), "newthis", gIR->topallocapoint());
            DtoStore(tmp, fdecl->llvmThisVar);
        // regular class ref -> class ref assignment
        else {
            DtoStore(rhs->getRVal(), lhs->getLVal());
    else if (t->iscomplex()) {

        llvm::Value* dst;
        if (DLRValue* lr = lhs->isLRValue()) {
            dst = lr->getLVal();
            rhs = DtoCastComplex(rhs, lr->getLType());
        else {
            dst = lhs->getRVal();

        if (DComplexValue* cx = rhs->isComplex())
            DtoComplexSet(dst, cx->re, cx->im);
            DtoComplexAssign(dst, rhs->getRVal());
    else {
        llvm::Value* l;
        if (DLRValue* lr = lhs->isLRValue()) {
            l = lr->getLVal();
            rhs = DtoCast(rhs, lr->getLType());
        else {
            l = lhs->getLVal();
        llvm::Value* r = rhs->getRVal();
        Logger::cout() << "assign\nlhs: " << *l << "rhs: " << *r << '\n';
        const llvm::Type* lit = l->getType()->getContainedType(0);
        if (r->getType() != lit) { // :(
            r = DtoBitCast(r, lit);
            Logger::cout() << "really assign\nlhs: " << *l << "rhs: " << *r << '\n';
        gIR->ir->CreateStore(r, l);

DValue* DtoCastInt(DValue* val, Type* _to)
    const llvm::Type* tolltype = DtoType(_to);

    Type* to = DtoDType(_to);
    Type* from = DtoDType(val->getType());

    size_t fromsz = from->size();
    size_t tosz = to->size();

    llvm::Value* rval;

    if (to->isintegral()) {
        if (fromsz < tosz) {
            Logger::cout() << "cast to: " << *tolltype << '\n';
            if (from->isunsigned() || from->ty == Tbool) {
                rval = new llvm::ZExtInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
            } else {
                rval = new llvm::SExtInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
        else if (fromsz > tosz) {
            rval = new llvm::TruncInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
        else {
            rval = new llvm::BitCastInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    else if (to->isfloating()) {
        if (from->isunsigned()) {
            rval = new llvm::UIToFPInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
        else {
            rval = new llvm::SIToFPInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    else if (to->ty == Tpointer) {
        rval = gIR->ir->CreateIntToPtr(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp");
    else {
        assert(0 && "bad int cast");

    return new DImValue(_to, rval);

DValue* DtoCastPtr(DValue* val, Type* to)
    const llvm::Type* tolltype = DtoType(to);

    Type* totype = DtoDType(to);
    Type* fromtype = DtoDType(val->getType());
    assert(fromtype->ty == Tpointer);

    llvm::Value* rval;

    if (totype->ty == Tpointer || totype->ty == Tclass) {
        llvm::Value* src = val->getRVal();
        Logger::cout() << "src: " << *src << "to type: " << *tolltype << '\n';
        rval = new llvm::BitCastInst(src, tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    else if (totype->isintegral()) {
        rval = new llvm::PtrToIntInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    else {
        Logger::println("invalid cast from '%s' to '%s'", val->getType()->toChars(), to->toChars());

    return new DImValue(to, rval);

DValue* DtoCastFloat(DValue* val, Type* to)
    if (val->getType() == to)
        return val;

    const llvm::Type* tolltype = DtoType(to);

    Type* totype = DtoDType(to);
    Type* fromtype = DtoDType(val->getType());

    size_t fromsz = fromtype->size();
    size_t tosz = totype->size();

    llvm::Value* rval;

    if (totype->iscomplex()) {
        //return new DImValue(to, DtoComplex(to, val));
    else if (totype->isfloating()) {
        if ((fromtype->ty == Tfloat80 || fromtype->ty == Tfloat64) && (totype->ty == Tfloat80 || totype->ty == Tfloat64)) {
            rval = val->getRVal();
        else if (fromsz < tosz) {
            rval = new llvm::FPExtInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
        else if (fromsz > tosz) {
            rval = new llvm::FPTruncInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
        else {
            assert(0 && "bad float cast");
    else if (totype->isintegral()) {
        if (totype->isunsigned()) {
            rval = new llvm::FPToUIInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
        else {
            rval = new llvm::FPToSIInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    else {
        assert(0 && "bad float cast");

    return new DImValue(to, rval);

