view tango/tango/util/log/Event.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
        version:        Initial release: May 2004
        author:         Kris
                        Anders F Bjorklund (Darwin patches)


module tango.util.log.Event;

version = UseEventFreeList;

private import  tango.time.Clock;

private import  tango.sys.Common;

private import  tango.core.Exception;

private import  tango.util.log.model.ILevel,

version (Win32)
        extern(Windows) int QueryPerformanceCounter(ulong *count);
        extern(Windows) int QueryPerformanceFrequency(ulong *frequency);


        Contains all information about a logging event, and is passed around
        between methods once it has been determined that the invoking logger
        is enabled for output.

        Note that Event instances are maintained in a freelist rather than
        being allocated each time, and they include a scratchpad area for
        EventLayout formatters to use.


public class Event : ILevel
        // primary event attributes
        private char[]          msg,
        private Time            time;
        private Level           level;
        private IHierarchy      hierarchy;

        // timestamps
        private static Time beginTime;

        // scratch buffer for constructing output strings
        struct  Scratch
                uint            length;
                char[256]       content;
        package Scratch         scratch;

        // logging-level names
        package static char[][] LevelNames = 
                "Trace ", "Info  ", "Warn  ", "Error ", "Fatal ", "None  "

        version (Win32)
                private static double multiplier;
                private static ulong  timerStart;

                Support for free-list


        version (UseEventFreeList)

                        Instance variables for free-list support


                private Event           next;   
                private static Event    freelist;


                        Allocate an Event from a list rather than 
                        creating a new one


                static final synchronized Event allocate ()
                        Event e;

                        if (freelist)
                           e = freelist;
                           freelist =;
                           e = new Event ();                                
                        return e;


                        Return this Event to the free-list


                static final synchronized void deallocate (Event e)
               = freelist;
                        freelist = e;

                        version (EventReset)

                Setup timing information for later use


        package static void initialize ()
                version (Posix)       
                        beginTime =;

                version (Win32)
                        ulong freq;

                        if (! QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq))
                              throw new PlatformException ("high-resolution timer is not available");
                        QueryPerformanceCounter (&timerStart);
                        multiplier = cast(double) TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / freq;       
                        beginTime =;


                Return time when the executable started


        final static Time startedAt ()
                return beginTime;

                Return the current time


        final static Time timer ()
                version (Posix)       

                version (Win32)
                        ulong now;

                        QueryPerformanceCounter (&now);
                        return beginTime + TimeSpan(cast(long)((now - timerStart) * multiplier));

                Set the various attributes of this event.


        final void set (IHierarchy hierarchy, Level level, char[] msg, char[] name)
                this.hierarchy = hierarchy;
                this.time = timer();
                this.level = level;
       = name;
                this.msg = msg;

        version (EventReset)

                        Reset this event


                final void reset ()
                        time = 0;
                        msg = null;
                        name = null;
                        level = Level.None;

                Return the message attached to this event.


        final override char[] toString ()
                return msg;

                Return the name of the logger which produced this event


        final char[] getName ()
                return name;

                Return the scratch buffer for formatting. This is a thread
                safe place to format data within, without allocating any


        final char[] getContent ()
                return scratch.content [0..scratch.length];

                Return the logger level of this event.


        final Level getLevel ()
                return level;

                Return the logger level name of this event.


        final char[] getLevelName ()
                return LevelNames[level];

                Return the hierarchy where the event was produced from


        final IHierarchy getHierarchy ()
                return hierarchy;

                Return the time this event was produced, relative to the 
                start of this executable


        final TimeSpan getSpan ()
                return time - beginTime;

                Return the time this event was produced relative to Epoch


        final Time getTime ()
                return time;


                Append some content to the scratch buffer. This is limited
                to the size of said buffer, and will not expand further.


        final Event append (char[] x)
                uint addition = x.length;
                uint newLength = scratch.length + x.length;

                if (newLength < scratch.content.length)
                   scratch.content [scratch.length..newLength] = x[0..addition];
                   scratch.length = newLength;
                return this;