view test/dotproduct.d @ 38:27b2f40bdb58 trunk

[svn r42] Disabled the extensive logging by default. Use the -vv flag to get it back. Fiddled a bit the the testing system. Added a very simple SDL graphics demo.
author lindquist
date Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:16:48 +0200
parents e116aa1488e6
children 0c5f410d973c
line wrap: on
line source

struct vec3
    float x,y,z;

    float dot(ref vec3 v)
        return x*v.x + y*v.y + z*v.z;

    void print(char[] n)
        printf("%.*s = vec3(%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)\n", n.length, n.ptr, x,y,z);

int main()
    printf("Dot Product test\n");

    const float f = 0.7071067811865474617f;
    vec3 v = vec3(f,f,0);
    vec3 w = vec3(f,0,f);


    auto dp =;
    printf("v ยท w = %f\n", dp);
    assert(dp > 0.4999 && dp < 0.5001);

    printf("  SUCCESS\n");
    return 0;