DValue* DtoCastComplex(DValue* val, Type* _to)
    Type* to = DtoDType(_to);
    Type* vty = val->getType();
    if (to->iscomplex()) {
        if (vty->size() == to->size())
            return val;

        llvm::Value *re, *im;
        DtoGetComplexParts(val, re, im);
        const llvm::Type* toty = DtoComplexBaseType(to);

        if (to->size() < vty->size()) {
            re = gIR->ir->CreateFPTrunc(re, toty, "tmp");
            im = gIR->ir->CreateFPTrunc(im, toty, "tmp");
        else if (to->size() > vty->size()) {
            re = gIR->ir->CreateFPExt(re, toty, "tmp");
            im = gIR->ir->CreateFPExt(im, toty, "tmp");
        else {
            return val;

        if (val->isComplex())
            return new DComplexValue(_to, re, im);

        // unfortunately at this point, the cast value can show up as the lvalue for += and similar expressions.
        // so we need to give it storage, or fix the system that handles this stuff (DLRValue)
        llvm::Value* mem = new llvm::AllocaInst(DtoType(_to), "castcomplextmp", gIR->topallocapoint());
        DtoComplexSet(mem, re, im);
        return new DLRValue(val->getType(), val->getRVal(), _to, mem);
    else if (to->isimaginary()) {
        if (val->isComplex())
            return new DImValue(to, val->isComplex()->im);
        llvm::Value* v = val->getRVal();
        DImValue* im = new DImValue(to, DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(v,0,1,"tmp")));
        return DtoCastFloat(im, to);
    else if (to->isfloating()) {
        if (val->isComplex())
            return new DImValue(to, val->isComplex()->re);
        llvm::Value* v = val->getRVal();
        DImValue* re = new DImValue(to, DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(v,0,0,"tmp")));
        return DtoCastFloat(re, to);

DValue* DtoCastClass(DValue* val, Type* _to)
    const llvm::Type* tolltype = DtoType(_to);
    Type* to = DtoDType(_to);
    assert(to->ty == Tclass || to->ty == Tpointer);
    llvm::Value* rval = new llvm::BitCastInst(val->getRVal(), tolltype, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    return new DImValue(_to, rval);

DValue* DtoCast(DValue* val, Type* to)
    Type* fromtype = DtoDType(val->getType());
    Logger::println("Casting from '%s' to '%s'", fromtype->toChars(), to->toChars());
    if (fromtype->isintegral()) {
        return DtoCastInt(val, to);
    else if (fromtype->iscomplex()) {
        return DtoCastComplex(val, to);
    else if (fromtype->isfloating()) {
        return DtoCastFloat(val, to);
    else if (fromtype->ty == Tclass) {
        return DtoCastClass(val, to);
    else if (fromtype->ty == Tarray || fromtype->ty == Tsarray) {
        return DtoCastArray(val, to);
    else if (fromtype->ty == Tpointer) {
        return DtoCastPtr(val, to);
    else {


llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstSize_t(size_t i)
    return llvm::ConstantInt::get(DtoSize_t(), i, false);
llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstUint(unsigned i)
    return llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i, false);
llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstInt(int i)
    return llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i, true);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstBool(bool b)
    return llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int1Ty, b, false);

llvm::ConstantFP* DtoConstFP(Type* t, long double value)
    TY ty = DtoDType(t)->ty;
    if (ty == Tfloat32 || ty == Timaginary32)
        return llvm::ConstantFP::get(llvm::Type::FloatTy, float(value));
    else if (ty == Tfloat64 || ty == Timaginary64 || ty == Tfloat80 || ty == Timaginary80)
        return llvm::ConstantFP::get(llvm::Type::DoubleTy, double(value));


llvm::Constant* DtoConstString(const char* str)
    std::string s(str);
    llvm::Constant* init = llvm::ConstantArray::get(s, true);
    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
        init->getType(), true,llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, init, "stringliteral", gIR->module);
    llvm::Constant* idxs[2] = { DtoConstUint(0), DtoConstUint(0) };
    return DtoConstSlice(
llvm::Constant* DtoConstStringPtr(const char* str, const char* section)
    std::string s(str);
    llvm::Constant* init = llvm::ConstantArray::get(s, true);
    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
        init->getType(), true,llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, init, "stringliteral", gIR->module);
    if (section) gvar->setSection(section);
    llvm::Constant* idxs[2] = { DtoConstUint(0), DtoConstUint(0) };
    return llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(gvar,idxs,2);


llvm::Constant* DtoConstNullPtr(const llvm::Type* t)
    return llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(


void DtoMemCpy(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src, llvm::Value* nbytes)
    assert(dst->getType() == src->getType());

