view tango/tango/time/chrono/Hijri.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2005 John Chapman. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Mid 2005: Initial release
                        Apr 2007: reshaped                        

        author:         John Chapman, Kris


module tango.time.chrono.Hijri;

private import tango.time.chrono.Calendar;

 * $(ANCHOR _Hijri)
 * Represents the Hijri calendar.
public class Hijri : Calendar {

  private static const uint[] DAYS_TO_MONTH = [ 0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355 ];

   * Represents the current era.
  public const uint HIJRI_ERA = 1;

   * Overridden. Returns a Time value set to the specified date and time in the specified _era.
   * Params:
   *   year = An integer representing the _year.
   *   month = An integer representing the _month.
   *   day = An integer representing the _day.
   *   hour = An integer representing the _hour.
   *   minute = An integer representing the _minute.
   *   second = An integer representing the _second.
   *   millisecond = An integer representing the _millisecond.
   *   era = An integer representing the _era.
   * Returns: A Time set to the specified date and time.
  public override Time toTime(uint year, uint month, uint day, uint hour, uint minute, uint second, uint millisecond, uint era) {
    return Time((daysSinceJan1(year, month, day) - 1) * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay + getTimeTicks(hour, minute, second)) + TimeSpan.millis(millisecond);

   * Overridden. Returns the day of the week in the specified Time.
   * Params: time = A Time value.
   * Returns: A DayOfWeek value representing the day of the week of time.
  public override DayOfWeek getDayOfWeek(Time time) {
    return cast(DayOfWeek) (cast(uint) (time.ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay + 1) % 7);

   * Overridden. Returns the day of the month in the specified Time.
   * Params: time = A Time value.
   * Returns: An integer representing the day of the month of time.
  public override uint getDayOfMonth(Time time) {
    return extractPart(time.ticks, DatePart.Day);

   * Overridden. Returns the day of the year in the specified Time.
   * Params: time = A Time value.
   * Returns: An integer representing the day of the year of time.
  public override uint getDayOfYear(Time time) {
    return extractPart(time.ticks, DatePart.DayOfYear);

   * Overridden. Returns the day of the year in the specified Time.
   * Params: time = A Time value.
   * Returns: An integer representing the day of the year of time.
  public override uint getMonth(Time time) {
    return extractPart(time.ticks, DatePart.Month);

   * Overridden. Returns the year in the specified Time.
   * Params: time = A Time value.
   * Returns: An integer representing the year in time.
  public override uint getYear(Time time) {
    return extractPart(time.ticks, DatePart.Year);

   * Overridden. Returns the era in the specified Time.
   * Params: time = A Time value.
   * Returns: An integer representing the ear in time.
  public override uint getEra(Time time) {
    return HIJRI_ERA;

   * Overridden. Returns the number of days in the specified _year and _month of the specified _era.
   * Params:
   *   year = An integer representing the _year.
   *   month = An integer representing the _month.
   *   era = An integer representing the _era.
   * Returns: The number of days in the specified _year and _month of the specified _era.
  public override uint getDaysInMonth(uint year, uint month, uint era) {
    if (month == 12)
      return isLeapYear(year, CURRENT_ERA) ? 30 : 29;
    return (month % 2 == 1) ? 30 : 29;

   * Overridden. Returns the number of days in the specified _year of the specified _era.
   * Params:
   *   year = An integer representing the _year.
   *   era = An integer representing the _era.
   * Returns: The number of days in the specified _year in the specified _era.
  public override uint getDaysInYear(uint year, uint era) {
    return isLeapYear(year, era) ? 355 : 354;

   * Overridden. Returns the number of months in the specified _year of the specified _era.
   * Params:
   *   year = An integer representing the _year.
   *   era = An integer representing the _era.
   * Returns: The number of months in the specified _year in the specified _era.
  public override uint getMonthsInYear(uint year, uint era) {
    return 12;

   * Overridden. Indicates whether the specified _year in the specified _era is a leap _year.
   * Params: year = An integer representing the _year.
   * Params: era = An integer representing the _era.
   * Returns: true is the specified _year is a leap _year; otherwise, false.
  public override bool isLeapYear(uint year, uint era) {
    return (14 + 11 * year) % 30 < 11;

   * $(I Property.) Overridden. Retrieves the list of eras in the current calendar.
   * Returns: An integer array representing the eras in the current calendar.
  public override uint[] eras() {
    auto tmp = [HIJRI_ERA];
    return tmp.dup;

   * $(I Property.) Overridden. Retrieves the identifier associated with the current calendar.
   * Returns: An integer representing the identifier of the current calendar.
  public override uint id() {
    return HIJRI;

  private long daysToYear(uint year) {
    int cycle = ((year - 1) / 30) * 30;
    int remaining = year - cycle - 1;
    long days = ((cycle * 10631L) / 30L) + 227013L;
    while (remaining > 0) {
      days += 354 + (isLeapYear(remaining, CURRENT_ERA) ? 1 : 0);
    return days;

  private long daysSinceJan1(uint year, uint month, uint day) {
    return cast(long)(daysToYear(year) + DAYS_TO_MONTH[month - 1] + day);

  private int extractPart(long ticks, DatePart part) {
    long days = TimeSpan(ticks).days + 1;
    int year = cast(int)(((days - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1;
    long daysUpToYear = daysToYear(year);
    long daysInYear = getDaysInYear(year, CURRENT_ERA);
    if (days < daysUpToYear) {
      daysUpToYear -= daysInYear;
    else if (days == daysUpToYear) {
      daysUpToYear -= getDaysInYear(year, CURRENT_ERA);
    else if (days > daysUpToYear + daysInYear) {
      daysUpToYear += daysInYear;

    if (part == DatePart.Year)
      return year;

    days -= daysUpToYear;
    if (part == DatePart.DayOfYear)
      return cast(int)days;

    int month = 1;
    while (month <= 12 && days > DAYS_TO_MONTH[month - 1])
    if (part == DatePart.Month)
      return month;

    return cast(int)(days - DAYS_TO_MONTH[month - 1]);
