view tango/tango/text/locale/Collation.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2005 John Chapman. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Initial release: 2005

        author:         John Chapman


module tango.text.locale.Collation;

private import tango.text.locale.Core;

version (Windows)
  private import tango.text.locale.Win32;
else version (Posix)
  private import tango.text.locale.Posix;

  Compares strings using the specified case and cultural comparision rules.
public class StringComparer {

  private static StringComparer invariant_;
  private static StringComparer invariantIgnoreCase_;
  private Culture culture_;
  private bool ignoreCase_;

  static this() {
    invariant_ = new StringComparer(Culture.invariantCulture, false);
    invariantIgnoreCase_ = new StringComparer(Culture.invariantCulture, true);

    Creates an instance that compares strings using the rules of the specified culture.
      culture = A Culture instance whose rules are used to compare strings.
      ignoreCase = true to perform case-insensitive comparisons; false to perform case-sensitive comparisions.
  public this(Culture culture, bool ignoreCase) {
    culture_ = culture;
    ignoreCase_ = ignoreCase;

    Compares two strings and returns the sort order.
      -1 is strA is less than strB; 0 if strA is equal to strB; 1 if strA is greater than strB.
      strA = A string to compare to strB.
      strB = A string to compare to strA.
  public int compare(char[] strA, char[] strB) {
    return nativeMethods.compareString(, strA, 0, strA.length, strB, 0, strB.length, ignoreCase_);

    Indicates whether the two strings are equal.
      true if strA and strB are equal; otherwise, false.
      strA = A string to compare to strB.
      strB = A string to compare to strA.
  public bool equals(char[] strA, char[] strB) {
    return (compare(strA, strB) == 0);

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs case-sensitive comparisons using the rules of the current culture.
      A new StringComparer instance.
  public static StringComparer currentCulture() {
    return new StringComparer(Culture.current, false);

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs case-insensitive comparisons using the rules of the current culture.
      A new StringComparer instance.
  public static StringComparer currentCultureIgnoreCase() {
    return new StringComparer(Culture.current, true);

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs case-sensitive comparisons using the rules of the invariant culture.
      A new StringComparer instance.
  public static StringComparer invariantCulture() {
    return invariant_;

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs case-insensitive comparisons using the rules of the invariant culture.
      A new StringComparer instance.
  public static StringComparer invariantCultureIgnoreCase() {
    return invariantIgnoreCase_;


  $(I Delegate.) Represents the method that will handle the string comparison.
    The delegate has the signature $(I int delegate(char[], char[])).
alias int delegate(char[], char[]) StringComparison;

  Sorts strings according to the rules of the specified culture.
public class StringSorter {

  private static StringSorter invariant_;
  private static StringSorter invariantIgnoreCase_;
  private Culture culture_;
  private StringComparison comparison_;

  static this() {
    invariant_ = new StringSorter(StringComparer.invariantCulture);
    invariantIgnoreCase_ = new StringSorter(StringComparer.invariantCultureIgnoreCase);

    Creates an instance using the specified StringComparer.
      comparer = The StringComparer to use when comparing strings. $(I Optional.)
  public this(StringComparer comparer = null) {
    if (comparer is null)
      comparer = StringComparer.currentCulture;
    comparison_ = &;

    Creates an instance using the specified delegate.
      comparison = The delegate to use when comparing strings.
      The comparison parameter must have the same signature as StringComparison.
  public this(StringComparison comparison) {
    comparison_ = comparison;

    Sorts all the elements in an array.
      array = The array of strings to _sort.
  public void sort(inout char[][] array) {
    sort(array, 0, array.length);

    Sorts a range of the elements in an array.
      array = The array of strings to _sort.
      index = The starting index of the range.
      count = The number of elements in the range.
  public void sort(inout char[][] array, int index, int count) {

    void qsort(int left, int right) {
      do {
        int i = left, j = right;
        char[] pivot = array[left + ((right - left) >> 1)];

        do {
          while (comparison_(array[i], pivot) < 0)
          while (comparison_(pivot, array[j]) < 0)

          if (i > j)
          else if (i < j) {
            char[] temp = array[i];
            array[i] = array[j];
            array[j] = temp;

        } while (i <= j);

        if (j - left <= right - i) {
          if (left < j)
            qsort(left, j);
          left = i;
        else {
          if (i < right)
            qsort(i, right);
          right = j;
      } while (left < right);

    qsort(index, index + (count - 1));

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs a case-sensitive sort using the rules of the current culture.
    Returns: A StringSorter instance.
  public static StringSorter currentCulture() {
    return new StringSorter(StringComparer.currentCulture);

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs a case-insensitive sort using the rules of the current culture.
    Returns: A StringSorter instance.
  public static StringSorter currentCultureIgnoreCase() {
    return new StringSorter(StringComparer.currentCultureIgnoreCase);

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs a case-sensitive sort using the rules of the invariant culture.
    Returns: A StringSorter instance.
  public static StringSorter invariantCulture() {
    return invariant_;

    $(I Property.) Retrieves an instance that performs a case-insensitive sort using the rules of the invariant culture.
    Returns: A StringSorter instance.
  public static StringSorter invariantCultureIgnoreCase() {
    return invariantIgnoreCase_;