    llvm::Type* arrty = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
    llvm::Value *dstarr, *srcarr;
    if (dst->getType() == arrty)
        dstarr = dst;
        srcarr = src;
        dstarr = new llvm::BitCastInst(dst,arrty,"tmp",gIR->scopebb());
        srcarr = new llvm::BitCastInst(src,arrty,"tmp",gIR->scopebb());

    llvm::Function* fn = (global.params.is64bit) ? LLVM_DeclareMemCpy64() : LLVM_DeclareMemCpy32();
    std::vector<llvm::Value*> llargs;
    llargs[0] = dstarr;
    llargs[1] = srcarr;
    llargs[2] = nbytes;
    llargs[3] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);

    new llvm::CallInst(fn, llargs.begin(), llargs.end(), "", gIR->scopebb());


llvm::Value* DtoLoad(llvm::Value* src)
    return gIR->ir->CreateLoad(src,"tmp");

void DtoStore(llvm::Value* src, llvm::Value* dst)

bool DtoCanLoad(llvm::Value* ptr)
    if (isaPointer(ptr->getType())) {
        return ptr->getType()->getContainedType(0)->isFirstClassType();
    return false;


llvm::Value* DtoBitCast(llvm::Value* v, const llvm::Type* t)
    if (v->getType() == t)
        return v;
    return gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(v, t, "tmp");


const llvm::PointerType* isaPointer(llvm::Value* v)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::PointerType>(v->getType());

const llvm::PointerType* isaPointer(const llvm::Type* t)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::PointerType>(t);

const llvm::ArrayType* isaArray(llvm::Value* v)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::ArrayType>(v->getType());

const llvm::ArrayType* isaArray(const llvm::Type* t)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::ArrayType>(t);

const llvm::StructType* isaStruct(llvm::Value* v)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(v->getType());

const llvm::StructType* isaStruct(const llvm::Type* t)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(t);

llvm::Constant* isaConstant(llvm::Value* v)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::Constant>(v);

llvm::ConstantInt* isaConstantInt(llvm::Value* v)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(v);

llvm::Argument* isaArgument(llvm::Value* v)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::Argument>(v);

llvm::GlobalVariable* isaGlobalVar(llvm::Value* v)
    return llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(v);


bool DtoIsTemplateInstance(Dsymbol* s)
    if (!s) return false;
    if (s->isTemplateInstance() && !s->isTemplateMixin())
        return true;
    else if (s->parent)
        return DtoIsTemplateInstance(s->parent);
    return false;


void DtoLazyStaticInit(bool istempl, llvm::Value* gvar, Initializer* init, Type* t)
    // create a flag to make sure initialization only happens once
    llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes gflaglink = istempl ? llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage : llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
    std::string gflagname(gvar->getName());
    llvm::GlobalVariable* gflag = new llvm::GlobalVariable(llvm::Type::Int1Ty,false,gflaglink,DtoConstBool(false),gflagname,gIR->module);

    // check flag and do init if not already done
    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
    llvm::BasicBlock* initbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("ifnotinit",gIR->topfunc(),oldend);
    llvm::BasicBlock* endinitbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("ifnotinitend",gIR->topfunc(),oldend);
    llvm::Value* cond = gIR->ir->CreateICmpEQ(gIR->ir->CreateLoad(gflag,"tmp"),DtoConstBool(false));
    gIR->ir->CreateCondBr(cond, initbb, endinitbb);
    gIR->scope() = IRScope(initbb,endinitbb);
    DValue* ie = DtoInitializer(init);
    if (!ie->inPlace()) {
        DValue* dst = new DVarValue(t, gvar, true);
        DtoAssign(dst, ie);
    gIR->ir->CreateStore(DtoConstBool(true), gflag);
    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endinitbb,oldend);


void DtoResolveDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym)
    if (StructDeclaration* sd = dsym->isStructDeclaration()) {
    else if (ClassDeclaration* cd = dsym->isClassDeclaration()) {
    else if (FuncDeclaration* fd = dsym->isFuncDeclaration()) {
    else if (TypeInfoDeclaration* fd = dsym->isTypeInfoDeclaration()) {
    else {
    error(dsym->loc, "unsupported dsymbol: %s", dsym->toChars());
    assert(0 && "unsupported dsymbol for DtoResolveDsymbol");


void DtoDeclareDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym)
    if (StructDeclaration* sd = dsym->isStructDeclaration()) {
    else if (ClassDeclaration* cd = dsym->isClassDeclaration()) {
    else if (FuncDeclaration* fd = dsym->isFuncDeclaration()) {
    else if (TypeInfoDeclaration* fd = dsym->isTypeInfoDeclaration()) {
    else {
    error(dsym->loc, "unsupported dsymbol: %s", dsym->toChars());
    assert(0 && "unsupported dsymbol for DtoDeclareDsymbol");


void DtoConstInitDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym)
    if (StructDeclaration* sd = dsym->isStructDeclaration()) {
    else if (ClassDeclaration* cd = dsym->isClassDeclaration()) {
    else if (TypeInfoDeclaration* fd = dsym->isTypeInfoDeclaration()) {
    else if (VarDeclaration* vd = dsym->isVarDeclaration()) {
    else {
    error(dsym->loc, "unsupported dsymbol: %s", dsym->toChars());
    assert(0 && "unsupported dsymbol for DtoConstInitDsymbol");


void DtoDefineDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym)
    if (StructDeclaration* sd = dsym->isStructDeclaration()) {
    else if (ClassDeclaration* cd = dsym->isClassDeclaration()) {
    else if (FuncDeclaration* fd = dsym->isFuncDeclaration()) {
    else if (TypeInfoDeclaration* fd = dsym->isTypeInfoDeclaration()) {
    else {
    error(dsym->loc, "unsupported dsymbol: %s", dsym->toChars());
    assert(0 && "unsupported dsymbol for DtoDefineDsymbol");


void DtoConstInitGlobal(VarDeclaration* vd)
    if (vd->llvmInitialized) return;
    vd->llvmInitialized = gIR->dmodule;

    Logger::println("* DtoConstInitGlobal(%s)", vd->toChars());

    bool emitRTstaticInit = false;

    llvm::Constant* _init = 0;
    if (vd->parent && vd->parent->isFuncDeclaration() && vd->init && vd->init->isExpInitializer()) {
        _init = DtoConstInitializer(vd->type, NULL);
        emitRTstaticInit = true;
    else {
        _init = DtoConstInitializer(vd->type, vd->init);

    const llvm::Type* _type = DtoType(vd->type);
    Type* t = DtoDType(vd->type);

    //Logger::cout() << "initializer: " << *_init << '\n';
    if (_type != _init->getType()) {
        Logger::cout() << "got type '" << *_init->getType() << "' expected '" << *_type << "'\n";
        // zero initalizer
        if (_init->isNullValue())
            _init = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(_type);
        // pointer to global constant (struct.init)
        else if (llvm::isa<llvm::GlobalVariable>(_init))
            assert(_init->getType()->getContainedType(0) == _type);
            llvm::GlobalVariable* gv = llvm::cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(_init);
            assert(t->ty == Tstruct);
            TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)t;
            _init = ts->sym->llvmInitZ;
        // array single value init
        else if (isaArray(_type))
            _init = DtoConstStaticArray(_type, _init);
        else {
            Logger::cout() << "Unexpected initializer type: " << *_type << '\n';

    bool istempl = false;
    if ((vd->storage_class & STCcomdat) || (vd->parent && DtoIsTemplateInstance(vd->parent))) {
        istempl = true;

    if (_init && _init->getType() != _type)
        _type = _init->getType();
    _type = vd->llvmIRGlobal->type.get();

    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = llvm::cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(vd->llvmValue);
    if (!(vd->storage_class & STCextern) && (vd->getModule() == gIR->dmodule || istempl))

    if (emitRTstaticInit)
        DtoLazyStaticInit(istempl, gvar, vd->init, t);


void DtoEmptyResolveList()
    Dsymbol* dsym;
    while (!gIR->resolveList.empty()) {
        dsym = gIR->resolveList.front();


void DtoEmptyDeclareList()
    Dsymbol* dsym;
    while (!gIR->declareList.empty()) {
        dsym = gIR->declareList.front();


void DtoEmptyConstInitList()
    Dsymbol* dsym;
    while (!gIR->constInitList.empty()) {
        dsym = gIR->constInitList.front();


void DtoEmptyDefineList()
    Dsymbol* dsym;
    while (!gIR->defineList.empty()) {
        dsym = gIR->defineList.front();


void DtoForceDeclareDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym)
    if (dsym->llvmDeclared) return;
    Logger::println("DtoForceDeclareDsymbol(%s)", dsym->toChars());




void DtoForceConstInitDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym)
    if (dsym->llvmInitialized) return;
    Logger::println("DtoForceConstInitDsymbol(%s)", dsym->toChars());




void DtoForceDefineDsymbol(Dsymbol* dsym)
    if (dsym->llvmDefined) return;
    Logger::println("DtoForceDefineDsymbol(%s)", dsym->toChars());

